Author Topic: .☼.Shattered.☽. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]  (Read 16633 times)

Offline Kasai

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.☼.Shattered.☽. [Open] [Felines and Canines Welcome]
« on: December 01, 2012, 08:38:11 pm »

It's dark and cold. Your paws are achy and numb as the cold of winter sets over a forest that you have been traveling in for about four moons. A dip in the ground is ahead and you continue into it, hoping it will block the cold wind. You then realize this wasn't a ditch caused by water or just a simple hill. It was carved into the earth by claws. It's a divider, intentionally put there by the animals on the opposing sides. Looking up from the ditch, you notice that several guards have spotted you, each from opposing sides. Why are they fighting? What is their purpose? These are not questions that they have time to answer. They only have one question for you.
What side will you choose?


☼ H i s t o r y ☽

The feud between Celestial Pride and Archon Pack is a long-standing one that goes back generations. The story is different depending on which side you ask, but a grudge is held on both sides. Kai, the original leader of Celestial Pride, had a magnificent and organized pride. This "pride" was essentially a clan formed of only felines. The leader felt guilty when he had to reject any canines that wanted to enter his pride so he found a pack of hyenas nearby. The female leader of this pack, Ellie, agreed to an alliance with the pride, sending felines to the pride and the pride, in turn, sent any canines to the pack. This trusting relationship nearly lasted an entire generation. However, this trust was broken when Kai's advisor snuck into Archon Pack's territory and killed several pups, who were sleeping in their respective dens. Of course his presence was noticed immediately, and he was killed on sight. Both sides agree to this story, but after that is where they disagree.

Celestial Pride claims that they did have an insane member and they agreed he should have been killed on sight. However, they claim that Archon Pack took the situation and blew it out of proportion. The tragedy was understandably, well, tragic, but that was not enough of a reason to murder Kai. Archon Pack, to this day, denies that Kai was killed by one of their own, but by an outsider. This debate has led to several kidnappings, murders, and other crimes from both sides. Finally, the conclusion was reached by the third generation of each group to create a barrier. This was the only moment since the very beginning that the two groups agreed on and worked together on. The ditch that separates the two lands took weeks to dig and not a word was shared as they took shifts creating the barrier. However, due to their exhaustion when building the ditch, neither side had any problems with the other side during this time. Since then, there has remained an understanding of whose side is whose, but this hasn't stopped the occasional fight on the border.


☼ G r o u p R u l e s ☽

Respect each other in the pride/pack, especially those of high ranking. However, you may fight with others if you want their rank and don't think they're worth that rank.
We accept anyone of the canine or feline families (This applies to both the pride and the pack). No mythical creatures or prey animals of any type are permitted. If you are wondering if it is an acceptable species, PM Kasai (me) or ask in brackets on this thread.
Borders should be approached in a group. Go by yourself with caution because we probably won't come help you if you get in trouble with Celestial Pride/Archon Pack.
All members are responsible for the young. They are our future. Without them, we are nothing.
Fatally harming another member will not be tolerated.
Punishment is only given out by the leader(s). At this time, that leader for Archon Pack is Ryu. The leader for Celestial Pride is Eva.
Mating must be kept within the pack or within the pride. If a member's mate is not part of the pack/pride, and the mate is either neutral or a rogue, the mate can be asked to join the pack/pride or permission must be given by the leader. If the member's mate belongs to an enemy, the member will be asked to either leave their mate or leave the pack/pride.


☼ R o l e p l a y R u l e s ☽

Be as active as you can. I know I personally cannot get on here every day but at least try and get on once a week unless you let me(Kasai) know otherwise.
There is no limit to character amount, so long as you can keep them all active!
No drama. That respect rule is followed out of character as well. Please do not disrespect each other.
Please no "sparkle" anything. Neon colors are okay to a point or in good taste. If your character looks like a rainbow threw up on it, I probably won't accept it.
No text talking. Lol lyk dis iz so ttly stoopid.... You get my point.
Be at least semi-literate. A "fail post" of two sentences is okay once in awhile but constantly provides little for people to respond to. 
Put cactus in the Other section of your application to show you've read these rules.
No power-playing, godmodding, or anything of the like. People like to be able to control their own characters, so let them.
Swearing is permitted, but do not abuse this privilege.
Gore should be kept minimal. A crack of a bone is okay, but describing was veins/tendons/whatever snapped and how isn't really needed.


☼ R a n k s ☽
Ranks are the same in both of the groups. They share the same rank name and the same functions. However, each side has their preferred number of members needed in each field. The sun symbol will tell you how many Celestial Pride has and the crescent moon will tell you how many Archon Pack has.

