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Messages - srutis

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Since the summer of 2011, writing has played a massive part of my development in art and recovery. A lot has transpired in the previous 3 years for me. I mean sure it's been rough, but it has also been exhilarating for me to find myself situated outside the safety zone. I mean, when it was over, I found myself writing as an intense form of escapism. I really didn't want to return to this constant stability I was previously acquainted with.

So... when I did have to finally move back home, I did nothing but sleep the days away. Life was becoming stagnant again, and I began to notice that if I didn't plan on pulling my head out the ground sooner or later, I'd find myself submerged within lucid dreams and false realities to the point I'd find myself overruled by them. So from there I've found myself stimulated to develop further in both writing and art, effectively venting my frustration and boredom.

I mean, I have literally hundreds of drafts plaguing my desktop- though fortunately I have came to my senses recently and have started to direct them towards individual projects instead of leaving them to accumulate into a textual mass of drabble. But I do in fact have a few short stories I wish to go over, tidy up etc and publish into the public eye (I had planned to post some work up on fictionpress but ahhh no, not yet, not enough confidence; I have a long way to go and y'know.)

However with the ones that I find quite amusing, I've imagined that at some point I'll find myself illustrating them into short comics instead for fun, and hopefully make a little bit of earning by selling them off. However, I haven't been given the opportunity to really work on many of my own personal projects, and some of my larger scale works have been put aside. College honestly has taken up so much of my time of late that it's damning, but I would love to get a few shorts ones done and dusted by summer next year and see what I can do with some of my projects in work at the end my BA course.

Art Gallery / Re: Srutis (Updated)
« on: October 22, 2013, 07:42:44 pm »
Your artwork is indeed quite stunning. I'm impressed. +floof.

Cheers amigo!

Art Gallery / Re: Srutis (Updated)
« on: October 22, 2013, 06:30:08 pm »
oh my god, amazing things you have hidden here:3 haven't seen all of them though, I usually post before, but the last one is soooo adorable, I'd just hug him if I could and continue living without my head<3 gonna see other drawings too now

and your siggy just scares the sheats out of me

Glad you like it! It was a fairly fun piece to mess around with. And yeah, t'was a random gif I came across via tumblr.

Art Gallery / Re: SRUTIS (Another update)
« on: July 19, 2013, 06:35:45 pm »

Art Gallery / Re: SRUTIS (Another update)
« on: February 06, 2013, 06:04:51 am »

Not been able to update, overloaded with college work and a commission or two need finishing. AHHHFUN.

Art Gallery / Re: SRUTIS (New Updates)
« on: December 22, 2012, 01:24:25 am »
Haha, cheers amigo and hopefully yeah another update!

Here is work in progress piece I'm working on though I shouldn't.

I'm procrastinating from art with art. Cool info though if you're interested, I'll be starting a youtube account soon which will be filled with some animation work and storyboard work. Some personal and college related. :) I'll post a message on this thread in case anyone might be interested in seeing utter crap of mine. Heh.

Discussion Board / Re: Gollum Is Scarier Than Ever
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:59:30 pm »
I honestly can't get over how the kid has a show but then you watch it and it's terrifyingly funny. If not a little sad. BUT YES. SCARY.

AND OMG. He does look amphibian! A frog chimp. But I agree.


Discussion Board / Gollum Is Scarier Than Ever
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:20:00 pm »
I came across this on youtube and I lost all self control.

Discussion Board / Re: The Hobbit~
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:18:18 pm »
PFFFTTTT. Every time I go to catch my bus in the afternoons I'm faced with a hobbit advertisement of Ian  McKellen in all his glory and, I really need to go watch it. Though it's reminded me that my grandad gave me the lord of the ring book collection and I have never found the time to read them! Odd enough. But yeah I'm happily reading the lord of the ring books atm whilst I try and gather some cash to go watch The Hobbit with some amigos.

Art Gallery / Re: SRUTIS (New Updates)
« on: December 16, 2012, 05:09:43 pm »
Glad you like amigo!

Note: WHOOP. Got my intuos sorted. Well, it's not useable yet but anywayyyyyy. I've done some critter 3d models. For kicks, and I'm gonna get a amigo to help me with animate them ect. So hopefully I can show them off sometime this week.

A Dragon head and Canine so far. WHOOP. Also with my intuos getting sorted, I'll be able to finish some char refs. :)

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