Author Topic: ~::The X Family::~ (NEW WEB-SITE, CHECK NEWS POST)  (Read 44357 times)


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« on: March 23, 2011, 04:50:33 pm »
New Site Link!

You wake up. Your eyes glazed, your head throbbing. You can't remember anything, the heart in your chest
pumps harder in panic as you realize that you're memories cannot be revived at the moment. Where are you? Who are
you? So many questions run through your poor foggy mind. As foggy as your dark surroundings....
It isn't your eyes, the fog is real, and it covers everything. Snow falls from the night sky, but as you scramble to your
feet you look at your soot-covered paws, the snow is not snow after all...
Now what? You wonder, and you venture into the dense dark fog. You hear many things, you think you're loosing your mind...
Laughing, giggling, shuffling, and growls and gurgles of the strange inhabitants that walk as well in the fog.
Panic! Run! Flee! But there's nowhere to go, you're in a deathly circle. But you see a shadow.
No answer
"Excuse me!"
The thing you're looking at starts walking near, then more, and more... You think whether it was a good idea to
call for them...
They circle, they growl, they hiss and spit. And they look you over, with glowing eyes of various colors.
"W-who are you?" You're panicky voice utters.
A black wolf looking creature with glowing red eyes and markings approaches your trying-to-be-fearless stance.
"We are the many children...."



To the X Family Thread! >3 This is a SilentHill sort-of based RP, just for kicks, that is fun! We'll hang, we'll joke, and we'll RP our weird and psychotic characters of many shapes and sizes! All the children of the great
Xuchilbara! (Also known as PH l3) and his main mate Xaverier, as well as the many servants and monstrous pets of
the house. If you'd like to join the Family and its all-great crazyness, do read all the rules below, especially
about the character maker! I've already written this below, but please if you join IN-GAME please RE-JOIN ON THIS
THREAD. I'm not magical, can't keep up with everything THAT easily lU. After you've agreed with the rules, continue
to the next thread about Rank description and so on so forth l3. Do enjoy yourselves!


:General RULES:

*Usual rules of RP here, no auto-hitting, etc etc.
*Absolutely NO talk of religion or personal beliefs, and such like that.
*Connecting to above: no talk of where you live or you're real FULL NAME, FIRST is fine *points to Username* .3.
*Again this is not a COMPLETELY SERIOUS OMG RP, have a little fun and enjoy l3
*LAST but not least: If you don't like the way the pride works, please, JUST WALK AWAY.


:Character Maker RULES:
Keep these in mind as you read the RANKS.

*If you are applying for one of the CHILDREN (Major, Minor/ See Ranks Below) you HAVE to look like Xuchilbara, Xaverier, or a MIX of the two! AND you MUST start out as a Minor unless otherwise elected.
*If you are applying for a MINION position (Superior, Subordinate, Inferior) you MUST start as a Subordinate unless otherwise elected. As for looks this ones free game.
*If you apply for a PET position, you must be one of the species named below, try and be creative in that range
though l3
*If you apply in-game, you have to apply on here too, I'm not THAT good at keeping up with things l3
*TRY TO HAVE AN X NAME, but i'm sure after a while it'll run out and get increasingly difficult to find names, so I
will accept Z, V, and the occasional Y...


« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 10:01:26 pm by Kelsie~WalterGirl »


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Re: ~::The X Family::~ (Slight SilentHill Based Characters)
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2011, 04:51:59 pm »
:Descriptions of Ranks:
This Family consists of what it says, Family. So there are mostly CHILDREN of Xuchilbara and his mate, however, outsiders are taken in as slaves, even both the slaves and newer children have to earn their way up to better roles in the Family, but Children do get the better privileges... BUT there are also pets owned by the Children that are monsters from the minds of their many victims, that are treated as depending on their owner... Here are the ranks and jobs, from high to low >3

~Children Ranks~

These are the children who have earned their way to the top! And now get the privilege of bossing around the other less fortunate children and slaves. They have lazy jobs and usually run the house when mom and dad aren't around >3

Jobs of the Majors:
Double Bodies= The impersonators of Xuchilbara, you gotta be extra buff and special to earn this part (Also known as an ASSASSIN position)  
Generals= The bosses of the Fighters, like I say, they simply order the fighters around...
Spys= The funnest job for the Children as said by most, those with the best skills are made
spys to sneak and follow other prides that pass, sometimes they run with daddy and the Double Bodies to help pull off quiet Assassinations
Lead Patrolling= Pretty much same as General except with Hunting, they order the Hunters
around lP

These are the newborn, not-yet-earned-enough-respect part of the Children, and the most frequent. They have O.K. jobs, but are definitely not as layed-back as the Majors, they work very hard to get to their spot in the Majors seat.