L e a d e r s    ☼ 1/2    ☽1/2
The leaders have the highest rank in the pride/pack and will be mates. Should either of them die, the other shall stay in this rank until they die as well. When both leaders die, the heirs shall reign unless they are too young. If no heirs are born and the leader(s) hasn't chosen a successor, the advisor will take the role of leader unless challenged by another member of the pride. Do not apply unless you are the mate of a leader.

☼ 0/6    ☽ 0/4  H e i r s
The heirs are the offspring of the leaders. They are to be treated like the other cubs/pups, but are more protected than the others. Do not apply.

A d v i s o r s    ☼ 0/1    ☽0/2
This is also known as the second-in-command. They take over if the leaders are gone and the heirs aren't old enough or responsible enough to lead. They are usually put in charge of keeping watch over the heirs. Must be earned.

☼ 1/5    ☽0/5  E l d e r s
These are the members who are the oldest and might have some physical problems that disable them from doing any other jobs. Their only job is to live out the rest of their lives in peace and to offer advice when needed. They are the most likely to take on an apprentice.

G u a r d s ☼ 1/8   ☽ 1/6
These are members skilled in fighting and will prowl our borders to make sure there is no danger lurking there. They will also protect the dens. *Difference between guards and warriors: Guards are more like the first line of defense against an attack. They hold off enemies until the warriors can be gathered for the offensive attack. Once the warriors are ready, the guards would fall back to protect the young or anyone incapable of fighting. If there is an attack with only one individual enemy or a small group (not a whole group), the guards will fight the battle. 

☼ 1/8    ☽ 1/8  M e d i c s
The medics, or healers, will tend to anyone injured within our clan. They are usually needed during or after battles, but wounds always need to be healed. Despite the fact that they are animals, they are able to bind wounds with what they have at their disposal. Herbs are commonly used for these members.

W a r r i o r s   ☼ 0/5    ☽ 0/8
These are members skilled in fighting and will defend our clan in battle against our enemies. Hopefully our warriors won't be needed, but we must always be prepared. *Difference between guards and warriors: Guards are more like the first line of defense against an attack. They hold off enemies until the warriors can be gathered for the offensive attack. Once the warriors are ready, the guards would fall back to protect the young or anyone incapable of fighting. If there is an attack with only one individual enemy or a small group (not a whole pack), the guards will fight the battle.   

☼ 1/4    ☽1/4  S p y /// M e s s e n g e r /// S c o u t
We rarely see these members since they are usually outside of our borders delivering messages or spying on clans/prides/packs that are pending being our allies or spying on enemies.

C u b S i t t e r   ☼ 0/4    ☽0/4
These are the members who watch over our precious cubs and pups and protect them from danger. They are permitted to teach them how to hunt or fight as well during spare time, but these skills are going to typically be taught by the parents.

☼ 0/6    ☽ 3/6  C u b s
The youngest members of our clan who still have many things to learn before they can get a different rank.

T h e L o s t ☼ 0/?    ☽1/?
Our deceased, kidnapped, or lost members.


☼ I m p o r t a n t I n f o r m a t i o n ☽
C u r r e n t P l o t
The most recent battle still has everyone on edge. Many died in the last major battle the two groups had and they are striving to regain their numbers.

Weather: Cloudy and cold. 24°F / 4°C        Month/Season: Late November/Winter          Time of Day: Morning

M a i n L o c a t i o n s
☼ The Barrier ☽

The barrier (seen right in the picture) was dug by the two sides years ago to prevent border confusion. It is dangerous to lurk too close to this edge. This area is off-limits to cubs and pups.

☽ The Dens ☽

Archon Pack stays in rock dens that are spread out throughout a small area. They are all relatively close to each other.

☼ The Dens ☼

Celestial Pride's dens are in hollowed out trees. It's an odd penomenon that Kai had found first and it's one of the primary reasons that the pride is located where it is.

☽ Ellie Falls ☽

Archon Pack has the best water features in the land. Ellie Falls, named after their first leader, is a fun place for the young of the pack. These falls lead to a river that runs through the Archon territory and ends in Celestial Pride's Kai Lake.

☼ Kai Lake ☼

Kai Lake, like Ellie Falls, is named for Celestial Pride's first leader. This is Celestial Pride's primary source of water and a good source for relaxation for the pride.

☼ B a n n e r s ☽

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« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 12:02:35 am by Kasai »

Offline Kasai

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Re: .☽.Shattered.☼. WIP DO NOT POST
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2012, 08:38:25 pm »
☼ Celestial Pride ☼
☼ Members ☼
L e a d e r s    ☼ 1/2

Evangeline- Female, Adult, Tiger, 100% Healthy More Information!

