Author Topic: oh how i love those random LOL moments...  (Read 6057 times)


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oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« on: October 13, 2011, 05:01:17 pm »
Have any of you guys just had a regular moment, or even just a slightly silly one that turned into a laugh riot because of one little lol mistake? I have one just about every fifteen minutes and it is sooo fun lol. If you've had any random lol moments share them here! just keep in mind that because this is real life you cant say exactly where you were when it happened or your or your friends full names.
heres my random moment:

So it was a regular bus ride from school. as usual me and my friends sit in the back of the bus.
heres what happened:
me: Ben your eyes are beautifull (in a joking way)
ben: huh?
ryan: what the f***?!
me: your eyes. they are BEAUTIFUL!
ben: no  theyre not
me: hey you wanna deny it we'll go bloody knuckles man (jokingly again)
ben: okay then! (playfully)
i slide over in my seat to go hit him, the bus stops, and i fly forward and faceplant on the seat in front of me.
ben: well then... i think the bus driver planned that
me:(in a brittish accennt now) NO! she loves me. im fantastic
bus driver: no your not makensie
me: well then...
we were laughing for about five minutes. untill i got to my stop then i had to get off my fantactical bus  :'(

Offline aelitastar

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Re: oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2011, 11:58:23 pm »
XDDD oh man, i have these moments so often.

me: hey serin- *gets interupted by my nana, serina and debra laughing their butts off*
serina in tears: D-DEBRA fixed the candle then said "there its sticking up!" she cracks up again.
me: *looks at her and then cracks up*

I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.


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Re: oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2011, 12:28:22 am »
lol. i dont even know what that means but its funny!

Offline jesija

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Re: oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2011, 03:59:47 am »
(SOOO did not find this by stalking you guys >.>      <.<)
There is this thing at school... It's called 'mix it up' and teachers pick where you sit and make your with people you've never met before, so you can meet new friends and shtuff, so we were playing the 'what if' game just out of boredness
Me: Okay... What would you do if you were opposite gender for a day? (Completely blank stare)
Hannah: I'd sleep.
Ashley: I would sit next to a wall and stare at it.
Erin: I would drown myself in a pit of snakes.
Me: I would pee my name into a bank of snow :-D (derpface)
Hannah Ashley and Erin burst out in laughter, I just stare at them blankly again.
Ashley: how do you keep a blank face like that?
We spent the rest of the lunch in laughter XD It was a weird day.  Your stories are ROFLMAO tho XD
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline aelitastar

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Re: oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2011, 08:10:14 pm »
(SOOO did not find this by stalking you guys >.>      <.<)
There is this thing at school... It's called 'mix it up' and teachers pick where you sit and make your with people you've never met before, so you can meet new friends and shtuff, so we were playing the 'what if' game just out of boredness
Me: Okay... What would you do if you were opposite gender for a day? (Completely blank stare)
Hannah: I'd sleep.
Ashley: I would sit next to a wall and stare at it.
Erin: I would drown myself in a pit of snakes.
Me: I would pee my name into a bank of snow :-D (derpface)
Hannah Ashley and Erin burst out in laughter, I just stare at them blankly again.
Ashley: how do you keep a blank face like that?
We spent the rest of the lunch in laughter XD It was a weird day.  Your stories are ROFLMAO tho XD
GAH we had a mix it up day! O.o do you by any chance live in washington? XDD sorry if its a personal question, but if i know you IRL it would be awesome lol
I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.

Offline jesija

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Re: oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2011, 11:09:48 pm »
Noooo not in washington XD I guess it's sort of a popular thing O.o
Siggie is not mine O_O
But the avvie is. So please dun steal it ;~;

Offline aelitastar

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Re: oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2011, 11:17:34 pm »
Aww T-T XD

serina: *looks at me like im a retard then starts yelling it to*
*we both crack up*

*my mom serves nachos*
me: BUT I NEED TACOS! or else i will explode, i do that sometimes.
*my mom and serina look at me like im nuts again*
me: WHAT?

Me: *is trying to hide from others sitting on my table while still sitting in my chair because i hated the mix it up day.*
*others stare at me*
me: WHAT?
one boy: state your name and grade.
me(being me): SUKIRA and im in seventh grade, now GET AWAY FROM ME BEFORE I MAKE YOU SUFFICATE IN FIRE GAS!"
*people scoot away from me and im laughing like a maniac*

I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.


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Re: oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2011, 11:53:48 pm »
GAH we had a mix it up day! O.o do you by any chance live in washington? XDD sorry if its a personal question, but if i know you IRL it would be awesome lol

dude... i. live... in washington... 8D
and LOL story

Offline aelitastar

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Re: oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« Reply #8 on: October 28, 2011, 12:07:02 am »
GAH we had a mix it up day! O.o do you by any chance live in washington? XDD sorry if its a personal question, but if i know you IRL it would be awesome lol

dude... i. live... in washington... 8D
and LOL story
:D i may know you......... and im quite a weirdo at my school

me: "hey taylor"
tay: "yes?"
me: *slaps on the arm then runs off at top speed with her chasing me* "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" *runs into ashley*
ashley: "HEY!"
me: *i get up and dart off once more in the school, then almost runs infront of the principle*
me and my friends *creeps away*

I am not who I was when I last left here, from the years '11 through '13. I sincerely apologize for how rude and disrespectful I had been, and hope whoever I have wronged before can forgive my previous bad behavior.


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Re: oh how i love those random LOL moments...
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2011, 08:36:27 pm »
haha. what city u in? u can just pm it to me if u dun want everyone knowing.

yesterday me and my friends were sitting on the entry stairs after school waiting for the social to start
(a social is basicly a dance)
me: im bored
sierra: *pulls out ipod* wanna play truth or dare
allie: YUSS!
clay: no im not kissing no-one
me: clay ur gross thats nasty
*everybody lauging*
random meanie teacher: hey you kids need to go outside only honors kids can set up the social
me: not setting up the social, just sitting here. and i AM an honors student! STRAIGHT. A'S PITCH!
allie: more like straight F's
*we all go outside*
sierra: kenzi your turn
me: DARE!
sierra: *shakes ipod* open dare u gotta go where u cant hear us
me: *throws pepsi angirly as if i were drunk* FINE! *sticks finger in ears* LALALA!
allie: lick the flag pole!
me: mmkay *jumps onto flag mount, dries with coat sleeve*
allie: i gotta watch u
clay: shes not gunna do it
jayden: DO IT!
sierra: i'll give you five bucks

dat pole... tasted like... dirt and metal. oh well at least i got to dance with my love in the end <3