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Topics - Jackalfur

Pages: [1] 2
Game Help / Unexpected Crashing
« on: October 05, 2012, 07:17:49 pm »
Well, I've been experiencing crashes lately. The thing is, so far it's only in Ficho, and I haven't ever come across "FeralHeart .exe has stopped working" before, especially in Ficho Tunnel, where there's almost always under 100 users. Yesterday I was there and I experienced nothing, however today I've downloaded a couple things, such as the Cherry Blossom object from IT, and two particles.
Could someone help me with this, please? ^^'


I did not draw this picture, I just edited black edges in. Full credit goes to the original creator.

.: Behind the Mask of Unity :.

.: PLOT :.
The neighborhoods of London have been tranquil-- until now, at least. Reports of an unknown creature with a dragon's skull mask have been popping up for the last few days, and now some citizens have noticed some of their items are missing. This mysterious masquerade is now taking the risk of creeping into houses and ravaging through their yards, though its identity is safely hidden beneath its mask.
Professor Layton, his assistant, Luke Triton, and many of their allies and friends must join forces to conquer the puzzle of the legendary Mask of Unity.


Time | Morning (10/11 AM, near lunchtime)
Season | Late Summer (Temperature around 70 degrees)
Setting | London

.: RULES :.

Keep to Appropriate Language and Behavior
This roleplay is meant to be kept family-friendly. Swearing is not allowed, whether OOC or IC. Any innapropriate subjects and actions will not be tolerated. Not just because of younger viewers, but not everyone likes a lot of blood, gore, swearing and stuff like that. The Professor Layton series is child-friendly, so why shouldn't the roleplays be?

OOC Fighting
Be friends and respect eachother. Hate the character, not the person roleplaying that character! Getting along makes everyone happy, and I don't appreciate seeing out-of-character arguing and fighting on my threads. Friendly plot debates are fine, though, if they aren't meant as an offense to another member.

Mary Sues/Gary Stues
Your character isn't the most beautiful and perfect person in the universe. If any bouts of Mary-Sues/Gary Stues are sighted in an application or roleplay post, your character will be turned down immediately. Whether your character is male or female, they are not the best, and they are not leaving a trail 'o pretty/handsome everywhere they go.

Character Limit
For now, you are allowed only three characters per member. One OC and two canons, two OCs and one canon... or just three OCs. It is encouraged to have at least one canon in posession, but if one is not good at playing canon characters, it's alright.

Romance is allowed, though it is to be kept at a child-friendly level, nothing more than that. Any levels higher will not be tolerated-- just like the first rule about keeping to appropriate language and behavior.

Be Descriptive!
Please try to be descriptive on your roleplay paragraphs and applications. Laziness is usually not allowed, but if one has writers' block a minimum of a small paragraph is mandatory. But in usual posts, try to at least have a few paragraphs included within them.

Correct Grammar
Correct grammar, punctuation and capitalization is required. Typos are fine if they are not in every sentence-- we don't expect everyone to be perfect. c: But any posts of "she leapft awf of teh rewf" or "She Leapt Off Of The Roof" will not be tolerated.

Spamming is not allowed whatsoever. If you missed something or misspelled something in your previous post, the Modify option isn't there for nothing. Try not to double-post, but posting more than once on accident is fine, just try not to cause that to happen.
Bumping, on the other hand, is alright, but if the time span of no one posting is only about an hour or two, please refrain from bumping until at least a day or two passes.

Read the Rules
Please read the rules thoroughly. If you have read them, please add "This reminds me of a puzzle" somewhere after your application.

Work in progress, please do not post until finished. c:

Game Help / The main FeralHeart folder?
« on: July 27, 2012, 06:55:06 pm »
Well, I downloaded an items pack, but I can't find the FH folder. I made a folder myself and checked to see if that would work, and I think I did everything right except the thing about the FeralHeart folder. Is there anything I need to do in order to find the main FeralHeart folder?

|| The Land of 'Hoole ||

Long ago was the Battle of the Ice Claws. The Guardians had been pitted against the Pure Ones, and many owls were injured, many lives were lost in that one war. That battle is still known, told as stories to young owlets.

