Author Topic: ✧When they take the Reins✧ (Horse RP-Accepting!)  (Read 17025 times)

Offline LasVagas

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✧When they take the Reins✧ (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« on: June 15, 2013, 07:32:28 pm »

✧When they take the Reins✧

The horses of outback. They live deep in the heart of the American wilderness, free to wander, eat and breed. Generations pass through this large and sacred herd, the solid power of being free pulsing through the blood of new-born's and charging into the veins of new recruits. Not a single horse wishes to be in the hand of humans and not a single heart string goes out to them.

But the humans think different.

There is a growing demand for horses and the Warmblooded popularity is booming. People are resorting to taming wild horses to become domesticated. This is successful, much to the dismay of the pure-blooded wild beasts. Most wild herds in America have become extinct and the bloodline ended via the horses being used for riding purposes only. Now, the only true wild herd left that has all the members intact is the 'Pure Oak Herd of the Solid Turf Gorge', or also known by the nickname 'Hooves of Rock'. These horses are agile, fearless and unbelievably strong. All horses within the herd are bonded for life, and departure of the herd is a sentence to death. The leader of the group is a Stallion by the name of  'Talon'; His full name, 'Sagittarius Talon'. Sagittatus means 'Barbed' in Latin. He leads the group to it's newest  goals and fires the fear into the hearts of predators. He protects and serves his herd to the best of his ability, but it all comes crashing down when a secret is unearthed from the long-loved herd, leaving them defenceless for the foolish humans.

Major: There is a major plot that is partly secret. I can only tell you some things to a extent. As i have told in the introduction, the humans are beginning to tame the wild horses for riding purposes. If the humans reach the Pure Oak Herd, it will destroy them and the generations of hard work to keep the herd pleased would have been for nothing. Talon has known a secret of the herd ever since he was made leader. He was strictly forbidden to tell anyone of this, and if he did, he would be sent to an early grave by one of the elders in secret. Talon swore to the heavens not to tell anyone, but the secret is unearthing itself as the heavens grow restless for the horses safety.

Minor: Minor plots are welcomed. If you wish to propose one, please say so. BUT they must be minor. Fires, death and such are major plots and i will not accept any major plots. (Minor plots include a love blossoming, a thunderstorm, etc.)


This is the main area where the horses live. Here, they drink, run, breed and feed. The scenery is beautiful from spring through to winter. It is a very easy living condition in all seasons but winter. No horse would survive here during the winter. During the spring the grass grows lush and the lakes thor out, leaving a very cool air around them. During this time the horses travel back to this area and the birth of foals occur and a new generation is born. They have plenty of food to eat and water to drink. This area is quite safe unless un guarded. The main predators that try to grab a meal here are wolves and on a rare occasion, bears. Wolverines sometimes wander through and pose no threat to the wild beasts. Bird flourish here and this causes a chorus of songs flow through the gorge at dawn and then at dusk.

This is the road the horses take to get to the bottom of the gorge and then to the top. This is a highly dangerous area for foals and adults alike. The dangers that lie here is the steep drop below. Everyone must be careful when crossing through here and they all must be in a single file. Horses have been known to fall, but this is rare, for they have all grow wise to know what precautions they should take. Mountain lions stalk on the rocks and rest in abandoned caves. Horses are vulnerable to their acts, as they could easily nudge someone behind in fright or aggression. Anyone, even the most stable of horses could slip and fall and even be eaten. Turning around here is not an option. Every horse in the herd  travel up here for the winter months. A walk to the top would be at least three hours.

The vegetation here grows on the low branched tree's, so it is easy to access without  having to waste time scraping up the snow. This is the top of the gorge where the horses stay during the winter months. They are quite happy here, for the rock provides warmth for them. There are small forests of pine trees and inside live quite harmless creatures. You very rarely spot any other predator than bears in the forest, and they prefer to catch a less feisty creature.

