Author Topic: The Najuean Hyena  (Read 8466 times)


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The Najuean Hyena
« on: April 04, 2011, 12:52:23 am »
This layout is (c) to xoalligatoxo
The thread is only slightly edited by me.
A lot of the wording is her's as well.

This Species is for now, ONLY for the Naju Clan. If you make a Najurean Hyena. You MUST apply them to The Naju Clan!

Driven Away.
Torn and Broken.
We Evolved.

This is the official thread for Naju Clan's species, the Najurean Hyenas. The species and Clan is (c) to me, Bladeliger. Voodoo is (c) to xoalligatoxo. The map, Ayona, is (c) to xoalligatoxo AND me, as it has been altered by me.


"As far as the species goes, some of you might have remembered this species from before, when I originally created this pride.
However, I gave the pride to a good friend because I temporarily quit. That friend created her own pride and created a new species, so I am bringing back Voodoo to conquer the world! muahahah!

.. no, i'm kidding -- seriously. I'm just bringing back Voodoo because I absolutely love this pride & species, and everyone who used to be in this pride loves it to! So feel free to make a character & sign up! 8D"

Well... I'm that friend. I felt bad for doing what I did but.. I had my reasons.. Anyway, I have sorted things out and now have permission for this! The Najurean Hyenas are a branch of the Voodanian species--a sister species. After living in a rain forest, the Voodanians began to change and adapt to their new home. Some females started growing manes and tufts to adapt to cooler weather. Their colors, while they can still be of original Voodanian looks, have changed to help them blend more in their lush, green home. They are VERY similar to Voodanians, having only newly evolved and thus, retain a lot of their Voodanian traits. However, some didn't change. However, just like Voodoo has developed a subspecies of Voodanian wolves, the Najurean Lions have developed hyenas. These hyenas are bitter enemies to both Najurean Hyenas and Voodanians! The reason they are enemies to the Voodanians is simple. They are lions. These hyenas have a strong inbred hatred of all felines.


The Breakdown!!

Najurean Hyena

Najurean Hyenas are the closest to a Voodanian Wolf. The can actually live in both desert and savannah climates. They take after Spotted Hyenas the most. Their Clan and social life is structured much like a feral Hyena and they look most like them.


Rules. Obey them or feel thy wrath!!! >.>

Nah.. but please follow them.

((Btw.. these rules are xoalligatoxo's... Why change rules that are already good? XD

--FJ: Okay so I went through and cleaned up the grammar/spelling. >w> DON'T KILL ME, BLADEH <3))

-Please please please do not create a character of this species if you do not plan to be active with them. I don't mind if you make a species character and don't want to sign up for the Clan, but if you make a species character, could you please post here showing a picture so I know who has characters and I can make sure the species is being correctly put together?Thanks!

-Please make sure your character is properly put together and really is a Najurean Hyena. I don't want purple critters running around calling themselves Najurean Hyenas. Clearly, that's never going to happen. If you're unsure about your design, please post here asking if it's okay or not.

- Should you breed your Najurean Hyena, please let me know who you are breeding with. Crossbreeding is restricted to Voodanian Wolves, Voodanian 'Pet' Hyenas, Wolves, and Hyenas. You must gain permission to cross breed your Hyena from Me if it involves anything other than a Voodanian. If it involves a Voodanian, you MUST get permission from both Me AND Aroxy!


What can we do?!!

There are many benefits of making a Najurean Hyena Hyena as far as roleplay is concerned.

Abilities of this species include:

  • One is the ability to control bloodflow on both another creature or on yourself. *This was originally intended as a life-saving technique. since Najurean Hyenas derived from Voodanians who needed this ability to withstand their climate.* Najurean Hyenas may use this in battle if they so desire. ALL Najurean Hyenas can do this.

  • Both female and male Najurean Hyenas can detect even the slightest movement with extreme precision for up to two miles with their Ear Fur. The tuft on their ears, though small and unnoticible, is made of whisker like fibers. They can detect how fast it's moving, where it is, and how far. However, they cannot detect who it is from their whiskers. ALL Najueans have this ability.

  • Najurean Hyenas Have a very unique ability. While their lion counterparts have venom, The hyenas do not. To combat this, the fur on their backs can harden into quills. The hyena can bristle these quills like a porcupine. They can also shoot them at their enemies. These projectiles are highly accurate and tipped with a viscous secretion that stings and burns the puncture area.

  • Najurean Hyenas have strong claws, like Voodanians. They are able to easily dig into the hardest of Savannah sands to cultivate, sculpt, and dig out dens, hiding places, birthing dens, cool offs, even dig deep enough to unearth hidden water or dig out tunnels big enough to travel in.

