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Topics - Dafniforfree

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Discussion Board / What website creation link thinkie you use?
« on: August 26, 2012, 12:17:49 am »
So I have a new warrior cat roleplay and I have heared of million website creation things(to explain you I meant like and such)and I know many people may use other ones.Can someone suggest me a free and easy to use website creation link?

Thanks.Also if you want tell what you usually use ;)

Leaving / Just saying a bye for a little while
« on: August 16, 2012, 11:36:30 pm »
I have to go for 5 days with my family on holidays and I won't be able to finish my preset requests and such-facedesking-I am so sorry but I can't do anything else.I wanted to go to my friends somewhere else in the country with my brother but that's life =-=  - hates life- So cya till Wednesday-hugs everyone- The FH world and people rock *^*

Other Games / LoL
« on: August 14, 2012, 03:41:28 am »
Leaue of Legend
My brother play it but I was wondering,who play this game?

Sims 1,2,3 is better ^^

So my love for realistic animals and such is.....known to my friends-lol-so I wanna try improve myself to this.I take presets for both feline and canine species

Guys,today I had a computer problem and I hope it will be repaired soon.I can make preset on my laptop-which I am right now on-but my brother-that j***-always unistal Fh or Fh+ (I put Fh+ mostly but there's no difference) and it takes like 15 minutes and more to redownload it >_< .....I'll do the presets as soon as possible

I DO NOT own the fur textures,they are owned by their rightful creators
File number:
If yes,usual FH's or realistic?:
Ref or picture:
Anything else to add?:
Private or Public?:  



?Night_Hawk? - private

For TheAmazingCheese from DA~private




Not such a great picture ._.

How my realistic wolf was and how she became9See the difference owo)
warrior cat with missing limp.....yeah I d ONLY transparent ok???

Commissions, Trades, & Requests / Dafniforfree Trades art for art
« on: August 11, 2012, 11:02:48 pm »
Well well I love drawing but recently my inspiration goes dead(at day times,night inspires me more :P)And I thought of aking trades

So to trade with me

Put your DA link or your basic character(so I can draw him/her :3)and you can draw one of my characters......Or....give ideas and opinions that's what art is!

So my DA link is this: check it out,look around do watever you like :)

Happy Art Trading

Game Help / FH stopped working
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:56:20 pm »
I use Fh+ and want to on my laptop but when I go type my username it stucks writing:"FeralHeart,exe stopped working" I really go tno idea what to do :I

Other Mods/Creations / Needs...particule thinky
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:07:03 am »
I need a foggy particule for my map.Not for the weather maker I need it as a particule because the dark forest is a small part of it.Thanks :)

Other Mods/Creations / Needs...particule thinky
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:06:36 am »
I need a foggy particule for my map.Not for the weather maker I need it as a particule because the dark forest is a small part of it.Thanks :)

Other Mods/Creations / Needs...particule thinky
« on: July 13, 2012, 10:05:33 am »
I need a foggy particule for my map.Not for the weather maker I need it as a particule because the dark forest is a small part of it.Thanks :)

Stories / Sad story,Great Moral
« on: July 13, 2012, 03:55:52 am »
So i dream of something.
It was me and I was in a large fire with some of my friends.The next day I hadn't had hands and the boy I liked saw me and turn his back...I was so sad.My best friend that I look her like a sister tried hard to cheer me up.I had fake hands that where wore.The weird is that I could feel my hands with those fake things/Then I was walking around with my bestie and I was telling her that with no hands I would draw anymore and all my dreams where destroyed.Then  I saw another girl that was my friend kissing her boyfriend(in rl they are not together)and I was so discusted  with the kiss me and another boy that we start saying yuck and it was awful and then we start laughing and then stared each other to the eyes....

That was my dream

Moral:Some people may turn their back to you and ignore you,maybe your dreams destoyed but  remember!There are always best friends that care about you because you cared about them.Your dreams can't be tamed!!!

About the boy I liked:I feel like he is a jerk.About the fire:I am sure the girl that hates me put it!!.About the lovely couple:>_>It was awful but who cares they seem happy :3.About my bestie:If that was in real,I would pray to god to keep her safe and happy.

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