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Topics - duna the killer

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Poems / (FOR SURA) A dog named Suragaha
« on: April 12, 2013, 11:23:45 pm »
This is for lord suragaha,a friend I met in Fluorite Plains...

Lead the way
O mighty service dog
Running to fulfill his mission even after his friends
Died in action

Streaming through shadows
Under water,above tree stumps
Running across the majestic plains
A service dog runs
Growling at all who attempt to stop him
Across the plains he runs,not ontop of a
Hill,but a clifftop he runs atop
And atop that cliff,a dog named Suragaha

Stories / The Wolf and The Falcon
« on: April 07, 2013, 02:32:09 pm »
This isn't FH related but I could not find anywhere else for the story

One time,when the world was new,a wolf and a falcon living in peace.The Wolf ate the berries while The Falcon ate the rodents.They lived in peace for many years,until the humans came and started to clear land for their own needs.They also cleared the berries that Wolf ate!Wolf got hungry and started eating the rodents that Falcon ate.When the rodents went extinct in the area Wolf and Falcon both got hungry.Wolf craved meat but didn't want to hunt humans.One day Wolf snuck up on Falcon and pounced on him.Falcon cried, "Wolf,why would you hurt your friend?" Wolf answered, "I am hungry,and we are out of berries and rodents!" Falcon cried and flew up into space.Wolf said sorry and and begged for Falcon to come down.But Falcon didn't come down.Wolf searched for a cliff and when he found a large mountain he lept into space and joined Falcon.But when there are a huge white burst they became different things.The stars became Falcon's little bits of blood.And Falcon's bodies and feathers became the planets.Wolf became the Sun,always chasing Falcon with his sun rays.

Game Discussion / Funniest thing happened last night
« on: April 04, 2013, 11:01:55 am »
You all are probably wondering what happened April 3,2013 in Fluorite Plains.This random lion named Azzi went into general and told every rp to come to the mountain near stonebridge (Where the huge rocks are).I decided to go and you know what she said?She said that all rps should combine and she would rule over them.WTF?!This topic wasn't meant offensement but I simply had to post it.I mean seriously?I whispered her why and she told me that it was just TINY rps here and there and they needed to be combined. :|.Some of the biggest roleplay groups belong in fluorite.Post what you think of this person's idea.Like I said this was not meant to offend anyone.

Best Wishes,

Characters / Raptorstar (Updated)
« on: April 03, 2013, 11:45:04 am »
Name: Raptorstar
Age: Dead, 99 moons at death (8 years and 3 months)
Gender: Female
Species: Cat
Clan: Starclan
Past Clan(s): Raptorclan
Personality: Kind, Loyal, but not the one to be enemies with in battle
Specialties: Doing anything at night
Mate: Tigershadow
Crush(es): Tigershadow
Kit(s): Wolfshadow
Adopted Kit(s): None
Pelt Color: Black
Eye Color: Red, Genetic Mutation
Parents: Darkangel & Pureheart
Siblings: None
*NOTE: Sorry I can't include the past, getting ready for a party 030*

Game Suggestions & Ideas / My cool ideas (UPDATED!)
« on: March 31, 2013, 10:00:36 pm »
I will post my newer ideas here so I won't constantly be making topics with ideasI honestly thought FH could use these improvents for tad more fun!
1. Solid Objects and characters.Why must you go through me D:


3.Some more manes for the wolves.

