Author Topic: Ruins of Asper  (Read 17368 times)


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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #70 on: May 31, 2011, 04:35:54 pm »
New Apperence:Medium Sized wolf with a Brown coat and white underbelly
New Bio:When she was young she loved to play with her brother and her mom but her mom got a terrible sickness and died her and her brother had to stick together but her brother was attacked and he was killed she grew up and she got stronger

(p.s hope this one is good)

Offline Darkenstance

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #71 on: May 31, 2011, 05:04:28 pm »
Gender: Fae/Female

Breed: Canis Lupus / Wolf

Appearance: Khione was born with a pure-white pelt (hence her namesake, Khione, Goddess of Snow and Daughter of the God Boreas). Her eyes are bluer than a clear afternoon sky. Her pelt color has faded and darkened with age, now having settled into a warm vanilla hue. She is a little bigger than most wolves, because she was born from a sizable Alpha pair. Her expression is usually cheerful and serene.

Personality: For the most part, Khione is sweet, gentle, caring, loving. Is very hospitable and many wolves have even gone so far as to consider her a push-over. She is respectful to superiors but her curiosity has landed her in trouble with dominant figures a few times. When it comes to outsiders and /or subordinates being disrespectful and threatening to friends and loved ones, her temper is quick to flare up. She will not be rude, but she will make it clear whose side she is on and that she will defend them if need be.

Likes: Scents that are appealing to her, such as Lavender, Patchouli, almost anything musky and sweet. She loves fireflies, moths, butterflies...almost any bug that flies and can be chased. Except for bees and others that sting or bite (ouch >.<). She loves the night sky...the moon and stars give her a sense of limitless wonder...they are her main inspiration in life. She likes most pups, but doesn't like it when they run around in rogue hoards. That is annoying and uncouth in her opinion.

Dislikes: Nasty smells, Pups and cubs by the handful, being too hot or too cold, rude/disrespectful beings, those who judge others before they've personally met them, drama, people who thrive on drama, and so on. She dislikes a lot of dislikable things, to say the least.

Fears: Growing old, being alone, being told no, or that she's fat, or that she can't do something.

Biography: Khione was born to the Alpha pair of the MoonOracle Wolves but was raised by the Beta pair, for her dame and sire were always busy tending to pack politics and never had much time for her. But she did not resent this; her "assistant parents" taught her the ways of the pack and explained her  parents' positions so that she would understand and not feel abandoned. She grew up respectful and loved by all in her pack. Some even called her the MoonOracle Princess. But then the day came when the pack would hold their traditional Rite of Passage for she had come of age. She celebrated festively with her family, and the next day was given the decision to stay and join the higher ranks of the pack, or to leave and start her own journey. She chose the latter. It wasn't that she didn't love her family, but she was growing weary of seeing the same faces, the same lands season after season...It was time for change. Now she is out on her own, a beautiful young fae, without a pack or mate, but with the entire world in front of her.

Rank Wanted: Khione would probably fare well with any rank given to her. Give her some time and she will make a wonderful addition to any pack.

Roleplay Sample: Khione's warmly-tinted fur rustled in the light breeze as her figure lay on the shores of some new land. She seemed to be sleeping, as her body slowly heaved with every content breath she took. Water from the ocean rolled in around her pack paws, coming up to her ankles. The cold sent a shock through her body, waking her suddenly. She quickly lifted her head, and then wished that she hadn't, feeling a sharp pain shoot through her cranium. "Ohh...." She lowered her head, closing her eyes in pain. She whimpered and stayed still for a moment before opening her bright blue eyes once more, this time actually seeing the land around her. This place was unfamiliar to her...She slowly lifted her head and pushed herself up to a sitting position, wondering how on earth she'd ended up here. Come to think of it, she couldn't even remember where she had been before...she furrowed her brow, worried that something serious had happened to her. Was she alone in this land? ...Was she dead?

