Author Topic: Equippable Item Request?  (Read 1161 times)


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Equippable Item Request?
« on: October 09, 2012, 05:44:39 pm »
I'm not sure if this is in the right spot or not.
The subject may need to be changed as well.
//awkward turtles away

I'm not usually one to ask for meshes and what not, seeing how I don't make maps and I
hardly use items to begin with.
If its possible.
I would like a mask.
And not just any mask.
Cry's mask.


So, if you can, I will hug you endlessly. If you want dA points, I can give you some.
But other than that, I'm not sure what I could give.
Maybe a drawing? OuO

Thanks, replies appreciated. I kinda wanna know if this is even possible.