4.Mods have red name tags
5.The days a bit bright,and the nights a bit darker

6.Some more wings! (Butterfly wings,Crystal wings,Clear wings)

7. Different tails (stub tail for dogs,dragon tail for felines(Since most people make dragons out of feline morphs))

8. Some new markings,I mean don't you wish you could share some markings with your friends?

9. A Lion King map please
10. More music (like the music playing in the spawn map in IW)

11. More actions (Lunge,Shake head,Nod head etc.)
12. Picking up others (you can have a list for who carries you,and you have to be the smallest size)
13. Weather,Yes I know this can be done in them private maps,but FP and BI and the public maps seem so dry without rain...
14. Prey?I think this idea is overused but it would be nice to have prey that don't drop anything
15. Moon Cycles! (This will keep Warrior cat gatherings to a minimum)

I hope you like these ideas and agree that at least 2 should be in the game ;D

Like in the title,I made a guide to rping!This is mostly for new people,but senior members are welcome to view!
If a certain member dies in your rp: Don't go all raging mad and that you will kill the one that killed him/her (if they died in battle).Sure shed a few tears and then move on,it shows that you are glad they are in a new and wonderful place.
If you are going into battle: Don't try and take charge of the armada your fighting with.Always listen to your leader and DON'T powerplay (kills instantly) or godmod (dodges all of their attacks then bites their head off)
If there is an immature person butting into the rp: Don't try and take charge,get the leader and talk with the person.If they don't leave calmly tell them you will block them if they don't leave.(They block button is on the friend's list then click block and add their user into the add section).
If you are one of the canditates for second in command: Never try to force people to vote/agree for you to be in charge.And don't try to outwit your rival because evantually it might lead to a fight,and when the leader asks who started it you will have to answer yourself.If you lose congratulate the winner and don't rage about it.
If you yourself become leader: If you become leader always thank the pride/clan/pack/ or whatever for 'voting' for you.
There is an intruder: Don't kill them.Ask why they are there in a more threatening voice.If they attack don't kill them just defend yourself until the leader arrives.If you are leader continue to defend yourself until the pack/herd/clan/pride or whatever arrives to the scene to help.
Claiming: If another pack or whatever claims your territory and you are leader,don't claim makes you immature.If nessassary lead your whatever into battle,but if there are safer options take those before going into possible battle.
If you die: Don't try and regenerate.Tell your group (in group chat) that you died and ___ is leader.But you are welcome to join on a new character,or the reincarnation of that character

Thanks Twizzlerr for the idea to create this topic!

Game Discussion / Tips on getting to Sky's Rim!
« on: March 09, 2013, 06:15:18 pm »
 So some of you REALLY want to go to Sky's Rim (like you have an rp there or something), but you can't get to the portal through the jump things!Here are some TIPS on how to get there!

1. Never take it too seriously,too much concentration and you might fall.
2.Always set your home!On the squares set your home every 6 jumps,circles are every 4 jumps,the rings are every 2 jumps.
3. Once you get to the rings jump onto the edge.Never EVER try to cover the opening in the middle in one jump.
4. On the rings go around the edges (If you jump to the right side of a ring jump on the left on the next,then right on the next,then left on the next,so on and so forth).
5.Don't let anyone discourage you, (like people saying YOU WILL NEVER MAKE IT TO THE TOP)have faith in yourself.
6. When on the circles always have your eye slightly ahead.When on a certain circle you will have to jump down to another circle.If you keep going up you will make it to an island with trees and ferns,but no portal.
7. Having wings won't help.You can't fly in Acension Island (I think that's how you spell it..).
8. When you get close to the top,don't speed up your jumps,it increases your risks of falling.
9. If you do get to the top,there will be a huge ring surrounding it.Do not try and skip that.It will be really hard and the chance of you falling is high.
10.Once you do make it,have fun in Sky's rim (also if you want to get to the top island in SR you need wings I think).Sky's Rim is like a Jumping Challenge for the non winged characters.If the place you want to get to is only accessable by wings get wings,fly there,remove the wings,and have fun!

Member Bio & Journals / Dunafloof's Bio (WIP?)
« on: March 08, 2013, 10:27:37 pm »

Username: Duna the Killer

Nicknames: Duna, Dunafloof, Floof, Dunastar

Fursona: Duna

Age: 18

Good at: Some art, Some Science .-.

