Author Topic: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read  (Read 6920 times)

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FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« on: July 02, 2021, 04:55:27 pm »
The issues I see atm are:
1) Accessibility: People lack the time to come home from work and play FH due to chores etc. but they are able to use Discord more due to there being a mobile version

Fix: Make a mobile version of FH.

2) Lack of Ideas: Not everyone is the creative type of person. Those sort of people get bored easily when the creative people are unable to play because they get on FH expecting to see other players roleplaying etc. Them they either lay around bored or just leave (not necessarily permanently ofc).

Fix: Add features to FH (could be optional per player) that would keep the non-creative types entertained.

3) Missing the Past or Friends: People loose motivation to play when there is too much change. Loosing too many game features or friends all at once unexpectedly is a sure way to loose players.

Fix: Change of features should be gradual, however loss of friends is a social issue that is out of our control. Also, existing game features should not be removed unless absolutely necessary (like things that pose a safety or security or performance issue). And notice should be given before removing something. We cannot fix the past, but we can at least build a brighter future. It is time to move on and let go of past negative experiences. No more grudges. A fresh start.

4) Lack of Community Trust: Many people still do not trust the current staff due to incidents that arose from the actions of past staff.

Fix: Time. Even though only one of the old staff remains, new staff always inherit the good or bad reputation of past staff and it takes time for the opinion of the community to "catch up" with the change in staff.

5) Conflicting Ideals and Lack of Compromise: There are many conflicting ideals in the community. If person A wants a map with just red roses and person B wants a map with just white roses, it is impossible to please them both unless both people are willing to compromise (perhaps a map that is half red roses and half white roses?). This situation makes it very difficult for any positive change if both people refuse to be happy unless things are perfectly their way.

Fix: Focus on concepts that the majority of players are interested in and attempt to come to a compromise when ideals conflict. If certain individuals cannot be satisfied, that isn't something anyone else can fix because it would be a personal issue.

6) Bullying and Drama: I know several people who have been bullied and all too often said bullying occurs via private chats or in FH related Discord servers. Also, many bullying victims are too afraid to report said incidents, which just feeds the bully because they feel they are getting away with it. Also, some people are quick to start violent protests over issues they feel strongly about.

Fix: Teach people to not be afraid of reporting bullies. Perhaps anti-bullying workshops of some kind would help. Make sure there are stiff penalties for those caught bullying (I would have a minimum 24 hour suspension for offenders). There is no excuse for bullying anyone and can result in great mental and emotional trauma. If you feel strongly about something, don't start a big scene over it. That sort of thing helps nobody. In fact, it makes people stop listening to you and even drives people away.

7) Misplaced Blame: Ultimately, it isn't just the staff who determine the rise or fall of any game, it is both staff and community who determine whether a game succeeds or fails. No one person or group of people is to blame. Everyone contributes to the success or failure of a game.

Fix: Stop looking for scapegoats to pin things on when things go wrong.

Summary: To be fair, I have based this summary on the not only the state of the game, but also the opinions and behavior of both staff and community and their interactions. I also included info from a survey I conducted while MOTS.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 04:58:11 pm by DylanCheetah »

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Re: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2021, 05:33:51 pm »
1. Why a mobile version would be cool of Feralheart that's too much work on Raz along with staff workers as they are already having a hard time with this version and as they have mentioned future updates is taking longer due to smaller staff team do mobile would be too much work along with the small controls and presets.

2. Alot are not creative but those who are do say their thoughts and post it on Forums quite alot to which Staff has took it into consideration.

3. Changing features that big would also be a hard thing on them with again a low staff team and them trying to figure it all out.

4. There isn't rlly bad community trust just some people might dislike some but that's their opinions and if the person is different it shouldn't affect them at all. As everyone does have a unique self

5. The staff team should decide to do what they like and not always have to do something for everybody as that would be a staff choice and alot of work.

6. Bullying isn't too bad just some have personal problems but they try their best to keep it private so it doesn't affect the whole community. There is some people who are on to make sure of no bullying or to report for those who don't know how.

