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Topics - TwistedSorrowzz

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Presets & Markings / ~ Cheshire's Preset Store ~
« on: December 23, 2016, 10:23:00 pm »
~ Cheshire's Preset Store ~
Welcome to my preset shop!
I make custom presets now!

If you would like a preset made, Please fill out this form:

Private or Public:
Special Markings:
Reference 2 (Optional, Makes it easier for me to make the preset):
Fur Texture:

- Potatolynx1
- Angel
 is a lil link to my art store~
If you would also like a map made for you preset, Please contact me through PM~

Game Help / Preset Help (SOLVED, PLEASE LOCK THIS)
« on: December 22, 2016, 06:58:09 pm »
So I've just started making presets, And I need some help with this issue.
When I create a preset (Or part of it) The edges come out like this...

Can anyone tell me how to fix this? I also use gimp and the lasso tool to colour.
(Also, Mods, Feel free to move this if it's in the wrong place)

Praise / Thank you.
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:46:07 pm »
I feel like I've needed to make this post ever since I started playing FeralHeart and talking to everyone one the forums.

I love each and every one of the people in this community, You're all such kind people and have even forgiven me for things that are very stupid.

PrettyReckless: When I first started talking on the forums you were such a helpful and kind person. And I know if I even need someone to talk to with any help or anything, You'll be the person I'll go to first.

EpicWolfie: You're one of the most supportive and kind people I've ever met, Although we don't talk much personally, The way you treat other people with so much respect is just so amazing.

MorgraWolf: The same goes to you as it did to Wolfie. You're such a kind hearted person, You're very helpful in this community, And I don't know what it would be like without you.

Wintersong: I know you may not see this post since you're on leave, But I just wanted to say that you're one of my best friends. You're always there for me if I need someone to talk to. Your personality is such a unique one and I adore you for that.

Kikiorylandia/Nynx: I haven't spoke to either of you that much, But from what we have spoken, I must say that you two are some of the few people on the community that are willing to help out no matter what. Without you both I think this community wouldn't be the same.

For people I have left out I'm sorry. This community is such a supportive and unique community. I wish everyone well in the future. Without this community I think my life would be so boring. I'm glad that I met everyone who I have.
Thank you.

Member Bio & Journals / Blairs Bio ~
« on: December 14, 2016, 08:00:47 pm »

Ello! So I've been around FeralHeart for a few months now, And I thought I should tell everyone a bit more about me.
~ General Stuffs ~
Name: Blair (Not my real name, No I won't tell you)
Nickname: Uh, I don't really have one, But you can also call me Twisted
Sex: Genderfluid
Gender: He/She/Him/Her
Age: 19
Birthday: June 8th
S/O: Bi-romantic/Asexual
Relationship: Pfft, no
Religion: I'm atheist
Appearance: Maroon red hair, green/blue/grey eyes, Idk what else
~ Random Facts ~
~ I went to art school and hated it
~ I'm currently in college studying palaeontology
~ I'm a Gemini, I've always wanted a twin
~ I get annoyed quickly, Yet I think I'm annoying
~ I've always loved the colour red/maroon
~ I've been a lover of animals since I was a child
~ Favourite Things ~
Food: Hmm, Anything chicken
TV Shows: I don't really watch TV, But The Amazing World of Gumball and Adventure Time are pretty good
Movie: The Blair Witch Project
Artist: Hannah Hoffman, Her art style is so cute
Musician: My music tastes varies a lot, But here's a quick list... Twenty One Pilots, Drake, Kanye (We share the same birthday, Oml), ThatPoppy, Hamilton (The Musical), Mr Bungle
Animals: I adore Phoenix's, And Griffins, Basically any mythical creatures.
Color: As I said earlier, Red and marooon
~ Online ~
~ I'm mostly in grounds, If not I'm in Seaside or Bonfire. I'm probably either on Hamilton or Blair.
~ I tend to keep FH open while I draw, So sorry if I ignore you, I don't mean to.
~ You can add me on skype as well, (TwistedSorrowz)
~ My dA is RonnoBoy, And it's also on my profile if you can't find it.
~ I got into FH around after the new update. So I'm sort of semi -new
~ I'm not that much of a RP'er, But hmu if you want to RP
I think that's all, If you wish to talk or have any question, PM me, Or add me on skype.

Request a Preset/Marking / Blair ~ Request
« on: December 12, 2016, 06:32:09 pm »
I was really hoping if someone could make a preset on this character...
(Image by Plant-Dog and Seanixx on dA, This art belongs to him)
If you need any help, or have any questions please contact me via PM on the forums, Or on Skype.
Thank you.
EDIT: Here is a poopy reference sheet I quickly made:

Presets & Markings / New Preset!
« on: December 11, 2016, 07:40:50 am »
So, I got a new preset! It was made by the amazing Indominus.Rex
You can download it here
Here's a photo:

Leaving / Leaving. [I failed]
« on: December 09, 2016, 10:55:19 pm »
So, Not really sure what to say, Says it all in the forum title.
But, I just wanted to say I'm going not going to be leaving permanently, Just, A few; Several months.
I feel like FeralHeart isn't the same as it used to be. I feel like I've made so many mistakes on FeralHeart, People act so differently since the new update, Not going to say who.

I'll probably come back round when registration opens back up, As the real reason I wanted to play FeralHeart was to chat with friends, (But I can't really do that, So.)
My absence wont be forever, But just as when I'm ready to come back. I need to mentally prepare myself, Dealing with anxiety in and out of game isn't an easy thing to handle. I'll most likely come on once every few months, But that's all.
If you wish to speak to me, PM me. I will still be active on the forums, I just think the actual game itself isn't the way it used to be.
Edit: Also, As for the art requests, I will still be doing the art requests.

Until next year, FeralHeart. 

Game Help / Shading Packs?
« on: December 08, 2016, 04:14:49 pm »
Hello, I was wondering if anyone can send me some link to some shading packs. Here is a screenshot that I found for what I am looking for:

Game Help / Original Map Downloads
« on: December 04, 2016, 05:52:43 am »
I was wondering if someone could direct me to some of the original map downloads? I've been searching for them and can't find them anywhere. Thank you.

Site/Forum Help / Show and Hide Photos (LOCK THIS)
« on: December 01, 2016, 09:54:56 pm »
I was wondering on how you could Show and Hide photos on the forums.
I've seen many people do this I just don't know how to do it myself.

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