
Is this true?


Author Topic: A true heart?  (Read 1845 times)

Offline ritat

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A true heart?
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:41:35 pm »
So I've been interested to ask people this question and it is: Do you know if a person really has a 'clean' heart? In life not many people realize who they meet, especially on the internet. Some people may be hiding their bad side by replacing it with the fake them and this has frustrated me so much across my life, even when people have no idea what I'm talking about and when I tell people to watch out, they go all like 'You're nuts, stop over reacting'. There is something called the sixth sense and it is when you can predict what might happen in the future. Not everybody has this and it is hard to explain myself because I have this trait. Some how when I meet a person, I know directly if they are bright, have an issue and the worst thing, are hiding something. When this happens, I ask people to watch out as problems may happen in the future and surprisingly they become correct.

I brought up this topic for people to realize that not everyone you meet will be very sweet as they are, so you have to limit the amount of people you get in your life.  The truth is that the more friends you have, the more problems are likely to occur. If you have less, it does not mean that you don't have the confidence but you know how to think right. But it depends, if you have so many friends who understand you then that's fair enough. :) One time I met a person for 2 weeks and was having some criticisms about them in my head so I stayed far away from them for awhile. Me thinking that that person was kind in their heart was wrong because 1 week later, they started judging me in ever direction. Jealousy fell lose on them and they wanted everything I had. Bad, isn't it? So, I'd love to tell you some advice's because I know people are one of the major causes for depression and a bad mental health. Get to know people properly. We cannot go up to someone new and Bam, they're friends. It's something that helped me to improve myself but always act welcoming to everyone, just don't go too far.

I hope you guys know the point of this, I just like to help people so much and you don't know how much happiness I get from offering anything to anyone, even if it's a pencil. Also another thing, kindness is the best medicine to use when you're not feeling in the mood to do anything that needs too much energy. You can wake up everyday during your weekends, like I do and offer people something cute, tasty or sweet to make them smile. :)

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Re: A true heart?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2015, 07:33:58 pm »
I think this topic is very interesting and I'd even say important because at some point in their lives people come across this and learn to make judgments from it with how many encounters they have. In the end they might become cruel, uncaring, and controlling. They may turn out to be rough on the edges, in a good way or bad way.

Who knows. But it's a part of growing up sometimes, like in school and stuff where this may be seen a lot. People will have a bad feeling about someone and usually, ignore it. But nowadays I've learned to trust in my instinct and 90% of the time it's actually right. Even if it isn't it might be even if not directly.

Humans are much, much more intelligent than given credit for, and most of that comes from the subconscious. No one really has the "purest" heart, but bad influences still exist. I even have a few stories about making friends like that here on the Internet, and in the end it turned out really bad.

I even let someone stomp all over me because I was too nice and in the end was the one deeply hurt by it. Now I believe I'm much more cautious about that, but who really knows.

That's why I believe this is an important topic. You can't be paranoid, but you have to pay attention to the warnings as well, otherwise you're most likely going to end up in a bad place.

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Re: A true heart?
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2015, 01:36:10 am »
I must admit I know how you feel Ritty.
My sixth sense to a point is decent, but I have predicted things in people as well, and have given warnings, but was always ignored. I have been spoken down upon before for it, and I disliked it a lot. I was always told I was just negative or I just disliked a lot of people. That I never give a person a real chance.

Even if I have a bad feeling about another I will still talk to them and give them a chance. Though when they do as I figure they would and hurt me is when I stop. Though if it isn't too bad I will give another chance. Once they break the second I leave. I warn friends of mine who are close about the things that the person has done and even predict what would happen to my friend if they became friends with that person as well.

I would always be told I was wrong and terrible for thinking it, and yet when the bad thing happens my friends come back to me wondering how I knew it would happen.

