Author Topic: 2015: The Final Year  (Read 2883 times)


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2015: The Final Year
« on: January 05, 2016, 06:21:56 am »
I'm leaving. 2015 was my final year here, and to be honest, it was a waste. Everything has gone downhill.
I have to get this off my chest.
I can't leave in silence, I'm sorry if this upsets someone, or breaks a rule. Heck, it might even be in the wrong place.
I am XxInsaneAsylumxX in-game.
I've tried so hard to be a part of the community and contribute to it these five years I've been here. But people easily outshine me, so I never really was recognized for the good I tried to do. Water under the bridge, I guess. I feel like a weight is lifted as I'm finally putting the game down. Every map I spent hours on is gone, every preset, character, friend, and group I clung onto is no more.
What finally got me to let this game go was my latest ban. It was a nudge in the right direction for me. I should have realized this was no place for me. I've felt suppressed for years, unable to say and do what I want. I respect and read the rules, I just can't follow one of them. I have a habit of cussing, and if someone can't handle it, one of us has to leave. And I'll be the one packing my bags.
Some of you may be proud of this community, but I don't see how. I like the staff, and the people here who are the shining aspect of what the community should be. But majority of the community in-game is nothing but a bunch of immature children with no etiquette. Bad apples who run around and think that what they say is above what you say. Players talk poorly of the staff members constantly, and instantly turn against anyone who is friends with them, or simply like them. The only reason you don't see this kind of behavior often on the forums, is because they know the staff will see what they say.
I'm shocked staff members can even handle these kind of people. In fact, I'm impressed. Talk poorly of the staff all you want, if they can handle the disrespectful and rude players here, then they deserve all kinds of respect.
I'm done with everything here, and the deviantart group as well. I thought I would just take a break, since I'm banned. But without the game, I feel free as a bird! I'm not coming back, no matter how much my friends beg me to this time.
I'll probably stick around on Wolfsoul, where there seems to be more of a mature community. But other than that, I've mainly given up on IT spin-off games.
Wolfsoul: AzyChurro
DeviantArt: Azykinz
If you play Tera: Kono.Dio.Da - Server: Valley of Titans
Farewell, floofs.
Fight on.

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Re: 2015: The Final Year
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2016, 07:29:34 am »
Noooo! </3 Don't leave us floof, this the first time someone has really upset me a little bit. I see what you mean floof about the immature people and it really is a frustrating thing and I've come across it a lot, but the reason why I can handle it is because I already met some people that I really love that these immature people, don't matter to me anymore. In a community like this you will find a place to fit like everyone else, no one is a horrible person but they get influenced by it. Please stay a little longer and you will change your mind, you can have fun looking around the forum while you cool down. <3 Or I can be your friend as well, we can have a chat and a laugh, or maybe discuss anything you're worried about. It's not really a nice thing to see someone leaving upset from Feralheart, because it is a really kind community!

Thanks for your understanding and if you're still not comfortable looking around the forum, I also understand. Lot's of love. ~

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Re: 2015: The Final Year
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2016, 08:18:48 am »
Noooo! </3 Don't leave us floof, this the first time someone has really upset me a little bit. I see what you mean floof about the immature people and it really is a frustrating thing and I've come across it a lot, but the reason why I can handle it is because I already met some people that I really love that these immature people, don't matter to me anymore. In a community like this you will find a place to fit like everyone else, no one is a horrible person but they get influenced by it. Please stay a little longer and you will change your mind, you can have fun looking around the forum while you cool down. <3 Or I can be your friend as well, we can have a chat and a laugh, or maybe discuss anything you're worried about. It's not really a nice thing to see someone leaving upset from Feralheart, because it is a really kind community!

Thanks for your understanding and if you're still not comfortable looking around the forum, I also understand. Lot's of love. ~

Just let her leave, don't you see she's being suppressed and it's finally gone down for her..? I'm even thinking about leaving the community for a more comforting, and mature one as well. Everyone looks me down just because I'm fourteen. Everyone thinks they are above me. No, I'm not saying that I'm a high and mighty creature; for some people in the community are fun, and okay.. But 95% of the people in here now are really bad. I want to be treated as an equal, and not some childish trash.

The groups, oh the groups.. The groups are not holding on and when I want to be part of an active, amusing, funny, and family-oriented group. I want to build a character up, give it some relationships, and have it start improving it's life around some good people. Almost everyone's acting so edgy now.. It's just not there. The mature ones always have this cold air around them, like you can't just /not./ And then, when there is a fun group, they always poof after the first day.

I'll probably stick around 'till I turn fifteen, just to see if there is any improvement, but hope has finally lost it for me..