I do not mean to upset you with these replys but these are what I think of your fixes I understand you want this place to grow and be better but the Staff and Community can't do this all at once it will take time and effort along with making things better like maps and such. The game is still going to this day and the staff work hard which I'm very thankful for as we should be glad it is.

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Re: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2021, 05:59:22 pm »

Interesting thread you got here, and since it's open for discussion I think I'll toss my two cents in if that's alright?

1) I see this as being incredibly difficult with the current staff (not that this is intended as a jab, but it's a lot of coding and changing of platforms, etc), which, to be fair. Each computer game anyone plays typically requires the person to get online and find time for it. While discord is more accessible, I find it hard to compare the two platforms since one is a game and the other is a messenger application (to be basic about it).

I think this might be an issue, but the solution isn't going to be one-sided or as simple as providing a mobile outlet. It probably stems from other issues, to quote you later I think to err "Lack of ideas" (better phrased as engagement activities) might be one.

2) First off-- I think this is phrased a little poorly as the community is very creative and the staff has dropped hints to new things as well. Moving on to the actual suggestion:

Some people are going to enjoy the game more than others, and I do agree they are going to enjoy it in different ways. There's only so many things people can do within the limits of the game, community, and staff limitations to fix this. A lot of people who "lay around" are usually tabbing, working on presets, maps, or RP groups in themselves. They enjoy the atmosphere-- so be wary about lumping them all in with boredom.

I think adding features would be a neat idea, if it were possible. The hidden gems in the maps are a nice touch brought on by staff, a scavenger hunt of sorts. An achievement system would be cool, again-- the coding behind this is what concerns me. Not that it's not possible, just that it might take a while since the staff are currently working on-- replenishing their team?

3) I do think this is something that we can work towards in the future in regard to feature changes. The community itself has been very vocal about not liking surprises, and we've got answers from staff about how they are trying to share what they can without getting hopes up for things that inevitably won't happen. FH isn't a typical game where feature updates are frequent or even quick, so the community as a whole (everyone including staff) just needs to work with each other, and I think it's moving forward pretty great!

4) Agreed, I do think people need to judge the staff based on their individual merits and not on a team that is no longer part of the community/game. But agree, time is the only solution I see here.

5) I think the fix here is that not everyone is going to like it, and that a loud minority might not mean that a particular update/etc is something there is conflict on. I do think that taking opinions when possible from the community is good, and there are several threads dedicated to rounding up community opinions for the staff! I know I've seen Ame stalking it LOL

6) I'll admit, with the staff team as it is I don't think any official bullying workshops are possible rn. Not to mention that I'm not entirely sure anyone is qualified to give this sort of information, the staff are volunteers and the mosts they can do is work off reports. There are going to be bullies in all walks of life, and the staff can only act if they know. Bullying on discord can be reported directly to discord as well. If bullying is a problem in this game there are a few suggestions that anyone can follow:

a) If you witness bullying happening to another player, stand up for that player and document the proof. Make sure the person is alright, and report it to staff. Bystanders can be a great help.

b) Report the incident and block the offender. Private chats can only be utilized if that person has access to you. Screenshot (the whole screen) to get the offending messages and the user, and then block them.

c) Ask for help. It is okay to reach out for help, to a fellow community member, a friend, or a member of staff.

As for passionate people, I think it's alright to be passionate about something. Obviously, if discussion sidetracks or takes a turn where it is no longer relevant to the issue at hand, passionate people, in my opinion, do not need to curb their passion for conversations. Silencing voices tend to make people not want to engage or participate in the conversation.

7) I think this possibly could've been left out or worded differently? As of right now I'm not entirely sure what this is referencing and would benefit everyone if we would start from a fresh POV. I haven't seen any blame being thrown around on these forums for months.

