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Topics - Hooli

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Member Bio & Journals / Inactivity
« on: September 23, 2015, 02:19:04 pm »
Yell at me if this is the wrong board, but I wanted to apologize for my sudden drop in activity!
 I've been having a bit of real life issues involving school and other stuff, including a ton of doctor's appointments revolving around a little cyst that made its way onto me.  I had surgery yesterday and we were able to successfully remove it, and I'm now on my way to recovery, so once I start feeling better I should be back to being active on the forums again!

Site/Forum Help / Changing the time/timezone?
« on: August 29, 2015, 04:54:04 am »
I'm sorry if this has come up before, but no matter what I try I can't seem to find out how to change the time on the forum. Currently it says it's 4:52 am when its 12:53 am for me ;; Is there a way to change it, and if so, how?

User Creations Collection / Hooli's bundle of creations!
« on: August 29, 2015, 04:06:25 am »
Here's where I'll post the creations I've made that I decided to share with the community!

Table of Contents

Thread 1; Maps
Thread 2; Presets

Thread 3; Mods


Hadithi ya Kale is a (very) large African map that can fit 2 prides, a hyena clan, and a bunch more different animals! Perfect for a large, multi-species African rp. Read more here

Download Me! - Dropbox
Download Me! - Mediafire

More pics below!

Aspen Meadows is a medium-sized map, though as they say, quality over quantity. It's a forest map fit for more woodland-style rps and previously (and still does) house the rp that this map was previously designed for, Aspen Meadows.

Download Me! - Dropbox
Download Me! - Mediafire

Bit of an old map, but it's still really pretty, in my opinion, and deserves to be shared! Castellum was a map created back in early to middle 2014, meant to house my elemental rp. I believe the name 'castellum' translates to a small fort used as a watch tower or signal station, and there's a little abandoned guild's home in there if you'd want to implement that somehow into a role play.

Download Me! - Dropbox
Download Me! - Mediafire

More pics below!

Eachai is a cute little meadow map built for horse rps. We never see anymore of those around, sadly. I want to bring them back, though! Hopefully some more people start making some rps that actually stick around, I'd love to see it someday!

Download Me! - Dropbox
Download Me! - Mediafire

More pics below! Warning, a bit heavy on the images because there was a lot to show.

Days Remain was created for the purpose of holding a post-apocalyptic rp, but sadly the rp never lifted off of its feet like I'd planned. Warning, this map can get very laggy, especially in the main city area! It not only comes with a big, abandoned city, but also a little village that had been overgrown with plants and vegetation, an old junkyard for dogs to form packs in, an alley way for cats to form little clans, and an old train station!

Download Me! - Dropbox
Download Me! - Mediafire

Ask Me / Ask Hooli!
« on: August 18, 2015, 08:45:55 pm »

 Go on and ask me a question! I'll be sure to answer.  ;D


Lions and hyenas have always been mortal enemies.

Even so, the two groups used to live distant enough from each other to avoid most conflict - Valor Pride, formerly known as White Pride for the leucistic gene they carried, lived West of Lions' Blood Clan, then known as Cavern Clan whom resided {and still reside} in a maze of caves. Even if one stole from another, prey was plentiful enough in each territory to sustain them. In the dry season when the river receded, the two families fought over prey more often, but the wet season always came to restore the uneasy indifference.

However, white lion pelts were quickly becoming desirable to humans. White Pride's numbers rapidly decreased, and they were forced to move deep into Cavern Clan's precious territory. White Pride situated itself in the Northern part of Cavern Clan territory, now on the opposite side of the watering hole. The two groups now directly had to compete for the same prey, and the seed of hatred began to germinate.

In a fight over prey, Whitetail, the second-highest female in Cavern Clan, was killed by Tornlip, a pride male. Yero, the highest male of Cavern Clan, was badly wounded by another male named Storm, but he survived. These damages to the clan were heavy, as it was not large at the time. Their losses were not to be soon forgotten.

Several years had passed, and new heirs were born to the clan. Now with plenty of adult members, Cavern Clan stood more of a chance. On a seemingly regular day, the clan had brought down an old bull buffalo. As soon as it hit the ground, Tornlip, now past his prime, charged the hunting party of four, forcing them to scatter. However, four soon became six, and six became fifteen. Heavily outnumbered, the cackling mass of hyenas was a true threat. Tornlip was quickly surrounded. As he swiped at one, that paw was grabbed; crushed. It clicked in their brains, and the other paw was put out of commission. Unable to attack, more hyenas latched onto the old lion's forelegs. He was soon on the ground. With his stomach exposed, they tore at the weak spot. The matriarch, Stone, insisted on leading the assault. Tornlip died a painful death. Other White Pride members arrived soon after, but they were too late. Mortified at the sight of a grown male lion, their protector, their trump card, dead by the jaws of hyenas, they fled the scene. The clan's triumph could be heard for miles. Leaving his dead body to the scavengers, they feasted on their hard-won prize. Hyenas had learned to kill kings, and now it was a real war.

Storm was hysterical. His brother, his companion for life, was dead by the mortal enemy. But knowing that the clan could kill him now, he could not take them head on. Bursting with new confidence, Lions' Blood Clan frequently stole from White Pride, taunting them as they did. "We are Cavern Clan no more!" Stone proclaimed. "From this day forward, we are Lions' Blood Clan!" Outraged, against his good judgement, Storm pursued his tormentor, grabbing her by the throat and crushing her windpipe. The clan could not stop him. Snapped into their own better judgement, they retreated.