Jobs of the Minors:
Hunters= It may SEEM fun, but there are many mouths to feed in the family, you have to be on
your toes 97% of the time! :O
Maintenance Workers= The children that are CONSTANTLY working to keep up the upkeep of the
chambers and living places, they are constantly being called to work on things.
Fighters= The only somewhat glorious job of the Minors, they get to fight! But it is hard to
excel in such combat that is practiced, and sometimes most don't survive... Those that DO go on to have a chance at
Tunnelers= The most frequent job of the Minors, it is somewhat senseless, but every once in a
while a great route is found underground and Children are rewarded!
SafeHouse Keeper= The person who cleans and keeps up the SafeHouse

~Minion Ranks~

The most respected and rarely beaten minions of the Family, they serve important roles and sometimes earn their way to freedom (RARELY, but if they are, they can NEVER come back, or they will be destroyed)

Jobs of the Superiors:
Master Slave= The ULTIMATE job of a Minion, only for ones with special connections to Xuchilbara. You serve Xuchilbara and sometimes follow as an escort on missions
Extra Lead Patrolling= The Extras of the Lead Patrollers, they fill in in Lead Patrollers
aren't available.
Sub General= The servants of the Generals, serving as slight medics when the generals are in

The subordinate position is where you start out as if you apply for a Minion position, it is the normality for
Minions, and they are slightly noticed.

Jobs of the Subordinates:
Back Hunters= The hunters that hunt in the back of the group hunting formation, and the last
to land a blow on the prey.
Tool Carriers= Assistants of the Maintenance Workers, the title says it all.
Fighters= Same job as the Minion, besides the fact that Subordinates are lower class then
SafeHouse Keeper= The Minions who have it harder then the children in this job make sure the SafeHouse is SPOTLESS for Xuchilbara and Xaverier.

The most looked-down upon members of the Minion class, they are beaten frequently and punished, due to the only thing you can do to get in this position is try to escape or kill one of the Children Rank, any higher then Minor
attacked by  minion results in immediate death.

Jobs of the Inferiors:
Hard Tunnelers= The horrible task of constantly digging, with only few breaks. Many die of
exhaustion or go crazy inside the tunnels they dig.
Rock Movers= The bone breaking task of moving LARGE boulders and medium sized rocks out of
workers ways, a very grueling task...

The little monsters of the Family, literally... they are breeds of various monsters and strange creatures to be companions to the Children and the Superior Minions.
Here are the Accepted Monsters:

Hell Doggies (A bunch of mangy, fleshy, hellion dogs will suit nicely l3)
BUGS (ONLY FOR XUCHILBARA'S PETS, need lots of buggies >83)
Mira (Someone please make a Mira shiba-inu I WILL LOVE YOU <3)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 08:23:33 pm by Kelsie~WalterGirl »


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Re: ~::The X Family::~ (Slight SilentHill Based Characters)
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2011, 04:52:54 pm »

Now that you have read the rules and such, you are ready >3 Pick a form!


~Apply for Children~
Code: [Select]
(Looks: Has to be a picture but a temporary description is OK, REMEMBER: for children it HAS to look like
Xuchilbara or Xaverier (See Members))
Rank: (HAS to be Minor unless I say)
Rank Job: (any job in that rank)
RolePlay Sample: (More then 2 sentences! We are a slightly literal group)
Ingame/Forum Username:


~Apply for Minions~
Code: [Select]
(Looks: Anything goes for this one, needs picture, temporary description O.K.)
Rank: (HAS to be subordinate unless I say)
Rank Job: (any job in that rank)
RolePlay Sample:(More then 2 sentences! We are a slightly literal group)
Ingame/Forum Username:


~Apply for Pets~
Code: [Select]
(Looks: in the lines of the breeds listed, needs picture, temporary description O.K.)
Pet of: (starts out as None: Please Adopt! unless your a BUG, then you're automatically Xuchilbara's pet.)
RolePlay Sample:(More then 2 sentences! We are a slightly literal group)
Ingame/Forum Username:

~Pet Adoption Form~
Code: [Select]

Pet Wanted:
Have you discussed with the player of the pet?: (Both have to accept, so both will HAVE to POST on this forum or tell me ingame for me to accept.)
Ingame/Forum Username:

« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 02:08:34 pm by Kelsie »


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Re: ~::The X Family::~ (Slight SilentHill Based Characters)
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2011, 04:54:14 pm »