✧Age Groups✧

The Young (upto 12 months)
The Yearlings (24 months)
The Juveniles (Two years to four years)
The Mature (Four years to 12 years old)
The Ancient (The retired horses. They quit work at 12 years old)


The leader
The leader leads the group in the current affairs. He or she makes sure that the herd is safe, everyone does as they are told and also leading the herd to new spots. He or she keeps track of the weather and he or she leads them up and down to gorge in the winter and spring. He or she is responsible for any accident, for he or she has not checked the safety of the group. He is all the roles rolled into one. (Except the foals)

The deputy is the second in command and is in a close bond with the leader. Both ranks must trust each other with their lives. He or she makes sure the leader has missed nothing and he or she makes sure that everyone is in order.

Scouts are the horses that patrol the area where the others rest or feed. They must be trust-worthy and failing to note about approaching predators or dangers will lead to a severe punishment. They also protect the herd with their lives, battling the predators until the death.

They have spiritual connections with the heavens and are able to heal the horses with the power of their mind. Being connected to the heavens, they are born with the gift and so are never able to rank up from their position. Every horse in the herd relies on them to aid the wounded.

Mothers/Foal watchers
These are the new mothers and so are ranked down from their original position until the foal is old enough to feed themselves. They look after their foals and others.

The new generation of horses. They play around and feed at free will. They have no care in the world and so they have a well needed childhood. They graduate for their position at the age of one year and four months.

The retired horses who live life without a care. They rely on the horses in the herd to keep them safe and to make sure they are okay. They are able bodied and are still like any other horse, but because of their age, they have retired so they can have a good retirement until they pass to the heavens.

✧Herd Rules✧
✧Every horse must respect the leader. They must be willing to put their lives in his grasp.
✧Mothers must be by their foals side all the times. If your foal is missing, this must be immediately reported to leader.
✧Deputy/s must not make decisions without consulting the leader first.
✧No horse is allowed to breed without the leaders permission. This rule is needed to make sure no horse is expecting in difficult times.
✧Every horse is bonded to the tribe when they join or born. If a horse want's to leave the herd, they must be eliminated for Treachery.
✧Any problems in the herd must be alerted to the leader as soon as possible.
✧Every year when the horses climb to the gorge's top, you must be in a single file with the foals in the middle and scouts at the back. The deputy is behind the leader, who leads the herd.
✧Fighting in the herd will not be tolerated.
✧Failing to follow rules will end up in sever punishment or death.

(Credits to the respectful owners of the photos.)
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 01:51:58 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


Offline LasVagas

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? -WIP NO POSTING-
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2013, 07:37:50 pm »

?RP Rules?

?No God-Modding or Power playing. Nobody is perfect and it is frustrating to see that people have made their horse 'Amazing' Or #Better than the others'
?You must be literate. The honest mistake is fine, so long as it is not in every sentence.
?Please make long posts. I do not want to see one lined posts, nor do I want to see people saying 'Short' Or 'I don't know what to write'
?The Herd rules are okay to be broken, but the RP rules are strict and you MUST follow them.
?Romance, love and mating is okay. Please do not tell me what happens, I will not tolerate crude language.
?Please try to stay as active as possible. I know exams and school things are upon us, but if you are not able to get online to post, Please tell me at a early date that you sometimes may not be able to get online.
?You are NOT allowed to post right after you have already posted. Wait for  Three other people to post, and then you may post again.
?Do not fill the chat up with 'What shall I do?' and 'When will we start'? If you are wondering anything or want to tell me anything, send me a PM and I shall answer it.
?Any breed of horse is allowed in the role-play, but please do not overfill us with complicated breeds we have never herd of. They MUST be a real breed. So no unicorns or Pegasus.
?I want a balance of Male and female characters. If you see that there are more male than females and you want to join, join as a female. You may make another gender at a later date.
?Put 'Hooves of Rock' In the extra part to show you have read the rules. If you forget to put this, I will give you a warning.
?Only Two horses are allowed to be lone. No more.
?No horse in the herd would have had originally a human. The leader despises human raised horses.
?You can make Three characters in all.
?Have fun!

