Author Topic: ✧When they take the Reins✧ (Horse RP-Accepting!)  (Read 17024 times)

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2013, 11:03:00 pm »
The bay mare began to stir as the sweet songs of the birds echoed through her ears, rustling of grass along with it. A small light shone upon her eyes lids as they slowly began to flutter open, but not very far. Almost like she was squinting. She awoke from her slumber under the shade of to oak tree as she lay lazily for a few minutes, still half asleep. Her head turned left, right and center as she peered around watching her herd members begin to work. Her attention turning to a chestnut mare who seemed to have been awake for quite some time, as Micah gave a dip of her head. Her attention turned to the others as she nodded her head, her ears flicking.
Micah lifted from her slumber in the shade as the suns burning rays locked onto her pelt, causing her to feel as if she was burning. Letting out a snort her nostrils flared, and her tail flicked. The brown mare shook her pelt as small particles of dust flew from her beautiful pelt. The song of the birds continued to echo through her ears causing her to have a slight smile to her face. The mares attention turning to the small foal as it began to wake, a slightly larger smile grew upon her black muzzle. She loved foals and had always had a soft spot for them, but that doesn't mean she won't be stern. Micah stomped her coal colored hoof against the ground a few times, then stopping and lifting her head. The heat irritated her pelt as she had just woke, flicking her black, long tail she backed up a little further into the shade and closer to the tree where she stood for several minutes awaiting the rest of the herd to wake.

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2013, 04:19:48 am »
Viska Whisper

Everyone wants happiness
No one wants pain
But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain

Whisper wove through the trees delicately, sniffing the air every once in a while and keeping a vigilant eye out for anything unusual or dangerous. Part of her mind drifted with the scenery, watching the birds sing from the tree canopies or squirrels scavenging for nuts in the roots below whilst the other half was constantly investigating every sound and smell there was.

The trees ahead of her broke into a sun-lit meadow filled with tall, lush green grass and flowers. At the sight of it, the mare glanced around behind quickly. She could barely see the lake, but she could see that more horses were beginning to wake and head towards the lake. Whisper turned her back to them and started at a trot toward the meadow, then to a slow lope, and then broke into a gallop as she reached the opening. She galloped through the meadow enjoying the free feeling. Her mane and tail billowed in back of her as she ran, going slightly up and down as her hooves grazed the ground. As the general middle of the meadow neared, Whisper sped up until she was upon the spot. Then she stopped abruptly and pushed with her two front hooves upward sending herself rearing. She stood on her two hind legs for a moment, and it seemed like nothing could hurt her. She let out a loud cry of triumph that seemed to echo--although whether it really did she was unsure--and then landed back down on all four, her mane set on one side of her neck. After her moment of glory ended, she trotted to the other side of the meadow and into the shady trees again, returning to her original state of scouting and listening.

While she passed a pine tree, though, she was ignorant to see the hole that was awaiting to ensnare a larger creature like herself. Another step forward, and Whisper let out an indignant whinny as her hoof slipped down into the hole. A slight tingle of pain shot up her leg, but not enough to stop her from quickly getting out her foot and starting to inspect the hole. An abandoned rabbit hole. Whisper confirmed to herself silently. Gingerly testing her leg first, she continued onward to finish her round, thanking that no one from her herd saw that embarrassing scene. That rabbit must just be trying to anger a horse into searching for him and stomping on his perky little ears. She snorted defiantly, annoyed at the rabbit, and annoyed at herself for caring about such a petty thing.

Ryka Smoke

First they ignore you
Then laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win

Smoke made his way to the edge of the treeline, staring ahead at the lake. It was tempting to go take a dip, but the water was already getting crowded with horses of the herd and the stallion had other business he had to tend to. Practicing remedies, wandering, practicing remedies...Yes, it was a very busy schedule.

Right before Smoke turned to go to the log he'd found earlier, something stopped him. That tiny part in the back of his head--the one that seemed to be connected to the heavens, his mother had said proudly--seemed to be waiting impatiently as if he were supposed to be doing something. Don't do this to me, Smoke pleaded to that strange part of his mind. Just tell me. I don't need grief within my own thoughts. But nothing else came, and so he waited, as he did before. And after a minute or two, Whisper appeared somewhat limping between the trees toward him. Despite that, she didn't look in pain nor did she look like she was hurt very badly.

