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Messages - AbyssalRadiance

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you know, raging in caps isn't going to help calm this down.
I never rage in full caps. I only put caps in areas where I want specific emphasis because many times italics or bold are not visible.

I'm seriously 5 seconds away from telling everyone to shut up and grow up....Are you all THAT dense? Are you all THAT prideful?
Everyone needs to swallow their egos. Both sides. I'm not on either side, I never was, I supported both...but at this point I'm almost prepared to completely quit the IT community because of how uttery PATHETIC this situation has become.

These games were created for fun and creativity; escape from reality and COMMUNITY.
COMMUNITY DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE and this entire situation is solidifying that.

Is it really that hard for everyone to gather maturity and WORK TOGETHER and try to settle things? Is it really that tough for you people to get over yourselves and try to make the community good again?
What happened to the fun, the friends, the creativity, the bonds we all had?
It's all being destroyed right now.

I will repeat myself from earlier: THIS IS WHAT THE STUPID HACKERS WANTED, YOU FOOLS!
You're playing right into their hands. They WANTED us all to fight and you let them have that.
Great job.

But, why does it matter what I say.
No one ever listens to me, no one ever has. Not in real life, not online. Never in any community have I ever been able to get people to listen to me.
I'm just one of the thousands of IT server players that pass by every day. I'm nothing special. I'm not worth anything to you people. Makes me wonder why I even bother...oh yeah, BECAUSE I CARE. If you guys truly cared, you would stop this, ALL of you.

abyss u gotta relax, just let this run it's course until they ban me ( we all know that's how this is going to end anyway )
Which I and Blackmail are perfectly capable of doing if FH wouldn't point fingers at us or be ultra vague and imply that there's still a chance we could be behind it when we're clearly not.

Also I know what I put in quotes was not literally what he said. It's called paraphrasing.
Blackie, please, no. As you've seen, I'm passionately posting on both websites to break the chain of bs going on.
Why "let it run its course" til they ban you guys?
How about everyone just...oh, I dunno...
and acts like ADULTS?

Everyone here at this point has got their heads up their butts and filled with pride. Everyone needs to DROP the pride for a few minutes, breathe, and calm down.
I don't care if you all are still seeing red...You all need to stop.
Skulleh, Blackie, Raz, Red, White..ANYONE INVOLVED NEEDS TO STOP.
We're ADULTS here, not children. We are passionate people who love and care for these communities...but you're all letting out the worst sides of yourselves.

Instead of pointing middle fingers at each other, can't we just stop the madness?
This is not Sparta - we don't need to be kicking each other into bottomless pits.

We need peace.

...Are you serious right now.
Alright, that's it, no, Skulleh, are YOU being serious right now?

Everyone here needs to

Everyone needs to read what I said and relax.

In general, EVERYONE here is having "audacity", all saying things they need to stop saying. Every post made by everyone involved is making it worse and worse as it goes on. Don't you people see this?
Do you guys LIKE fighting like children? Do you LIKE giving the hackers EXACTLY what they wanted by creating a semi-war? Everyone here is in the wrong at this point and we all need to calm down and think about things like adults. Stop stooping to the levels of the hackers and the trolls in the community who are attacking either games.

I will continue to beg and plead until this stops. Everything calmed down, there was no reason to spark this all back up...Can we all just please knock this off??

I think everyone is letting their pride in the way..everyone needs to swallow it, take a deep breath, and be rational.

Okay seriously, the fighting needs to stop. I already left a long message here straight from the BOTTOM OF MY HEART to try and help this and bring some LOGIC and maturity into everyone...

Raz, I love you, I love all the staff, and while some of what you say may be correct to a degree, your slight insults to them probably just provoked them even more.

Please, EVERYONE...I know I'm nothing special or worth anything to anyone but PLEASE read what I said above..please try to calm down and have some understanding. We need to be making peace, not picking at each other even more....No more fighting, I'm begging.

I think everyone here needs to calm the F down right here and now. I take a nap for 3 hours and I come back to THIS mess?

Listen y'all...I am supportive of both FH and CS; Blackie, I met you and I love you, and I love the FH staff. Skulleh, I don't know you or your game as much but I support you as well. I am on no "sides" here except against the hackers. I believe you guys are innocent, yes, but this is taking things too far.

It's disgusting and insane that people continue to attack you and give DEATH THREATS over a damn GAME, but acting this way is not helping yourselves. I would be scared too, but you have to remember the people attacking you are whiny, spoiled CHILDREN. They CANNOT touch you or even find you no matter what they say. I understand your fears and paranoia but you must calm down. I admit that you two ARE being kind of rude to the FH staff...both Red and White have done their best to stay calm and mature in their answers to you and they have said all they can. They give the same answers over and over and that consistency should prove that they ARE doing what's possible in this time.
Please, for the sake of FH, the sake of MR, the sake of CS, the sake of all of these communities, STOP THIS FIGHTING.