Many, many months back, the Battle of the Ice Claws came, and went. But now the Pure Ones are back, which will not put any owl to rest. Training for the apprentices has begun, but little tension has swamped anyone's mind... that is, until they realize what danger is lurking upon them.

|| RULES ||

- Do not do anything they wouldn't do outside the movie/books.
- No "Jay hopped into a tree. She caught a mouse. Jay ate the mouse. Her feathers were beautiful."
- None of this either "Tiaka hoppd nto a tre, her eys gleming beutifuly."
- And, none of this "Irina flyed throu the are, skreetching at anothor owl."
- Literacy is a must.
- Wait for others after a few posts! I don't want anyone feeling left out because everyone moved on without them.
- Please have good grammar when roleplaying. Typos are okay sometimes, just not when it's constant. No txt tlk either.
- Please roleplay in one color for each character. It'd be hard telling them apart if none except spacing them apart with enter.
- As said in the first rule, keep it to NO swearing whatsoever. Not everyone likes it.
- Romance is allowed, just please keep it at a level fit for everyone.
- You can have as many characters as you want, just try to keep active with every single one of them.
- Hate the character, not the roleplayer.
- No OOC arguing/fighting! Take it to PM if needed.
- Please use real pictures for your character. No fanart, no cartoons, no fantasy. This also means no zombie owls or laser-eyed owls.
- You do not have to be an ally, you can be with the Pure Ones, or a loner. But remember, the Land of 'Hoole is uninhabited by humans.
- No godmodding, Mary/Garysuing, or powerplay.
- Be descriptive on your posts-- one-liners are not tolerated. A small paragraph of three-four sentences is okay if it's for a good reason.
- Real owl species, please! No wereowls, coyotebats, kittenhawks... You know what I mean.
- Spam is not tolerated-- use the Modify button to edit your post if needed.
- Use the application format to apply.
- Please know at least a little about Guardians of Ga'Hoole before joining.
More rules may be added if needed



Credit goes to whoever made the map, and whoever colored it.


Credit goes to original artist.

Site/Forum Help / Preview Post Not Working?
« on: June 17, 2012, 04:50:59 am »
Well... I'm sort of having a problem with the "Preview" post option. It just stopped working a few days ago, atleast for me, and before it would preview my posts, but now when I click Preview, it says that it's fetching the preview of my post, though I wait and wait for it, the post won't show up. It's never happened to me before. My laptop had a tune-up just recently, and I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. I'm also not very skilled at computers yet... But help is appreciated. ^^


POST 1 - History, Information, Ranks & Customization
POST 2 - Rules & Application Format
POST 3 - Member List

FEMALES: 4           MALES: 2             FSS MEMBERS: 4            CS MEMBERS: 2           TOTAL: 6

Welcome to the Frozen Shadows Syndicate! We are an active, literate, semi-realistic to realistic FeralHeart Forum RP.

Frozen Shadows Syndicate used to be a group of rogue snow leopards that lived in a lush area of land called Frigid Field. They were blood-thirsty and cold hearted, killing any trespasser in sight. The leader agreed instantly on any battle suggested. But a year after the tribe had joined together, a large mob of cougars invaded the territory and killed off most of the snow leopards, leaving only a handful of survivors. Soon the felines that were left gathered, forming the tribe again, but these leopards weren't like the rest of the battle-hungry ones. They decided to rebirth the Frozen Shadows Syndicate and debated about who would be the head of it. When they couldn't decide, the wild cats left it to their ancestors, waiting for the chosen ones to come. A month or two later, two snow leopards arrived and joined. The others agreed they were the chosen ones, and when the new arrivals made their way up to the top of the clan, the Frozen Shadows Syndicate was restored.

But now, a greater danger rises. The Category Six cougars have risen to their malicious ways again, and the tribe is suffering, battle after battle.

Can you face the wild?


"Battle Etude"

Ever since that day nearly a hundred years ago, when the Syndicate was restored, the snow leopards have been living in peace. But now, Queen Vita is struggling to understand her ancestors, and the Category Six has risen to their formal battle-hungry attitudes again, having been revived by Tribehead Kifo, a bloodthirsty cougar. Now the murderous cougars live in the fogged heart of Misty Bog, plotting attacks on Frozen Shadows Syndicate, while Vita is busy being flustered by the ones who lived before her.