"You're awake. Good. That's another thing off my checklist." Whisper stopped in front of him and the smell of fresh flowers and pine washed over him. "Let me see your leg." Smoke let his neck drop down so he was eye level with her knee and inspected it casually. "Did you get attacked by chipmunks? Or did you step into a rabbit hole again?" Smoke commented half-heartedly. He was also compacting his thoughts, preparing for the thing he did best when she interrupted him again. When he looked back up again, her ears were flattened against her head in annoyance. "Shut up. I don't need healing." With that, she stomped off toward the lake, leaving Smoke exasperated in the dust.

Mares... Smoke snorted and turned away, heading back towards where the log was.

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #22 on: June 22, 2013, 04:33:09 pm »

The fawn gave a small snort, her narrowed chocolate brown orbs looking at all the other horses, as she stomped her hoof slightly at a small bee that thought her hoof was a flower. She looked up, and gave a small frown when she realized that no one had come to greet the young horse. The foal shook out her head, moving slowly out of the protection of the tree and moving out to bask in the day's sunlight. The horse rose her head to the sky, taking in a breathe of the warm morning breeze as her tail swished slowly behind her- ears flicking this way and that as she looked at everything around her. Inxis then travelled slowly to the lake, head held high as she trotted over to the water, her small, fluffy tail still swishing behind her as she lowered her head to take a drink. She allowed the water to soothe her throat, and also soothe the heat that was starting as the morning continued on. She had then nibbled on the nearby grass, not bothering to speak to anyone. It's not as if she had any other foals to speak too. Adults were so boring sometimes, Inxis had thought with a small grunt, before she took a glance at the leader of the herd. She snorted once more before trotting away from the water- intent on exploring the area. It's not as if she had anything better to do. She galloped off- not far away from the herd, but still a good distance from the leader, she had stopped only to nudge a few things and nibble on a few plants, but she still continued to walk forward and explore further.

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #23 on: June 22, 2013, 05:16:46 pm »

The water scattered under the parched horse's touch, as his head was bent to take a sip from the now sun-warmed waters that sent ripples to dance away from his muzzle. He greedily ushered the water into is mouth feeling its smooth form trickle down his throat and into his awaiting water desperate stomach. A snort escaped the mostly white stallion as his ears were swiveled in different directions. One towards the morning calm waters infront of him reflecting the hazy morning sky, and the other towards the herd slightly behind him that was now awake and moving around aimlessly. Avalanche had woken up only moment before, with the humid air driving is dehydrated body to the water's edge. He had welcomed sleep without hesitation last night, having being worn out in the previous day's blazing heat.

The scout retreated to the grassy terrain with his tail flicking any fly that dared to come close. His sleep heavy legs protested with each gaping step he took until he stopped in a patch of ankle high grass that tickled his smoky grey legs. He found himself munching away on the lush plant, enjoying the bitter sweet taste that excited his taste buds. His gaze floated among the horses that passed by, sending them small greetings and twitches with his ears in acknowledgement to those who stopped to feed around him.

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!) Avonaco
« Reply #24 on: June 23, 2013, 06:49:51 am »
Sorry to interrupt in the role play, but may I join? ))

Full Name: " The name's Avonaco.. how about you? Gah, forget I even asked.. " / 'Lean Bear' in Cheyenne. /

Preferred Name: (Nicknames) " You can call me Avon.. or Vonaco.. just please dont give me weird nicknames.. " / Avon or Vonaco. /

Gender: " I think you can easily tell that I'm a boy.. right? " /Male. /

Age: " I'm not a little foal anymore, I'm a yearling! Well, I'm kinda still a foal.. but you know what I mean! " / Yearling. /

Breed: " I'm kinda different, but who cares? " / Appendix Horse. /

Sub-Breed(s):  / Quarter Horse X Thoroughbred. /

Height: " I'd really like to not be called shorty.. " / 13 Hands. /

Origin: " Being a wander wasn't that bad.. " / Wander. /

Rank: " I'm just a foal, and that's nothing too special. " / Foal. /

Appearance: Avon is a quite lean horse, with long skinny legs, and a thin build. He's not the heaviest horse either. His black mane is still short, though it'll grow to be longer soon enough. The horse's fur color is dark bay, though he has lighter fur on his rump. The fur darkens to a blackish color when it reaches his hooves. He has no facial markings whatsoever.

