Author Topic: Straight Lines Don't Cut It -Hetalia RP- [Inactive since 20/02/2013]  (Read 3473 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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(Omigosh, I'm so sorry, I've been pretty in-active, but I'm making it up for making this! Hopefully this one doesn't die too easily, I felt a bit sad when my last one died. :'( But it was school, family troubles, friends in need, and much more. I understand, guys. o3o
Try to cheer up for ol' Wolfie, will ya? XD Summer's coming soon, and I'm hoping this may last until about spring break, which is in march (About 18 more days for me.) So, yeah, have fun! And


"Hello, you must be here for the countries council! Well, most of them are here, but you'll have to make a few adjustments to them." A pretty blondish woman says, she has a strong Russian accent, lightly adapted with a smart American sting. She has a bit of a tan, especially for her. It's Alaska. "Is something wrong? Is there something in my teeth, or on my shirt?!" She starts to panic and flail around, you shake your head. "No, nothing is wrong. Just go back to where you were." You tell her, trying to not worry her. She nods and walks off.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 12:13:00 pm by Scallywag »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Straight Lines Don't Cut It -Hetalia RP- [TVPG-14 to TV-M]{WIP}
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 12:57:36 am »
1. Hate the character, not the role-player.
2. Don't fight OoC. Either ight in PM, or just don't. -.-
3. Keep it Hetalia-ish-ness!
4. Don't call Hetalia wack! XD Jk! Don't be a jerk and call Hetalia crap and try to look down on us and try to make us depressed. Just no.
5. This is a role-play not a chat room. You want a chat room, go to the actual chat rooms, or if you irritate me enough, I'll make an OoC thread.

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Straight Lines Don't Cut It -Hetalia RP- [TVPG-14 to TV-M]{WIP}
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 01:13:16 am »
Forum User:
Image/Description: (I prefer both.)
Human Name:
Country/State/Territory Representing:
Age Looks:
Personality: [Opt.]

Forum User: Wolfie_Lover


A blonde-haired girl, with streaks of light brown on both sides of her face. She usually wears a large purple sweater, which covers up some black shorts. She usually wears purple high-tops, or some black flip-flops.

Human Name: Ava Aleksei
"Uh, Ava. I guess."

Country/State/Territory Representing: Alaska
"Alaska, duh!"

Age Looks: 21
"Uh... Personal space. But, I don't really know."

Gender: Female
"Do I look male? *gasps* I might!"

Personality: Alaska is quite shy, but when she's angry... Let's just say that everyone will know. She usually can't think of much things to do, since she's really absent-minded and she can wack out at just about any point. She is easily influenced and hates not learning anything. She lives up to the motto: "You learn something new everyday." She is also nervous about certian things. Especially how other people look at her, and if she finds it too offensive, she'll become full rage Alaska. (XD)
"Just hang out with me, I guess."

Likes: Russia, moose meat, other countries, sunflowers, scary things, and video games
"A lot of things, I guess."

Dislikes: Texas, gamey meat, things that act super cute, and hot days
*Super evil face* "I despise Texas and nasty meat, that includes rabbits and baby goats, and super hot days above 70 degrees." *Looks nice and calm* "But you'd never do that, I know that."

Relationship(s): Russia, she looks up to him as if he were a big brother but also has a slight crush on him, America, she looks up to him also, and Italy, she finds his time enjoyable and likes being in his presence
"Pervert!" *Runs away*

Sibling(s): Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia (True brothers and sisters), America (Half-brother)
"Russia, of course."

Other: Kitty:

Pale white kitty with deep blue eyes.