H e i r s    ☼ 0/6
None. Do not apply.

A d v i s o r s    ☼ 0/1
None. Do not apply.

E l d e r s    ☼ 1/5

Kasake (Sake)- Male, Senior, Lion, 75%, Old Age/Blind in Left Eye/Limps on Right Hind Leg More Information!

G u a r d s    ☼ 1/8

Rook- Male, Young Adult, Wolf, 100% Healthy More Information!

M e d i c s    ☼ 1/8
Head medic

Obi- Male, Older Adult, Wolf, 100% Healthy 45% Mentally. Grief stricken and depressed. More Information!

W a r r i o r s    ☼ 0/5
None. Apply?

S p y /// M e s s e n g e r /// S c o u t    ☼ 1/4

Ream- Male, Older Young Adult, Wolf, 85% ; Has a wound that is still healing along his left side from the fight. More Information!

C u b s i t t e r s    ☼ 0/4
None. Apply?

C u b s    ☼ 0/6
None. Apply?

T h e L o s t    ☼ 0/?
None. Apply?

P r i s o n e r     ☼ 2/?

Torrinos- Male, Cub, Amur Leopard, 95% Minor scraps and scratches, otherwise healthy. More Information!

Ember- Female, Young Adult (?), Cheetah, 5% Critical condition; unconscious, extremely cold, frostbite, various injuries, and her right back leg is broken. More Information!

☼ Pride News ☼
☼ Celestial Pride is open for applicants. (12/1)

☼ Apply ☼
Code: [Select]
[center][img]150 X 150 SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]

[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e] Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: CELESTIAL/ARCHON HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Name:[/b]NAMEHERE [/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Ingame/Forum Username:[/b] INGAME-USERNAME HERE/FORUM-USERNAME HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Gender:[/b]GENDER HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Species:[/b] SPECIES HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Age:[/b]AGE HERE(options: cub, older cub, young teen, teen, older teen, young adult, adult, older adult, senior) [/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Personality:[/b] PERSONALITY (as brief as possible) HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]History:[/b] HISTORY (as brief as possible) HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Mentor:[/b]MENTOR HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Apprentice:[/b]APPRENTICE HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Former Mentors/Apprentices:[/b]ANY PAST MENTORS OR APPRENTICES HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Parents:[/b] MOTHER AND FATHER HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Mate:[/b] MATE HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Offspring:[/b] OFFSPRING HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Prisoner:[/b] PRISONER HERE (Do you have a prisoner you are responsible for?)[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Status:[/b] RANK DESIRED HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Health Status:[/b] CURRENT STATE OF HEALTH (percentage; what's wrong/healthy)[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Other:[/b] ANYTHING ELSE PUT HERE[/color][/font]
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 12:25:49 am by Kasai »

Offline Kasai

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Re: .☽.Shattered.☼. WIP DO NOT POST
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2012, 08:38:50 pm »
☽ Archon Pack ☽

☽ Members ☽
L e a d e r s    ☽ 1/2

Ryu- Male, Adult, Striped Hyena, 100% Healthy More Information!

H e i r s    ☽ 0/4
None. Do not apply.

A d v i s o r s    ☽ 0/2
None. Do not apply.

E l d e r s    ☽ 0/5
None. Apply?

G u a r d s    ☽ 1/6

Nimbus- Male, Adult, Fox, 100% Healthy More Information!

M e d i c s    ☽ 0/8
Head Medic
None. Apply?

W a r r i o r s    ☽ 0/8
Head Warrior
None. Apply?

S p y /// M e s s e n g e r /// S c o u t    ☽ 1/4

Alue- Female, Young Adult, Wolf, 100% Healthy More Information!

C u b s i t t e r s    ☽ 0/4
None. Apply?

C u b s    ☽ 2/6

Mink- Female, Older Cub, Wolf, 100% Healthy More Information!

Panos- Male, Cub, Amur Leopard, 98% A few cuts and scrapes, but otherwise healthy More Information!

T h e L o s t    ☽ 1/?

Torrinos- Male, Cub, Amur Leopard, 95% Minor scraps and scratches, otherwise healthy. More Information!

P r i s o n e r     ☽ 0/?
None. Do not apply unless someone owns you.