Personality: This yearling is usually energetic, 'cool', and sarcastic. In serious situations, he tries to stay all calm and collected, though there is times when he has to hold back from chattering/asking questions. His attitude towards other foals is basically rough, because he likes to 'horse' around.( Haha, I made a funny. :D ) Avon tends to think things through before acting though, always following the 'Look Before You Leap' motto. When it comes to danger, he usually is a big scaredy cat on the inside, but he tries not to show it around others. He's is very cocky when it comes to challenges with other foals, like racing.

Background: Originally, this foal's life started out in a different herd. He had made a few friends in the old herd, though he often wonders where they are right now.. Avon and his group of friends had gone for a little race in the large plains, and they had promised their watchers that they would stay far enough to be seen. Though that didn't turn out too well. While Avon and his two other friends raced each other through the long, green grass, they haven't really kept track of where they were running off too. Soon, they took it into consideration that they actually went too far, and they were actually lost.
Scared and afraid, the two of his friends decided to turn around, and head back towards the way that they thought the herd was, while Avonaco went the other direction, leaving him to be alone.. by himself with no one to protect him. Luckily, it was still the morning, and he could see everything fine. The tall, wavy grass was a nice sight to look at, though it kind of reminded him of the area that he was searching for. Home. The foal soon got impatient with his pace, so he began to trot instead of taking the slow pace of walking. Honestly, he didn't know where he was going, but he was way past tired. Laying down for a small rest, he was soon greeted by taller, stranger horses. The sight kind of scared him, but in some way, he thought they wouldn't hurt him, but in another way, he should have bolted.
Family: "To be honest.. I don't know what happened to my family, I guess I'll just have to find them one day.. " / Missing/Dead. /

Relationship Status: " No thank you.. gross. " / Single. /

Crush: " Gross.. girls are too.. yuck. " / None. /

Extra: 'Hooves Of Rock.'

I may be crazy, but it keeps me from going insane.

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #25 on: June 23, 2013, 10:52:55 am »
(@Jinx101- Accepted! Welcome to the role-play.)
(@DarkPetal- I have said in the rules that you shouldn't post -Short- in your post's. As long as the post is clear and it has a fair number of sentences in it, I do not mind.

?Talon 'Sagittarius Talon'?