Where the Syndicate dwells. Caves and bushes are their main shelter sources, occassionally bullrushes or thistle plants.

Preferrably the risen, mountainous land for meetings. These meetings of the Syndicate honor the ones alive before them, led by the Queen. Auroras occur quite frequently here.

Where the Category Six cougars nest. Misty Bog is a land for battle, foggy and dense for easy hiding and ambushing, but herbs grow satisfyingly well in this climate.



A large cave with vines weaving their way through crevices inside. The ground is nothing but sand, two beds of leaves and moss sit on a pedestal-like platform in the back. A large, flat staircase-like series of stones lead up to the top of the den, making a sort of scouting place for the heads of the tribe. Where the Chieftain and Queen sleep.

An azalea with fewer lavander flowers. Three leaf-nests sit inside in a triangle. Where the Chaw rest.

A large, fanned bush with a thick base. A deep, wide burrow near the roots is where the herbs are hidden. Two nests lay about three feet apart in the back, where the branches and leaves are the broadest.

A rock inn near an old aspen tree. Several nests rest inside, made of leaves and grass. Simply where the Bellators sleep.

A slightly smaller bush than most. Several nests rest inside, made of leaves.

Where the Mothers keep their young. It is a fairly small bush that holds a few flowers, dotted with several nests of moss and grass. The inside is kept warm by troops moving in and out to feed their kin, and there is always a head Mother keeping the Cubs in line if their original parents are busy.

Basically where the Elders sleep. It is a large cave decorated with leaf and moss nests.


One of the main leaders. They set out the battle and hunting groups, and maintain the tribe's peace and tranquility. Only one male, mate to Queen.
One of the main leaders. They watch the sky every full moon along with the Medic, believing in fair rights of peace. Only one female, mate to Chieftain.
[CANNOT BE APPLIED FOR - Already in use]

The Chaw are high ranked leopards that guard the nesting sites through the night and day. If something goes wrong within the tribe, they are the first to be asked for assistance, and are always welcomed with respect. Only three leopards.

Medics are the ones that ease the Syndicate of its wounds after a skirmish or war. They search for new herbs with guidance of a Bellator. Only one leopard, excluding a Medic's Trainee.

The Medic's Trainee is a young snow leopard that takes most interest in healing. They are mentored by the Medic to use herbs. Only one leopard.

Latin for 'warrior', these felines protect the Syndicate from invasion and ambush. They usually bear atleast a few scars from previous wars, and some may even take a Trainee of their own to mentor. They take pride in their duty to defend their tribe, risking their lives at all costs.

Trainees are young, just above the Cub rank. They get this privelege at five months, and are mentored by a Bellator. Their training begins at dawn, but they are usually kept out of real battles until their mentors say they are ready.

The Elders are retired Bellators or Medics, or possibly even the leaders. They are the ones to be left in peace for the rest of their lives.

Mothers are either expecting cubs, or are nursing them. They sleep with their young safely in the middle of the nesting site.

Cubs are the youngest snow leopards. Some tend to lead cub expeditions behind the older leopards' backs, and are respected by everyone.

Category Six is a vicious cougar tribe, an enemy of the Syndicate. They are nothing but cruel cats who will fight to the death over nothing. These murderous felines are eager to kill anything, even one of its own kind, and love the taste of blood and the air of battle. They do not have a Healer, however, since the Category Six only like death, and that proves an advantage for the Frozen Shadows Syndicate.


The leader. Only one cougar.

The second-in-command. Only one cougar.

The fighters.



The Category Six is a strife tribe, so all ranks are expected to fight.


Maltese/light blue-gray


Cheetah 2
Snow Leopard
Cub Spots

Snow Leopard
Cheetah 2
Cub Spots

Snow Leopard
Cheetah 2

[More may be added]

Names should be original. I suggest using Latin or Swahili, but it isn't required that you do so.

To keep this brief, the colors range from tan to a dull gold. Eyes are natural, green to blue to yellow, and possibly others. Markings are any cougar-like designs.