Feel free to agree or disagree with anything I say, as I'm open to discussion on all things relating to FH. I kindly ask that anyone who does disagree with me, please remember I am a human on the other side of a screen~ c:

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Re: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2021, 06:23:16 pm »
1. the mobile version will most likely take up a large amount of space, there will have to be some changes to the coding to allow it to run smoothly on mobile and it might only work on newer versions of phones.. given it might take up to months to years for it to be even released to the public and there will have to be updated to both the pc version along with the mobile. with that it even make it easier, there might have to be two teams. one working on pc and the other on mobile and they would have to communicate. two different platforms and different coding could be difficult to communicate to each other and they both might have to learn both platforms and learn how to use them incase its needed.

i do see how discord effects the activity on others in game and its not the best. but i don't believe creating a whole new way of playing the game would help out as much as you see it other than just putting more weight on the teams shoulders and the pressure of others actually wanting this to happen.

2. plenty of people have wrote down their ideas and most people actually have the same ideas. instead of repeating them and using the same ideas but put in different words. people dont share their ideas as they have been said already. Esarosa already made a few posts wanting others ideas and others have shared them, coming up with ideas take time so you know you arent just gonna repeat yourself. these ideas are on the forum, public for anyone to see and write their own or expand on another idea.

3. it takes time. people leave and you lose friends. you miss the past, losing friends is hard and not much the staff can do so i dont see this as a issue. along with missing the past. its really just people opinions and choices on what they want to miss and what not to miss. updates are a part of games and they might not be how people want them or how frequent they want them to do. people do just need time to process it and move on with it. there will always be people there willingly to be friends or hangout.

6. its hard to just "teach" a person not to be afraid to report bullying as you have no idea how its happening or even the extant of it. of course if you see bullying you can report it to the staff team. on other apps like discord, thats a tad difficult as they have different ways of reporting. blocking the person is a way to handle it.

i only wrote what i feel comfortable commenting on. this is how i feel on this post. please be respectful of my opinion and always open for discussing.

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Re: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2021, 07:49:37 pm »
First if all, I would like to thank each of for your constructive feedback.

I will address the feedback from each question individually and clarify the rationale behind them:
1) To put it simply, FH is mainly a chatroom with 3D animal chars. And in a changing world where there are a growing number of alternatives like other games that have more features and various social media platforms like Discord etc. that leaves FH in a somewhat vulnerable position where it lacks features that make it stand out from everyone else. After all, you can go talk on any other social media platform and the only other things FH has to offer are visual roleplay and designing custom content. Technically, most people just share artwork via social media these days, so FH needs more things users can engage in.

Another issue is that FH only works on Windows or 32-bit Linux or OS X (with Wine or Wineskin). FH will not run on 64-bit OS X due to Apple's decision to completely remove 32-bit application support (a friend of mine has this problem). Technically, the codebase already needs an upgrade for these reasons alone.

Unless things have changed, the dev team and moderation staff were separate. And you can in fact have a single unified codebase that works on all platforms and just do a build for each supported platform (I do this for my own projects).

Also, not everyone has a PC. Some just use their phone. And if someone's PC breaks, they cannot play till it is fixed. Making a mobile version addresses both issues.

2) I am referring to the people who lay around talking about how bored they are. FH needs new concepts to keep their interest. Not everyone is the creative type of person.

3) The point of this is that some people need to let go of their losses and move on instead of dwelling on the negative things in their past.

6) There are no bystanders in a private conversation between 2 people. Bullies tend to single out people like that for that reason. They figure they won't get caught if they scare the victim into not telling anyone. Awareness of some kind needs to be brought to this fact so people are prepared for such circumstances.

7) While this is less common than it was in past months, I still hear people putting all the blame for the state of the game on staff alone. Not necessarily in public, but the point is that such behavior helps nobody because everyone at FH influences the success or failure of the game.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 07:52:14 pm by DylanCheetah »

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Re: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2021, 08:16:08 pm »
Dylan, I COMPLETELY agree with you.