The whiskers of the Andalusian stallion where tipped with droplets of water as he drank from the large lake. His hooves where firm in place, for the mucky mud was sticking him there fast. Flaring his nostrils as he paused from drinking, Talon inhaled the scent of horses whom where trotting over to the water hole to cool down from the late summer heat. As he paused, the male lifted up his large head and diverted his dark orbs towards his deputy whom had directed a greeting to him. Talon was surprised at how formal she was. "Cecelia, you need not to call me sir. Talon would be fine." He said, a hint of amusement in his voice. Flicking up his tail of urban, he manoeuvres his body in the direction of his Deputy. "Has everybody awoke? I can't have sleeping horses at this point in the day; There is too much risk." He said, directing her to a task. "If horses are still sleeping, you must wake them up immediately. I have a few scouting task's to do so there is no need to find me once you have done so." Finishing his sentence, he herd a small snort from behind him. Looking around, he saw Inxis galloping off away from the lake, a fair distance from the rest of the herd and himself. Turning back towards his deputy, he affectionately nudged his nuzzle on her shoulder to strengthen their bond before trotting in the direction of Inxis. Talon had not properly acknowledged her since she was bonded with the herd, because his duties got in the way with talking to most of the horses. The beat of his hooves varied as he changed from a trot to a light canter. The foal seemed to be intent of grazing the wilting flowers and summer grass.  Talon Tossed his head upwards as he slowed, a good few meters away from the young Arabian. The stallion was not the best when he talked to the foals of the herd, mainly because he never had talked to anyone when he was young, so he tried his best to interact with her.
"Hello Inx. Would you mind if I could divert your activities for a while? I could need with scouting the perimeter." Unsure of if his words where difficult for a foal, he shifted his weight awkwardly as he tried to think what foals would say to each other. His past never helped him in anything, but as he tried to think, he thought 'What past?'
"The...there is allot to be done and i could use" Talon really needed to do better with interacting with the young of the herd if he was to ever raise a foal of his own one day.
"Afterwards we could hold a competition with everyone if you wish. Like a large race?"
The Andalusian stallion blinked a couple of times for an answer, but sudden a pain rose in his head. He tried his best not to show his dis-comfort, but the pain was so harsh, small trickles of sweat rolled down from his forehead. He let out a small, unsure knicker of agonizing pain, his large head in the direction of the tree's where the healers would most likely be. They would surely know what is happening. Clenching his teeth together, he inhaled deeply and looked down at the filly. "L-lets go...this way." He said with a struggle, walking forwards. The pain was growing until a sharp, short snap crackled in the distance. The pain paused for a few moment, and then gently started to throb. That sharp noise was nothing that Talon had heard in his life, of which he can remember, but something must have caused it and it was certainly nothing of which the herd could of caused. Talon turned his head in the direction of the sound, paused, and then heard a closer snap. The stallion squinted as he tried to figure out what it was, until he finally realized that he had to warn the herd of it. If anything was threatening the herd, he had to make sure it was banished. His dark eyes diverted down to the young foal, unsure of how far he should go in his suspicions. "It's nothing to worry about it was just...go back to the herd and get Cecelia, Whisper and Avalanche. Now. Go." He spoke, nudging the foals hind as he did so. A roar of a bear echoed in the forest around half a mile away. Talon dared not to gaze away. He had to make sure he had the unknowing target withing  his eye sight, even if he couldn't see it. The bear's roar echoed again. It was surely attacking whatever had made that loud noise. A faint but, clear knicker of a foreign horse sounded, but it had the tone of plea in it's voice. Talon could not let a horse suffer, even if he could not accept it into the herd, but for now, he had to wait for his ordered scouts and Deputy to come and search with him. Going in the forest alone would be a death sentence for any plant-eating animal. The pain in his head was gone and somehow, Talon knew that it had to be connected, but he would not know until he found the source of the noise which was now dead.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 12:18:20 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #26 on: June 23, 2013, 01:44:52 pm »
Whoopsies! Sorry, I totally forgot about that. It won't happen again.))

The chestnut mare's tail gently swayed to keep the flies away as Talon gave her a task. "Of course, Talon." She chuckled and trotted towards the clearing where many of the other horses were grazing. After a full round of the herd, she had woken around seven other horses and her throat was dry with thirst. She cantered over to the clear lake, she averted her eyes from the reflection of the glaring sun on the still waters, she knew what damage it could do to her eyes. Just as Cecelia was about to take her first sip of the cool water, her ears flicked forward as she heard a distant snap. She nickered quietly, looking around to see if anyone else had heard the unfamiliar sound. It was just your imagination She told herself as she continued to drink the water, letting the cold liquid refresh her.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 03:03:53 pm by DarkPetal »

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3

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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #27 on: June 23, 2013, 07:07:33 pm »

? The s t a r s lean down to k i s s you ?
? Taste the s k y and feel alive again ?
? Pour me a heavy d o s e of a t mo s p h e r e ?

The young foal had been intent on exploring, tail swishing behind her as she scanned the skies- running about and rearing up at some plants for some fun. She didn't notice that the herd-leader was coming, so she had continued on her exploration- before her ears had twitched and she had heard the sound of hooves. The defensive female had turned around, flailing her hooves at the intruder- however quickly calmed down when she had realized it was just Talon. The horse's head tilted slightly, wondering why he had followed her- but she didn't become rude, and instead offered a friendly flick of her tail. She had never really spoken to the leader when she had gotten there, and she had felt a tiniest nervous feeling starting in her belly as she looked at him- however her strong and confident attitude forced herself to not lower or avert her eyes from his own. She took a deep breath, before speaking. "Ello, Talon!" She said in a friendly manner- eyes closing in delight when she had realized she managed to speak without saying something to embarrass herself. She listened to him speak, and gave a small twitch of her tail as she considered his words. How fun that would be? She had never been allowed to scout with Talon before! She was about to agree- when he spoke again, and she eagerly nodded her head, tail flicking behind her as she beamed up at him. "Sure! I'd love to help!" She added, and after hearing his other words Inxis was sure he had made her day. A big race?! A competition?!

