Author Topic: Pharaoh's Fury (Open/Accepting/Semi-Literate)  (Read 4603 times)


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Re: Pharaoh's Fury (Open/Accepting/Semi-Literate)
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2014, 07:41:19 pm »
Hope you get accepted Hugrf

Offline PennsylvaniaRedneck

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Re: Pharaoh's Fury (Open/Accepting/Semi-Literate)
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2014, 02:00:17 am »
Hugrf - Accepted! Maybe get 3-4 more people and we can start.
"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." ~ Sarah Williams

My interests include art, reading, roleplaying, writing, Asssassin's Creed, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Marvel comics and movies, Merlin BBC, Once Upon A Time, Percy Jackson, Sherlock BBC, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, and Wolf's Rain.

Offline RedRedRose

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Re: Pharaoh's Fury (Open/Accepting/Semi-Literate)
« Reply #12 on: November 11, 2014, 09:26:17 pm »

I like being crazy.
It's the one thing about myself I know
Isn't boring.

Name: Cameron Alina Foresterr
Age: 29 years old.
Gender: Female.
Position & Nationality: Archeologist/Scientist and very Scottish :3

Personality: Cameron is not someone that would at first seem so eccentric. A safe thing to say would be that she likes to think about things in her own way. She is certainly more suited to solitary work, preferring herself for company, and she often works in silence when around other people. Many would call her antisocial, but she really is just shy and often lost in her work. She is very intelligent; most of the time when she figures something out ahead of others, she likes to talk in riddles. It is wise to remember everything that she says, because in one way or another it will be of great importance. Others do seem to find her beautiful in her own way and quite a lot of people find it hard to impress her. Behind her silent, hardworking wall is a funny, stubborn and slightly loopy girl that loves science. It's hard not to like this side of her, but she can come across as being an annoying smart-alek. Along with her red hair comes her fiery temper, something that no one wants to see. She can use her intelligence to pick on people's weaknesses and hurt them scarily easily. Despite this, she is a down-to-earth, slightly over the top,  young lady that loves her work.

Background: WIP...I honestly have no creative-ness right now xD

RP Sample: The bored, muffled voice of one of the flight attendants echoed throught the plane. This was the part Cameron hated the most. Lift off. Focusing on her bottle of water, she tried to ignore the violent shaking of the plane and extremely loud noise presumably coming from the engine. She jumped as a gentle hand rested on her shoulder, "Here, dearie. Have a mint. It'll keep yer mind off of the flight." Cameron took the mint from the old woman sitting next to her, smiling gratefully. Popping the sweet into her mouth, she closed her eyes and let her mind drift to where she was going. She had to admit that she was nervous... Not for the trip in itself, but for the people she would be accompanied by. She would not be at all surprised if they all just ignored her; which was pretty easy seeing how quiet she usually was.

"Excuse me? Ma'am?" The young red-head called out to a flight attendant standing nearby. "Do you have any wine?" She kept her voice low, avoiding attention although it seemed as if the whole plane was staring at her. "Yes, we do. Would you like any?" Cameron hesitated, "No. Thank you. I just was wondering if you had any." She smiled sweetly and sat back in her chair, closing her eyes and drifting off into a pitiful sleep.  

"Trust my rage."

Offline PennsylvaniaRedneck

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Re: Pharaoh's Fury (Open/Accepting/Semi-Literate)
« Reply #13 on: November 11, 2014, 10:26:00 pm »
Concern - Accepted!
"I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night." ~ Sarah Williams

My interests include art, reading, roleplaying, writing, Asssassin's Creed, Doctor Who, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Marvel comics and movies, Merlin BBC, Once Upon A Time, Percy Jackson, Sherlock BBC, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, and Wolf's Rain.

Offline RussetRice

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Re: Pharaoh's Fury (Open/Accepting/Semi-Literate)
« Reply #14 on: February 13, 2015, 07:55:44 pm »

Name: Anaru Williamson

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Position & Nationality: Scientist, New Zealander

Personality: A very quiet character, who doesn't tend to speak much and tends to daydream off in the distance. Underneath this  cold, hard exterior is a man who would actually fit to defend himself or his friends, and goes out of his way sometimes to do things that would ensure his future, thus he had trouble when he was a kid. He is also very mature.

Anaru grew up in a small town with only his father to look after him, as he did not know who his mother really was. He first learnt Maori, and then onto English. With only his father to guide him in life with strict parenting, he became a mature kid very early in life and knew to achieve well or else. However, the small town he lived in harboured a lot of gangs and Anaru would often get on the bad side of one gang, thus bringing him to end up being taken in by the other one, which slowly became a surrogate family. As he grew, he also began to discover his knack for science and all things ancient, having gained a scholarship into a small school he decided he knew what he wanted to do: Become a scientist and discover all to be discovered. This goal left him in bad words with his gang, and he constantly became the target for them, thus causing him to want to shift out of the small town. It took him a while, but he finally managed to shift out into a different school and achieved high grades, before finally achieving in University with even higher grades and graduating easily.

RP Sample:
The tall man shifted uncomfortably in the seat of the airplane, his long legs pressed into the back to the seat infront of him each time he tried to relax. It was difficult to relax, however, as his eyes keep shifting around to the constantly snoring person beside him, and he was tempted to shove their shoulder to wake them up. However, he knew this would be a long flight and decided to let the person rest.
Leaning his own head against the headrest, he shut his brown eyes, not that he could see out of one of them, and started to think about the goal ahead: The Tomb of the unidentified Pharoah. It was an interesting topic, and he wondered what he would find in the dusty desert. Would he find a tomb raided and no body left? Or maybe it was completely intact and forgotten about, making it the perfect specimen..
As he thought over these, the plane jerked from turbulence. This sent adrenaline racing through his body as he struggled to comprehend why, were they crashing? No, it was impossible for them to crash, with a one in a billion, if not even a one in a trillion, or higher, chance of the metal tin can actually crashing. It took the man a moment to realize that this was only turbulence, and completely normal at this time with the windy, raining weather that current lashed at the plane as if it were trying to take it out of the sky.
He attempted to relax again, leaning his head back against the seat and closing his eyes as he went back to thinking about all the discoveries to be made soon.
