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Messages - Skullfrost

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Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Rule Clarification, + suggestion.
« on: October 24, 2019, 09:46:13 am »
Thank you for sharing your concerns and suggestions in regards to the rules.

The rule:

“Cursing/Swearing is frowned upon. Doing so may result in a ban.”

This rule was written to be so “ambiguous” on purpose. I’ll try to be brief in explaining things for the sake of this thread but this topic has been a meaty one amongst staff.

For a long time now staff have debated on whether the rule policy on swearing should be changed or not. We got to the point where we created two sets of these same rules you see here, one being the one that contains the current swearing rule and another that allows it. Because staff understand the pros and cons of either policy we’ve constantly come to a stand still on the issue. There’s also the fact that Raz wants to maintain the age appropriateness of the game and really doesn’t approve of swearing. The same arguments come up again and again for reasons why the rule should or shouldn’t be changed. There really is no black or white solution, especially when we are trying to increase the consistency of the penalties staff hand out to rule breakers. Either we completely forbid swearing or allow it fully, and doing either or still causes us to run into problems.

If we forbid swearing completely, this means people would be banned for any word that is considered as a swear word regardless of the context it was used in or if it was censored, and or a “mild” swear.  This would be ridiculously extreme and honestly wouldn’t feel fair to us or the users.

If we allow swearing then that means there would be absolutely no exception to words used, their context, and level of obscenity. Without saying any specific words here you can already immediately imagine how problematic this can be...  (Not to mention if we ever want to have something like a general chat back, which I doubt will return since Raz is against it but still... or even maintaining registration open.)

So most will suggest: What about just posting a list of words that get you banned and or swear words that are considered ok?

The problems with this:

1.) Some swear words have multiple meanings and while are ok in some circumstances they are not in others. (Again not saying any specific words here for obvious reasons.) If we create a list (which we actually did) it becomes ridiculously convoluted with explanations of what contexts a word isn’t and is allowed in. It gets to a point where it’s best to just not allow the word to avoid any unnecessary confusion. You’ll have cases where people will argue the context of a swear word that appears on the list and whether they used it inappropriately or not.

Ex: there are some words out there that are totally harmless but become swear words depending the way they’re used. For the simple fact that said words can be used as swear words they should technically be on the list.

2.) If some swear words are allowed and others are not people will find loopholes and or alternatives and then we need to keep modifying the list to include alternatives. (If you’ve ever played old WolfQuest this was a reason why their chat censoring system got so messy, as well as other similar games that try to build censors.)

3.) The list is biased. Depending where you were born, raised, etc we all interpret words in our language differently. What some consider swearing others may not.

4.) Our game and community is meant to stay welcoming to everyone, not just teens & adults but children as well. By allowing swearing of any sort we open up the grounds to all sorts of negative conversation and verbal abuse to our users. Unfortunately as hard as we try to keep this place a safe haven for everyone there are users who find ways to abuse even now. Why make it easier? Even if we allow some swears and not others it’s still an open invitation to unsavory language and topics being brought.

5.) Having a list of swear words that are allowed or not allowed just paint an ugly image to our game. Just imagine the sort of vulgar words we’d need to post to make this point... Parents have often reached out to staff and many younger users aren’t allowed to play Feral Heart until their parents have read and assessed our rules with them. By having such an unsavory list public we lose a lot of potential users but also discourage many other types of users from joining. Just because one person is comfortable with swearing doesn’t mean others are regardless of age. There are a number of users who like the community to stay swear free for more than one reason.

So back to the rule:

“Cursing/Swearing is frowned upon. Doing so may result in a ban.”

This rule was written this way to avoid having to either completely forbid or allow swearing. Essentially it’s written as a precaution but also a fail safe in the case of reports or sticky situations where the solution isn’t all black or white. Every scenario of swearing is dealt with on a case by case basis. There will be times where some words will not get as severe a penalty or any penalty. But we can’t exactly say what words or what penalty if any because people will find loopholes and or ways to abuse the system. By writing the rule this way we are letting users know that swearing isn’t agreed upon and there is a risk of getting banned if they decide to do so. It’s up to the user if the risk of getting banned is worth swearing.