The arabian reared up in excitement, she had loved to race! Racing with the other foals was fun, but she had never really tried to go against the adults- they had long legs. But whenever she had lost a race, she had tried to run faster- even going on long gallops around the area- she had done many endurance and speed races, and she had always tried to be better, so maybe, just maybe she could go up against an adult horse. Inxis blinked at him, watching him- but tilted her head when she had looked at him curiously. Why was he sweating? She had been surprised when he had let out a knicker of pain, and she gave a small frown as her tail swished slowly behind her, she was about to ask what was wrong, when he had said they should go a certain way. The foal snorted lightly in suspicion, but she chose to ignore whatever was happening to him as she trotted slowly next to him, giving a small jump when she heard a snap in the distance. She looked at Talon in confusion, wondering what had made that noise, and she had wanted to go see what it was when he told her to go back to the herd and get the others- she had nodded at him, but gave an angry snort when he had nudged her hindquarters, but she did listen and was sent running off at a good speed back towards the area where the herd resided. She looked about randomly, spying Cecelia taking a  drink of water from the cool lake that provided a fine water source for the various horses drinking near her.

The female foal trotted on over, speaking on in a hurried voice- mainly because she had hear the roar of the bear as well when she had been running off to go find the needed horses. "Talon said to come to him." She had spoken, before darting off to find the others. What if some had wandered away and she couldn't find them? Well, she could see Avalanche after she had scanned the various horses that were waking up, he was eating some various plants- and she had walked over slowly still thinking about what was going on- she'd most likely have to lead Cecelia, Whisper, and Avalanche to Talon, wouldn't she? That means she would be able to see the danger too, right? The foal excitedly gave another swish of her tail, but she quickly opened her mouth to speak to the sleepy scout. "Talon wants you to come to him." She had said, before trotting off to find Whisper- the last one that Talon had wanted her to find. Inxis looked around for a moment- before seeing something, or someone going off into the meadow. She trotted off after the horse curiously- giving a sigh of relief when she saw it was the one she was searching for. "Whisper!" The filly called, running over towards the mare, tail flicking. "Talon, he needs you, I guess." Then she had stopped, staring at Whisper, not really stopping to see if the other scouts were following her, or the deputy before taking off towards Talon- intent on getting to him. She didn't bother to try and force the scouts and deputy to go, but she knew they'd probably follow if Talon was the one that needed them. The foal then spotted the stallion, and slowly she had walked up to Talon, looking at the tall horse with a snort, tail flicking slowly behind her.

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Re: ✧When they take the Reins✧ (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #28 on: June 23, 2013, 09:33:42 pm »

Micah stood for several minutes as the suns burning rays shone onto her bay pelt as her tail flicked swatting away flies that tried to land onto her, the sound of birds tweeting filled her ears as they shot around at the many different sounds that surrounded the herd. The thuds of hooves and swish of grass could also be heard as the other horses gracefully walked around. A smile grew across her face as she spotted the small foal wake she gave a nod of her head then a smile, not sure on how to introduce herself to the foal as she was knew at the whole foal watching thing. Her mouth became dry as she stood near the tree she let out a snort as her nostrils flared. The mare stepped forward and began to trot towards the lake her head nodded up and down as she walked as her black silky tail continued to flick. Her hooves stomped agains the ground as the gras began to slightly flatten. The soft flowing river was stood infront of her as she let out a nicker, slowly walking a little into the water as the coolness of it caused her to smile and begin to cool down. Micah craned her neck down as she began to lap up the cool water, then lifting her head at the sound of a cracking sound, watter droplets dripped from her muzzle as her eyes paced around. Birds flew up from trees in the distance as she heard another crack sound then the roar of what sounded like a bear.
 Her heart began to slightly thud as she walked into the direction of the sound then excelling into a trot then a gallop as she ran towards it. The ground shook a little as she done so, her ears continued to twitch as she looked around. Another roar and crack sounding as she let out a snort. Her large coal grey hooves stomped against the ground as she came to a stop spotting the large stallion 'Talon' she slowly backed off a little incase her presence alarmed him are cause him to get a little annoyed. She looked at the large brute as she let out a nicker then nodding her brown head. She felt nervous talking to the leader but it had to be done as she lived in his herd "W-what was the noise?" She asked slightly tilting her head as she spoke with a soft tone her attention locked onto the leader as she wondered if he knew.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 09:45:20 pm by Taylor »
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Re: ?When they take the Reins? (Horse RP-Accepting!)
« Reply #29 on: June 23, 2013, 09:36:18 pm »
Viska Whisper