Likes: Nice Peeps, Feralheart, Lord Surry (As a friend >:O), Dinosaurs, Rping, Drawing, Slenderman, Deviant Art, Wolf's Rain (Sort of), My iPod, Movies, My friends, Steak, Making Presets for no reason

Dislikes: Mean peeps, Feralheart Crashing, My Brother (Rarely), People calling me mean things, My group/Friends going offline

Birthday: September 3, 1994

Location: Florida

Creations: Leaf Wolves (Species), Month Warriors (Species), The Woods (Map-In-Progress), The Lone Survivor (Book)

~About Duna~

Duna is a lion who specializes in dinosaurs. As a tiny cub, she was called 'Dinocub' for her knowledge. She was never invited to play with the other cubs, and she would usually spend her time studying Prehistory. She could name tons of dinos, the types, and alot more.
  As a teen, Duna left her pride to dig more bones. On her 20th day on her own, she found a fossil of a Herrasaurus. Excited, she jumped around. Suddenly, she fell threw the ground! She looked at herself, fossil in mouth. She became animated. Suddenly she landed onto some grass. She looked around. She reconized this place! It was Fluorite Plains! She had heard stories about this place. She stood and grabbed her fossil and set out.
  When Duna became an adult, she mostly hangs out with her friends: Feareh, Red, Volchek, Lord Suragaha, Crin, Buffy, and many more. She still has the Herrasaur fossil in her possesstion (Spell?).

~Duna's appearance~
Duna is a light golden lioness with lighter underfur. She has indigo eyes with greyish above and below eyes. She carries a fossil with her and wears sunglasses. She has a black side mane and black mane across her back. Her tail tip is the same color as her above and below eyes.

~Pics for Duna
From Deadline

Characters / The Elemental Guardians
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:15:08 pm »
So I've been hoping you all would get an idea of what my characters,The Elemental Guardians, are for.These are a group of cats who control non man made things,and I think their are about nine (I can never keep track DX): Flame,Wind,Ocean,Storm,Ice,Teffie,Necromancy,Stone,and Mountain.Flame,since he was listed first,was and still is the leader of the Guardians.Also using their powers they can create certain natural disasters.And you may be wondering, 'WHAT DO THESE CATS GUARD?!' Well they guard certain crystals that gave them their certain powers: Fire,Wind,Water,Storm,Snow,Nature,Dark Magic,Rocks,and Mountains.I also have an official group for them in FH.They don't have all the characters in it but I am in the process of making them.The group name is Guards of the Elemental Crystals.They also live in a different galaxy,so Earth is safe CX.I am also considering making a new guardian named Time.You probably know what he can control.Also you can make up your own Elemental Guardian and choose what (s)he can control,but not anything of the above.So please respect these characters and their elemental powers,and they might just respect you back ;) (Also with my permission you can get a guardian into your clan warrior cat leaders!).

Introduction / My ultra late intro
« on: February 10, 2013, 12:46:56 am »
Hi guys,I'm duna the killer (butttttt i don't kill).I joined feralheart 2 years ago and now I know every public map and have visited all of them.I unfortuneantly cannot download maps or items as my computer will crash.I have a little over 200 friends and still getting more every day ;D.I try to be as literate as possible but usually my literacy level depends on my mood(When im bored i will be pretty literate,and when im sad or angry i will have shorter posts).I take a big interest in warrior cats and dinosaurs.Also you may have seen me wandering around on weird cat characters with wings or something and be thinking 'What is going through Duna's head?!' Well here it is.I am thinking of writing a book called Guardians of the Elemental Crystals and those were the main characters of the books.They have to the 'powers' to control all non man made things.But I rarely use them on other people unless when im raging mad.I always had a dream to become a moderator/admin.My main characters (characters you are most likely to see me on) are: King Raptin,Ice,Flame,Wind,Necromancy,Ocean,Ice,Halo F Allosaur,Feather M Baldeagle,and Duna F Prideland.It isn't considered rare to find me on a different character though.I am also good at keeping secrets :-X.I help people out as much as I can but despite my lesson of computer working with my dad when I was a few months old I don't know everything about computers.So that is my 2 year late intro.Bye and have fun! ;)

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