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Messages - WolfBrother

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Lol.. I mean like, I don't know if you are only allowing people who were in the roleplay to begin with to join or if you are accepting new characters too... (I took a strong pain med and I'm like out of it.. Lol.. Don't know if I;m making sense or not.)

Hello there, Delightful, I would love to join. However I wasn't in the previous experience with this roleplay.

User Creations Collection / Re: //Reds Corner//
« on: January 25, 2015, 04:03:14 am »
Thank you Red, and of course. I completely understand.

User Creations Collection / Re: //Reds Corner//
« on: January 25, 2015, 01:27:45 am »
Are we allowed to have our groups role-play in your maps? ((Credit ALWAYS given)) I am in the middle of making a large map pack for my new pack, Divine Legacy, and everyone is wanting to use maps instead of FP, SP, etc. Of course, we will NOT claim territory, for this is your map that you made public, and it isn't right. We just need somewhere quiet, that isn't clustered and not filled with trolls. If not, I completely understand. Thank you for your time.

Forum Games / Re: Rate the Signature
« on: January 18, 2015, 01:37:15 am »

So, I've been thinking about creating a group, however, I would like to know if anyone would be interested in co owning/ creating one with me. I wish for the group to be something that is:

Semi to Literate
Semi to Realistic


Something that's fun for everyone and interesting. If anyone would like to create a group with me, PM me. ")


Lisa Gray

"I am what I am, and the best is yet to come from me."

Teigan Jameson

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyways."

Welcome, to the Roleplay. You are both accepted. Feel free to post.
Post once until everyone has had a chance, that way the posting order can be determined.

EDIT: The Nowoga has just crashed onto Setera, you are recovering from the crash and will try to look for survivors.
((You may also create your own NPCs [these can be rped with anyone]  and rp them into your posts, so there will be more survivors than just us))

Is now open to applicants. :)

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