Forum User: SoaringAway

Name: Augustine Jones
Augustine has a curl just like South/North Italy that appears when she is embarrassed or when she unties her hair and rolls around in her sleep. Her back has multiple scars from previous wars ongoing throughout time and tends to at times rub some leafs on her back when alone to soothe the pain.
Representing Country/State/Territory:  South Florida
Age Looks: 15 (This region was the oldest discovered but her appearance is quite young due to the annexation date into the United States.)
Gender: Female
Like(s): Oranges, chucking alligators at those she dislikes, fauna/flora around her, entertainment industries (she can be seen aimlessly holding out business cards or advertisement to big corporations in her region such as "Disney"), and her garden.
Dislike(s): Cuba (for many recent conflicts in the late 20th century but she occasionally buys a sugarcane from him), America's antics and sometimes the stupidity emitted from those she knows personally, and her height (the height is based off loosely of Florida's southern point being under sea level..)
Relationships: Spiteful towards Cuba and France (still tries to settle the tension with Cuba), friendly towards North/South Italy, Spain, and America, and appreciates/hates North Florida. She has a tendency to goof off with America much of the time if given sugar(canes).
Personality: The stubborn will of the Jones name is alive in this region as Augustine is the one to never sleep and will hold only the past very closely and would harass someone about it. She isn't, however, the type to bicker towards everyone and provide the same friendly but wise interface that her brother does as the two are well, older, than most of the states and have a long history with other countries. Her patience can be drawn very quickly towards those of the "stupid kind" (ie: America) especially when they do something she tells them not to do if she is working on something (usually gardening.) Augustine, however, takes much caution into what she does and can get quite paranoid when facing with several matters but she will deal with dilemmas that aren't caused by her own self as only Christopher pulls her out of problems she causes herself.
Siblings: 49 other states (North and South Florida will be countered as one entire state but their region split like North and South Italy) and their current caretaker/big brother America. Florida was originally conquered by Italian in the name of Spain and was also traded to France who then gave them the United States. So, both regions have history with positive relations with Italy and Spain but a hinted hatred towards France (only South Florida, North doesn't show any aggression.)
In short:
Previous siblings having been North/South Italy, Spain, and France. All current siblings include the 49 states & America.

Forum User: SoaringAway

North's hair is more of an lighter brown color as his eyes are green which resembles some similarities between the siblings (and possibly the only.) The sweatshirt would be a sweatshirt which is orange and can be seen biting down onto oranges as North Florida's soil is mostly used for agriculture unlike South's marsh land.
Name: Christopher Jones
Representing Country/State/Territory: North Florida
Age Looks: 19 (He is the younger part of Florida but holds the oldest town ever built on U.S. soil thus he is given an older appearance.)
Gender: Male
Likes(s): Oranges, taking long naps, growing crops along the American household, and trying to revamp old military forts.
Dislike(s): Being woke up abruptly, having cold winters coming from anywhere, and his sister's own antics (but he puts up with anything else even America.)
Relationship(s): Neutral with France, friendly with North/South Italy and Spain, tolerates the living hell out of Augustien and America.
Personality: The rather laid back Christopher is the sluggish out of the two for he tends to take rather long naps throughout the day and spend his times out on a hammock while in Augustine's garden which is near the shoreline. He takes on full responsibility for his sister and will only truly get concerned or bothered by only Augustine as he usually picks her up and pulls her out of dilemmas before they worsen.  Christopher usually shows a stoic expression and never does truly express himself unlike his exuberant bring brother Alfred but his patience doesn't drain as quick with others. The relaxed nature of this region also provides for his friendly and alert interface (despite the bags under his eyes) when speaking to others but as for the bags under his eyes, they are just marks from being constantly kept up for wars such as the Cuban Revolutionary War with South Florida dealing with the issue head-on.
Siblings: 49 other states (North and South Florida will be countered as one entire state but their region split like North and South Italy) and their current caretaker/big brother America. Florida was originally conquered by Italian in the name of Spain and was also traded to France who then gave them the United States.So, both regions have history with positive relations with Italy and Spain but a hinted hatred towards France (only South Florida, North doesn't show any aggression.)
In short:
Previous siblings having been North/South Italy, Spain, and France. All current siblings include the 49 states & America.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2013, 11:04:44 pm by Wolfie_Lover »

