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Topics - flandesuyo1

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Game Help / Exporting Heightmap crashes game (solved)
« on: July 15, 2017, 12:31:30 am »
Alrighty so I'm back. Oops. I'm making a new map and I'm trying to get my heightmap in, I've checked over google and the forums and it's not working. File is 513x513, one layer, greyscale, I know I fixed the crashing the other night on another map but I can't remember what I did.. I need help!

Alright. So I finally finished my map, everything exported alright and everything is showing up for me but in a previous experience with a map, a member of my pack said that there was a floating den in the sky (there was none in game or in the map maker.) And they said some map items weren't showing up for them. Is this because they don't have it downloaded? This confuses me because I had another pack that had map items I DID NOT have downloaded and I could see them fine. I am a little worried because I don't want some things to be all screwed up for other people. because this map took at least 3 days to make. The only meshes that are not FH are some trees. And one log from an item pack that the person said items weren't showing up from. Is this a issue on my part or is it the other person's mistake?

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