Author Topic: Don't Kill Me For This  (Read 7143 times)

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Re: Don't Kill Me For This
« Reply #20 on: September 23, 2016, 12:54:44 am »
I completely understand where you're coming from here. I joined early 2014, so I've been here a solid two years or so, nearly three. I watched as the amount of people at Stone Bridge dwindled down form at least 10 groups being there at once to maybe 5 or 6 on a good day, wondering where it all went. It seemed that the only time I heard chatter was when a famous group, such as Creatures of Yugure, was recruiting, mostly because the majority people know who Enoki is, and at times I've even wondered if she was staff. I'd like to think that people were leaving FH then because of the majority of the original community having grown out of this and gone onto real life, and that is most likely the case.

But, after a bit more thought, I think that it's simply a case of nothing new happening in the community. We have grown into a black-and-white, carbon-copy after carbon-copy community. Everyone wants to be nice. Everyone wants to be realistic with their characters, and everyone wants to be literate and serious. I remember just messing around and asking a Warrior cat why they tore their ear off their deputy, and the entire Clan blocked me instead of giving me an equally light hearted response. I have a few characters that are out of the norm. One of my personal favourites at the moment is Maneno, who is more well-known as simply "The Mute." Perhaps you've seen me for the few seconds I've popped onto The Grounds with him, perhaps you haven't. Doesn't really matter in the end. He's, well, mute, and he also has black antlers. The black antlers play into his backstory, so I could not remove them in any case to join a lion roleplay. I had found one before, perhaps you've heard of Enhanced, but it was shut down rather quickly due to inactivity. I have yet to find a place for him, as everyone is just another lion pride or wolf pack or Clan. That's it. I have seen Creatures of Yugure recruiting every now and then, but I often see it as too large of a group, and I find it a bit intimidating to approach. So many people, and I'd never learn their names, as I'm a person who prefers small, one-on-one roleplay and a group that turns into a close-knit family over a huge community that I'm kind of shoe-horned into, somehow. (Then why am I on FH forums? Because I want to stay in contact with a community I've practically left!)

I've said it in a previous post of mine, announcing my hiatus, that the community is becoming bland. It's not exciting. The only place where people seem to like and accept the originality of some of our dearest babies(also known as characters) is the forum. When we take them in-game, we're sometimes left with no choice but to sit and wait for hours upon hours to find that one group who will accept you. And, in my experience, you barely get a week with them before it goes inactive, or you just don't click with the people and leave.

Onto the part about the staff. . .

Yes, they are terrifying. I myself find it difficult to report things when I see them because, well, messaging a staff member? It feels nerve-racking. They hold so much power, and knowing that what you just sent could get someone banned is quite scary. I remember, when I was a bit newer and not as intelligent, I had posted something to dA and got a note from Red saying that what I had done was against FH rules and to take it down. Being the very smol child that I was two years ago, I did it, terrified of getting my ban lengthened. (A week without FH back then was like a week without food. Living H-E double hockey stick!)

But just saying, "Ban me and prove my point," is going to offend the staff. They are pretty much glorified Members of the Season, though that rank is a bit more permanent. They just want the best for this community, just as we all do, and so by locking threads that seem to either be going nowhere or have something in them that is against the rules is perfectly okay. Your friend's thread was likely locked for a very good reason, and if they are unsure why, should look to see if the mod who locked it posted why before doing so, as most do. If not, they can contact a staff member directly. Ranting for them won't solve their problem. Perhaps the staff had just done-goofed, and locked the wrong thread by mistake. Just because they are staff, doesn't mean they aren't capable of making mistakes.

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Re: Don't Kill Me For This
« Reply #21 on: October 27, 2016, 01:48:24 am »
I am sorry for bumping this again. Well I joined in 2016, a bit before the new update arrived. I loved to go to places. I never really saw much other than the main maps.. I love the new updates because of Zama Grotto.. It made me start a Aquatic Pack.
Attempting to get more active. Enjoy the day!


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Re: Don't Kill Me For This
« Reply #22 on: October 31, 2016, 06:47:49 am »
The new maps are immersive and a massive improvement to the role-play experience which is the only thing you can do in the game, however yes, the staff seem to always be disconnected with the players have the rules attached to them like another limb, and they will not be swayed from them, there is a clear lack of humanity from my experience, and one thing I really appreciated about Rak$ha was that she always knew how to have fun and enjoy her job and connect with the players. Never have I seen another staff member like this since CloudFish on Last Moon. It's depressing, and nothing can or will be done.

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Re: Don't Kill Me For This
« Reply #23 on: October 31, 2016, 06:49:32 am »
Everyone is terrified of the mods, and their member of the season and preset contest, the lack of wanting to participate proves that. They do not interact much in the community, and when they do it's often not taken as positive from what I've heard and seen for myself. You can't have a positive relationship with someone who shoots down people even if there is a sliver of a chance they don't deserve it, the rules rule over them.