How do we Act?!!


Najurean Hyenas act more like Spotted hyenas than any other hyena subspecies out there. Much like the spotted hyena they live in groups called Clans. A female leads the Clan as the sole Matriarch. There is no king but the Matriarch may take on a mate. This male is the highest ranking male though he holds little power. As far as respect, he is highly respected even by females. The Matriarch makes all the decisions and dictates the clan. Her first born daughter usually becomes the next matriarch when the mother becomes too old.

The clan is life. Together they hunt, eat, sleep, and survive. Alone they are no match for the strength of a Najurean or Voodanian lion, but together they can even put a feline hunting party in danger.


Najurean Hyenas are carnivorous! This means they eat meat to sustain themselves. While they do ingest plants and herbs, it is strictly for medicinal purposes and even sweet berries taste bitter to the meat eaters. The hunt anything that moves, from the smallest insect--which are ingested for their high vitamin and protein--to large or larger felines/canines. While felines or canines aren't usually on the menu, if the Najurean Hyena is desperate enough, it will hunt and consume them, even resorting to cannibalism, though this is highly frowned upon and is merit for exile from the Clan. Najurean Hyenas DO NOT survive on plants or blood. Even Vampiric Najurean Hyenas must still consume meat every now and then, as well as blood to satiate their hungers.

Breeding and Pups!


When it comes to mating, Najurean Hyenas have a wide range of behaviors. Most choose a life partner or mate that they love. However, some remain single and breed with whoever they choose. Others will choose a mate but also willingly breed with someone other than their partner. This is rare. Homosexuality is RARE among Najureans. Should a male or female be homosexual, they would also willingly breed with the opposite sex for pups to benefit the clan. Breeding is different in the world of hyenas. It is difficult to breed without the females cooperation, thus rape or force breeding is highly unlikely.

When it comes to actually breeding, The matriarch dictates this as well. She can breed with any male of her choosing. She may even forbid other females from breeding until she herself is pregnant. The Matriarch has a right to deny a couples or individual's privilege to have pups. She can also kill pups of other litters if they are deemed weak or unhealthy. In cases of disobeying the Matriarchs orders to not breed during a season, pups conceived when the pair was told not to breed will be killed at birth, if not forcefully aborted by attacking the pregnant female.

THERE WILL BE NO SAME SEX COUPLES HAVING PUPS PERIOD. I.E NO MAN PUPS! Najureans may have abilities, but their anatomy can not manipulate or change their genders. Males can't get pregnant. End of story. Females can't magically impregnate other females.


Males reach sexual maturity in their teens. Being the smaller of the species and less dominant, males often wait for a female to advance on them before they try to court. Fights can easily break out due to the nature of a male. He will slowly follow a female who's scent he's picked up on. This 'stalking' usually lasts until another male chases him off, the matriarch steps in, or the female he's following either violently denies him or accepts him and initiates courtship.


Females reach sexual maturity at adulthood. Often times, only the older, stronger members of the clan are allowed to breed to ensure healthy litters. When a female enters estrus, she will mark several areas outside of her clan's territory with her scent. She will also mark areas within the territory that she frequents the most. They do this to tempt a male into 'stalking' them. If the male is to the female's liking, she will begin a courting ritual with him. If he is deemed unworthy, she will show her dominance by force and chase him off. If the female has taken a mate, she may still choose to court her love to strengthen their bond.

Breeding is difficult. Females have a Pseudo Penis. This allows them to appear more dominant. Due to this, rape can rarely ever occur. Females can only be impregnated if she is willing! This also causes birth to be difficult and highly painful. The younger the hyena is when she gives birth, the higher chance she has of dieing or killing the pups during birth.


Litters usually range from 2-4 pups. They are born deaf and blind. Males have no teeth at birth. Females ave sharp tiny teeth. For a hyena, the ideal litter is two pups. One being male the other female. In a larger litter, there is usually only one female, but gender ratios can vary.

If two female pups are born in the same litter, the two will immediately try to kill each other. This is more common in the Matriarch's litters but can happen to any. This is why females are born with teeth. It is the species way of removing the unfit. Though the mother may try to stop the feuding, the sisters will persist until the weaker finally dies. This is NECESSARY in matriarch litters. The weaker one is killed by the stronger and the stronger will grow to become the next matriarch.  This only happens in the SAME litter. Sisters from different litters love and adore each other and stay closely tied. This means if the mother has a girl in her first litter, and another female in a later, second litter, those two sisters will NOT want to kill each other.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2011, 09:12:23 pm by Bladeliger »


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Re: The Najuean Hyena
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2011, 12:52:30 am »
Continued from Above Post.
Layout is (c) to xoalligatoxo

Can you hear that?
Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump.
Hear that heartbeat?