Code: [Select]
[u]Full Name:[/u]
[u]Preferred Name:[/u] (Nicknames)
[u]Age:[/u](Put a AGE GROUP. Not an actual number.)
[u]Breed:[/u] (Real breed please)
[u]Height:[/u](In hands. Nobody is allowed a horse over 17 hands high)
[u]Origin:[/u] (If you where born into the herd, Put Blood born. If you joined after you where born, put 'Wanderer')
[u]Rank:[/u] (Choose a rank from the first post. Leader is taken)
[u]Appearance:[/u] (Short description required)
[u]Personality:[/u] (At least Six good sentences.)
[u]Background:[/u] (MUST BE FILLED IN. NO SKIPPING.)
[u]Family:[/u] (Alive? Dead? Traitors?)
[u]Relationship Status:[/u] (Relationships may be made up, but you are responsible for the made up horses actions. If you have nobody, put 'Single')
[u]Extra:[/u] (Anything you would like to add? Maybe a allergy or a food preference?)
(Brackets must be deleted)


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Re: ✧When they take the Reins✧ -WIP NO POSTING-
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2013, 07:40:19 pm »

✧Talon 'Sagittarius Talon'/Stallion/The Mature/Leader/Blood-Born✧
✧Cecelia 'Cecelia Amelia Vixey'/Mare/The Mature/ Deputy/Blood-Born✧
✧Inxis 'Inxis Alaris Valley'/Filly/The young/Foal/Wanderer✧
✧Whisper 'Viska Whisper'/Mare/The Mature/Scout/Wanderer✧
✧Smoke 'Ryka Smoke'/Stallion/The Mature/Healer/Wanderer✧
✧Avalanche 'Vachir Avalanche'/Stallion/The Mature/Scout/Blood-Born✧
✧Micha/Mare/The Mature/Foal Watcher/Wanderer✧
✧Avonaco 'Lean Bear'/Colt/Yearling/Foal/ Wanderer✧
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 12:31:47 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


Offline LasVagas

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? -WIP NO POSTING-
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2013, 07:40:56 pm »

Full Name: Sagittarius Talon
Preferred Name: Talon, Tal.
Gender: Stallion
Age: The Mature
Breed: Andalusian
Sub-Breed(s): Unavailable
Height: 16.5hh
Origin: Blood born
Rank: Leader
Appearance: Talon is a well-muscled, pure bred stallion. He has a dark champagne pelt with a few lighter spots scattering his chest and back. Down his muscled legs, the colour starts to ignite into a dark brown and then a black which starts at his  shoulder and then slowly blends. This is on all of his legs. His mane and tail has a base colour of a urban which lightens into a ginger. It is also highlighted with flecks of white and grey, but do not mistake this for an elderly horse! Moving towards his build, His head is profiled high, yet his neck is bulky and medium in length. His body is well curved and smoothed down over his muscles that can be seen when he puts pressure into his legs (Like jumping and galloping.) He has a few slashes on his muzzle under is nostril due to the fact a mountain lion cub had once dug its claws into his muzzle the previous year they made the trip up the gorge.
Personality: Talon is a loyal, proud and protective stallion that would risk his life for his herd. His role of leader has him wrapped in plenty of responsibilities and when he was made leader, he proudly accepted it with the heavy load of responsibilities filtering through his mind. He is proud to be leader and attempts to never put a hoof wrong, although in the later years he has been known to slip up on some minor rules. His protective role comes in handy when protecting his herd from predators or stallions attempting to join. Although he has nothing against the stallions wanting to be recruited, his is still weary of their atmosphere. Being around Talon is very rewarding if you wish to learn more about his responsibilities, and this way you can dig a little deeper into his true colours. Despite being quite the serious one, he still has a good sense of humour and is always up for a game of racing or tag, when his duties have been done, of course. He adores foals, for they are so care free and have little knowledge of the responsibilities they will have when they grow up. He admires their bouncy attitude, and wants to be around them when his duties have been fulfilled.

Apart from his serious yet tender side, he is quite the romantic. He cares for feelings and only ever chooses a mare that has a strong feeling for him, so he is quite the 'Hopeless romantic'. But even though his is the 'lovey dovey' and the 'jokester', he still takes things that get out of hand seriously, so plenty of horses in the herd make sure that they follows his rules as carefully as can be. Talon only want's to do what is best for his herd, and make it fun all at the same time.