I hope this helps everyone to understand it a bit better ^^ But yeah if you have any further questions on this topic it’s best to pm staff about it directly.

So to be clear, it is intentionally ambiguous so as to make it a "case by case basis" kind of thing? So if I say, for example, "Holy s---", in a non-offensive context, I wouldn't be punished for it, but if I was reported for inflammatory language such as telling someone to go f--- themselves, I would be?

I'd just like some sort of clarification lol. Like is it truly case-by-case and thus only really judged on an individual basis and usage and context, or is it still possible to receive a punishment for non-offensive usage of something generally considered a "swear"?

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Re: Rule Clarification, + suggestion.
« on: October 23, 2019, 05:10:32 pm »
I kind of agree but I also kinda don't. I personally feel that if we let people know that swearing is allowed (light or not) they will start to try to push the boundaries and we might see many trolls start using that as new ammunition. People are bound to use it in a way that might hurt others (either knowingly or unknowingly) or might use it excessively. I do believe that registration is open completely now (don't quote me though), and new people are joining every day. This game does have a very positive community and if a new person joins the game and sees that we are no different from, let's say, the Call of Duty community, then that might scare a few people off.

I also agree that it should be allowed though because it is common in everyday language for most of us. I'll admit that I have said a few things in the local chat that I prolly should not have because I am so used to saying it in my everyday life. Many of those who are on Feral Heart are older, but I do know that there are still some groups out there that will not tolerate any sort of swearing in their groups.

This could go both ways, and I do like how you stated it in a way that explains why you think that it should be allowed!

This argument doesn't really work, because it has been proven to be false via the fact that MANY other similar communities to FH employ the rule of, "light swearing/cursing is allowed, so long as it is not excessive or aimed at other users in an inflammatory and insulting manner" and have been just fine, and in fact can even be great communities full of nice, respectful people.

Most people have the common sense to know the difference between calling someone a "female dog" or whatever and simply saying, "wow that's f'in cool" or "holy s---" or whatever, and understand the difference between "excessive profanity" and "light cursing". Light cursing is occasionally just... saying words. Excessive is slinging expletives AT people and being inflammatory towards other users.

tl;dr words should not be banned, what should matter is in what context and how the words are used.

Game Suggestions & Ideas / Rule Clarification, + suggestion.
« on: October 23, 2019, 11:37:33 am »
Okay, so, since the rules have been updated, I've noticed that under swearing and cursing, it now says it is "frowned upon" and "MAY result in a ban".

This implies that cursing is not necessarily against the rules, but may result in a ban if taken too far or w/e.

So, can we get an actual clarification on the specifics of this? Is light cursing allowed if not directed at other people, or is any and all cursing a bannable offense? The rules as they are written now aren't really clear on that.

Alongside that, while the main suggestion is clarification, I would like to give my two cents on the rule in general.

Personally, I believe that light swearing/cursing should be permitted, so long as it is not excessive or aimed at someone. As far as I'm aware, FH is a 13+ game, (as according to COPPA law children under 13 cannot play FH as sites are not allowed to collect information from children such as email addresses for accounts) and at 13...

Kids curse at 13. 13 is around middle school age, and let me tell you: middle schoolers curse a lot, on a regular basis. They can handle a few light swears sometimes being said. Someone going "S***! This shocking thing just happened!" is really not an issue.

The only issue I really see with cursing in a place like this is if it is one of the more vulgar and insulting terms, such as the W or C words used to insult women, or just in general it is directed offensively at someone else.

Obviously, someone should not be allowed to say, "F*** you" or w/e or curse at someone in an inflammatory manner(although that's just common sense and would be part of the "respect others" rule regardless). However, I believe there should be some leniency when it comes to general use of words commonly thought of as "curses" when used non-offensively.