Offline SoaringAway

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Forum User: SoaringAway

Name: Augustine Jones
Augustine has a curl just like South/North Italy that appears when she is embarrassed or when she unties her hair and rolls around in her sleep. Her back has multiple scars from previous wars ongoing throughout time and tends to at times rub some leafs on her back when alone to soothe the pain.
Representing Country/State/Territory:  South Florida
Age Looks: 15 (This region was the oldest discovered but her appearance is quite young due to the annexation date into the United States.)
Gender: Female
Like(s): Oranges, chucking alligators at those she dislikes, fauna/flora around her, entertainment industries (she can be seen aimlessly holding out business cards or advertisement to big corporations in her region such as "Disney"), and her garden.
Dislike(s): Cuba (for many recent conflicts in the late 20th century but she occasionally buys a sugarcane from him), America's antics and sometimes the stupidity emitted from those she knows personally, and her height (the height is based off loosely of Florida's southern point being under sea level..)
Relationships: Spiteful towards Cuba and France (still tries to settle the tension with Cuba), friendly towards North/South Italy, Spain, and America, and appreciates/hates North Florida. She has a tendency to goof off with America much of the time if given sugar(canes).
Personality: The stubborn will of the Jones name is alive in this region as Augustine is the one to never sleep and will hold only the past very closely and would harass someone about it. She isn't, however, the type to bicker towards everyone and provide the same friendly but wise interface that her brother does as the two are well, older, than most of the states and have a long history with other countries. Her patience can be drawn very quickly towards those of the "stupid kind" (ie: America) especially when they do something she tells them not to do if she is working on something (usually gardening.) Augustine, however, takes much caution into what she does and can get quite paranoid when facing with several matters but she will deal with dilemmas that aren't caused by her own self as only Christopher pulls her out of problems she causes herself.
Siblings: 49 other states (North and South Florida will be countered as one entire state but their region split like North and South Italy) and their current caretaker/big brother America. Florida was originally conquered by Italian in the name of Spain and was also traded to France who then gave them the United States. So, both regions have history with positive relations with Italy and Spain but a hinted hatred towards France (only South Florida, North doesn't show any aggression.)
In short:
Previous siblings having been North/South Italy, Spain, and France. All current siblings include the 49 states & America.

Forum User: SoaringAway

North's hair is more of an lighter brown color as his eyes are green which resembles some similarities between the siblings (and possibly the only.) The sweatshirt would be a sweatshirt which is orange and can be seen biting down onto oranges as North Florida's soil is mostly used for agriculture unlike South's marsh land.
Name: Christopher Jones
Representing Country/State/Territory: North Florida
Age Looks: 19 (He is the younger part of Florida but holds the oldest town ever built on U.S. soil thus he is given an older appearance.)
Gender: Male
Likes(s): Oranges, taking long naps, growing crops along the American household, and trying to revamp old military forts.
Dislike(s): Being woke up abruptly, having cold winters coming from anywhere, and his sister's own antics (but he puts up with anything else even America.)
Relationship(s): Neutral with France, friendly with North/South Italy and Spain, tolerates the living hell out of Augustien and America.
Personality: The rather laid back Christopher is the sluggish out of the two for he tends to take rather long naps throughout the day and spend his times out on a hammock while in Augustine's garden which is near the shoreline. He takes on full responsibility for his sister and will only truly get concerned or bothered by only Augustine as he usually picks her up and pulls her out of dilemmas before they worsen.  Christopher usually shows a stoic expression and never does truly express himself unlike his exuberant bring brother Alfred but his patience doesn't drain as quick with others. The relaxed nature of this region also provides for his friendly and alert interface (despite the bags under his eyes) when speaking to others but as for the bags under his eyes, they are just marks from being constantly kept up for wars such as the Cuban Revolutionary War with South Florida dealing with the issue head-on.
Siblings: 49 other states (North and South Florida will be countered as one entire state but their region split like North and South Italy) and their current caretaker/big brother America. Florida was originally conquered by Italian in the name of Spain and was also traded to France who then gave them the United States.So, both regions have history with positive relations with Italy and Spain but a hinted hatred towards France (only South Florida, North doesn't show any aggression.)
In short:
Previous siblings having been North/South Italy, Spain, and France. All current siblings include the 49 states & America.

[[ I so ran to the other thread to get these forms xD..]]

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Of course you're accepted, aru!

Welcome, Soar-chan. o3o Start when you like.

Offline SoaringAway

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[[ Thank you, Emo_Gir!~ ]]

"We're late! We're late!" The small blonde state was hustling about a the lobby of the World Conference, while pulling at the back of her hairs to be accompanied by the snoozing other state region on the couch. His rugged brown hair overlapped his eyes as he gawped his mouth opened and had his arm over the couch and one leg resting onto the it too. The typical afternoon for both South and North Florida for they haven't ever missed a meeting before but South Florida just had to find a nice new plot of land for Disney. Stubbornly, the female state began to grab her brother's orange sweatshirt by the collar and shook him violently knowing that these events were important! VERY IMPORTANT!