The Father of all the children, he owns this family and their pride with an iron fist (and a sword)!
Gender: MALE obviously
Rank: Leader, God
Job: He's the leader, you'd think in this family he would be enjoying himself, well he does when he's home. Yet he
goes out on assassination missions very frequently, but hell he enjoys it >3
Personality: He doesn't say much, just watches, but when he DOES have something to say, he is very booming about
it... He pays fair attention to his Children but only if they do something absolutely extraordinary, or simply come
up to him.
Pets: Many Buggies >3
Ingame/Forum Username: Headcrabmelon/Kelsie


The Mother, obviously
Gender: Female
Job: Mother, Healer, YELLER, Lead female
Personality: Nice underneath, but likes to yell and won't often use her childrens' names, just calls them OFFSPRING.
Pets: -none- 3:
Ingame/Forum Username: Shikoku/Shikoku




Name: Verlan
Gender: Female
Rank: Major
Rank Job: Female General
Personality: She's daddy's little, spoiled, bratty, girl. Since she's just like him, they frequently argue, but despite their feuding, Xuchilbara views her as matching in his leadership skills, so she's up to par enough to let her do as she pleases... To an extent. ALSO: She is somewhat close to Xin l3
Pets: None yet >/
Ingame/Forum Username: Headcrabmelon/Kelsie

Xuchilbara or Xaverier (See Members))
Name: Xin
Gender: Female
Rank: Major (Because Mum loves me)
Rank Job: Spy
Personality: Quiet, serious, apathetic and hateful
Pets: None
Ingame/Forum Username: Shiro

Name: Xenjai Mausoleum (Xen or Maus for short)
Gender: Female
Rank: Major
Rank Job: Spy
Personality: (and assassin, if possible)
Pets: I need me one o' dem
Ingame/Forum Username:
Howlerwolf ; Howlerwolf/Loco Lobo


Name: Xavi
Gender: Male
Rank: Minor
Rank Job: Hunter
Personality: Xavi is a quiet individual for the most part but can get mad quickly and has a problem with biting off more than he can chew. For some reason he is unable to speak normally and lets out a piercing shriek when he opens his maw or speaks.
Pets: None
Ingame/Forum Username: Shiro

Name;; Alli
Gender;; Female
Rank;; Minor
Rank Job;; Fighter
Personality;; Alli is quite the annoying child. She can mostly be found jumping around and exploring everywhere, practicing her signature fighting moves in the tunnels, or in her bed, sleeping. She can be be a know-it-all sometimes. She likes to make friends, get into trouble and break the rules, and stand up for what she believes in. She likes to be alone most of the time. She always keeps her emotions to herself. She hates being around crowds. Is the outcast.
Pets;; None ; A ;
Ingame/Forum Username;; allybabie331

Name: Zoru
Gender: Male
Rank: Minor
Rank Job: Tunneler
Personality: quiet, likes to keep to self
Pets: none
Ingame/Forum Username: 101RadarConnie

Name: Unrequited
Gender: Male
Rank: Minor
Rank Job: Hunter
Personality: Unrequited is a bit messed up in the head. Though, he doesn't usually go completely insane. He LOVES mummy and daddy. ALOT.
Pets: None
Ingame/Forum Username: FoxXIII

Name: Xanatos
Gender: Male
Rank: Minor
Rank Job: Maintenance Worker
Personality:  Is it even possible to be OCD and ADHD at the same time?  If so, then Xanatos would be the perfect subject for a case study on it.  Xan is at once obsessively detail oriented (to the point of throwing a fit if even one rock is out of place) and extremely distract-able.  This mix results in some interesting crazy moments, particularly when he forgets what he was obsessing over right in the middle of a tantrum.  He tends to shake a lot, as though overdosed on caffeine.
Pets: None as of now
Ingame/Forum Username: Thessur/Leslie

Name: Xerxes
Gender: Female
Rank: Minor Child
Rank Job: Tunneler
Personality: Good-natured girl, lax and laid-back. Sort has a boyish nature to her. Despite her calmness, she is a hard worker. Doesn't say much except for jokes.
Pets: none, wouldn't mind one
Ingame/Forum Username: suowoof

Rank:Children minor
Rank job:Fighter
Personality:venus is quite bossy and loves to push people smaller and/or weaker than her, she also loves a good fight (and yes she is good at fighting).
Ingame/forum username: Wolfgirl777



Looks: Coming VERY soon c;
Name: Joy
Gender: Female (HolyshizLexymadeafemalecharacter.)
Rank: Superior
Rank Job: Master Slave
Personality: She doesn't have emotions. Well, she does, but she's not sure what they are. All she knows is following orders (So killing, hunting, torturing... The sort of thing Xu would order her to do). She is incredibly loyal. Don't say bad stuff about the family infront of her. She'll slap you so hard you'll end up in Dementia.
Ingame/Forum Username: FoxXIII/Lexy