In modern days, 'curse words' are much more often used as just normal words in peoples' everyday vocabulary. Expressions like, "Holy s***!" are common, and personally I find banning stuff like that altogether is... a bit much, honestly.

tl;dr light cursing/swearing should not be considered a bannable offense so long as someone isn't just slinging expletives at people and being inflammatory. Someone should be allowed to casually say a word, especially when it's become normal vocabulary for a lot of people nowadays, and, let's face it... FH is mostly older players now. Registration has been closed, barely ever opening except on very rare occasions, for years now. Almost all people that remain are older players, who are /certainly/ old enough that... it doesn't really make sense to restrict language so much anymore.

Ask Me / Re: Ask Lotor?
« on: December 17, 2018, 01:00:24 pm »
1. Do you like Lotura? ;'D

2. What are your thoughts on s8? Considering Lotor seems to be your favorite character, and what s8 did to him, showing off his corpse and all... |D

Game Discussion / Re: The Actual "New" Feral Heart?
« on: September 29, 2018, 04:27:22 am »
KovuLKD has since changed his stance on FH remakes and now doesn't care what people do with it. The programmer of the original FH Redone has been in contact with Kov since the project was asked to shut down and has been told it's fine to continue and was GOING to continue, however they kinda dropped off the face of the Earth. Other people have ALSO been in contact with Kov and been told remakes are fine. Plus, a bunch of people actually have the source code itself.


We've got you covered.


Other Games / A The Isle-esque animal survival game concept...
« on: April 20, 2018, 01:22:02 pm »
Alright, so, I've been thinking of a game concept that I'd kind of like to do something with. However, my specialty is on the modelling, animation, and project planning side of things- I'm not a programmer, or a GUI designer, etc- so in order to really get anything like this started, I'd need a team assembled to help create it.

As of this moment, this is not a, "this will definitely be made", more or less, it is an idea that I would like to try and recruit a team for, or see how much interest it would have.

Right now, it is more or less a basic outline of a few random scattered ideas, and isn't entirely organized yet into a full planning document or anything, it was kind of... I wrote down my ideas for it as they came to mind, but here it is:

Basic Summary: You are a young creature, part of a program developed by humans to populate a remote island and observe how well the population thrives. As a juvenile animal, old enough to walk, run, and the potential to learn basic survival skills, you are taken away from the facility in which you were raised and released on the island. Now, you must survive.

All playable creatures in the game are placed on the island as young animals and the player must try to survive and grow up into an adult and continue to live their life without succumbing to the environment or other players. Similar to The Isle's current dev branch survival mode, but with many differences.(such as revolving around modern creatures, and not dinosaurs.)

You can either play a carnivore or herbivore in the basic plan, potentially extending to fishers, insectivores, omnivores, etc with differing styles of gameplay for each creature.

Playable carnivores include: Wolf, bear, lion, cheetah, wolverine, small wildcat, fox.
Playable herbivores include: Deer, elk, rabbit, gazelle, zebra, bison, + probably others

The aim is to, while using a similar idea to The Isle(survival mode, specifically), be a different and more immersive type of gameplay with more elaborate gameplay mechanics that make playing any animal enjoyable, including the "small and weak" ones, or the "prey". Many of the animals will be hardy enough to be very difficult to take down in a hunt, but acheivable if strategy and pack hunting behavior is used properly, and some will have higher speed, endurance, or other abilities over their predators. Rabbits will have burrows they can dart into to escape the jaws of a predator, and are fast enough as is to escape, requiring ambush tactics to catch. Gazelle are fast, nimble, and agile, able to outmaneuver even the predator most adapted to hunt them, the cheetah. Any hunt will require strategy on the part of the predator and prey won't just be an easy meal- but once a predator is able to catch their prey, that meal will last for days.

Alongside competing against other players for food and to not end up food yourself, the environment around you will also be a challenge- weather events could either make things easier or difficult for you depending on your species. Floods, droughts, fires, and many other events could occur.