If I forgot any markings or colors on this, please don't hesitate to let me know and I'll add them. ^^


Post 1 - Information
Post 2 - Application format and Rules
Post 3 - Member List

Welcome to the Rankaid pack, an active, long-term FH Forum roleplay. Since I cannot go in-game, and I don't really know how to create websites, I suppose the roleplay will be done on Forums. This idea was stuck in my head for quite awhile now, and I'd really like to see how it works out. I have high hopes for this pack.


The Rankaid (RAN-kyed) wolf pack is made up of several species of wolf, along with different personalities and traits. Each of these wolves have ranks, many of which seem familiar. But their territory, though large, is inhabited by many predators. The wolves of Rankaid struggle to survive through the seasons.

Can you survive in the wilderness?


Alpha is the lead male of the pack. Only one male, mate to Alphess.

Alphess is the lead female of the pack. Only one female, mate to Alpha.

Beta is the practical second-in-command. They lead most hunting trips. Only one male or female.

Healer, well, assists the pack and treats injuries or sicknesses. Only one male or female.

Healer's Apprentice
The Healer mentors this Apprentice to use herbs and treat wounds. Only one male or female.

The ones who protect the pack from invaders and such. Both genders.

The Mothers are those who are nursing pups or expecting them. Only females.

The fighters in-training. They have mentors that teach them how to be full members of the pack. Both genders.

Wolf pups. They are not Apprentices yet; they get that rank at four moons, but they are treated kindly by all members. Both genders.

Retired wolves that can now live the rest of their lives in peace. Both genders.

The lowest rank in the pack. Most likely to be loners at first, then they join as an Omega. They are treated rudely by most wolves, and are known as the outcasts. Both genders.


(Sorry it's so big...)
Verdant Creek = White dot
Glacier Point = Cyan dot
Arch Valley = Neon green dot
Life Forest = Yellow dots (Life Forest covers the whole area of the south part)
Limestone Cavern = Navy blue dot (At the bottom of Glacier Point)
Pack Dens = Red dot
Hunting Grounds = Orange areas (NOTE - Prey is found in the whole territory ground, but these are regular hunting areas)

Verdant Creek
A marshy area of the territory where the water is a clear blue-green due to the moss spreading at a swift rate. Located stretching from the southwest of the turf to the northeast. Main water source.

Glacier Point
Mountainous terrain located in the northwest. When near the summit, ice is noticeable. Auroras occur frequently, signaling pack meetings and howling. The bottom is unusually warm.

Arch Valley
Arch Valley is located near the middle of the territory. It is surrounded by oak and the occasional willow. A stone arch is found in the center.

Life Forest
Practically where the Rankaid pack roosts. Stone and bramble dens are scattered among the woods, close together, but not too close. Many prey gather for shelter here when it storms.

Limestone Cavern
As the name suggests, it is covered in a thin layer of limestone, making the tunnels shine with an emerald glow. A pond is located in the depths of the cave, reflecting the limestone off of the surface of the water to illuminate the entire cave. The occasional plant life grows here. Found at the bottom of Glacier Point.

Member Bio & Journals / .*Tempie's Biography*.
« on: April 20, 2012, 12:28:10 am »
Hi! Welcome to my biography of pure boredom and randomness~ :3 I'd like you all to know atleast a little about me. Hope you're ready for some reading! If not too bad haha-- Jkjkjk

The Basics
Christina (*Insert last name here*)

In-Game / Forum Usernames
Jackalfur (In-Game) | Temporal (Forum)

In-Game || Jackal, Jacki (Tempeh or Temp by mah buddehs who know me on the forum~)
Forum || Tempie, Temp, Tempo, Tempeh


12 | September 1st, 2000

I kind of have two different personalities, though at the same time I don't. xD
On my laptop I'm a goofy-minded, random girl who likes to be near her friends. I'm never seen not goofing off somewhere, hehe~ c: Sometimes I like to have some alone time, though, and you can see me sitting around quietly at the Cape, or just derping around in a custom map. I like to explore~ owo
In real life, I'm what you could say a little quiet and self-conscious. I still pick up traces of my online personality, however, and I blurt out random phrases that cause me to start giggling instantly after. On the other hand, I tend to avoid conversation and publicity, and when I talk with someone I'm not familiar with, I get anxious to keep moving along. I'm only social with friends and family, heh 'xD
I love art and I'm usually seen with my Bamboo tablet sitting near me. I don't really think of myself as a good artist, though, and I get art block often. I'm really slow at getting requests and such done too, as Temp's a lazy floof. ;w;