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Re: 2015: The Final Year
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2016, 10:26:50 am »
It's sad to see any member of this community leaving. But I or anyone else won't hold you back from doing this, It is your decision and we should all respect it.
I wish you everything best in the future outside Feral Heart and maybe, just maybe one day If you decide to come back, at least for a few hours, we'd gladly have you back.

Best wishes for the 2016 and may this year be better for ye. :)


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Re: 2015: The Final Year
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2016, 10:30:40 am »
@Kiri- It's sad to see that you have bad 'memories' from the people in game. I guess you just haven't found the right people to hang out with. I am 17 and I still see myself as a kid, not a almost 18 year old person.
I hope you find great friends here in feral heart in the 2016 and It would be sad to see you go.

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Re: 2015: The Final Year
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2016, 12:02:24 pm »
Noooo! </3 Don't leave us floof, this the first time someone has really upset me a little bit. I see what you mean floof about the immature people and it really is a frustrating thing and I've come across it a lot, but the reason why I can handle it is because I already met some people that I really love that these immature people, don't matter to me anymore. In a community like this you will find a place to fit like everyone else, no one is a horrible person but they get influenced by it. Please stay a little longer and you will change your mind, you can have fun looking around the forum while you cool down. <3 Or I can be your friend as well, we can have a chat and a laugh, or maybe discuss anything you're worried about. It's not really a nice thing to see someone leaving upset from Feralheart, because it is a really kind community!

Thanks for your understanding and if you're still not comfortable looking around the forum, I also understand. Lot's of love. ~

Just let her leave, don't you see she's being suppressed and it's finally gone down for her..? I'm even thinking about leaving the community for a more comforting, and mature one as well. Everyone looks me down just because I'm fourteen. Everyone thinks they are above me. No, I'm not saying that I'm a high and mighty creature; for some people in the community are fun, and okay.. But 95% of the people in here now are really bad. I want to be treated as an equal, and not some childish trash.

I am not going to be rude here, but what kind of thinking are you doing? People are higher than you? No one is better than the other, we are all equal and can't you see I am trying to lift a smile on the floofs face? Where is your confidence towards people and bravery? You must use it, don't let other people just bring you down like that, it's not right. I understand how it feels, I really do, but you must stand up for yourself as well and teach them a lesson. You have a voice to use it not just to communicate, also use it to show your confidence. <3 I hope you don't get me wrong, I am not against this at all but what disappoints me is that you don't have hope either. If you don't hope sometimes, you don't get. If you have patience and hope, you will meet the right people.

What I say is something for your own good, not to create an argument and destroy the positive environment. :3

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Re: 2015: The Final Year
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2016, 12:22:05 pm »
My hope in humanity left long before anyone came around..

It still stands.

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Re: 2015: The Final Year
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2016, 12:30:13 pm »
My hope in humanity left long before anyone came around..

It still stands.

I won't go personal here, but I have to tell you something that might give you hope. I suffer from depression and lonliness for many years, because I did not trust people or had hope for anything. I was so lost, I didn't think about anything but what I lost without it. People didn't stand me, because they thought of me as a foul. But suddenly, I realized that I can't stay like that or else I'll stay no where else but in this lost bubble with no hope. I actually started to bringing hope into my self, help people, be kind to those who still show me hate, give to those in need and see that people still have a bright side in them. Everyone has been influenced in their life in some way, and I know exactly how you feel, like you have no choice anymore. Once you bring the light in, everything you wanted will come. In no time, everyone started to realize the person I was too, especially the haters. They finally cared, and I knew that they weren't bad, just their actions. That is when I knew that hope can bring you many things. <3
« Last Edit: January 05, 2016, 12:34:14 pm by Ritatalia »

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Re: 2015: The Final Year
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2016, 12:39:44 pm »
Mrs. Ritalia, I do not suffer from depression. I just have a severe case of being unwilling to trust. My past is so messed up and broken that I'd rather not let in anyone else in. Since, I am shoved to the side every time I show my heart to people. I used to be such a loving and kind child, but that's when life hit me and I thickened my skin.

Do you not understand? Everyone I have opened up to have kicked me down and thrown salt into my wounds. There's no reason for me to open up. They all will eventually forget about me and wave it off.

Ignoring that.. let's just drop this topic. People in here are wanting to comfort and say their goodbyes to this person, and my life is not worth mentioning in this thread at all.

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Re: 2015: The Final Year
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2016, 12:44:24 pm »
Alright Kiri, but just know I was trying to make you happier. :L Anyway, hope you feel better Churro. <3