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Topics - spritrain180

Pages: [1]
Game Help / Game Crashing|Windows 10?| Graphics?
« on: September 15, 2015, 09:58:08 pm »
 I have downloaded FH on a friends laptop since my own will not work and I'm living at her home anyway. The laptop is a 2014 Toshiba that has windows 10 in it.
 I cannot:
A. Get into and stay in usermade maps. I'm a fellow map-maker. I can sometimes get into the map for only a few seconds before crashing out. I tried removing meshes to no avail.

B. After a while, the game begins to skip. Examples include parts of or all of the characters missing, part of the sky is black, I lose all HUD ETC.

 I'm starting to wonder if it's a graphical thing, but this is a newer latop, which may be the problem.
Just wondering if anyone has a solution or trick I can try as I have no idea what else to do.

Thanks in advance!

" A long time ago, before your elders were born, two packs fought an endless battle, Those of the Peridot descendants and those of the Garnet Descendants. Zurlo, the leader of the Peridot tried to seek out the goodness in everyone, helping all in need. Milonas, the leader of the Garnet wolves sought out destruction and bane, destroying everything in his path. "

 We Are:
~ Mapped
~ Literate
~ Active
~ Plotted
~ Mature
~ Realistic

 We are currently relocating to a new, better map, and we currently have a temp. one for now. The new map should be here soon.

 Yes, a RP sample IS REQUIRED. We want posts at least three sentences long, and minimal text talk!

Active: Though we don't have many members as of yet. We typically are on around 5pm EST. ( Though not all of us are on this zone.) We are on for hours at a time.

Plotted: What you read above was some of the plotline posted onsite. The rest is to be continued by the group's actions.

Mature: Yes, what we all have been waiting for! This RP is not childish in any way. Though it is not a requirement, we recommend that you be at least 15 years old to join us. Those younger may be put at risk of reading things that may or may not give them nightmares in the end.

Realistic: We run in packs that consist of the traditional Alpha, Beta etc as well as other positions that are available. No flying, neon cats run about.
We have plenty of postilions and spots available, so please come join us!
Please whisper rosebuddy07 in game to ask about joining and further information.
                              May the Gods light your path.

Game Help / Before I snap....
« on: April 30, 2013, 01:53:28 am »
 Okay i have been dealing with this issue for the past half year, and not only has it progressed, It has gotten me to the point where I no longer want to even turn on Feral Heart.

 This problem is hard to explain, but let me give you a few notes.

 This issue has nothing to do with with my internet connection or my computer's capabilities of handling Feral Heart. I also think it has nothing to do with mods that I have put on the game. ( Those on here are basic mods like Ringoand Delays, ETC)

 I could be playing this game for well over 2-3 hours then, all of a sudden, the game will freeze and close out.
  I log in and get back on the map within seconds, but after about 8 seconds, or unless I move it will freeze again.
 It will do this consistently for about 10 times, with each time being online a tiny bit longer then the last.
Then usually i'm able to be on the game for a good while.

 This has now progressed to where this h appends about every 30 mins, and before I get snappy with anyone, i need help resolving this issue.

 If you need more information regarding this issue, I can say all that I know.

** Edit**
I reinstalled the game, I still am having this trouble ( It was being good for about 2 hours ))

(( Update, 11/14/12))
-Maps -complete
-Website editing complete

Welcome to The Empires Of Eden!
We are ~
Mapped (( Seasonal!))
Feline & Canine

----Current Plot----
Ah, what a grand new beginning for the Zanthul Empire! After the fatal cave-in, Mystic has took her place as Empress. "She's a young wolf." our Shaman, Talla, once said," She still has much to learn, but I have faith in her."

As Mystic begins to adjust to both her family's death and her new responsibility's, Rumors of an uprising have spread throughout the land.
Are the rumors true? If so, when will this uprising occur? And what can Empress Mystic do about it?

Read more:

Want to read more? go to

I'm having a case of the Map Maker blues
FH will stop responding and quit when i try to upload my height map
I have the name input correct-

so why isn't it working? >>
I've uploaded it before, but i modified it a little and now it freezes FH.
The terrain mask will upload just fine.


Remove Alhpa channel

I'm createing a Felines vs Canine Rp and i'm in need of African things for the Feline map. I'd like to know where i can find african animal objects to add to it, or if someone will make me some^^'
 Thanks ~ spritrain180

i found some meshes, but i don't know how to convert them, help :>

Things i've found;

( I don't really like this one, but it's the only Zebra i've found so far)

Game Help / Preset Help, yellow and black wings!
« on: January 09, 2012, 12:56:32 am »
Can someone help me?
i made a preset for wings, saved them in preset 12

and when i went to see them, they where yellow and black,
how do you fix this problem?
thanks C:

Game Help / What do we save the wing preset as?
« on: December 25, 2011, 08:04:44 am »
Well, title says all but.
I'm in the process of makeing my first preset ^^
i've done my character, tested to see if it appeared in FH,it did
now all i need is his wings!
i saved the wings as the following- ( all JPG)
Attempt 1
Attempt 2
Attempt 3

None of these worked,all i got was a yucky tan color,
Please help :3
** EDIT in the game i now have color changing on that too? **

Game Help / Crashing with new patch
« on: December 24, 2011, 09:52:47 pm »
I'd like to state my case.
Since about 2:30pm my time (EST)
The game has been crashing.
I knew there was a new patch and updates are comeing up,so i waited.

 Now the new patch is out, WITH FLYING 0_0
I love it, but heres the problem with me and a couple of my Rping friends
We keep crashing in the FH maps

I went on a custom map that no one was on and it worked beautifuly
I attempted go to Cape
and then it crashed

Is the server overloaded with so
many people that it's crashing?
Just wondering ^^'

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