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Topics - Besiege

Pages: [1]
Introduction / A wild Tricobo has appeared! What will you do?
« on: January 20, 2017, 12:58:48 am »
Hey! I'm Tricobo, or Tric/Trico.
I joined the game late 2014, but shortly after I went inactive, then returned for the new update. I've been on the forums for a couple days, so you may have seen me around, although I never properly introduced myself.
Just as an added tidbit, I have a bit of an obsession with The Last Guardian (a PS4 game), but the moment I started playing it, the game shot up my top games.

I'm grateful to be a full member of the community at last. Have a good day/night! c:

Work In Progress Maps & Map Discussion / Concisus Island - Remade?
« on: December 07, 2016, 02:49:02 am »

This is a map I made a long while back (Probably a year or two ago). I used to host a roleplay that is now long dead- in fact, I've forgotten the name of it. I never really had the dedication to keep any roleplay going. Honestly, I'm proud of what I created when I was 11 years old, even though it's pretty bad.. Anyway, enough of that. I never released anything I made, so I'll do it now. This is completely the raw thing, so beware of typos and errors in the map/instructions. If anyone happens to test it, please criticize it all you can. Should I remake it? Or should I just let it go?

The map is actually very tiny. If I remake it in the future it will be expanded quite a bit. - Download

DeathGiver's Guide to RolePlaying

I sometimes see people struggling to RP certain kinds of animals; like not knowing the sounds they make. And so I decided to make this small guide (I will probably add much more to it).

   The first thing you should do before roleplaying any animal, even if it's simply a cat or canine, is google the name of the animal. Gather as much information as you can and store it inside the inner depths of your brain so you don't forget it. Make sure to only keep in mind important things so you don't just fill your mind with random junk.

Important Points to Memorize Generally Include:
-The words for the male and female of that species
-Average lifespan of that species
-Tactics for finding food (For example, the Stalk, Stare, Pounce and Bite sequence of a cat)
-If that species lives/hunt in groups, or is a solitary animal
-Common behavior
-What sounds the species makes, or if it simply doesn't make any noise!
-Average size and weight

Seems like a lot? For some species, it really is. For a few, it's not. If you think you need more, try filling out this form in your head, on a piece of paper, or even down below as a comment:

What is the word for a male of this species? For female?
How long does this animal normally live?
Is there anything strange or interesting about it?
Is this animal an omnivore, insectivore, carnivore, or herbivore?
What does it normally eat in specific?
What sounds do they make?
How does the species act in the wild? In captivity?
How does it walk/run? What are the words for these<?
Can it last longer without water or food than other animals?

Or anything else you can think of as important!

Hope this helped at least a bit! ^^

Request a Preset/Marking / Warriors Preset?
« on: March 01, 2015, 07:12:29 pm »

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