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Messages - Spartathewolf

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 21
Game Help / I need to know!
« on: May 30, 2013, 03:53:50 pm »
I need to know how to get more then one mask. I want to have 6 textures in my map but I don't know how to merge the layers I guess. Do I need to use another set of colors or what o.o

Other Mods/Creations / MP3 Switch?
« on: April 25, 2013, 08:26:39 pm »
Can someone make this an MP3 file for me plz >.< My program for switching music into mp3's is messed up and wont work at the moment :(

Finished Maps / Re: .:Sparta's Public Maps:.
« on: April 19, 2013, 07:21:21 pm »
May i ask, are the groups in the city map like a warrior cat role plays? or are they just like groups of cats and dogs?
Also i was wondering if i could maybe make a group in the city map, it will be a city rp that allows dogs, cats and humans if that is fine with you? I could give you more info on the rp i will be making if allowed into the map. Also 1 more question (sorry) in the city map do the houses have furniture, and are there like places with trees etc?.
(Sorry if i dont make sense:D).

And great work on the maps they all look beautiful!.
The RP within the map that belongs to my group is part of a warrior cat RP so my clans may be traveling to and from maps to RP. I don't mind if you make a group within the map, as long as the dogs/humans don't interfere with  the "Night Runners." (the rouges to my RP group) without the Night Runners or my/co owners permission. Your group can't come and troll the warrior map either mainly cuz it upsets people in my RP. And no, the houses do not have furniture now, but in the new update for the rp they will, and there is a small park forest area as well as the town.

Finished Maps / Re: .:Sparta's Public Maps:.
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:42:01 am »
for the town plz respect my RP! My RP consists of all the clans in the map, and the night runners of the town! I will banned you from the maps if you start to bother my members! Ask before you make any groups in the town! The town is the only place that groups will be allowed to be formed! Any sub groups away from the rp must leave and ignore me groups unless they ask you to join them in a plot! If any sub groups join in a plot, do not bring the clans into it!

Finished Maps / Re: Star Lake: A New Dawn [Warrior Cats Rp Map]
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:30:27 am »
This map is now public! No need for people to have sign up areas! I will leave the public to choose who leads and such x3 if there is any major issues feel free to message me over the site or on the game. My user is Spartathewolf

Game Discussion / Re: Lion-sized Warrior Cats?
« on: April 17, 2013, 08:10:23 pm »
I make my cats large to suite the size of the meshs, not the real size of the actual animal. So if the trees are so large, my cat is going to match the size so the cat would look more realistic size against the size of the trees.

Request Maps / A Small Town with Extention
« on: April 05, 2013, 05:03:37 am »
(Select to read)

I need a small town area for my rp ^^"
~ 2 "camps"
(One camp will be hidden within a sewer pipe, this will be where the "good"
 rouges will live {there will be a portal at the enterece of the sewer that leads to a sewer cave system where there will be a camp in the middle}, the other camp will be in a dump.)

~A small beautiful pond in the middle of the map with a little waterfall running into it

~ Plenty of room so when you run from left to right there is actually some run time not just 2 seconds of running then you at the other side of the map.

The time I will need it done is by the end of April or the start of May (2013) If an extension is needed I will be happy to give one =3 Your welcome to use the map, and join the rp it will be used for. But I would like it to stay as strict to the rp as possible just to avoid trolls ;_;

Game Help / Re: How to install sound to private map
« on: March 28, 2013, 05:11:15 am »

Game Help / How to install sound to private map
« on: March 28, 2013, 04:53:28 am »
im having trouble installing map music to my public maps so other players can hear it. Any help? Cuz I tell them there is awesome music and then when they go to play they are like "I hear no music Sparta." I need like...step by step because I cant get it XD

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