Author Topic: Imagine Proving a Point  (Read 37110 times)


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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #70 on: July 21, 2020, 11:22:50 pm »
You shouldn't claim to know things you don't and state them as if they are fact. That's all I have to say about this thread.

Though I will admit I do not know both sides, but I do know that people were removed en masse without good reasoning and staff still will not give reasoning as to why so many people were forcibly removed from the community. On top of that, as I have stated in the op, staff still haven't said anything about the personal information being threatened on the thread and still refuse to do so, as I've observed. As for everything being fact, this is not true. For many statements I've made, I claimed that "this is what I know", "this is what I think", and "this is what I believe". I never meant for any of it to come off as fact aside from the actions I have witnessed as well as have gathered hard evidence on the topic. Though I am sorry it came off this way, I never meant for it to come off as fact, as I meant for it to be "this is what I know and this is what I think".

Raz is the one behind the progress of these updates, additionally he's also the one not allowing us to share that progress. Once again, it is out of our hands but who's taking the blame?

I'd love to send proof of the threats and the nasty messages, I mean absolutely God awful, sickening messages we get, but they greatly go against the forums rules.

If i literally had the choice, I would 100% share my proof.

By forum updates we mean updates on the situation we're all dealing with right now (at least that's what I mean by it, I could have misread that entirely). I will not deny that you guys get hate messages, because I'm sure you do, but this has been brought up plenty of times, all of which nobody asked about this. I'm sorry but, I am not attacking you by saying what I said. We just want to be heard instead of blocked out. However, I very much apologize for you feeling this way. I cannot speak for everyone here, however.

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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #71 on: July 22, 2020, 12:11:57 am »
Censoring really isn't okay

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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #72 on: July 22, 2020, 12:33:55 am »
You dont think we're sick and tired? Lol if you guys could only read the disgusting anonymous messages we've been slammed with in the staff evals. You have no idea so stop pretending you do to make a point.
This is an example of acting in a way that has to do with emotions. If you have been receiving nasty messages, then that's wrong. However, taking it out on the rest of the users that have legitimate concerns does not pan out. When someone is a moderator, the best course of action is to treat things as not personal, but for the betterment of the community. Take criticism and use it to alter your own actions to make things more clear, and be more professional about them. I've seen things being claimed as harassment in threads that clearly weren't. A staff member is just that, a staff member, it's important to push personal feelings aside and do what's best for the community. Responding to the community in a manner that isn't aggressive or flippant.

When discussing problems, and interacting with people normally, there is a big difference of how it should be handled. Interactions with people normally, be yourself. When doing anything involved with the staff, it's time to put on a professional persona and forge through it. There's a time and place for everything, and a proper way to handle things.

There are serious issues here, and getting defensive instead of re-evaluating everything will not work. Bias, will not work. There hasn't even been a proper apology for putting a user's security at risk. The staff have responsibility to deal with situations maturely instead of silencing users. Being combative doesn't help anything, silencing people only festers more issues. If pride and doubling down on things that are making a lot of people unhappy is how something is being dealt with, then the staff needs a serious revamp or a leader that can properly guide them and teach them how to act professionally. They also need to take personal accountability instead of trying to shut people up and make it all go away. It's not going to work. You can remove as many users as you want, it's only going to hurt the game. It's not like FH has such a plethora of users that things can so easily be overlooked as small isolated cases.

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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #73 on: July 22, 2020, 06:41:02 pm »
This thread premise is fake.
The Japanese concept of wabisabi:
The closest concept in english would be 'rustic'
They might have an old thing, one example is a favourite bowl or dish, it's broken, pieces are missing, why fix it?  With gold and pieces from other dishes?
"Because it was my favourite & I like it"

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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #74 on: July 22, 2020, 06:44:23 pm »
This thread premise is fake.

Can you please explain to me why so many people I know have been directly affected then? Or would you mind providing your perspective/evidence against the initial post? If you have a different side of the story/different reasoning, I'd genuinely like to hear it.

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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #75 on: July 22, 2020, 09:19:24 pm »
This thread premise is fake.

There's several documents and wayback machine links providing hard evidence of what's going on. I suggest reading the replies to this thread thoroughly.

Edit: The document links have been deleted, but if you're curious to reading them, I'd be more than happy to direct message them to you.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 09:20:55 pm by Wyldercat »

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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #76 on: July 22, 2020, 11:24:17 pm »
This thread premise is fake.

Please do not flame-bait, if you do not have anything useful to contribute to the topic, do not contribute at all. Doing this will only cause further issues. So please refrain from doing so.

Concerning this topic, I want things to remain civil, of course I am no staff member so I cannot necessarily do anything to enforce this ideology (may have used this word wrong, my bad if I did). I will point out however, many posters are correct. Bloo, I have nothing against you personally, but you have been acting out as anything but civil and reasonable, even admitting that you know little about the issue. I believe you shouldn't have done this, however it's already done and nothing can be changed. I do wish that everything went well in terms of your surgery though!

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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #77 on: July 22, 2020, 11:48:48 pm »
On that note, Laarikin, you are absolutely correct. I'd like to formally apologize to everyone regarding my behavior earlier in this discussion. I was frustrated and let my emotions get the best of me, I can't say whether or not my heavy medication contributed or not, but regardless it was immature, irresponsible, and unprofessional for me to have reacted the way I did.

I can understand if this apology goes unaccepted, but I wanted to do it anyways because it was eating me up for awhile. You all make really great points and I really hope you see the changes you want in a capacity that benefits everyone.

You are amazing <3


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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #78 on: July 22, 2020, 11:50:34 pm »
This post has to be approved by a mod so let's hope it passes through yay

Bloo's original comments aside, I still want answers to why my friends were banned, some of which weren't even on the forum posting.

Its day 3 of asking and I still got no answers so uh... yeah. Would really like them, thanks.

Would also like to ask for a piece of mind that you won't ban me too for asking, but so far nothing has shown me otherwise so if I get crushed too its been fun yall

Edit: while I was waiting to get approved Bluu posted sbove me so I just wanna say

THANK YOU BLUU I know its not easy to apologize for things but this really means a lot to me, it does give me hope and peace
« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 12:08:21 am by ShaaBAM »


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Re: Imagine Proving a Point
« Reply #79 on: July 22, 2020, 11:55:13 pm »
On that note, Laarikin, you are absolutely correct. I'd like to formally apologize to everyone regarding my behavior earlier in this discussion. I was frustrated and let my emotions get the best of me, I can't say whether or not my heavy medication contributed or not, but regardless it was immature, irresponsible, and unprofessional for me to have reacted the way I did.

I can understand if this apology goes unaccepted, but I wanted to do it anyways because it was eating me up for awhile. You all make really great points and I really hope you see the changes you want in a capacity that benefits everyone.
Thank you for apologizing, this actually means a lot in regards to the situation. We all have our moments, I understand, but seriously. Thank you for apologizing, that means a lot, you have no idea.