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Topics - Speedyscout122

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Presets & Markings Tutorials / { ADDING PRESET TEXTURES }
« on: December 12, 2017, 07:15:24 pm »
Hello! I see you want to learn how to texture your presets? Well, follow me. Oh, I use GIMP, and can't help for other programs.. Sorreh.

Ok, so you have your nice lil' preset. Great.

Now, open your FeralHeart folder.. and go to Media > Textures > Masks.
Click and hold on either "Cbodyshade" or "Fbodyshade" - C for Canines and F for Felines.

Drag the image - C- or Fbodyshade - into your Gimp document. It will look like this ^
Now, go to Layer > Transparency and click "Color to Alpha". A box will pop up. Click "Ok".

You're done!! Your preset should look something like this ^

I hope this tutorial helped! ;D

Miscellaneous Tutorials / { How to insert images in your posts }
« on: November 23, 2017, 09:36:07 pm »
{ How to insert images in your posts }
by Speedyscout122
Hello, I see you want to learn how to insert images to your posts? Well, you've come to the right place! Follow these steps and you'll soon learn.
Note: this is in Imgur, I don't know how others work :/ Sorry!
Step 1: open Imgur and click "new post". Select the image you want and open it. Now, wait for the image to load.
Step 2: hover over the image. See the black bar with a code in it? Click on the down arrow next to it. Now, click "get share links".

Step 3: find the code that says "BBcode - forums". Click the copy button.

Step 4: just paste the code into your post and, ta-da! Image!
Hope this helped! :)

Stories / { Galaxy Hunters }
« on: November 21, 2017, 05:55:38 pm »
Galaxy Pack/Hunters
Gaxy - Alpha Male, Founder

~more coming as the story goes on~
Chapter One
Gaxy padded through the shadows, pine needles crunching beneath his paws. The shadows seemed to pull and tug at his fur, and he paused to adjust the blue scarf around his neck. As he felt the chilly mist of the forest, he flinched and blocked his mind from the dark's calling.
You're not evil, he reminded himself. The shadows call you but you're not evil.
He shook his fur, raising his head, and leapt forward, running through the dark forest. But suddenly a wolf lunged onto him, pinning his.
"And where do you think you're going, Bluey?"
more coming soon

Game Help / Help - Height Map
« on: November 20, 2017, 06:27:42 pm »
Sooo I wanna make a good map, and I need to learn about height maps. I tried to map one, and my game crashed when I added it.. So please help and explain how to make a heightmap and/or add a video :) Thanks! <3

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / The Frozen Taiga ~ WIP
« on: November 20, 2017, 09:51:27 am »
This map will hopefully become a large, open map, good for wolf RPs.
Elk and rabbit meshes from this post:
Current progress
-A small forest
-A small elk herd
-A group of rabbits
-One den

The forest from afar

Some elk, traveling to their herd

Bunnies - yum!

Elk herd

First den, from afar

Inside the first den

The download link will be added when this map is complete! :)

Presets & Markings / ~Free Presets~
« on: November 20, 2017, 09:01:44 am »
First - a free grey and blue preset for canines. Has no wing texture. Download:
Please credit me if using this preset. (Ex. If someone asks you where you got your preset, say it was me, Speedyscout122.)But as long as you credit me, you're totally free to use this preset! ;)

Presets & Markings / Preset (WIP screenshots included)
« on: November 19, 2017, 03:54:39 pm »

I have completed the body and (kinda?) completed the eye. Program: gimp
I will be using it on my canine, not a feline, but still.
I'll be updating ya'll with more pics as I work on it more! :D
Oh, I also want to point out that this is the first ever preset I've made - so give me some constructive criticism, please! :D

I've finished it, yee~

D'you like it? :D I'll soon add a pic of the full body~
Hey there! I added shading, and also a texture for the wings now. Here you go~

Game Help / pls help
« on: November 19, 2017, 02:46:44 pm »
OK, so im trying to get mass markings.. and i somehow got rid of feralheart's normal markings.cfg, so now idk where to put the mass markings?!?! please help im so confused...

Game Help / Three questions
« on: November 19, 2017, 07:03:09 am »
1. I downloaded Mass Markings, but not sure how to use it/add it to the game.
2. I downloaded a custom map, again not sure how to add it.
Basically, tell me how to open the FH folder?
And, 3. How do I save a preset?

Forum Games / ~ Random Character Challenge ~
« on: October 30, 2017, 08:45:59 am »
Note1: if you did anything similar, I'm sorry ;-;
Note2: I don't know where to put this, you can move it to a different category if you need to c:
Hi, so I see you wanna do my challenge c: Well, the steps are below ;3
Step 1. Open, it is what we will use to randomize.
Step 2. Open FH is small screen (not full screen) c:
Step 3. Start randomizing! Count the number of things (ex. there are 17 emotes. Set the randomizer thingy to 1-17. Count all the things, and set to that number.. 1-17, 1-22, etc.). The only thing you don't randomize is the name and build/body shape- you even randomize the breed (feline/canine)!
NOTE: You can randomize up to 5 accessories.
Step 4. Now for color! Randomize EACH thingy (ex. Randomize r, g, and b for body color, underfur, etc.).
Step 5. Enjoy your crazy new OC xD
I got a blue, green, and pink OC who I called Sparkle. He was a feline.

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