Author Topic: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]  (Read 12067 times)

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2014, 07:18:28 am »
((Sorry. I was waiting for one of the others to reply, but its been a bit so I guess I'll just continue.))

Atalia Venispucci

     Atalia slid a bit on her feet trying to catch up with the figure that had stolen her stone and pursued him into a dark alleyway. The girl nearly tripped over her heels and cursed under her breath, watching him crawl into a  large crevice that was in the side of the stone building. She displayed a look in disgust before racing after managing to snag the man's boot. The thief grunted in annoyance and delivered a large kick to her head, hearing her nose snap out of place and start to bleed. Though Atalia remained stubborn and lifted a hand to the man's belt, embracing her fingers around a steel crafted dagger that laid in the leisure of its leather socket and drew it. The man howled with pain feeling a shiver of pain rush up his leg as he peered down, seeing the steel was wedged firmly between his kneecaps. "You rotten bitch." His tone sounded close to that of a snarl of a wild dog and he continued smashing his boot into her face in an attempt to get her off. He soon felt the struggle stop and stared down seeing bloodstains on his boot as he grumbled, "Finally... Though, I think all the trouble this one has been worth, I'll take her with me back to the guild. I'm sure the master will find some use for her."


Cyrill Valen?io

     He watched her lower her mask yet again wearing a teasing grin, "That's because I didn't throw it." He rolled his eyes chuckling a bit at that. "Arabella," she stated shortly after, "Arabella De Luca. Blessed by your service." "What a lovely name. The pleasure is all mine," Cyrill gave off a small smile before studying her closer though remained lax while doing so.  "I do have a few cards of my own, though none quite like that," Arabella had said before letting a soft whistle escape. Cyrill stared a bit surprised though peered towards the sky seeing a small silhouette dive down towards them, coming forth into a darkened red hue and wrapping itself around Arabella's shoulder snugly before she giggled quietly, "This is Drayko, he's a shield more than anything." He nodded to the dragon creature, "A fine one if i ever did see one. Probably very brave as well as strong," He complimented to try to ease the dragon's suspicious glance. "And you did not intimidate me. Unless you can read lies, than you did," the woman smiled at the man as he winced, "I didn't mean to do so. And am sorry if i did." "You seem to have distracted me, though I would love to chat more I have plans. Perhaps I'll run into you again, metaphorically of course," Cyrill gave off a small smirk at her comment before shrugging, "I wouldn't mind either way. Though I must be returning too. It was nice to meet you acquaintance Arabella. You as well Drayko." With a final wave, he turned and exited the alley rather quickly.

     Cyrill continued down the moonlit paved stone street with his hands in his pocket. He made a cautious effort to avoid eye contact with any of the guards he saw and slipped down a side street, walking up to the porch of a old looking house. He twisted the knob and enters inside quietly. The house itself looked a bit dated for someone to be living in though. The man went to head downstairs. Before he had gotten too far, a voice had rang out sternly from behind him, "There you are Valencio! Where in god's name have you been??" He turned back to face the woman and joked, "Why do you care Claudia? Jealous that I might be visiting other women?" "No! I just don't want someone so boneheaded getting me caught for hiding him out here!" She seemed ready to slap that cheeky grin right off his face and crossed her arms continuing, "You do understand I only act so giving because of my sister's debt, right? Don't think I'll stand for you being out so late fooling around." Cyrill lowered his head apologetically, "Of course. I am sorry for troubling you, but i had a bit of something to do. If you don't mind, I believe i am going to rest now." He had headed down into the basement stairs before the woman could reply and moved over to his beside of an old mattress and a ripped woven blanket. He held his head in thought before murmuring, "I suppose it would be wise to catch up on sleep anyways." With that, Cyrill closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #21 on: April 11, 2014, 09:21:47 pm »

She began her way down the alley, pausing to glance back at the male. Cyrill was quite large, towering over her as he stalked away. Drayko huffed an annoyed grunt into her ear. "Oh, hush you. Always so impatient. It's important to stop and enjoy the view time to time.", she scolded, turning to continue onto the street. Drayko's small tail wrapped tightly around her neck, though it wasn't confining. The shadows allowed easy past the lit houses. She was quite aware of her nearing the target's house as the decor upon the streets grew fancier. Arabella's excitement grew as she passed the dark alleys surrounding the streets. A sudden yelp caught her attention, and she pulled to a stop. She backed up slowly, peering into the darkness of the long alleyway. At the end was a grizzly sight. A young girl struggling against a taller figure. The girl fell, and was soon unconscious. That's when A wave of realization swept over Arabella. That was her targets owner. "Pray tell.", she hissed, stalking into the entrance of the alley. Arabell feared no one as far as she was concerned, her pride and courage often leading her to trouble. Besides, she was quite notorious, and most feared her in one way or another. "What are you doing with that girl?", her mask muffled her voice, but only slightly. Her hood shadowed her hair, but the moonlight dancing past the rooftops lit up the visible sections of her face. Though she was proud of her bravery, she couldn't help but muddle over how convenient it would be to have the man still around. Just in case, of course.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2014, 02:24:49 am »

Atalia Venispucci

     The man suddenly stopped and lifted his head in the direction of the voice. His eyes narrowed a bit on the small red dragon as he let go of Atalia and stepped closer, "Why should I go through the trouble of answering?" His tone was quite stern though a few thoughts went through his mind before he murmured, "You sound familiar. Have we met?" He had a faint memory of the voice but for the life of him couldn't remember where it was from. The thief shook it off as nothing  though heard the girl stir on the ground, though she would not wake for quite a while. He thought before using the same tactic he did on Atalia, "I don't believe you want to interfere with any business with me anyways," the stranger smirked and flashed the cloth he wore with the royal symbol, "If my acquaintances found out about this, well it would look to pretty for you, now would it? So I suggest you back off now while i spare you the trouble." Even if the girl was to see through the lie, he could just take off running. After all, all he initially came for was the runestone.