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Re: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2021, 08:36:26 pm »

Another issue is that FH only works on Windows or 32-bit Linux or OS X (with Wine or Wineskin). FH will not run on 64-bit OS X due to Apple's decision to completely remove 32-bit application support (a friend of mine has this problem). Technically, the codebase already needs an upgrade for these reasons alone.

I would like to say, that I am a mac user that runs FH just fine on a 64bit machine with POM because they updated it to support 64 bit. ^^' this problem is no longer true, while it was for a while, POM updated to fix issues like this with all sorts of games. The code does need an update, but I thought I'd gently correct this.

As for the rest, I'm going to respond as well.

1) As of right now, I do believe that there is no separate development team from the moderation staff. They are all one team-- Ame has dropped numerous hints about creating something for the community.

Even if Mobile was to be a fix of sorts, it would still take-- more likely than not-- money, which Raz has explicitly stated in the past he does not want help with. A decent-sized team to take over the development and moderation of a mobile version, and support for the desktop version. Not many games are cross-platform and if they are, they need to be updated and able to communicate with newer technology which FH is on an older version of Ogre (if I recall correctly). As it is, an FH mobile game would probably be a completely separate game from the desktop which wouldn't promote activity, but rather move it to a different area.

2) Not everyone is "creative" in the sense that they build user-made content and prefer to engage with those who do, but I also think it's not just on the staff and the game to keep these people interested. Every game has its downtime and people need to also be able to find joy in what they can do-- I agree that new features would be cool, but the game as is doesn't seem to be getting updates like that yet. However, Esarosa has a thread available for suggestions to go that the staff team could pull from if that were to ever come to pass.

3) This isn't exactly something that is solvable and telling people to hurry up in their grieving process (such as losing friends or a part of their childhood) just doesn't seem like the appropriate way to go. People will have to move on in their own time.

6) This may come off as blunt, but I think Security and Brx made a decent point about this. There is not really "teaching" someone that it's okay to come forward with evidence of bullying if they are scared. A lot of what is posted tells people that they need to report it for staff to do anything, and people have been talking about the bullying thing in several threads before. It's unfortunate, but bullying can only be addressed if it's brought to the attention of the staff team.

I would also like to point out that the pointers I gave for bullying come from several bullying workshops I attended in the past. There's only so much people around you can do if the person being bullied does not wish to step forward.

I would like to see some of the numbers for your surveys if that's alright? How many people were interviewed-- I would like to know where some of this data is coming from. ^^ I am not familiar with what you did on your end, is all.

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Re: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2021, 08:45:37 pm »
1) I don't believe that Discord has anything to do with the decline of activity on Feralheart, and you shouldn't compare the two. Discord at its core is just a chat program, whereas Feralheart, even though it's really a 3D chat room, is still a game. You make a character, you run around, you can explore. There's a charm to roleplaying in Feralheart that roleplaying on Discord doesn't have. Do I still do both? Absolutely.

Creating a mobile game out of Feralheart sounds like a good idea when you just put it like that, but the actual logistics of doing so are ridiculous. Feralheart is built off of OGRE, which is an older system in of itself. Not only that, but the current staff team does not have any expert coders from what we know. The game would basically have to be built from scratch for mobile, so it wouldn't be the same game at all and the likelihood of being able to run it on the same server so mobile players and computer players can play together is unlikely. Not to mention the fact that a lot of what makes Feralheart, Feralheart, would be lost in a mobile port. Presets, custom maps, the ability to download new animations... heck even items and markings, would probably not be something you could do on mobile.

2) Not everyone has to be creative for them to have fun on Feralheart. They could join social groups, get to know fellow members of the community, join roleplays, etc. While adding new features could be cool, I don't see it happening anytime soon (although the staff have definitely hinted at things like new maps and whatnot!) As someone who helps to run roleplays, there are plenty of RPs still active on FH. Also while people might to be 'creative' in the traditional way that you're talking about, everyone has creativity inside of them. They just might not be 'creative' in the way that you mean. They still have plenty of potential to do creative things and be creative. While they may not be the ones that are making maps, presets, or roleplays, they could be enjoying them, roleplaying in them, etc. There are plenty of ways to be creative!

