Author Topic: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |  (Read 58747 times)

Offline seopard

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2015, 04:33:42 pm »
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2015, 04:41:14 pm »
[PartyXPoison, accepted~^-^ one or two more and we'll begin]
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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2015, 05:30:13 pm »
That's me finished my app! I must say, I'm very happy that you remade this ^^
;;I'm so sorry for my recent unexplained absence. It hasn't been a good year for me so far, but I'd like to say that I'm back for good now;;

If you need any help around the forums, feel free to PM me :3

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2015, 05:36:03 pm »
[As am I, I love the plot for this roleplay also if you wish you can pm me about where you wanted this poo poodevelop to in the previous version because im quite interested in making it remain the same if it can! ]
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2015, 11:20:07 pm »
As of now, with all forms finished, we can begin. Right now, your character is waking and moving to the waiting area to await their final dosages and the activation of their powers! Take the time to develop your character!
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline seopard

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2015, 12:20:31 am »


The incessant buzzing of a red alarm clock rang throughout Teddy's small room as the boy drowsily reached over to the nightstand to turn it off. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, the boy looked around and his eyes settled on the sun peaking through the blinds that covered the exterior window looking out over the forest. "Today's activation day..." he mumbled to himself and the thought suddenly perked him up, covers flew off the bed as Teddy jumped out of bed. "Oh my god it's Activation Day!" he shouted as he ran in circles around the room, leaping over the bed and onto chairs, his hips shaking slightly as he danced on his paper covered desk. After a few moments of celebratory dancing, Teddy slid off the desk and ran to the dresser, pulling on a t-shirt and tugging his gloves onto his hand before donning his gray beanie. In quite a hurry, he made a break for the door and just out into the hall before the boy felt the unusual coolness of his legs. "Pants. Right, pants are nice."
Sprinting down the halls now fully clothed, Teddy reached a plain black door with white letters spelling out FINN. Opening the unlocked door he looked in to see his older brother splayed out on his bed with the sheets on the floor and his plain black alarm clock on the other side of the room, it's face cracked from many bouts of sleep deprivation induced rage, still buzzing. "Finn!" Teddy cried "Come on, it's Activation Day!". A muffled response came from the figure lying face down in the pillows, and Teddy entered the plain gray room. Finn's room was quite empty in comparison to Teddy's with a black bed and nightstand, a small metal desk void of papers, and thick black curtains drawn over the window. Teddy threw open the curtains, ignoring the loud groan of indignation as the almost vampire burrowed deeper into his pillows. "Finn you've got to get up." Teddy chastised, rummaging through the black dresser on the wall, picking out clothes that he knew Finn would feel the most comfortable in, an old gray batman shirt and some ripped black jeans. He set them on the foot of the bed and then headed out the door. "Don't keep me waiting too long bro."
"My eternal cockiness will not allow me to not believe..."

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2015, 12:59:01 am »

Thomas Gales

Machinery and beeps and ringing began to chime about as the building came to life. Yet, for hours one of the subjects had already been awake. Tom often woke early, spending his time reading upon the comforter in the sitting area until the others woke. Tom relished in the solitude that his early reading offered, and with the anxiety today would no doubt create, he flipped the pages of his litersture at his leisure. Slowly but surely, alarms began going off, and he began to come to terms with what was inevitably approaching. It was activation day, but despite the fact that freedom was approaching, he didnt seem to keen on finishing his term here. The clinic offered comfort and solitude, as well as immunity from the prison time hed no doubt face without it. Tom wasnt exactly the most colorful person, dressing himself in shades of white, black, and grey. He'd lay upon the same spot on the same comforter each morning. His routine was his own and he wouldn't often break it. Now, he laid upon his area, reading and distracting himself from the agitation he felt from the activation to come.

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Offline greenart6

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2015, 01:45:05 am »

Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2015, 01:57:51 am »
[Of course ^^ ill add it to the list & you're accepted!]
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Offline Killjoy.

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Re: Your Choice [Remake] | Superpower Roleplay |
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2015, 04:48:37 am »
(Hope it's not too late to join!)

Remington Crosse

Full Name: Remington Crosse
Alias(es): Rem or Crosse
Age: 18 Years Old.
Gender: Male

Personality: Remington Crosse is often called a wallflower by those who know him; However, he's a wallflower who finds amusement in watching people do stupid things, or sometimes, him giving those said people a little nudge to do previously mentioned 'bad things.' While he might not be the best influence, Remington will give you his entire heart if you prove yourself worthy to him. Even if his morals are a little out of whack, Remington still tries to have that childish heart of gold. That set aside, Remington is a bit of a dare-devil, but his insecurities hold him back from most things, as well as his lackings.

Habits: Will have full-on conversations with himself, even in public.
Will roll his eyes involuntarily if someone says or does something he finds distasteful.
Likes to voice his opinion, even if unwanted.

Appearance: Remington has a mess of black hair, which falls in strands around his face and reaches mid-neck. He has thin, pink lips, which are naturally curved into that forever amused smirk. His skin is rather pale, and his features are sharp, which blend in well with his dull blue eyes, which look darker than they actually are. He stands fairly tall, around six feet, six inches, and has a lanky, unathletic figure- minus his arms, his arms are fairly muscular.

History: Remington's history is a bit shady in some areas, from when he tells the story. The basics are being raised by his mother, Lilianna, and having a younger sister who always complained about "wanting to live with dad" despite his deadbeat qualities and never caring about either of the siblings. Remington got a job at the earliest age possible to help support the family, even though he constantly tells his mother that his drumming skills will get him far in life. The project was a godsent, offering up money for willing young adults to join, so, Remington lunged at the opportunity. Plus, who wouldn't want to be like a real life video game character? What could go wrong, right?

Crush: None. Subject to change.

Relationship Status: None. Subject to change.

Power(s): His most used power is being able to manufacture weaponry, bombs, trinkets, gadgets, etc. Remington is extremely handy, and if you give him some scrap metal, he will not let you down on what  he turns it into.

His secondary power is the ability to cloud someone's judgement- their conscience, what they preceieve as right or front. This, however, doesn't always work if someone is strong-willed or very against something. This does not change someone's perception, only clouds their judgement between good and bad- possibly like "peer pressure" just amped up a bit.

His last ability is him being extremely agile in running, climbing, jumping, and all that good stuff. No need to explain this further, huh?

Supporter of the Heroes Project?:  Does not care- Remington is sort of an "inbetweener" more so switching sides on whom interests him at the time being.

What do you want to do with your Power(s)?: Build really cool guitars that could duo as weapons and sell them on the black market to make millions. Er- to do "good"? To be "for the people?" Whatever sounds like it'd be more fun..

Extra: Remington is a wee bit eccentric due to the fact that he may have shocked himself a couple dozen times making new trinkets to play around with..