Offline cookiewolf10

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #72 on: May 31, 2011, 06:02:48 pm »
Gender: Female
Breed: Wolf/dog hybrid
Appearance: A she with yellow eyes,along with golden swirl-like markings.her tail tip white,so is her pelt.
Personality: A nice,loving,caring,and beautiful she-wolf.she will help anybody(and anything).
Likes: being around large,wide-open fields.She also likes a wolf named Feral.
Dislikes: The morning,colds,and insta-maters.
Fears: the dark,un-tame horses(they could kick),and boulders.
Biography:Larmyne,a factory-born wolf, was born in alabama,along with my siblings.but i was born in a factory,which means i was born mammal,and then the factory-workers decided to use me as a test subject.It was only 1 week after birth that i had a split-heart,and i had super-hearing.I couldn't see to well,but when i was 2 weeks,i saw perfectly.I was abandoned after the workers thought i was so called "dead",although i was only tired and had passed out due to heat and exhaustion.When i woke up,i was left alone,in the ocean.She had gotten fatigue,and had passed out once more.I awoke with a wolf standing over me(i was adult at that age),and he welcomed was a beautiful place,although i didn't know there were others.and soon enough,i found myself in the pack,at last.
Rank Wanted: Warrior
Roleplay Sample: As Larmyne stood on a cliff,she watched a shooting star pass by."Will i ever find a d-"She was cut off by a rustling sound.she turned around and saw a pair of two bloodred eyes,which were orb-like eyes.she watched them disapear before her eyes.she shrugged and went to her favorite sleeping spot,under the was easy to get down there,and a bit hard to get back up.

Lux Lucis

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #73 on: May 31, 2011, 06:37:09 pm »
Cleeeeeeeeear~! :3 Watch your capitals, though! Other than that, I think you're okay. Remember spaces after commas and full stops, too. Map and whatnot will be sent! ^^

Offline arcticwarrior

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #74 on: May 31, 2011, 10:25:07 pm »
Gender: Male

Breed: Grey Wolf

Name: Hatiri
Ingame Name: arcticwarrior

Appearance: Hatiri has dark blue eyes. His fur is lustorous and thick brownish black, but his underfur is is a darker grey instead.
Personality: Hasiri is a courageous young Grey Wolf with a heart for adventure. he is a free spirit and loves to roam about in search of game or company. he is extremely loyal to anyone in his pack, and can form strong bonds with almost anyone, be it a loner or enemy of a friend. he can and will fight to the death for a loved one, and is strong willed and not likely to back down from a fight.

Likes: Hasiri enjoys company, but sometimes would rather be out wandering the territory instead.  he loves exploring and as a young wolf, rough-housing and making mischief is his specialty. he loves watching storms and will sit outside of a den or fallen tree to do so. he also likes gazing up at the stars and thinking. he likes to chase things, such as rabbits and moths, butterflies, or mice.

Dislikes: Hasiri hates it when someone tries to injure one of his pack members.

Fears: Hasiri is fearful of the possibility that one of his pack might get injured or die.

Biography: Hasiri was born in the foothills of an unknown mountain range, and abandoned by his pack because there was not enough game to feed the newborn pups. He managed to survive, and learned to hunt and fend for himself. He almost was killed in a freak blizzard, but again was lucky enough to find a den in time. Hours passed, the days. A week had passed until finally the storm surpassed. Hasiri was starved, weak, and freezing. In the mitst of the storm, he had gotten himself lost.
 finally, after days of hunger, he found food and shelter, but little did he know, he was in another pack's territory.
Rank Wanted: Warrior, pup
Roleplay Sample:
Hasiri glanced behind his back again. nervously, he stepped forward and crouched under the wilted bush. Lowering his head, the young wolf slinked forward and perked his ears. He heard a movement coming from directly in front of him and slowly and quietly sniffed the air. It was the white-tailed deer he had been after for the past few hours.
Shifting his weight on his paws that were dug into the grass, waiting. suddenly, the deer lifted its head and turned toward Hasiri. It waited a second to long, and he sprang out, grabbing the neck with his powerful jaws. he shook his head back and forth, holding fast to the flailing animal.  

sure im in love, but at least im in love. <3

Lux Lucis

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #75 on: June 01, 2011, 01:40:45 am »
Wow. 8D Great app! Argent approves~! o3o I'll PM you the site link to the map download and what have you. C:

Offline Cynder-

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #76 on: June 01, 2011, 05:10:15 pm »
Ze group got deleted .3.


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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #77 on: June 01, 2011, 09:56:39 pm »
Again? Dx.

Offline GreyTea

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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #78 on: June 09, 2011, 02:06:00 am »
Made a second Charrie.
He's on the same post on page 4 as Darkfrost, to keep things organized.
Approve, Disapprove, Modify?


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Re: Ruins of Asper
« Reply #79 on: June 11, 2011, 03:29:55 am »
I'm back! I hear the group got deleted. D: Do you think I could rp on the forum so I wouldn't have to be dormant forever? I did just install FeralHeart and the patch on another computer, so I might be able to rejoin the group and rp in the map as well. I hope it works!
« Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 08:48:34 pm by Kinners »