Now that we got the boring stuff outta the way... On to the species creation!!

NOTE: There is important info in the Abilities section. Make sure you read it!


Female Najureans !!

Female Najureans, much like their Voodanian counterparts, are very graceful and agile creatures. They are faster than the males and are built more similar to a cheetah. They are still very lionistic, but slim, allowing for their speed. Female Najureans can range in sizes from small to large, though most Najureans are rather large (larger than average). All Najureans have fangs. Their fangs can range from long (saber fangs), to short and sweet (fangs). The claws on Najureans are very sharp and hard. They are able to slice through thick elephant skins with ease. Most females will breed at least six times in their life time; whether with the same male or not, it is their choice. It is not a sin to mate with more then one male in the clan, though it is strongly suggested not to.

Possible Ears:


Possible tails:

Thin, Sickle, Tail-less (ONLY if your Hyena had its tail removed in a fight. ASK me first.)

Possible Eyes:

Normal, Slit, Orb (ONLY if you are blind. ASK first.)

Possible manes:


Possible tufts:

Back Mane

*Tuft and mane Color MUST be the exact same as tail in females!

Possible eye colors:

Rare Savannah eye colors:

You MUST ask MY permission before using any of these eyes or similar shades!!! These eyes are extremely rare.  In fact.. the only way to get ANY shade of RED is to be a Najurean descendant of the Voodanian Aella or be turned vampiric. YOU MUST ASK MY PERMISSION IF YOU WANT TO BE TURNED VAMPIRIC!!!!!

Possible pelt colors:

Possible tuft, mane, & tail colors:

*Please note that for a female Najurean, the tuft and the tail are the same color.

Possible markings & colors:

Possible Head Markings:

Cheetah, King Cheetah, Snow Leopard, Tiger, Skeleton(RARE), Spotted Hyena(Most Common), Stripped Hyena(Most Common), Dalmation

Possible Body Markings:

Cheetah, Tiger, Skeleton(RARE), Spotted Hyena (Most Common), Stripped Hyena(Most Common), Dalmation

Possible Tail Markings:

None, Cheetah, Cub Spots, Snow Leopard, Tiger, Highlight, Skeleton(RARE), Stripped Hyena(Most Common), Fading Stripes,

Possible Marking Colors:


Possible Savannah above & below eyes:

Any color is welcome.

Possible Savannah nose colors:

Any color is welcome, though I prefer a shade of pink, grey, brown, or black.

Average adult female size:

Their weight can be whatever you wish, but this is the average width, height, and length.

Female pup physique:

Pups MUST be set up as this.

Please note that you do not have to use these colors exactly. They may vary in shades of the colors. I am basically trying to tell you that our colors remain realistic and we don't have any blue, green, or yellow Najureans running around.


Male Najureans !!

Male Najureans are very strong and intelligent creatures. They are able to withstand fatal attacks due to their thick, tough skin. Male Najureans can range in sizes from small to large, though most Najureans are rather large (larger than average). All Najureans have fangs. Their fangs can range from long (saber fangs), to short and sweet (vampire like fangs). The claws on Najureans are very sharp and hard (think about diamonds). They are able to slice through thick elephant skins with ease. Males will mate with a female at least six times within their life time. whether with the same female or not is their choice. It is not a sin to mate with more then one female in the clan, though it is strongly suggested not to.

Possible Ears:


Possible tails:

Thin, Sickle, Tail-less (ONLY if your Hyena had its tail removed in a fight. ASK me first.)

Possible Eyes:

Normal, Slit, Orb (ONLY if you are blind. ASK first.)

Possible manes:


Possible tufts:

Back Mane

*Tuft and mane Color MUST be the exact same as tail in females!

Possible eye colors:

Rare Savannah eye colors:

You MUST ask MY permission before using any of these eyes or similar shades!!! These eyes are extremely rare.  In fact.. the only way to get ANY shade of RED is to be a Najurean descendant of the Voodanian Aella or be turned vampiric. YOU MUST ASK MY PERMISSION IF YOU WANT TO BE TURNED VAMPIRIC!!!!!

Possible pelt colors:

Possible tuft, mane, & tail colors:

*Please note that for a female Najurean, the tuft and the tail are the same color.

