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Topics - Taizer

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Community Activities Hub / Taizer's Livestream - Currently Offline
« on: February 17, 2017, 01:14:27 pm »
So I thought I'd have a go at running a stream, I'll be doing mostly FH related stuff, so I'll try and keep the stream running as long as my computer allows it (sometimes it has tantrums and shuts the program off) but I thought this might be fun to do OvO

Please if you come to my stream I'd appreciate it if you set your chat name to your FH username/Forum name, so I know who you are and be polite with each other and respectful, also try and keep swearing to a minimum. <3

You can find me here:

Game Discussion / Have you ever had a dream about Feral Heart?
« on: February 15, 2017, 02:55:30 pm »
Like have you ever had a dream you were sitting at your desk playing Feral Heart or had a dream you were actually in the game?

Because if I play it to many days in a row I start dreaming I'm actually in the game, only its people wearing onesies/kigurumi that look like their characters, wandering around or sitting and chatting while drinking Starpups (which I think was like the FH dream version of Starbucks.)

Other dreams I've had, have been where I've been sitting at my computer like any other day, only FH's graphics were boosted up to near realism PS4 type stuff. or I've dreamed about stuff happening on there that has not actually happened (like having a really good RP session) and I've had to wake up and take a reality check.

I just wanted to hear of other experiences like this, I cant be the only one to dream of this sort of thing XD

Game Help / Unusual Crashing
« on: February 14, 2017, 02:02:33 pm »
This is an issue that sprung up over the weekend, because its never happened to me before and I've been running the updated version since release, but I suddenly seem to be crashing constantly trying to get into every single map regardless of population levels.
I do not think its my mod work causing it as I run a separate version of FH for that off my external drive.

But this started as maybe one crash every so often but now its crashing up to fifteen times in a row before letting me actually load into a place.

So I'm wondering if anyone else has had the same issue or would perhaps know why this is happening so much to my game?

Other Mods/Creations / Scorched - GUI Mod
« on: February 13, 2017, 02:43:51 pm »
Also changes, podium, watermills start map and splash screens. The only thing there is no change for is the music, which is just game defaults.

The mod its self started being put together last year actually but I got to busy at the time to finish it and only very recently re-found all my files for it. It's released for 50 points sale over on my DA, the small amount builds up per sale and helps me financially <3

Meshes / Some Assassins Creed Map Mesh
« on: February 13, 2017, 02:26:41 am »
Not to many in this pack but still enough to do something cool with I bet!
Download links are over on the DA page as usual

Meshes / 53 Futuristic Furniture Mesh - Lineup Fixed
« on: January 01, 2017, 08:14:39 pm »
I had plans for a big space station or settlement on a far planet map, but never got around to making it. These are my meshes from it though. <3 They were extracted and converted from Mass Effect.

Download links are  over on the DA page as usual

Media / Win some cool stuff ovO
« on: December 30, 2016, 07:31:19 pm »
I've been part of this community forever, so I thought I would have a go at a contest, its simple really, draw my character doing a thing you can find more info about it all here. ->

Mostly I just thought running something FH related would be a fun idea to do :3 You could win a Custom preset or GUI for first place, some points on all top places and a preset from my own creation collection for placing third ovo

The entry deadline is February 3rd <3

As a side note to you do not have to have a deviant art to enter either, just PM me with your entry through this website. (for obvious reasons non DA entry will get a doodle/sketch of their OC rather than DApoints.)

Although If this is not something I'm supposed to post here please remove this thread, I just wanted to let people know what I'm doing in a broader way than just through my little known deviant art page <3

User Creations Collection / Tai's Creation Thread Archive
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:47:59 pm »
Links to all my Previous and Current work threads, put in one place so no one has to hunt them down in the forums for to long. (because I thought they were getting a bit scattered about)

You can now ask me things on my tumblr: Will also include notifications updates on mesh, maps, presets and in game screenshots.

ALL my mesh can be found and downloaded for FH map use from

GUI and Texture Mods

Neon Tetra GUI

Fallout GUI
(broken as of new FH update, working on a fix)
Overwatch GUI

Meshes / Starship Map Mesh
« on: December 16, 2016, 07:25:10 pm »
Releasing these from my file archives in celebration of Rogue One's release <3

As usual download links are here

May the force be with you <3 Although I think the green shuttle might be from Mass Effect ^^"

Meshes / Christmas Map Meshes
« on: December 16, 2016, 02:39:18 pm »

Tis the season to be meshy! So here are some Christmas map mesh to spice up your creations with seasonal joy :3

Download links are over here in the description

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