Name:Chi(Meaning blood in japanese)
Gender:Female thats why it has purple >U
Rank: Minon
Rank Job:Fighter
Personalty: Kind, carwing, aggressive, isn't afaried to speak her mind, fearless, and I LOVE BEING PURPLE
Pet: Gonna find a hellHound and name it chubacka >lD
Image/Froum UserName: GekkanibakaOfWoW/Gekkani  

Name: Labyrinth
Gender: Male
Rank: Subordinate
Rank Job: Tool Carrier
Personality: Shy, quiet, joker, subordinate.
Pets: N/A
Ingame/Forum Username: Brutality

Name: The Insanity (Or just Insanity, Insa, or Mr. Crazy)
Gender: Male
Rank: Subordinate
Rank Job: Fighter
Personality: Just look at his name Insa is very messed up mentally. He laughs at things that would make other people sick and enjoys making others suffer. But other than that, he's a pretty cool guy once you get to know him.
Pets: None.
Ingame/Forum Username: FoxXIII

Rank Job:Fighter
 Personality:nice but fierce has gotten in and won many fights
Ingame/Forum Username:Arythia/Arythiaeragonrocks

Rank Job:Back Hunter
Personality:sweet and kind but cunning after all i am a fox i have a son named Fox in the group
Ingame/Forum Username:Arythia/Arythiaeragonrocks

Name: Klee
Gender: Female
Rank: Subordinate
Rank Job: Back hunter
Personality: Cheerful.  Shy, but a good friend if you manage to get past that.  She enjoys exploring and hopes to become a fighter at some point, but she's happy enough as a back hunter.
Pets: none, but she would like one.
Ingame/Forum Username:  Angelwolf99

Name: Therozane (Theri for short)
Gender: Male
Rank: Subordinate
Rank Job: Fighter
Personality: Veiled and reserved. Some call him easygoing, others call him depressed.
Pets: None.
RP Sample: You know how I do it >.> LOL that came out wrong.
Ingame/Forum Username: Deino909 / Deino909

Name: Evenomate
Gender: Female
Rank: Minion
Rank Job: Back hunter.
Personality: Envenomate is a sadistic and evil she-wolf. She enjoys the pain and suffering that are brought upon to others. If you are a VERY close friend of hers, she laughs, jokes around, and plays. To unfaimliars, she is not the nicest wolf in all of the block. Most of the time, she is away and doesn't talk to others.
Pets: None.
Ingame/Forum Username: ||WolvesTears||


Name: Vyle (Vy for short :3)
Gender: Male
Rank: Inferior Minion (You said so Cheesy)
Rank Job: Hard Tunneler
Personality: Quiet, serious, tense. He claims he's a pacifist.. and being an inferior minion has taught him a lot about humility...
Pets: Nurr. He probably wouldn't want one, though.
Ingame/Forum Username: Deino909 / Deino909

Name: Vergil / Verge
Gender: Male
Rank: Minion
Job: Hard tunneler
Personality: Quiet and likes being on his own, still has no idea how he got in this hell hole
Pets: none
Ingame/Forum Username: NeloAngelo


(Hellhoud c:)
Name: Lerai
Gender: Female
Pet of: None
Personality: An extremely snappy, but in some weird way loving. Lerai has extreme mood swings, shes hard to read, as her face often remains expression-less.
As well, she can be arrogant. Very arrogant
Ingame/Forum Username: Azure

Pet of: None, ADOPT 8D
Personality:A short-tempered hell hound. She likes to eat, sleep, swim in deep pools pf lava, hunt, and play with freinds. She is currently up for adoption, and she ish cute! Grin
Ingame/Forum Username: Ingame-Rani   Fourm-Melanie

Pet of: None: Please Adopt
Personality: An Aggressive, playful Shiba-Inu
Ingame/Forum Username:RedAngel

(HellHound l:3)
Name: Xion
Gender: Male (im female irl)
Pet of: Need to be adopted ^_^)
Personality: Looks evil, and dark....and scary... but will only attack when necessary. Otherwise, he's one of those people in the middle....
Ingame/Forum Username- Stuey


NEWS ON NEXT POST (Last one I promise)
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 08:36:30 pm by Kelsie~WalterGirl »


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Re: ~::The X Family::~ (Slight SilentHill Based Characters)
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2011, 04:54:54 pm »

May 04, 2011: ONE: the activity check. I'm VERY dissapointed. BUT I have better news!
THE POINT: We have a new site, the link will be added on the top of the front post, PLEASE JOIN THERE IF YOU WANT TO JOIN <3