3) This isn't really something that the community can change, individuals need to reach out and try to make new friends on their own. While the community can work to engage them, this can't be solved unless both parties want to help. Things can be put out slowly, you're right, but that isn't going to stop people from grieving their losses and missing their friends.

4) I agree that only time can solve this, and I think the staff are doing a good job at slowly gaining the community's trust back. I, for one, love our current staff members! They all need to be judged on who they are as individuals, instead of as staff, because mistakes of the past are not who they are now.

5) In large communities there will always be conflicts like this. It's not an easy fix. However as others have mentioned there are threads about what the community wants to see already.

6) We're on the internet, there are going to be bullies everywhere. The best thing we can do is report it when we see it happening, I think Stormi, Security, and Wolfie covered this well already. I don't think that an 'anti-bullying workshop' is plausible because for starters, we don't have anyone that would actually be certified to present something like that, and also, there's no way to get the entirety of the community to attend. Not to mention there are always new members coming in. I think the best thing we could possibly do about this other than just reporting is perhaps the staff making an official thread on how to report bullying specifically, or coming up with ways to anonymously report (would have to have sufficient evidence, of course).

7) Unnecessary, I think this has been said before. I agree with you, though. The community and staff both need to be the ones to hold the game up. The staff can't do it alone.

Sidenote: Seeing Stormi's most recent post... I would also love to see some of the data you collected! I never saw any surveys or whatnot on the forums... who was included in them? We don't need names, but how did you get your participants?

I would've written more but so many of our lovely community members have stepped up and spoken up already, I didn't feel like just repeating what has been already said. That being said, I agree with Stormi, Security, and Wolfie!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 08:51:44 pm by toonanimals317 »

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Re: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2021, 08:53:01 pm »
The issues I see atm are:
1) Accessibility: People lack the time to come home from work and play FH due to chores etc. but they are able to use Discord more due to there being a mobile version

Fix: Make a mobile version of FH.

Discord is most certainly a factor in FeralHeart's decline, but it's not the sole factor. Simply making a mobile version for FH will not fix this issue. If anything, people lack the drive to get on due to the lack of "content" more or less. Things to do in general, on top of juggling real life struggles for most now a days. Due to how quiet things are, people rather go elsewhere for content than sit online. Back when FH was still "booming", there were always things to do. Did the game offer those things? In short, no, save Ascension and Skys Rim serving as intended platforming challenges. What made the game lively, gave people things to do, were the very players that got on and goofed off. Those players would create the things we cherish; Mate Centers (and other centers), climbing the mountains in Fluorite, making it a challenge to climb Ascension without falling, stopping, setting your home, etc., people roleplaying everywhere, Ficho and it's creepy pasta/fandom hub, Bonfire and it's crazy nature that so many would find amusing...and don't get me started on the TLK roleplays that would happen there. All of these things and so much more were player made, and it was a constant draw for so many, even in busy times some people would still make the time to get online because there was this charm. Then you will always have your easy-going players who just like to make characters and relax while looking at the chat, or just have the game on in the background. Everyone had their piece of cake and ate it too.

What the game needs is a bit more content to inspire people to get online again. Bring back platforming, have maps that are fun to explore and have many secrets and "treasures" you can find after completing a platforming challenge or just by adventuring, and let's not forget the big elephant in the room; the old maps. Bring back familiarity for the oldies, and at the same time introduce new experiences for newcomers, with the added cherry on top of stories galore of good times in said areas.

Now, could the game use a little more content in terms of game play mechanics? Possibly yes, but right now focus needs to be put on the essentials and what the game once had but is now lacking in, circling back to the point that making a mobile version won't magically fix this issue. It would be the same exact environment we have now, but on a phone. Hardly anything to do but RP, talk, and sit online as you tab, all to most likely be disconnected if you tab out of the "FeralHeart App" in this scenario.