Possible markings & colors:

Possible Head Markings:

Cheetah, King Cheetah, Snow Leopard, Tiger, Skeleton(RARE), Spotted Hyena(Most Common), Stripped Hyena(Most Common), Dalmation

Possible Body Markings:

Cheetah, Tiger, Skeleton(RARE), Spotted Hyena (Most Common), Stripped Hyena(Most Common), Dalmation

Possible Tail Markings:

None, Cheetah, Cub Spots, Snow Leopard, Tiger, Highlight, Skeleton(RARE), Stripped Hyena(Most Common), Fading Stripes,

Possible Marking Colors:


Possible Savannah above & below eyes:

Any color is welcome.

Possible Savannah nose colors:

Any color is welcome, though I prefer a shade of pink, grey, brown, or black.

Average adult male size:

Their weight can be whatever you wish, but this is the average width, height, and length.

Male pup physique:

Pups MUST be set up as this.

Please note that you do not have to use these colors exactly. They may vary in shades of the colors. I am basically trying to tell you that our colors remain realistic and we don't have any blue, green, or yellow Najureans running around.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 06:26:37 pm by Bladeliger »


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Re: The Najuean Hyena
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2011, 12:52:36 am »

The Clans!!!

All Najurean Hyenas MUST apply to The Naju Clan!


The Application!!!

Code: [Select]
[center][color=#575046][size=16pt][font=papyrus][b]NAME HERE[/b][/font]
200 x 200 PICTURE HERE[/center]
[left][color=#8b7453][color=#575046][b][size=12pt]Age:[/size][/b][/color] AGE HERE (For newborns, just say Cub)
[color=#575046][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Gender:[/size][/font][/b][/color] GENDER HERE
[color=#575046][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Mate:[/size][/font][/b][/color] MATE'S NAME HERE
[color=#575046][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Sire[/size][/font][/b] [/color][color=#8b7453][font=papyrus][size=12pt][[/size][/font][/color][color=#575046][font=papyrus][size=12pt]X[/size][/font][/color][color=#8b7453][font=papyrus][size=12pt]][/size][/font][/color][color=#575046] [b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Dam:[/size][/font][/b][/color] SIRE HERE [b][color=#575046]x[/color][/b] DAM HERE
[color=#575046][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Personality:[/size][/font][/b][/color] PERSONALITY HERE
[color=#575046][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]In-Game Username:[/size][/font][/b][/color] USERNAMES HERE
[color=#575046][b][font=papyrus][size=12pt]Forum Username:[/size][/font][/b][/color] USERNAME AND LINK HERE[/color]

Purebred or Hybrid: (If Hybrid tell us what you are mixed with)



Extra: YOU NEED A PICTURE. IT IS REQUIRED. SO SAYS BLADEH. If you can't get one, color a line art or something. We need to make sure you follow species rules.


The Full-Bloods!!!

[X] Males- 1

[X] Females- 1

[X] Total- 2

[X] Total Unique Users- 2

The Males!!!


Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Mate: -x-
Sire [X] Dam: Unknown x Unknown
Personality: Easy going, cocky, and slightly annoying.
In-Game Username: taylor4.9.5
Forum Username: taylor4.9.5


The Females!!!


Age: Mature Adult
Gender: Female
Mate: None.
Sire [X] Dam: Uknown x Unknown
Personality: Strict, cruel, intelligent, wily
In-Game Username: Silhouette
Forum Username: Silhouette

« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 07:44:46 pm by Bladeliger »


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Re: The Najuean Hyena
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2011, 12:52:45 am »
The Hybrids!!!

[X] Males- 0

[X] Females- 0

[X] Total- 0

[X] Total Unique Users- 0

The Males!!!



The Females!!!


« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:40:28 am by Bladeliger »


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Re: The Najuean Hyena
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2011, 12:53:00 am »
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:40:42 am by Bladeliger »


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Re: The Najuean Hyena
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2011, 12:53:11 am »
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:40:58 am by Bladeliger »


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Re: The Najuean Hyena
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2011, 12:53:18 am »
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:41:15 am by Bladeliger »


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Re: The Najuean Hyena
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2011, 12:53:31 am »
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:41:41 am by Bladeliger »


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Re: The Najuean Hyena
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2011, 12:53:44 am »
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:41:43 am by Bladeliger »


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Re: The Najuean Hyena
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2011, 12:54:27 am »
Last save. Just in case. We're running out of room on the Najurean Lion thread, so this is to prevent that on this one.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2011, 01:41:47 am by Bladeliger »