The game also operates on a seasonal system, cycling through the seasons naturally over time. The game, just like real life, has a 365 day year in which the seasons change and develop over time. A full day cycle lasts about an hour, with day and night lasting 30 minutes each, making a full real life day equal about a month ingame- meaning a full seasonal cycle will last 12 days.

Breeding and reproduction is also a possible thing within the game. Mammals are able to breed, and females can become pregnant. This lasts three ingame days, the equivalent of three hours in real time. When the end of the pregnancy comes, and the female gives birth, new spawning players of that species can choose to be spawned in as a newborn and one of the mother animal's offspring. This provides the benefit of already having a parent secured to raise you to adulthood without having to survive alone or trying your luck approaching adults who might decide to kill you instead of adopt.

Other Gameplay Mechanics
- The longer you manage to survive, the stronger you become. If you make it to adulthood, and continue to survive for a long period of time, you will continue gaining strength and stats, until eventually you become a strong and experienced animal with the scars to show it, making it clear you're strong and have survived for a long time. In a wolf pack, these players would likely be the alphas, or in a herd, the herd leaders.

- Every species of animal will have 'base' stats and abilities, but every individual of a species will have their own unique stats as well, usually a bonus on top of regular stats. Some individuals of a species may be stronger in some fields than others- you may have a particularly fast wolf, or a particularly strong lion. When spawning in for the first time, the game will roll for your stats on top of your creature's base stats, and you will continue gaining stats over time. Breeding plays a part in this as well, adding another benefit to being birthed instead of spawned, despite starting as a younger age than a new spawn- parents' stats can carry over onto their offspring.

The Island
The island is a large island filled with multiple habitable types of land for the creatures placed here to thrive in. While many of the animals found on this island are not naturally from the same parts of the world, they are able to thrive due to the conditions still being able to support them. Much of this island is either forest, plains, or mountains, with many rivers, ponds, and lakes scattered throughout, as well as caves and hidden spaces to discover.

** I have a lot more ideas for this, honestly, but that's what I really wrote and got into and elaborated on. If anyone with game development skills is interested, contact me on either discord(Tosca#8203) or Skype(mello.mikora1).

If I can actually manage to assemble a team of devs for this, then I'll begin on actual planning to make this game a thing.

Other Games / Re: games where you start as a child/baby?
« on: August 04, 2017, 01:11:36 pm »
Saurian just released, you start off as a hatchling Dakotaraptor in it.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood :D

Other Games / Re: Moonrise- Warrior Cats RPG.
« on: April 25, 2017, 09:38:28 pm »
Moonrise as it was is dead with no current publicly announced plans to revive it. Who knows, the concept might be picked back up in the future, but as it stands now, Moonrise does not and will not exist. The community was too toxic to handle, and eventually just drove the staff to close it down as we couldn't put up with it anymore.

That's what happens when you start a community when you're 13 and have no clue what you're doing- that first and second year will stick with your reputation forever, whether you've improved or not.

Sorry to disappoint anyone who might have been looking forward to MR, but sadly due to the constant fighting within the community, it is cancelled until further notice.

Also, just to clear up a previous statement, though, it was not 'revealed' that we were only posting old screenshots, because we were not. It was well known and stated numerous times that the game was in semi stasis and not being actively worked on. The posts made in the game diaries thread were not old screenshots, but new things that I had been working casually on and decided to show seeing as we hadn't had anything to show in a while.

'Course, that backfired on me, with staff claiming I hadn't been doing anything/directing the game/etc despite many of them having been given assignments they agreed to do and just apparently didn't do or didn't have the time to do, to which I let them take their own time. Everyone was busy, and I respected that- annnd that turned into me being a tyrant only in it for the power who everyone hates. Yep, seems legit.

Not to mention that after I finally broke down and cancelled the game, they continuously went after and harassed me afterwards... Ah, fun times. That discord chat spam was great.

Do you plan on releasing this as a remade FH thing?? Like... as its own game project and etc?

Or is it just kind of a test thing?

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