Fossil Fighters
Bright atmospheres
Professor Layton
Yu-Gi-Oh! :3
Other Pokemon maniacs 8D

Any act of swearing or cussing. Not very fond of profanity, heh. xD
Animal abuse
Natural disasters such as tornadoes and tsunamis. Ever since a straightline wind passed up my neighborhood I've been slightly more cautious ono
Silverfish-- A type of water-loving bug. They remind me of crayfish... Saw one in the sink not too long ago. xD


Anything Pokemon /shot
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva


Any Pokemon soundtrack
Owl City music
Anything that has no swearing and violence, really.
I like a little dubstep every now and then, but usually I just listen to techno and electronica, Owl City included within those genres. I also tend to listen to non-vocalized songs, especially ones with a flute or ocarina as the main instrument, because I find music from flutes and stuff similar calming and beautiful-sounding. x3 The "Blue-Sky Quena" soundtrack from FossilFighters Champions is one of my favorites owo

Owl City
Some of One Republic, I don't listen to them often, though
I'm not into many bands-- I choose not to listen to the radio often and most of the bands I do know have swearing, stuff like that. A little Skrillex and Skillet is okay once and a while though, but the bands I like are ones who don't curse and sing about innapropriate subjects.

Wolves of the Beyond
Owls of Ga'Hoole

Pokemon Adventures


English, my main language~
Loquor latine-- I'm learning Latin in my online school. :3
A tiny tiny bit of Japanese. Blame it on Vocaloid xD

The only Group I'm in right now is the Forbidden Lands by CloudFish. owo

Characters Seen As
Violeta (Main fursona and character, usually used for OOC)
Amilaya (Forbidden Lands character)
Aurea (Random lion character)
Amulet (Siberian Husky x Akita)
Platinum (Wolf charrie)
Nakomi (Hyena)
Adelacene (Silver foxeh)
...And some more I forgot. More will be added as they are hit with activity~ xD Canon characters are not included.

No order~ In-game and/or Forum. :3
If I forgot one of you guys, slap me with a fish ;w; I'm sorry if I do forget one of you awesome people.

-Blacki / BlackRevenge
Rin Kagamine (User in-game)
Kitsune / Matryoshka
WarriorMoo (We both are fans of Professor Layton >w<)

As I said above, if I forgot one of you epic buddehs, feel free to slap me with a fish and I will add you. ;w;

Cocoa | Male, light-chocolate and short-haired dachshund. Son of Katie and brother to Sugar.
Katie | Female, black and tan, short-haired dachshund. Mother to Cocoa and Sugar.
Sugar | Female, black and tan, long-haired dachshund. Daughter of Katie and sister to Cocoa.

...And some fishies that have no names. xD

Random Facts
I'm part Cherokee Indian.
I have three dachshunds :3
I wear glasses.
I am proud to be random~ 8D
My birthstone is Sapphire, and my sign is the dragon.
I am a Virgo. c:

(More to come)
This may be a WIP and will be added on to, but feel free to comment. ^^ I will be updating with new subjects every now and then.

Discussion Board / Erin Hunter's New Series! What are your Opinions?
« on: April 03, 2012, 09:00:27 pm »
So, I suspect some of you read Warriors, which I do too. I've heard and seen a lot of rumors that Erin's making a new series called Survivors-- and then I found out it's true! I looked on the Warrior Cats official website and they're having a poll for what the cover should be. Survivors is about domestic dogs, I'm guessing. I just want to hear your opinions, and what you think of the new series. c:

Sorry if this seems like nonsense or is posted in the wrong board... ^^'

Discussion Board / Roleplay Ideas?
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:06:22 am »
Hey guys, I'm thinking about making a roleplay that isn't based on Pokemon for once. xD
Here are the ideas I have so far:
Legend of Gahoole
Wolves of the Beyond
...Yep, I guess that's it. Tell me what you guys think! c: Because I am braindead right now.

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