The staff can provide one part of this puzzle, but the rest lies on the community and what they do with it.

2) Lack of Ideas: Not everyone is the creative type of person. Those sort of people get bored easily when the creative people are unable to play because they get on FH expecting to see other players roleplaying etc. Them they either lay around bored or just leave (not necessarily permanently ofc).

Fix: Add features to FH (could be optional per player) that would keep the non-creative types entertained.

Agreed! Voiced as much in my previous answer.

3) Missing the Past or Friends: People loose motivation to play when there is too much change. Loosing too many game features or friends all at once unexpectedly is a sure way to loose players.

Fix: Change of features should be gradual, however loss of friends is a social issue that is out of our control. Also, existing game features should not be removed unless absolutely necessary (like things that pose a safety or security or performance issue). And notice should be given before removing something. We cannot fix the past, but we can at least build a brighter future. It is time to move on and let go of past negative experiences. No more grudges. A fresh start.

Agreed wholeheartedly. The update that changed FH drastically in terms of maps and familiarity was by no means handled well. The biggest mistake of that whole update was the sudden change that was dropped in front of everyone, including myself. Nobody knew the update was going to happen, it was like a huge carpet being pulled out from under the entire community. Now all of the staff that worked on that update did a fantastic job creating those maps most certainly, but the way they were all presented left almost everyone with a bad taste in their mouths for them. Personally, I can see the reason behind why it all had to be done, namely removing the old maps in place of new ones due to the issues they caused, and I can forgive the sudden change and enjoy the new maps now because I understand, but that's not the case for many out there, and understandably so. Those maps were and still are very special to so many that played FeralHeart, and they were all stripped of that very thing. All of those memories, the friends they made, adventures they had, hardships and good times they experienced, now all gone in the blink of an eye. Many people grew up with those maps, and now they're gone. It's truly heartbreaking.

4) Lack of Community Trust: Many people still do not trust the current staff due to incidents that arose from the actions of past staff.

Fix: Time. Even though only one of the old staff remains, new staff always inherit the good or bad reputation of past staff and it takes time for the opinion of the community to "catch up" with the change in staff.

Yup yup. This is why I always try to make it an effort to be around others and always extend a friendly hand. I've said it many times in the past, I'm not just a staff member, I'm a community member that loves this game just like everyone else. Just because I have a special title over my head or a special badge on my chest doesn't mean I'm any more important. I'm just like everyone else.

5) Conflicting Ideals and Lack of Compromise: There are many conflicting ideals in the community. If person A wants a map with just red roses and person B wants a map with just white roses, it is impossible to please them both unless both people are willing to compromise (perhaps a map that is half red roses and half white roses?). This situation makes it very difficult for any positive change if both people refuse to be happy unless things are perfectly their way.

Fix: Focus on concepts that the majority of players are interested in and attempt to come to a compromise when ideals conflict. If certain individuals cannot be satisfied, that isn't something anyone else can fix because it would be a personal issue.

While you cannot please everyone, and you most certainly shouldn't be a people pleaser, it's very important to listen and compromise when you can, provided it's reasonable and beneficial for the game.

6) Bullying and Drama: I know several people who have been bullied and all too often said bullying occurs via private chats or in FH related Discord servers. Also, many bullying victims are too afraid to report said incidents, which just feeds the bully because they feel they are getting away with it. Also, some people are quick to start violent protests over issues they feel strongly about.

Fix: Teach people to not be afraid of reporting bullies. Perhaps anti-bullying workshops of some kind would help. Make sure there are stiff penalties for those caught bullying (I would have a minimum 24 hour suspension for offenders). There is no excuse for bullying anyone and can result in great mental and emotional trauma. If you feel strongly about something, don't start a big scene over it. That sort of thing helps nobody. In fact, it makes people stop listening to you and even drives people away.

There are still amazing floofs out there that do still report rule breakers, and for them I am always grateful. It's no brainer that staff can't be online 24/7, and that's where the community steps in. The community as a whole are countless players while the staff are just so few individuates. what would really help is a proper report system via a working report button.