Background: Talon is a blood born, so he was born into the herd with his father the current leader. From his birth, every horse respected him, for when he would grow up, he would be the new leader. From an early age, a couple of days after he was born, he was wrapped in the blanket of responsibility. He watched his fellow colts muck around and he dearly wanted to join in, but his father said that it was a serious matter and that he could play at the end of the day when his duties where fulfilled. So Talon never had a proper childhood that he dearly needed, but all the same, he wanted to please his father in his actions.

At the age of one month, he had begun his training to bulken up, his father saying the earlier the training, the stronger he will be. He fought off wolverines and battled with a few moles to go back down their tunnels, but his real challenge was the climb up the gorge. His father explained that one day, he would have to lead the horses up the gorge at late autumn and then back down in early spring. The first time he walked up the mountain, he was behind his father at the age of six months. It was a large challenge for him, since his father had spooked him with the tales of horses being eaten and falling to their deaths.

And this tale came true.

They where half way up the gorge, the crisp leaves of the sleeping tree's swirling around their heads. His mother was right behind him, her chin resting on his rump so she was ready if he stumbled. But she was the one that needed to be rescued. A young mountain lion was spotted prowling among from rocks, a dead baby eagle in its mouth. It had quickly spotted the herd and fancied it's luck with Talon, whom when rounding a corner, was defenceless. It dropped the baby bird and pounced elegantly in front of Talon's father, the sudden movement triggering a spook into his father. He stepped backwards into his son whom had started to worry and begin to turn around. The herd realised something was wrong (They could not see the leader for they where at the back of the line) and immediately began to shift and shuffle backwards, the outraged, defensive neighs of his father echoing around the gorge. The small mountain cat spotted Talon attempting to pass behind his mother and quickly swooped in, passing Talon's father and latching both his front paws onto his rump. In shock, Talon charged besides his mother, the cat falling from the side of the steep gorge at the sudden movement, but at an attempt or biting the cat, his mother lunged forwards and grabbed the mountain lion, just as it was about to let go. It's weight in her mouth caused her to stumble forwards and fall off the side of the gorge. Everyone was silent until they heard a distant thud of his mother hit the ground. Talon was in shock, not a bone in his body moving as he looked down the side and at the steep drop. His father shaking with fear and worry, unable to come to terms that his mate had died. The Father and son, could not believe it, and would not believe it until the kind words of the deputy said. "There was nothing we could have done."

Years passed and the herd seemed so empty without Talon's mother. His father never spoke a word and Talon was dismissed from his duties, but he never felt like he would feel the same ever again. But a day approached when the herd began to reassure the father and son, the foals from Talon's non-existent childhood comforting him and the remaining friends of his father's heard saying that everything was going to be okay. After that day, the herd coming together after years separated from The leader and his son, Talon's father stepped down from his rank and the Juvenile became the new leader. This cheered him up a lot and he began to place the spirit of happiness back into everyone, the herd finally being complete once more. New recruits where welcomed and the herd became, once more filled with joy as it had been when his mother was alive.

Talon is now in the middle of his mature years, his father still guiding him. Although it will never be the same without his mother, he still tries to the best of his abilities to hide his feelings for her and move on in life.
Family: His mother name 'Aquarius' died when she fell of the edge of the gorge. His father 'Harkus Calico Talon' Is still alive and well. He has no brothers nor sisters.
Relationship Status: Single and interested.
Crush: At the moment, none, for his daily duties gets in the way of getting to know his herd's personalities.
Extra: He still has a few minor scars on his rump from the mountain cat.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 12:07:03 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2013, 04:21:09 am »

? The s t a r s lean down to k i s s you ?

? Taste the s k y and feel alive again ?

? Pour me a heavy d o s e of a t mo s p h e r e ?