You cannot fight hate with hate. You cannot fight the trolls and threats with more screaming and yelling, sassiness, attitude, whatever have you...I understand you guys are panicked and defensive but please...We all need PEACE. We all need equality and understanding.
As I said, Blackie and Skulleh, I support you guys (especially, Blackie, since you met me and read the things I said in support on your CS forum)...and I support the FH staff.

Things will never, in any part of life, ever be 100% perfect the way we want it..and that's the nature of human beings: The need for dominance. We all want something from or over another person, and conflict ensues from it.
Please, for the love of whatever deities you all believe in, stop this fighting right now.
Maybe it's my poor psyche traumatized from my childhood, but I have NEVER handled arguments like this between people I care about very well. Granted I usually fail at being a peacekeeper, but there's no harm in trying.

I love all of you and I want to see the community come out on top. We need to be bonding together, making the community stronger...not bickering like children because that only stoops us down to the levels of the trolls who are giving death threats. All IT games are equal and wonderful. Sure, we have our preferences, but there's no reason to fight and I will stand in defense of the IT COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE, because there are wonderful people in it, like all of you guys. Staff of FH, MR, CS, and guys wouldn't be staff if you weren't good people, so please...let there be some logical reasoning, some true more fighting, I beg of you.

What is it about human nature that does this?? Do people have an innate need or lust for conflict?? This is why world peace can never exist...because even things like VIDEO GAMES cause entire RIOTS in people.

None of this fighting between CS, MR, or FH is necessary. It's what the hackers wanted. This was supposed to have been calmed down by now.
Everyone fighting is playing into the hackers' grubby hands. You're all becoming pawns for a little war spectacle that they are going to sit back and watch. Whether you're from CS, MR, or FH, you're all becoming pawns in their little game because you're allowing yourselves to stoop to these levels.

What happened to "fight hate with love"? What happened to peace? What happened to equality? What happened to maturity and understanding?

I ask, neigh, I BEG EVERYONE IN THE COMMUNITIES...stop..fighting. Please.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Hacking Aftermath + Possibilities of Change
« on: December 03, 2015, 07:44:50 am »
It always saddens me that players take out their frustrations on the staff for the lacking of the game. It's not our fault that the game is in this broken and not updated state. We staff are simply users who loved the game as much as you all and saw potential in it enough to want to keep it alive even in its creator's absence. We adopted the abandoned brain child in all its flaws and tried to build upon it to make up for its obvious lackings. We took up FH into our care because we love the game and we accepted all the probability of good and bad that would come from our decision.

In all the mess that bad people try to stir and in all the complaining of what Feral Heart lacks, people have failed to see what really is had. So many have forgotten the friendship, unity, fun, and creativity that the world of Feral Heart was meant to embody. Feral Heart isn't lacking just because there is no source code but it is lacking because everyone has forgotten why we came here to begin with. The community makes the game...
I could not have said these bits any better myself. I find it HORRIBLY awful that FH staff have such an awful reputation just because of some bitter, immature players. FH staff is known in other IT games with a very bad rep and it's for poor reasons. I have never seen an adult player say bad things - just the immature ones.
I also agree majorly on the game aspects Lord speaks of here. As an animation student, working slightly in games as well, there is much more to a game than how it looks. Sure, a game can have great features but if it's gameplay is poor, it's hard to make up for this case, FH's gameplay IS the COMMUNITY...and if the community continues down the dark path of immaturity and disrespect some players have shown, the game will lose credibility. Making a game, a movie, a show..anything creative targeted toward an audience takes the visuals, the background work, and most of all the PSYCHOLOGY of the demographics. Just as Lord says, the community makes this game.
I love everything Lord said here, holy bby jeezus

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Hacking Aftermath + Possibilities of Change
« on: December 03, 2015, 06:06:42 am »
Let me say a few things on your entire post: You wrote very maturely and technically, which is a rare thing to see on this site. Thank you for actually being an adult about this. However, some things need to be said.
For starters, barely any of this topic had anything to do with the hacking event, and was more of a pleading with the staff to make changes to things, like so many have asked in the past.
Very little of the updates topic has to do with the hackers' motives. Those hackers were nothing but immature, lowlife, insecure little attention-seeking trolls. They had nothing better to do than make a spectacle of themselves and enjoy their little power-trip. They brought Cereal Soup and Moonrise in to cause a war because they were bored and thought it'd be funny to frame those innocent games. The hacking event had very little, if anything, to do with players wanting updates and changes.

