Author Topic: Untitled (WIP) (Rating-M)  (Read 2725 times)


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Untitled (WIP) (Rating-M)
« on: February 26, 2011, 12:35:49 am »
Character staring: Uphir
Pardon for any bad grammer and such.
Story is copyright to me.

'You ignored my pleads with your stubborness. But I don't blaim you, how could I knowing only a soul-so pure and innocent  as your own, could beleive in such a cold transistion of love: that lay emebeded upon yourself and him. I could see it in his eyes, yet your were blinded, his charm could only be matched with a snakes. I should have killed him like a snake. Oh how the gods sing their sorrow and anger at me for not aiding you as I should haved. My dream of ridding the empire of him grows even with your absense. You are my muse. My duties and morals are dead and will only be regained by the blood I so dearly lust. I will make his gaze as cold as yours was on that night he took you. I promise you that. He layed waste to your children beliveing to have sprouted from my loins, I saved the 2 eldest however. They to belive me more of a father that that boar. He did this all for her you know? Laying with another female,commiting adultry on the same silk where you and he conceived your future bloodline. It makes my mind errupt in a solcae flare... the selfish twat has never been satisfied with much... '

-Excuse it not being finished but I'm writing a awfully long chapter. But here is a prolouge or such. A taster as you will. If you like the sound of the context above, bookmark this thread and make sure to check back for a update, thankyou.