Full Name: "Hmph, why do you need to know my name? But well, its Inxis if you must know. Oh wait, you want my full name? Why do you need my full name? You are just a creep, aren't you? My full name would be Inxis Valley, if you really need to know my full name. Now stop creeping on me, you don't need to know my middle name! Go away!" (Inxis Alaris Valley)

Preferred name: "My preferred names? I don't really know, I guess Inxis is just fine. Or maybe Xis or Inx, any other ones would just be stupid, really."

Gender: "Do I look like a stallion to you? I am a female, you idiot! You better not tell me I look manly, either!"

Age: "Young, I guess. I'm only a foal, soon to be a yearling, so don't treat me like a baby, got it?"

Breed: "I am a proud Arabian! Which means i'll kick your butt in a race!"

Sub-Breed: "I am only an Arabian, nothing else."

Origin: "I am a wanderer, I came from a different area."

Appearance: "You have eyes, right? Oh you do? Okay."
The female foal has a small build, as she is a young horse. She has a small muzzle, and ears that are slightly pointed and a bit floppy. She has a slender, feminine build, with slight muscle on her- but her body is mainly built for running. The horse's main coat color would be a tan color, which has a gradient that appears on her neck- going into a more darker brown that travels up to the start of her chin. She has a darker brown color on her muzzle, as if she dipped her snout right into a pile of mud. There is a tiny patch of pink on the top of her lip, and also pink in the middle of her nose. A white line travels from her nose to her forehead, forming an imperfect circle atop her head. She has the same color surrounding her muzzle around her eyes, that are a warm chocolate brown. Her face and lower neck are a much darker tan color- not necessarily brown- but still a noticeable shift in color. Her firm, but powerful legs are brown in color, while her lower hooves are the same tan color as her body- her hooves being a warm chocolate color. She has a rather fluffy mane on her head, and her short fluffy tail is usually high and upright in happiness. She also has a more baby, young, and vibrant look about her- making her appear much younger than she already is.

Personality: "Well, I don't know how to explain myself, why not you figure it out?!"
This female foal is sarcastic- as you can see by her words, and she also appears rather callous to many. Most call this young horse a brat due to the attitude she has, and most of the time this attitude usually gets the young foal in trouble. Many also describe her as being defensive and secretive- not really enjoying to give up any information that she knows, but usually she will reveal some to her friends, but rarely will she report to anyone if she is hurt or not. She doesn't enjoy laying her burdens on anyone else, and she usually never asks for help. She could even be on fire, and if someone asked to help she'd probably gallop on by and say that she was fine. This young mare also seems to have some sort of trust issues, and she doesn't easily trust others, and she can actually appear very aggressive to any outside of her herd due to the events in her much younger life. She is partly rude and insensitive to strangers- but that doesn't mean she isn't willing to risk her life to save another horse.

Some other traits this female has would be that she is highly proud, as mentioned before, and she always tries to prove to many that she isn't just some weak foal who needs protecting. But she still just a baby, and has her moments where she misses her mother and just wants to feel loved and protected like most young ones with mothers. She also has a firm hate for humans, that will probably never go away, and she even seems to be a bit traumatized by humans- and doesn't enjoy speaking any good of them. Another thing to mention is that she has the trait daring- as she is one to laugh in the face of danger. She enjoys the thrill of doing something dangerous- and many call her fearless, but she isn't- she is just very brave and tries not to appear cowardly and weak. When she does learn to trust someone, she appears rather friendly and is a real sweetheart who does have a good bone in her young body, with a kind and gentle soul. Some other traits to describe this foal would be spitfire, overly confident, excitable, adventurous, curious, naive, young, and vibrant, and don't forget competitive.

Background: At a very young age, the female foal was born into the wild like most horses. She had lived in another herd, with her mother and her father leading it. But, being a young foal, she was found to be very intelligent, and she had quickly learned how to stand and walk in a couple of minutes. When she was really young, she stood around her mother's side without leaving at all, but as she grew, she quickly became more and more independent and absolutely learned that she loved to run and jump and frolic, and race with the various other foals in her small herd. Her older brother introduced her to fighting and racing at a young age, mainly because he was bored and didn't enjoy trying to bother with any but his family, and he was a great teacher due to the fact he had battle scars covering his body, she didn't know that he was the main cause of her father's death, but her mother and her brother never did dare tell her. Her older brothers name was Cyaros, and when he was a old enough age, he left for a few years to go and find a herd of his own, during this time her mother wasn't pregnant. He had battled and attacked many stallions, and learned a great deal of fighting tips before he gave up and went back home- only to be attacked by his father who had forgot it was his own son.