☽ Pack News ☽
☽ Archon Pack is open for applicants. (12/1)

☽ Apply ☽
Code: [Select]
[center][img]150 X 150 SCREENSHOT HERE[/img]

[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e] Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: CELESTIAL/ARCHON HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Name:[/b]NAMEHERE [/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Ingame/Forum Username:[/b] INGAME-USERNAME HERE/FORUM-USERNAME HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Gender:[/b]GENDER HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Species:[/b] SPECIES HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Age:[/b]AGE HERE(options: cub, older cub, young teen, teen, older teen, young adult, adult, older adult, senior) [/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Personality:[/b] PERSONALITY (as brief as possible) HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]History:[/b] HISTORY (as brief as possible) HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Mentor:[/b]MENTOR HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Apprentice:[/b]APPRENTICE HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Former Mentors/Apprentices:[/b]ANY PAST MENTORS OR APPRENTICES HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Parents:[/b] MOTHER AND FATHER HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Mate:[/b] MATE HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Offspring:[/b] OFFSPRING HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Prisoner:[/b] PRISONER HERE (Do you have a prisoner you are responsible for?)[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Status:[/b] RANK DESIRED HERE[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Health Status:[/b] CURRENT STATE OF HEALTH (percentage; what's wrong/healthy)[/color][/font]
[font=arialblack][color=#a8816e][b]Other:[/b] ANYTHING ELSE PUT HERE[/color][/font]
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 12:43:39 am by Kasai »

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. WIP DO NOT POST
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2012, 01:14:05 am »

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. WIP DO NOT POST
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2012, 01:14:27 am »
/just in case

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Re: .☼.Shattered.☽. WIP DO NOT POST
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2012, 01:14:51 am »
/and one more

Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: Celestial Pride
Name:Evangeline (Eva)
Ingame/Forum Username: Kasai/Kasai
Species: Tiger
Personality: Evangeline is quite caring in nature, but doesn't ignore a hostile or rude member. She won't be disrespected. She is like a worried mother when it comes to the majority of the pride, always ensuring that they are all right, whether physically, mentally, or emotionally. She would give her life for her pride if necessary and has come close to death on several occasions. She often has a mask for her emotions, constantly thinking out strategies or thinking of those surrounding her before thinking of herself.
History: Evangeline was born into the pride as an heir and raised into the role of leader, asserting herself as the dominant one out of her two other littermates. She has grown into the leadership position with some difficulty and is always unsure of herself when dealing with those older than her. Throughout the years, she has gained multiple scars and has been held prisoner before in Archon territory in return for one of their own. She once almost drowned in Kai Lake as a cub and has had her times of falling into the Barrier on accident when she was young. 
Former Mentors/Apprentices:-x-
Parents: Sera -x- Ciro
Mate: -x-
Offspring: -x-
Prisoner: -x-
Status: Leader
Health Status: 100% Healthy; Scars
Other: cactus

Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: Celestial Pride
Ingame/Forum Username: Kasai/Kasai
Species: Wolf
Age:Older Adult
Personality: Obi is a stingy old coot who never trusts anyone right out of the gate. He is still even wary of his leader, unsure if she is responsible enough for the role she has. Obi used to be more social because of his mate, but since her death and his pups' deaths, he hasn't really spoken to anyone. He does his jobs, will respond with what is asked of him, and return to his solitary space.
History: Obi used to be a rogue, but found a beautiful female wolf in the forest once. The two fell in love and she only requested that they must meet in the same spot. Soon, she revealed that she belonged to a pack and that he would have to join it in order to be her mate. Lovestruck, he agreed, meeting Sera and Ciro for the first time. The young couple, the leaders of the time, agreed for Obi to be let in and he soon took an apprenticeship as a medic. His hidden skill was revealed and he soon became head medic. Hope was running out for the two, now adult, wolves as they continued to try for pups and were failing. Finally, their wish came true. Erina, his mate, found out she was pregnant with pups. The pups were born and the family lived happily ever after... for while, at least. After all, there was still a war being fought. In the latest battle, Erina was killed by a young wolf from Celestial Pride. Because of this wolf's foolish mistake, Erina and Obi's pups were left defenseless as their father tended to the wounds of those injured. When coming to check on Erina, Obi found her killed and the young wolf nearby. He soon found out what happened from the proud young wolf, who was new to the pride. Obi then killed the young wolf. He denies that he killed the young wolf, but knows in his heart that he did and he doesn't regret it.
Former Mentors/Apprentices:None
Parents: Ria-x-Oron [both dead]
Mate: Erina [dead]
Offspring: Akili, Oki, Shayla, and Kuro [so small that two were not found. Oki and Shayla dead. Akili and Kuro are likely dead as well, but bodies not found.]
Prisoner: None
Status: Head Medic
Health Status: 100% Physically Healthy. 45% Mentally. Grief stricken and depressed.
Other: CACTUS~

Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: Archon Pack
Ingame/Forum Username: Kasai/Kasai
Species: Striped Hyena
Age: Adult
Personality: Ryu knows he is an authority figure and gained his mother's mind when it comes to strategical planning. Nothing can ever be disorganized. He has the compassion of his father, the previous head medic, and always looks out for the youngest members or those who can't defend themselves. He is accepting towards any Celestial Pride member who wants to switch to Archon, but they will be closely monitored. 
History: Ryu had the life of a typical pup in a war situation. He lived life in constant fear and tension, worried that the other side would attack at any moment and worried he would lose his friends and family. This was the case for his siblings and Ryu was the only one to survive to adulthood. His mother died of old age, thankfully, but his father was killed in a battle. In retaliation, Ryu killed Celestial Pride's leader, sending them scrambling to replace their leader with her heiress: Evangeline.
Former Mentors/Apprentices:Kima
Parents: Kima -x- Vir [both dead]
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Prisoner: None
Status: Leader
Health Status: 100% Healthy.
Other: CACTUS~
« Last Edit: January 27, 2013, 12:17:15 am by Kasai »

Offline Kasai

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open]
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2012, 01:53:02 am »
Open for business ^u^

Offline Thestoneofdoom

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open]
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2012, 04:08:26 am »
I wanted to ask exactly what feline species were accepted? I've been looking for a place to rp my smilodon...Though I doubt he'd be accepted into this. xD But, it never hurts to ask.

Offline Kasai

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open]
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2012, 04:16:42 am »
It definitely doesn't hurt to ask, but by felines I meant wild modern felines (cheetah, lion, tiger, jaguar, panther, leopard, etc.) ^^' If you'd like to use another character please feel free!

Offline Thestoneofdoom

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Re: .?.Shattered.?. [Open]
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2012, 04:28:06 am »
hehe! Thanks! I was planning on attempting to join with my tiger. "Celestial Pride" is an interesting name for him, because within my book, hes actually a demi-god who guards A God's "playground" which is just a sacred area for a God's meeting grounds. xD interesting, to me.

I'll edit this with an app in just a second.

I cant get a screenshot because the server is down. xD I'll edit it with one in when its up again.

Celestial Pride or Archon Pack?: Celestial
Ingame/Forum Username: Thestoneofdoom
Species:Siberian Tiger
Age:6 1/2 years
Personality:Stubborn, Loner, Aggressive, Short-tempered, Hates everything. On the positive side, hes about as generous as an angel. He would rather eat you, but his heart is as golden as his fur.
History:Born, Raised, Survived, Trained, Living. [You said brief..xD]
Mentor:His Grandfather, "Panthera."
Apprentice:Takashi [Out-of-FH], N/a [In-FH]
Former Mentors/Apprentices:N/a
Parents:Altaica x Corbetti
Status: Guard
Health Status: 95% Healthy, 5% for the fact that he usually has allergies to random flowers, pollen and sometimes dried grass.
Other:He is a Strawberry / Golden-Tabby Tiger. Also, a spikey-plant-thing told me to request his presence here, this is his signature; "Cactus."
Winter's breath sparked Aleksandre's brown nose, making him jolt into the waking world. Brown, almost-black, eyes snapped open as the chilled wind blasted his flanks. Clumsily, he got to his four and stretched each leg in turn. Lifting his head, he caught sight of his favorite thing...First snow. With his tail-tip wriggling, which betrayed the only physical evidence of joy, the pale-colored tiger stepped forward and padded through the frosty underbrush. Today, his search would continue; his search for his Grandfather. Corbetti had considered the old male dead, Aleksandre considered the old male stubborn and impatient. Most likely, he had wandered off to find a new place to spread his legend. Panthera, oldest tiger in the north, Panthera the legendary hero, Panthera the strongest! "FUH!" Aleksandre spat in disgust. His grandfather saved a couple deer from a pack of tiny wolves, so be it. His grandfather was the oldest tiger in the north, so be it. His grandfather beat most of the males that challenged him, it didn't mean he never lost!

Shuffling his paws into the fresh snow that was piling up faster and faster, the young male snorted, watching the fog billow from his mouth and nostrils. "Panthera this..Panthera that. So what if he was famous, it didn't help father any, didn't help mother any..Certainly didn't save my littermates from their untimely death!" Aleksandre argued with himself as he continued shuffling onward, his gaze slowly drifting downward at the ground. The young tiger paused in his journey, a soft, mournful, sorrow-filled moan bellowed out into the air. Where the hell is that coming from?

Aleksandre shuddered. It came from himself.

« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 04:59:43 am by Thestoneofdoom »