Active Member Count: 4
Active Character Count: 7

Activity Check Uncounted List:
Xin / Xavi (Shiro)
Xenjai Mausoleum (Howlerwolf)
Alli (allybabie331)
Zoru (101 RadarConnie)
Xanatos (Thessur/Leslie)
Xerxes (suowoof)
Venus (Wolfgirl777)
Chi (Gekkani)
Labyrinth (Brutality)
Fang / Scarlet (Arythiaeragonrocks)
Klee (Angelwolf99)
Therozane / Vyle (Deino909)
Evenomate (||WolvesTears||)
Vergil (NeloAngelo)
Rani (Rani/Melanie)
Mira (RedAngel)
Xion (Stuey)

Activity Check Counted List:
Xuchilbara / Verlan (Kelsie)
Xaverier (Shikoku)
Lerai (Azure)
Unrequited / Joy / The Insanity (FoxXIII)



Manipulated Hill by Shikoku:

SafeHouse by Howlerwolf:

WaterPrison by Kelsie/Headcrabmelon:
WIP (To assure you it's on it's way >83)




The SPECIAL DAYS listing:

-x-Sacrifice to Samael!-x-

Days out of the year when unworthy minions and mistrustful children are sacrificed the the supposed 'Top God' of the order. Ones gather in great masses in the chamber, where the sacrifice is carried into the main heart of the chamber and tied in however way Xuchilbara wants it, and then is executed by his large, tortuous blade. If need be more cruel the punishment or want of Samael, the torture could also turn into a quick skinning. Wheras after, the children get to dance in the blood and do whatever with the skins- and the fur is given to Xaverier.

-x-Torture Games-x-
The funnest way of entertainment for the children, and a bright idea of Verlan's. An organization of many games (like torture olympics) based on the survival of the fittest- MINIONS, that is. When children do join these games, it's ussually a sad attempt to impress their parents. Within this time of gaming (it usually lasts a week of 5 days) 5 games are made for each day, as well as 5 participants. The games are complicated and planned a week before the actual competition, participants are usually picked out of the inferiors and subordinates. And yes, you guessed it, more then half the time only ONE ends up surviving by process of elimination, however, the rare occurrence of 2 still happens. As for rewards for surviving, that's Xaverier and Verlan's decision, Xuchilbara isn't nice enough to give out goodies .3.




None as of now



Code: [Select]
Appease them LOL >o



« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 09:59:23 pm by Kelsie~WalterGirl »

Offline GekkanibakaOfWoW

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Re: ~::The X Family::~ (Slight SilentHill Based Characters)
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2011, 05:02:37 pm »


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Re: ~::The X Family::~ (Slight SilentHill Based Characters)
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2011, 05:03:17 pm »
.3. wut darn you? >U XD

Offline Shikoku

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Re: ~::The X Family::~ (Slight SilentHill Based Characters)
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2011, 05:04:22 pm »
The Mother, obviously
Gender: Female
Job: Mother, Healer, YELLER, Lead female
Personality: Nice underneath, but likes to yell and won't often use her childrens' names, just calls them OFFSPRING.
Pets: -none- 3:
Ingame/Forum Username: Shikoku/Shikoku

Link below to picture >:O
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 06:50:49 pm by Shikoku »

Not a hero unless you die >D

Offline Kyugima

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Re: ~::The X Family::~ (Slight SilentHill Based Characters)
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2011, 05:05:30 pm »
XD Hello! FINALLY! thread on the family! XD Unless this is the wrong family then... *embarassed if so*

Name: Xavion
Gender: male
Rank: Minor
Rank Job: I dunno... Fighter?
Personality: I haven't thought this part out yet, but I will put something here soon, promise
Pets: None
Ingame/Forum Username: Kyugima

please click here! Help me raise my pokemon!
Avatar: Sameth
Signature: Kyugima, Rimfrost, Deafosho


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Re: ~::The X Family::~ (Slight SilentHill Based Characters)
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2011, 05:07:20 pm »

Xuchilbara or Xaverier, "Me I'm the most successful" >:I
Name: Xaru
Gender: Male
Rank Job: Hunter
Personality: Arrogant,Loud, and Annoying.
Pets: >:Y "Gotta get me one of these."
Ingame/Forum Username: Shiro

I'm puttin Xin in the same post so I dont have to double post xD

Xuchilbara or Xaverier (See Members))
Name: Xin
Gender: Female
Rank: Major (Because Mum loves me)
Rank Job: Spy
Personality: Quiet, serious, apathetic and hateful
Pets: None
Ingame/Forum Username: Shiro