Background: Being defensive, Cyaros attacked back, and left his father to run off injured and well, going to die. He then took over the herd, and he proved himself as a strong leader and a very defensive one at that, seeing as he battled stallions who attempt to take over his herd. Inxis had been born while her brother had ruled- so she did never known her father, which is why she had developed a more stronger relationship with her brother, and she had more of a fatherly-brotherly relationship with him rather than the normal brotherly one. So, Inxis had learned most things that he should have been teaching maybe a younger stallion, but she doesn't care and he doesn't care, in fact, she enjoys it than the calm, laid-back teachings her mother tried to give her. 'Be submissive and shy' pfft, yeah right. Inxis soon grew much older, and during a grazing session, gunshots were heard. Her brother told her to stay right next to her mother and follow her, and he raced off to fight the humans that threatened to kill them, or capture them. Inxis and her daring attitude wanted to help, and ran over to try and help her brother, kicking one before getting shot in the ear, the fear she had before had increased almost immediately, and without thinking at all, she bolted right out of there, not listening to the herd members who neighed after her, no, she didn't listen at all, she ran until she couldn't run anymore, and collapsed because of exhaustion. After a while, she had travelled with her bleeding ear- occasionally crying due to the loss of her family and herd, but soon, she was found by the Pure Oak Herd. It had taken her a few months to get used to them, but now, she feels the same love she had for her old herd with the new herd. She however still has the tiniest belief her brother is still out looking for her, and doesn't enjoy it when people tell her the truth that they are not looking for her anymore, and most likely think she is dead.

Family: "My kin is no importance to you, all you should know is that I have an older brother named Cyaros, and he's going to find me! He's really strong and brave, and he'll beat you up! My mother is also a really strong mare, she is looking for me too! They will find me....okay?"

Relationship status: "Eww! Boys are really, really, really stupid! So no!"

Crush: "I said boys are stupid!"

Extra: "I have a hole in my ear, it used to hurt, but now it's healed."
The foal will most likely want a motherly or fatherly figure, and she is noted to become sad at points due to her lack of a proper family now. She has a love for fruit, and she enjoys racing. The female is about 11 hands high, and her rank in the herd would be foal.

'Hooves of Rock'

« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 05:18:13 pm by ??????z?????z???? »

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2013, 07:26:42 am »
I'm done! Just tell me if I have missed anything out!))


Full Name: "Why would you want to know my name? It's not that important... Fine, my name is Cecelia. What? No! You are not getting my second name?!" (Cecelia Amelia Vixey)

Preferred Name: "Everyone just calls me Cecelia, I absolutely hate the name 'Vixey' so don't you ever dare calling me that!"

"I'm just not going to say anything to that." Mare

Age: "Well, I guess I'm one of the mature... I think"
Breed: "All you need to know is that I'm a horse." American Quarter Horse.

Sub-Breed(s): "I am a pure American Quarter Horse. Oh, shoot, I just told you..."

Height: 15.7 hh

Origin: "I am Blood Born, so...yeah"

Rank: Deputy? If not, Scout.

Appearance: "Well, obviously you are blind. If you are, I am the most beautiful horse you could ever imagine."Cecelia has a strong, graceful build. Her coat is a rusty chestnut colour, which turns lighter in the warmer months. Beneath her chocolate brown eyes, her muzzle is long and soft to the touch. Her eyes are framed by her long lashes, shielding them from the glare of the sun on bright days. She has a long mane that is murky brown in colour, it also lightens in the warmer months. From her mane to her muzzle is a stripe of white, as well of her back left leg. The end of her muzzle is pink, and quite sensitive.

