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Author Topic: Ultimate Help Guide [Gameplay, Forum, Device]  (Read 7424 times)

Offline wolfsquad

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Ultimate Help Guide [Gameplay, Forum, Device]
« on: January 29, 2015, 11:19:14 pm »
Are you in need of help with the following
- FeralHeart Gameplay Help
- Forum Managment Help
- Computer/Laptop Device Help

Well, you're in the right place!
Many people around the website and/or game have been said to need help and found problems with the forums/game, or that they need computer/laptop help. I decided to create this ultimate guide to help you. I hope this is helpful!
[Staff Members: Feel free to do anything with this thread. Anything major done with this thread should be taken up in a Private Message with me, though. :3]
What are the controls?
I will be quoting a previous Staff member on this.
"W: Forward
A: Left
S: Back
D: Right
Q: AutoRun
Z: Activate Sit animation(Press this button once more to do the next animation)
X: Goes out of Sit animation(Also used to swap inbetween actions)
ALT: Freezes or Un-Freezes your characters head
SHIFT: Hold to walk
CTRL(Left): Hold to crouch/crawl
CTRL(Right): Set running mode
Space: Jump (Short press makes a short jump, long push makes a higher jump)
R: Swim/Fly Up
F: Swim/Fly Down
F1: Set Camera First person view
F2: Set Camera Third person view
F3: Set Camera Free Look
F4: Set Camera Third person view (Chase)
Number 1-9: Changes emote of the character
Arrowkeys: Controls the camera(Works the same way as moving the mouse with right mouse button pressed)
Mousewheel/Middle Mousebutton: Hold to zoom in and out from your character in Third person
Left mousebutton: Klick on a user or object to get interaction or click the ground to move.
Right Mousebutton: Hold dowm to look around(Works the same way as using the arrow keys)
ESC: Opens up the In-game menu"

How do I interact with others?]/b]
By double clicking (or clicking once) on somebody's preset, you may see information about them such as username, their group, character name, and bio. You have the option to whisper, add as friend, and block.

What do the bottom right corner buttons do?
They allow you to toggle the chat, toggle the map, toggle info/bio, toggle actions/emotions, toggle friends, toggle party, and toggle group.

How do I create a preset? What's a preset?
A preset is basically your character.
By either clicking "Tools" and then "Preset Maker" you can make a preset, or login and click "Create". The buttons at the top will took you  from tab to tab.

How do I get a preset in-game?
Either export it if you went to preset maker. If you logged in, click "Ok."

What are maps? How do I create one?
Basically worlds you can roam in. Sometimes you need a height map, to get the design in the map (Example: If you want mountains, a river, etc).   The mask will be needed to set the terrain textures such as grass, mud, etc.

How do I add items into a map?
In order to do this, you click on the "Objects" tab. There you can do anything. <3

How do I use Sky Maker?
If you want to create a daytime sky, click the day top and bottom. You may edit colors. Same with the other stuff. You can add in weather such as rain and snow, too.

Object maker. What is it and how do I use it?
It's where you can create your own meshes (items) to use in maps in Map Maker. First get the texture images and mesh/material. Then type in the mesh and material names in their boxes. Now you have an item. :3

I can't download the game! Help?
If it takes you to adf.ly, look in the top  right corner and click "Skip Ad" when it says you can.
If your security system says it unsafe, then your security system is wrong! It's completely safe. You should turn off Download Intellegence for the moment so you can download FH. Make sure to look in the downloads folder!
What's a profile?
A profile is a short article or "feature story" giving information of a person and/or organization.

How do I view it?
Log online and once you're logged in, find the "Profile" button. If you're searching the profile of someone certain; click their name in a thread's post and you'll be lead there. Another method is open, yet difficult to use.

How do I edit my profile?
When on YOUR profile, look at the buttons off to the left. Use them. They lead you to pages where you can edit your information. Click save before clicking another tab, though!

What's a thread?
A thread is a placeholder information accociate with a single use of a program that can handel multiple concurrent users. There is another meaning, but it goes way off-topic to the one I'm talking about here.

How do I create one?
Click on the "Forums" button and click the board you want to post a thread inside of. Now, look for the list of buttons (shown at top right). You'll see: Mark Read, Notify, New Topic, Post New Poll. Click on "New Topic". Here you get a giant white field box, where you type in what you want to say. The buttons above are buttons used for text features, which you don't always have to use. Only if you want to.

What's posting?
Posting is the process of transferring entries from a journal or original entry to a ledger book or a thread as talked about above.

How do I post?
Click on the thread you wish to post on. Then look at the top right for the buttons. You'll find a button titled "Reply". Click it. Same as thread. You get a giant white field box with text feature buttons above.

How do I apply for Staff
You can't. As Red (Redlinelies/Kovured) has stated in this thread:
"How do I become a moderator?
To be fair, asking rarely gets you anywhere regarding this matter. But since the question has been asked many times in the past, and still occur, we will try to explain as well as possible, but also a few things you should think of. The staff team consists of those who will keep track on potential users that could be seen suiting as a MOD, but just because you think you'd make a great addition as one or the fact that you'd want to help, doesn't mean you will become one. Moderators have powers and responsibilities they need to be careful of and use well, so only those who are trusted enough will be granted a MOD title.

Here's a few things that's common for a MOD:
- They're very active on Both within the game and on the forum.
- They've shown themselves as helpful towards the community and game and has a great interest.
- They're known to and have done positive actions in this community and game.
- Are well aware of the game/forum rules and has stayed rather clear from bans and other warnings in the past.
- Know their way around the game fairly well, both inside and outside.
- Is contactable online outside of the game
- Above or at 16 years of age.

Even though this list explains some of the things well, it still doesn't mean a user following these lines would become a mod. But if you behave well you might get offered a MOD position. If you work on your own accord and show you want to help without the soul reason of "being" a mod, then you most likely have good chances."

 How do I make text features such as bold, strikethrough, font type, font color, etc?
See the buttons at the top under the subject field and above the text box?
Click on the one you want. Enjoy your features. :3 <3

What are some links I should be aware of?
Official Game Rules
Official Forum Rules & Guidelines
Mod FAQ + Information
How to Report a User

What are boards/Catergories?
A board is a posting place in a catergory, which lists out the information by topics.
My device says FeralHeart isn't responding!
Try cleaning up your system. Then cleanup some files from Feralheart too. Now try.

 My device lags on FeralHeart!
Try deleting a few things from your system such as certain images/videos/music/games/etc.

Why can't I play on my phone/tablet?
Because there is no FeralHeart app. :C
Any questions I left out? Leave a reply with them and I'll try to answer them the best I can!
Did I get something wrong? Alert me in the replies and I'll fix it!
Have any concerns? Feel free to PM me with them and I'll sort things out with you.

Offline RainaTheWolf

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Re: Ultimate Help Guide [Gameplay, Forum, Device]
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2020, 05:39:44 am »
Where to find the play button

Offline wolfsquad

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Re: Ultimate Help Guide [Gameplay, Forum, Device]
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2020, 09:05:37 pm »
Hi, I made this post in 2015 and I think this is thread bumping unless it's okay for the guides sub-board.
But I have a better guide over here that tells you where the Play button is.

It's in the navigation bar way at the top of the page and called "Play Game"
You login and keep the tab open while you play the downloaded standalone game.