Second, yes, without the coding of the game, very little can be changed. The only reason it's so easy to make maps and presets is because at the end of the day, they are simple files. If you look at how every player map and preset is installed, it's beyond easy. What is actually built into the game is pretty much permanent and many base files really truly can't be changed. Things like animations and other character stuff truly cannot ever be edited without Kovu or his code due to HOW the animations and other such things are to be programmed into a game. It's not as simple as throwing the animation file or skeleton files into folders...there needs to be MAT files, CFGs and other things that tell each file and each component what to do, when, how, and in what amount or intervals. Without the source, none of the proposed edits you suggested can 100% work.
HOWEVER, BEFORE YOU GET ON ME FOR THIS, I must give you props for your enthusiasm and passion. I am in college for media arts and animation and I do a lot of work with game design students and classes. It's good to see people passionate about stuff like this, showing how much they care but in a GOOD positive way with real suggestions, which is contrary to the usual people just crying about the game being "boring", with no knowledge of what they're saying. Good on you <3

Many anonymous members of FH are now coming to the hackers as a last-ditch effort of bringing the feature back to the game. I can't say this is right, but I also can't completely alienate them for it either, considering all topics regarding the general chat are immediately locked and trashed and any discussion regarding the matter results in a ban. These kinds of actions are stifling the community and restricting any kind of possible resolution to the controversial issue. Just because the topic may cause users to disagree should not make it a bannable offense to talk about. If anything I strongly believe this is an issue that needs to be brought about again, re-evaluated with the player's input in mind. This is a conflict between the playerbase and the staff that has been festering over 2 whole years, and because it's still coming about now we clearly have not just 'forgotten' about it. Locking an issue away and refusing any more discussion about it only causes sour feelings toward the staff that lead to these kinds of rebellious acts that threaten the security of the game.

Lastly, about General...I'm afraid I might be a bit stern here, but please don't think I'm being mean.
I don't see the big deal about General chat. I have played nearly every IT server out there and never once have I cared about General. Sure, it worked in those games, but no one ever used it. There was no reason to. Everyone interacted properly and had no need for it. If needed, they whispered or used Party.
I understand that General was best for RP advertisement and speaking across the map, but as Hooli mentioned, people abused this. The major thing was that no one would do anything. Literally, anything. People would sit in one area, anywhere, and talk there. No one interacted or actually bothered to walk around and PLAY the game, since they had General. That, and people used it for buttloads of spam and other unnecessary filler stuff.
The harsher part of things is this...
1) For players to try and have the hackers give them something the staff wont is extremely disrespectful.
2) Yes, the hackers SHOULD be alienated, after their identities are revealed and they are punished. There is no excuse for what they did, especially with how they acted through Tumblr. They don't deserve any pity.
3) The staff do what they do because they must. Some may think it's unreasonable but they have their reasons. As stated above, General was removed for many reasons and what's done is done. Banning would be excessive but people are only banned for extreme actions against the rules; aka, if someone was spamming or causing insane drama over the topic of General, that makes sense. If they simply asked why General was removed, then a ban would be fairly harsh. Regardless, the staff refuse talk of General because it's over and done with. It happened, it lived its life, and it's over. I'm sorry to say but the only people making it a problem are the players. The staff did what they felt was necessary, and the players simply cannot accept it. I understand how some may miss it. Some are mature about it, like Hooli, and some rage about it, which is not necessary.
4) To continue with point #3: "Causes sour feelings toward staff that lead to these kinds of rebellious acts that threaten the security of the game"...I'm sorry but if things like losing General, and the staff refusing talk of it for obvious reasons is enough for people to HATE the staff and want to kill the game, then they can just get out right now. I'm sorry, this is the harshest thing I'm going to say but people need to get over it. General is gone, it's not coming back and there is seriously zero reason for people to still harbor a grudge or annoyance about it. This is such a minor thing it's not even funny. Harping on the issue does nothing to help it, and if this General thing was part of the hackers' reasoning to hate the staff then good lord they are pathetic. As I said, I understand how everyone can be disappointed...but to be enraged and "sour" about it is too much. It needs to be moved on from, that's it.

Site/Forum Help / Re: Login Link Keeps Logging Out
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:29:50 am »
To the multiple people complaining about their issues, let it be known that
1) This was Churro's post and issue to begin with, not yours. Do not act like it's all about you. Post your own thread if you are that desperate.
2) By the top of the forum, it should be obvious that hundreds of people are NOT encountering this issue. I have seen MANY players try to blame Raz or Red or any of the staff and say this "stupid server" is such a problem (not on this particular thread), but clearly it's a USER-side issue if one cannot connect or stay connected.

News Archives / Re: Hacking Update 30 Nov
« on: December 03, 2015, 02:22:38 am »
YAY! I MISS FH! But, everytime when me and XxWolvesxX play FH, we keep got lost connection, we take really pissed off, can you fix this please? ;-;
Read all threads and posts relating to the hacking/updates/server changes. Multiple people have given multiple answers. You will find a solution.

all I can say is: welcome to my world...
All I can say is, please try to find a working solution instead of continuously complaining, as I've witnessed you doing quite a lot. Making comments like this contribute nothing nor do they help you.

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