Personality: "You must've already guessed. I'm rubbish at first impressions."
Cecelia may seem sarcastic and shy at first, but when you break through the barrier of her trust she is sweet, kind and quite funny. At times, she can grow quiet and drift off into her own daydream. Towards stallions, she is quite flirtatious and cheeky, always knowing what to say. Once you earn her trust, you have a friend for life and someone that will look out for you, not matter what.

Background: "I've had a pretty normal past, nothing too exciting."
Since she was born into the herd, Cecelia had the same childhood as all of the other young foals in the herd. She would play with her brother, Damian, and she would spend the whole day prancing around the fields, protected by the safety of the herd. One day, she wandered further than usual from her mother with her brother. They discovered a small clearing surrounded by trees, it was heaven to them and Cecelia and Damian would stay there all day, every day. As she grew up, Cecelia learned about the dangers of humans and other predators, like mountain lions. She began to grow more weary of wandering off and visited the hideout less often. By the time she was a juvenile, she only went to her hideout with her brother once a week, but they're bond stayed as strong as ever. The months passed and Damian and Cecelia grew stronger by the day, by the time Damian was mature enough to leave the herd, he did. At first, Cecelia was heartbroken. She wouldn't talk to anyone. But, as time passed, she began to turn back into her old self and got on with her life. That pretty much leads up until now, she is now living a normal life with the herd.

Family: "Go and ask them yourself." Her mother, Diana, her brother, Marcus.

Relationship Status: "I'm single, but I'm interested."

Crush: "I'm not telling you..." Find out in Rp.

Extra: Hooves of Rock.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 11:02:08 am by DarkPetal »

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3

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Re: ✧When they take the Reins✧ (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2013, 10:49:25 am »
@ღтнєℓαzумєσωzєяѕღ- I am not sure if you noticed, but you have missed 'Rank' And 'Height'. The rank is pretty clear, for she is a foal but I would like It if you put in her height, so we have a rough guide on what she looks like next to others. (If you need help on her height, I would say she is around 11 or 12hh.) But beautiful application all the same and once you have added in the missing details, you will be accepted.

@DarkPetal- EDIT: Accepted! Great application! And yes, you may be Deputy.

@Everyone- If you are wanting to join, try to make a male, but females are still being accepted. I am just finishing my own application.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2013, 12:08:06 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2013, 12:27:07 pm »
Thank you! I can't wait to start! I might make another character later on, it depends on how many members will join.

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2013, 05:15:19 pm »
WIP. I'll try to finish them soon. ^^

I'm finished with them! c:

Everyone wants happiness
No one wants pain
But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain
Full Name: Viska Whisper
Preferred Name: Whisper, Wisp
Gender: Mare
Age: The Mature
Breed: Mustang
Sub-Breed(s): Unavailible
Height: 15.4 hh
Origin: Wanderer
Rank: Scout

Appearance: Whisper has a slim, lithe build enabling her to run fast and keep good stamina. She is taller than an average Mustang for reasons unknown to her and is covered in a white coat. Her muzzle is a
darker shade of grey. Whisper's mane is wispy white, with the color getting closer to cream near the tips,
hence the nickname 'Wisp' she acquired when she was only a young foal.

Personality: Whisper had her own unique personality as her brother described it. After one gains her trust, she shows almost undying loyalty and respect. Her mother once said she would sacrifice the world to save a friend when she refused to go further without her brother and while she respects other beliefs, won't be afraid to give her own. Her mind may be clouded with stubbornness to things, but she also gives a good speech once in a while. Whisper's words, even if they are in a whisper, can be persuasive and charming. Her brother said once after she convinced an old horse to eat that she could, if she wanted to, convince one that a mountain lion was a friend, although that would be an overstatement. But even with those traits, Whisper can be fun-loving and generally accepting of life and what it brings.

Background: Whisper was born into a different herd to the east of the so-called 'Hooves of Rock' with her twin brother, Smoke. Their father was within the herd, but never paid attention to the twins. Their mother, on the other hand, was always around and kept them somewhat secluded from the herd for reasons unknown to Whisper. When she was still a young foal, her mother, whom they both followed tirelessly, led them away from the herd in fear of being captured by humans. Although when word of their leaving beforehand got out into the herd, they were immediately shunned and had no choice but to leave either way. The Leader of the herd, a stallion named Noir, chased them out after a few days of staying on the outskirts.