Now, White Pride began to call themselves Valor Pride. But with only one elderly pride male, Valor Pride was soon taken over by new males. Lions' Blood Clan was in disorder for quite some time before a new matriarch came to power.

It is a new era, and the war has only begun. Which side do you choose?


Vita Havina Macho is a literate, extremely realistic, mapped, plotted, long-termed active and rivaled lion vs hyena role play. We also accept other African predators such as cheetahs, leopards, dingos, AWDs, servals, caracals and more!


The dry season relentlessly rages on. Though no one knows it yet, this dry season will be longer than any other in the past. Fires are flaring up commonly. Water and grass is drying up. Prey has to travel farther to reach good grasses but also stay close to their depleting water source. With the abnormally long dryness, anthrax is returning. Prey are becoming infected left and right through the cracks in their lips and the wounds they bear from fighting over water.

Predators are very resistant to anthrax, but they are still vulnerable. The older the individual, the more open wounds they bear, and the more infected prey they eat, the more likely they are to contract it. Once anthrax is contracted, they are guaranteed to die. We can only hope that the rains will return soon.

Whisper NazoXSparx or hooligans on FH for more information.

Request/Find Meshes / Palace mesh?
« on: August 08, 2015, 08:20:02 pm »

I'm working on a map and for a certain part I need a palace or castle or somethin' of the sort. I would attempt to make my own but I've already tried and it doesn't seem to be working at all.

 So I'd like to request someone make me a palace mesh.. ? I don't have any dA points or anything or anything to give, besides presets or maps, but. u_u

It's a lot to ask, but I've been looking everywhere for a nice palace mesh but I can't seem to find one.

Thanks a bunch in advance.

Screenshots / Edited screenshots~
« on: July 30, 2015, 02:56:10 pm »

Found a nice image editor and I've become obsessed with editing FH screenies.

Warning: Image heavy!













This time I decided to go around the public maps and take some screenies. c:

Leaving / Decrease in Activity!
« on: July 20, 2015, 07:26:14 am »

No, I'm not leaving, I'm just gonna note here that I might have a decrease in activity both in-game and on the forums. Now, I'll still get on frequently, maybe just not as much as I do now.

There's an easy reason for this; Real life.

Now, I know what you may be thinking..
"Hooli, what's this "real life" you speak of???"
Well friends!

Hooli has decided to take it upon herself to decide that she is going to college!
Not just any college, the New York Film Academy.
I've decided to take it upon myself to attempt to become an actor. Why is this out of the blue, you ask? Well.. it's not really.. out of the blue, I mean. I've been really conflicted on what I want to do when I grow up. At first I wanted to be a vet, then a nurse, then the owner of a dog shelter. But something I never sat down and thought about was film, theatre, performing arts, etc. This stuff has always given me great joy and comfort and I'd always been able to express my emotions and vent through music and movies and shows and whatnot.
So I realized, no, I don't think I have the potential to be a singer or be on broadway but- acting? That might just be something I have a shot at.

This is the link to the school:

I really think I might have a good chance at doing this, honestly.

SO! Why am I writing this post about inactivity when I'm just telling you about my future plans? Well, that's simple. To get into this school, me in my current state, will definitely not be accepted. I'm gonna work on myself, and take time to get myself back on track. That includes health, sleep, dieting, exercising, etc. My first goal is to study like hell and ace the test to get my learner's permit, possibly get a job for the rest of the summer, and then when I go back to public school for the first time in 2 years this year, I'm gonna be the best I can be, not let anyone get in my way, shine like a star, ace all my classes and graduate from highschool, deploma in hand, and then hopefully I'll have put in an application for NYFA and am accepted! If so, I'll be on my way to New York with my best friend who's planning to go to an Art school in New York. We're hoping to rent a small apartment together!

With all that said, I hope you understand why I'm doing all this and I hope you'll support me in my journey!

Screenshots / Hooli's Summer Party 2015 Screenies!
« on: July 18, 2015, 09:42:14 pm »

So the party's over, but with that comes new memories to talk about and share with others. The party was a blast in mine and probably a lot of other people's eyes, and I was very, very glad to attend. There was a great radio (special thanks to Allegra for being such a wonderful DJ!) and a very entertaining podcast, as well as a friendly community to party and spread laughter and joy with while we danced the night away.

WARNING: Image heavy

Presets & Markings / // Hooli's preset hut \\ WIP
« on: July 18, 2015, 03:38:16 am »

I decided I would make a little place to post and share my private and public presets, so we have this thread.



Character Name: Loke

Loke's a wolf in my elemental role play, Castellum. He's the king of the guild, and takes the element Light. He has transparent wings that allow him to levitate around when he's too lazy to use his paws.

See the preset in-game:

Character Name: Sorrelleaf

Sorrelleaf is one of my main warrior characters. She's currently Clanless, but I'll hopefully be able to find her a home soon.

See the preset in-game:


(pls don't mind that little mess-up in the transparency ;^; too lazy to change it)

Use the preset in-game:

Use the preset in-game:

Use the preset in-game:

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