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Re: A true heart?
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2015, 12:55:33 pm »
You don't really know what a person in their 'heart', or how they feel darling. Or their motivations. Unless you ask or they make it apparent.
im really gonna try to word this right please bear with me
-Inhales slowly-

If you feel that something is a right, just be wary, but do not separate yourself so quickly. Unless it's really dangerous or hazardous to your health or something, it's just common sense to give yourself some space from that person.
And, just putting this out there, in my book, saying something will happen based on what happened to you, is either common sense, or something along the lines of 'It won't happen because people are subject to change'.

BUT. Even if you have misgivings on a person, I have a simple little request:
Do not judge a person you barely know on something you assume they are about.
It's really short-sighted, honestly, and just overall a bad idea.
What you think you know, is probably very different from what is reality.

And this is coming from the person who has the bad habit of assuming and taking that as truth.
man i am bad at wording

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Re: A true heart?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2015, 09:20:40 am »
I like how everyone has there different opinions here. :3 And you know, there is no right or wrong answer. This also tells me who you are as a person, which also catches my interest! I'd like to start with Sietara's thoughts, because she knows exactly how it's like to predict what's happening. You are completely correct, that is the same things I get told and not only that, but people have bullied me because I was 'smart' and thought I was a snitch who doesn't deserve to exist. It really hurts but I stay strong because people I know people usually give me the eye and are wary of me for no reason. In the other hand, I also agree with WarKat. It's always good to think about something before you totally agree with it and go for it and that's what I do. :) You make good points there and shows that you accept everybody around you but remember even if it may be a risk to think about how other people are, it's better than allowing a ton of people entering your life without being strict about who they are. Now I'm going to be open with you because you are lovely people who I trust, the truth is, that I only have about 3-4 friends in my life so far. It doesn't disappoint me because I know they are have a nice heart but not like others. It's just who I am and if you understand how to read people, you'll definitely go another way with what you said. Overall WarKat, your thoughts make sense and I agree with them!
Finally Hugrf. You show balance and care in your life but don't let yourself not trust your instincts in the beginning, it's very important. :3 You may not like everyone in your life, but you still must respect.

I'm going to give you three a nuzzle for caring, you all have a nice heart.

Offline StarrieNova

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Re: A true heart?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2015, 10:58:44 pm »
I like how everyone has there different opinions here. :3 And you know, there is no right or wrong answer. This also tells me who you are as a person, which also catches my interest! I'd like to start with Sietara's thoughts, because she knows exactly how it's like to predict what's happening. You are completely correct, that is the same things I get told and not only that, but people have bullied me because I was 'smart' and thought I was a snitch who doesn't deserve to exist. It really hurts but I stay strong because people I know people usually give me the eye and are wary of me for no reason. In the other hand, I also agree with WarKat. It's always good to think about something before you totally agree with it and go for it and that's what I do. :) You make good points there and shows that you accept everybody around you but remember even if it may be a risk to think about how other people are, it's better than allowing a ton of people entering your life without being strict about who they are. Now I'm going to be open with you because you are lovely people who I trust, the truth is, that I only have about 3-4 friends in my life so far. It doesn't disappoint me because I know they are have a nice heart but not like others. It's just who I am and if you understand how to read people, you'll definitely go another way with what you said. Overall WarKat, your thoughts make sense and I agree with them!
Finally Hugrf. You show balance and care in your life but don't let yourself not trust your instincts in the beginning, it's very important. :3 You may not like everyone in your life, but you still must respect.

I'm going to give you three a nuzzle for caring, you all have a nice heart.

And a +Nuzzle to you too my dear.
I love the fact knowing that I am not the only one out there with this awareness, and I feel your pain at times my dear. <3
Also your heart is nothing but caring as well.

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Re: A true heart?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2015, 09:41:39 pm »
And a +Nuzzle to you too my dear.
I love the fact knowing that I am not the only one out there with this awareness, and I feel your pain at times my dear. <3
Also your heart is nothing but caring as well.
Oh, thank you for the nuzzle. <3 And my heart melts when you say that. c; Don't say it. xD

Offline StarrieNova

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Re: A true heart?
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2015, 01:39:27 am »
*Happily cuddles you into my wings happily tucking you away for my loves only*

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