Everyone wants happiness
No one wants pain
But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain

After the exchange of words with Smoke, Whisper had went to refresh herself the cold water of the lake. The cool liquid soothed her dry throat as she gulped it down by the mouthful. After she'd drank all she needed, the mare turned her back to the lake searching for something to do when another thought came to mind. Whisper's tail swished happily at the idea as she turned around and wadded into the somewhat transparent shallows. Relief spreaded through her limbs as her whole body--excluding her neck and up--finally submerged under the surface. Her hooves gently grazed the bottom of the lake as she swam in a circle, enjoying the feeling of being away from the heat. She didn't notice the strange sound in the distance, but she did hear the loud roar of a bear near where she had scouted earlier. Are you kidding me? Whisper paddled ashore quickly, annoyed that a danger had suddenly appeared so close to where she had been looking.

As Whisper reached the shoreline, she only had a second before Inxis came trotting over to her. "Hello, Inxis." The mare greeted the foal, but was only focusing on what Inxis said next--something she had been expecting. After the foal had informed her Talon wanted to see her, she'd bolted off leaving Whisper there. The scout followed behind her more slowly covering her awkward limping gait. Stopping for a moment when she could see Talon, Whisper raised her muzzle to the sky and sniffed the air, just to make sure Smoke wasn't anywhere near the bear or whatever it was attacking. The smell confirmed it was not him, for even though he could hold his own, she knew he wouldn't last a minute fighting a full-grown bear despite being able to outrun one.

Grunting, Whisper hurried toward where Inxis had reunited with Talon and the other he'd apparently requested were gathering. A few steps away from them, she asked, "What's happening? I just scouted there. How can something so big not be seen by me? It's impossible!" Her back foot lifted and stomped the ground. Glancing at where she last remembered the source coming from, she snorted and nodded toward it. Taking a tentative step toward it, Whisper suddenly stopped, remembering she was not the one to lead them there. Talon, she knew, was a far better leader than she ever could have been, and she was glad she didn't have the weight of the herd on her shoulders. Yes, she'd give her life for any member of the herd, but she didn't understand how he never hesitated with his decisions or how he always seemed to make the right decisions. Nothing seemed to make sense to Whisper.

Ryka Smoke

First they ignore you
Then laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win

Smoke had barely gotten to the log when the roar came out of no where. It was obviously a bear--he and Whisper had encountered many when they were foals with their mother. But something didn't seem right. The air felt wrong, if that would make sense to any other but a Healer. The second roar made him nervous because it made him realize that the bear was probably fighting something. And physical fighting generally meant injuries.

Smoke hurried back the way he came, away from the sound and toward the lake. The blazing sunlight bounced off his coat as he left the cool shade of the trees into the hot sun. A soft breeze caressed his face and blew back his mane while he trotted around the members of the herd, searching for Whisper. No doubt she would be one of the ones who chased off the animal--she would go whether she was supposed to or not. Whisper's main priority, he knew, was to her herd and the horses within no matter the cost.

Picking up his pace to a faster trot, Smoke followed Whisper's scent around until he finally found her with Talon and the others starting to assemble. Not wanting to overwhelm the leader with questions, he caught his sister's eye and beckoned her over with his head. His sister snorted at him and turned so he could only see her backside. Smoke's long tail flicked with annoyance. Very mature, Whisper. Very mature. Instead of going to harass Talon with questions, Smoke backed away and waited patiently for them to leave and then come back. Going with them would be bad in case another got hurt trying to protect him. No, better to wait there and treat the injuries when they got back. If a horse couldn't move because of their injuries, he assumed that someone else would come get him.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 02:31:17 pm by Kirigishi »

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?