((If it's alright with you, can the side character be apart of the same guild as Arabella?))


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #23 on: April 12, 2014, 01:40:17 pm »
((Of course!!)

Arabella's copper gaze rested upon the symbol. She recognized the man's voice, perhaps an ex target?

"So I suggest you back off."

A wave of realization washed over her. That line, that accent. An amused smirk twisted onto her lips, "Try again. I'd know a ffellow guild member anywhere.", her voice hissed with a threatening chuckle. "You're best option is to leave, I'd hate to have to take matters into my own hands.", taking a step forward, her eyes landed on the stirring girl. The shouts of restless neighbors and guards echoed in the distance. She would have to hurry, they had little time left. "Your move.", she hissed.
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #24 on: April 12, 2014, 05:11:05 pm »

Atalia Venispucci

     The man watched before narrowing his eyes on her challengingly, "Is that a challenge?" The distance noises interrupted his thoughts as he gave a harsh glare back. "Don't think I'm intimidate by you... I've just merely lost interest in pursuing further. I came and got what i wanted already." He smirked smuggly and waved before leaving quickly, allowing Atalia to stay there.


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #25 on: April 12, 2014, 05:37:33 pm »

A simple, unamused brow rose as the man waved away. Arabella rolled her eyes, what a simple minded being. Her copper gaze rested upon the small girl laying about the cobblestone. Everything she knew contradicted what she was preparing to do. With a quick huff, she kneeled down, lifting the girl's chin. "Wake, dear girl. Come on.", she stood quickly, glancing about as Drayko curled upon her shoulder. "You have scent, go.", she muttered. Drayko hissed her way, his wings spreading to launch him into the chilled air. She needed help, and the Drayko had a knack for choosing the right people to assist.

The crimson dragon soared through the darkness, his nostrils flaring as he followed the scent he chose. The alleyways allowed for easy access to windows and backdoors. The reptile landed upon a windowsill, slipping into the cracked brick. The smell of leftovers and candle smoke filled his nostrils as he crawled across the floor, making his ways to the cellar door, which led him exactly where he wished to be. The familiar human laid upon the mattress, it's torn sheets and dingy color illuminating the lack of money this town held. The creature glided atop the bed, using his razor teeth to pull the covers off of Cyrill, before chirping quite loudly.

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #26 on: April 12, 2014, 06:19:09 pm »

Cyrill Valen?io

     Cyrill remained half way asleep where he was. It was always difficult for him to fall asleep. The blanket somehow escaped him and he felt around for it uttering a slow moan in irritation. Though his eyes shot open as he heard the odd chirp. The man rose quickly grasping his head partly before staring up, "Drayko?" He shook his head, "Knock that racket off please. You would not want to wake my roommate... She's awfully... unpleasant when drowsy." Cyrill lifted himself off the bed quickly and led himself to a crate where most of his belongings laid. The man already figured why the creature was here. He shuffled around it quickly, retrieving his runestone as well as his cards he hid in an old sword sheath. He darted upstairs with haste and stared at the red creature, "She's not in trouble, is she?" He lowered his head at the thought and motioned for Drayko to lead him on back to Arabella.


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2014, 06:31:28 pm »

Drayko hopped about excitedly as Cyrill prepped himself. Without another sound, he turned, jumping from the bed and gliding up the stairs effortlessly. His wings carried him out of the room and through the small crack in the brick. He awaited the man outside, before hovering around his head, flapping about and leading him towards the alley.

Arabella's copper gaze rested upon the girl, still unconscious. She reached out, nudging her with the tip of her boot to no avail. Just as she let a sigh escape her lips, Drayko's crimson body turned the corner. "Ahh, my beast.", she smiled, pulling the mask down as the lizard landed upon her shoulder. She tickled the tip of his nose before turning to catch sight of the familiar figure. Her smile retreated,[color=red "Cyrill?"
Her chin raised in unsureness. "Drayko brought you? Well, I don't suppose you can lift this girl? Long story, but she seems to be unconscious" She glanced back at the young female. "Thank you for coming.."

I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.

Offline Arkayy

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2014, 07:47:37 pm »

Cyrill Valen?io

     He paused in the dark alleyway as his name was called and peered up seeing Arabella nodding, "Yes, he did. I'm as surprised as you are. I thought something might of happened. So I didn't question it." Cyrill nodded and went to pick her up though winced a bit questioning, "Atalia?" He had quite a few memories of this girl. Most were not pleasant encounters. He could already hear that stuck up slew of demeaning words that normally came from her in the back of his mind. The man only sighed and picked her up regardless, "Well I suppose you can tell me what happened on the way. I'm a bit curious to why she would be out so late." Cyrill seemed a bit surprised by the thanks though only nodded smiling lightly. "Anytime. Now, where should we go from here?"


Offline AbbyJoyce

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Re: Dawn Of The Plagued Age - [[Open and Accepting]]
« Reply #29 on: April 14, 2014, 01:08:32 am »
(Will reply when I get on my
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.