Their travels were difficult; mountain lions, wolves, and humans most of all but eventually all three of them made it. Whisper and her brother were half-starved but determination and will kept them moving and following their mother, Skara. There was a time when Smoke was separated from Whisper and his mother, and Whisper, despite Skara's attempts to leave him behind and keep going, stubbornly insisted they find him. So the two searched until they found Smoke hiding in a rock crevice, uninjured but frightened.

When the time came and they finally reached the herd, Whisper's mother practically begged the Leader to take the two of them in. Once they were accepted, Skara left, as she told her two foals, was going to wander alone. So the two of them, who by then were able to fend for themselves, stayed with the herd and grew up. Whisper grew into her own personality and became an alert, stubborn Scout, and ignored the absent looks that the older horses gave her and her brother. Although, Whisper and Smoke both made a pact that they would try and keep their origin a secret to the newer generations in fear of being shunned. They've kept it still, and now Whisper is pretty sure that even if they did know, nothing would be different, but who knows?
Family: Father - Lysande ; Mother - Skara ; Brother - Smoke ; Whisper never really knew her father, but only heard certain stories about him from her mother
Relationship Status: Single
Crush: None
Extra: "Hooves of Rock" Whisper also shares quite a close relationship with her brother because of the fact that they were outliers in the herd for awhile.

First they ignore you
Then laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win
Full Name: Ryka Smoke
Preferred Name: Smoke, Smoky
Gender: Stallion
Age: The Mature
Breed: Mustang
Sub-Breed(s): Unavailible
Height: 15.6 hh
Origin: Wanderer
Rank: Healer

Appearance: Smoke is larger than his sister, Whisper, but has the same shape and build, although with more muscle. His coat is a dusty light grey that generally looks like he is always covered in dirt and dust. On each of his legs, the grey fades to black at the knees. Smoke's thighs have a dark-colored blotch. His face has spots of white above his eyes and nose and a line between his eyes and his muzzle is dark grey. His mane is a jet black color with tints of dark brown on the tips. His tail starts out as black and turns to dusty white to a lighter white.

Personality: Smoke is more like the opposite of Whisper--quiet, laid-back, but holds grudges. He's always stayed more secluded from the herd, remaining to himself and his thoughts. Unlike Whisper, Smoke is bitter ever since his mother had left, even if Whisper was still with him. He stands independently, yet still with the herd. One may earn his trust quickly, but it takes awhile to get anything else. Generally he'll be off daydreaming and talking to himself. Smoke likes to think of himself as indifferent to everything around him, although inside he cares about the herd deeply and would rather die than see any of its members get hurt. He believes that many of the herd think of the wrong things and take wrong paths, and since he thinks that, he also wishes that they would see sense, even though many of them already do.

Background: Smoke has had mostly the same history as his twin, Whisper, although his more in a different perspective according to his personality. He went through the same events as Whisper, but felt betrayed when their mother left instead of saddended like his sister. He also felt like picking a fight with Noir, when he ran them out despite the stallion being three times stronger and larger. Smoke also never had as much of a connection to the herd as his sister, and instead focused on helping other horses. When he became old enough, he turned into a Healer.

Like his sister he agreed to try and keep their origin a secret. Smoke knew the kinds of things other horses thought of some wanderers and he definitely remembered the disapproving looks the older horses used to give him and his sister when they first joined the herd, and even some still. Now he remains with the herd, taking care of the horses who need help and protecting the ones he cares about. Smoke is still also itching to prove himself despite the constant nagging of Whisper trying to tell him that he didn't need to do that.

Family: Father -  Lysande ; Mother - Skara ; Sister - Whisper
Relationship Status: Single
Crush: None
Extra: "Hooves of Rock"
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 01:54:52 am by Kirigishi »

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2013, 05:20:38 pm »
;3; I added her height and rank.
11 hh and foal.
I put it in extra because its really hard to follow the pattern I have set up.