As for bullying, the absolute #1 thing to do is ignore and block. For some instances this won't fix the problem, but a lot of times this is all you need to rid of someone you do not wish to interact with. If they continuously harass you, then it's up to the individual to take matters into their own hands and stand up for themselves. Take screenshots, document the harassment, record it on your phone or through a screen capture program, anything and everything you can to save those instances of abuse/harassment so you can warn others. Encourage those around you to care for themselves and take action against their harasser rather than let them stand there and let it happen.

7) Misplaced Blame: Ultimately, it isn't just the staff who determine the rise or fall of any game, it is both staff and community who determine whether a game succeeds or fails. No one person or group of people is to blame. Everyone contributes to the success or failure of a game.

Fix: Stop looking for scapegoats to pin things on when things go wrong.


ahem- Blame gets tossed around left and right way too often. There are many factors that play into FeralHeart being in the state it's in. In a sense, everyone is at fault. What we need to do is stop wasting our time trying to place blame, but instead spend our time on what matters: working together to get this game back on track. Though as a final note on this particular matter, things seemed to have moved on from blaming (for the most part) in the immediate circle/community we have now in FeralHeart, so I think it's safe to say we can put this to rest, move on from it and focus on the future. Blame is not what we need to focus on.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2021, 02:43:01 am by Ame88 »

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Re: FH Restoration Guide - IMPORTANT: Please Read
« Reply #9 on: July 02, 2021, 10:09:16 pm »

Another issue is that FH only works on Windows or 32-bit Linux or OS X (with Wine or Wineskin). FH will not run on 64-bit OS X due to Apple's decision to completely remove 32-bit application support (a friend of mine has this problem). Technically, the codebase already needs an upgrade for these reasons alone.

I would like to say, that I am a mac user that runs FH just fine on a 64bit machine with POM because they updated it to support 64 bit. ^^' this problem is no longer true, while it was for a while, POM updated to fix issues like this with all sorts of games. The code does need an update, but I thought I'd gently correct this.

Perhaps you could post a tutorial for this if you don't mind. It would be a big help for all the Mac users who are still experiencing issues with Wineskin on 64-bit Mac.

The survey I conducted was posted on this thread:

Currently, 30 people have provided their feedback. Not sure why so many haven't seen this survey since it was posted back in December 2020. I posted a link in Feral Society too back then.

Moving on with more clarification:
1) Developing a mobile version of FH for Android devices would definitely cost nothing more (all the tools are free and it could be distributed via this website or a store like which is also free). Many have already expressed concerns about the aging engine FH was built upon. Even on a modern PC, Ogre has poor performance compared to other engines. Ogre 1.7 was in fact designed in an era where many features such as GPU skinning did not exist. So Ogre 1.7 uses highly inefficient methods like copying large volumes of mesh data every frame and it cannot take advantage of multi-core CPUs. It is impossible to fix problems that are internal to the engine a game is built upon without making the switch to a modern engine. And most modern engines support mobile devices with little or no changes to the code. There is also no reason why there would need to be a version specific to mobile devices. Make one improved version of FH that will run on all supported devices with no changes to the code between different devices that would use a modern engine and lack the problems FH has right now. Sooner or later this will be inevitable because old Ogre will not necessarily keep working on new devices.

2) Not everyone likes to roleplay, make maps, or make presets. And if there is nobody around they want to talk to, what incentive do they have to play?

3) This is more like good advice. Sometimes people grieve for so long that it becomes unhealthy and their gloominess can affect those around them.

5) This issue may not have an easy fix, but there are some who make this issue worse by being inflexible and unwilling to compromise.

6) Encourage people to do their part when they get bullied or witness bullying. That is what I mean by "workshop". Constructive advice to bring about improvement even if it is a public thread bringing awareness to the issue.

7) Ame has said it all. And as long as there are still people misplacing blame, this will continue to be an important issue.