North Florida, as he was a heavy sleeper, didn't have control of his body and with South Florida violently shaking him, his head collided towards her forehead. Having her mouth open in pain, she dropped her brother and began to rub her forehead as she quickly shut her mouth. "We-we're going to be late and that bastard Cuba would be there....." She muttered under her breath.

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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I'll have to post later, that way I'll be on a computer.))

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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(I fixed Alaska's app, and added the Florida's. But, I forgot to add something. ;n; Her kitty name is Alascat. (Smart, isn't it. XD))

Alaska sat on a greenish couch. Her shirt shifted as she looked around. It was a nice place, too bad nobody was here. Not America, not Russia, not Italy, not even North Florida. It was a bit lonely, since she did live alone. But she did choose to live this way. She hummed a tune (Russia's Marukaite Chikyuu XD) and gazed some more. Her purple-blue eyes gleamed with sorrow, but get up. Her hair put up in a long pony-tail. She began debating with herself. Should I go to the World Conference? No, they'll think something's wrong. But I've got to go! South and North Florida might be going! But what if Texas goes? You know how much I fucking hate Texas! I do, but still. It's a no! "I'm going anyway!" She shouted, placing a firm fist in a open hand.
She dashed though her make-shift home, which was placed in a large city. In her old home, she lived deep in the woods. It was lonely, but she didn't mind it. A large smile was on her face, her hair waving right behind her. She stopped only once, to get a nice warm coffee. After her coffee, she began running again, finally making it to the lobby of the World Conference.

Offline SoaringAway

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[[ I think it's cute x3. ]] [[Also, why does Alaska have a hatred for Texas? c: Rivalry for oil or just the extreme weather differences (as this would mean she'll hate the Midwest region xDD)?]]

"Where is Connecticut?! Delaware is where?! Not even the newbies (Alaska and Hawaii) have made it!" The possibly oldest American land was fuming over the discordance of the World Conference and how it was ending up to be. A disaster for not only the states but for big brother America. He was goofy, yes, he was horrible at reading the atmosphere, but he was big brother for a reason and shouldn't disrespected as such. Possible pity for him as she knew embarrassment with her long gone big brother France and his issues with England occupying her house for the while back in the early 18th century. Oh that romantic bastard of a country. France wasn't a pedophile, rapist, or the worst pervert in the world, but he used to stick up his nose sometimes in a snobbish matter and tried to woo most. Too bad romantic, it's like chucking salt down your throat. South Florida ran her hands throguh her hair, having several of the golden locks fall out due to stress but then she heard the door opening and a smile appeared on her face. She was quick to turn onto her heel and dart directly towards the newcomer, Alaska. The much taller in both height and bust, the one of the two "newbie" states had arrived and to be honest, South Florida enjoyed to see her. It was rare, yes, seeing as how their houses was far apart but the isolated Alaska was the opposite of her coastal environment with tons of land--. Maybe Alaska can harbor the next cruise port stationed in Miami--. 'No, Augustine. No business terms when with other siblings, no. I am the oldest and i need to show my maturity.'

"Good morning, Alaska," she called outwardly across the lobby with a wave to find herself smelling coffee. Coffee beans. Agriculture. Rivalry. Must be from the northern states. Those bastards were not qualified enough to compete for crops. Augustine folded her hand softly as she hit her forehead, groaning at her thoughts. She really need to cool it. Meanwhile ,the Northern region was snoring but as South Florida took off her shoe and threw it at him, he jerked upward and rubbed his eyes. Unsatisfied by the way he was awaken, he glared over to his sister but found himself in the company of the newbie state, Alaska. "Oh good mornin' Alaska," a bit of a Southern accent slipped out from the male.

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(Mainly oil wise, but another reason is because Texas can have a big mouth and boast a lot. (Trust me. I know too many Texans like this. But doesn't mean everyone's like that.))

"Good morning, Alaska." South Florida greeted one of the "younger" states. Then, the smaller "half-state" threw her shoe at her brother. It made Alaska giggle a little. "Oh good mornin' Alaska," The male state said. "Good morning, you two. Sorry I'm a bit late. I can't stay awake without my coffee." She got her coffee from a small coffee vender, unlike most states, which get their coffees from Starbucks or something. But she didn't need to bore them with that. She did however buy some chocolate covered coffee beans. Her mouth watered at the sight of them. She brought out the bag and started munching on them, sipping coffee between beans. "Oh, how rude of me. Chocolate coffee bean?" She asked.