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Messages - DragonGamez

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Game Help / Preset Tufts
« on: July 10, 2019, 09:06:12 pm »
I understand that there's a fix being put in place so that if there's no tuftMat on presets right now it'll automatically use the maneMat instead. But what about presets that don't have a maneMat and are just using tufts that don't have the main texture? Such as under the tufts section the tufts that are labeled "Elbow Tuft", "Cheek Tuft" etc which use the body's texture instead of "Cheek Mane" and "Elbow Mane", etc. which use the mane texture.

Currently the presets that I have make use of the non-mane textured tufts but it no longer is just an extension of the existing body texture. Will this be fixed so that tufts can still be the color of the body and not have to be done manually like manes for presets?

Patch Bug Reports / Re: Bug Reports Submission Thread
« on: July 10, 2019, 06:45:32 pm »
I'm pretty sure this has already been reported, regarding the sliders being messed up and the character proportions getting screwed up.

Is this going to be fixed or should we readjust our character proportions?
I'm asking just in case it gets fixed later and then our character proportions could get messed up again. Just want to know what work needs to be done or if it should be left and the proportions/tail will be fixed in an upcoming patch.

[EDIT] the character fix in the user panel options fixes this!

News Archives / Re: A couple of notes
« on: September 26, 2018, 05:07:00 pm »
I strongly suspect you are not being honest.

Those who disagree with moderator free October. You seem to be wildly over simplifying its operation. I'll give you a hint block != ban or even  blockx9000 != ban.(important note != is not = for those unaware != means does not equal)
Unless you are doing some kind of throttle check, that's the only other way it can work. But you know what would be easier? Implementing nothing, but getting people to block each other. Was that the real intention? You could have just said that, you know. I'm calling a bluff.

As for lost characters. PLEASE in future check where your download is coming from. If it doesn't come directly off I cannot be held responsible for its content. So if its some random mediafire link think twice before you download.
Maps pretty much never contain no executable content and aren't used in a way to be executed. There is no attack surface. You probably know that. Characters are stored server-side anyways. Seems like only one person could be behind this.

I'm also aware prior to the staffs departure, certainly in the staff room and possibly around the forum posts were blanked out. I will also have these restored in good time.
I wonder what you mean by blanked out. Not deleted, no?

Hey, so, I really like how you implied that it's possible for a map obtained from a zip file with zero executables inside to delete someone's character. This is impossible.

Lesser known fact: Feral Heart was taken apart and datamined years ago. The hacking incident would not have been possible without it. This is almost as good as having the source code, and good enough to show with absolute certainty that it is impossible for Feral Heart, client or server, to run malicious scripts from entering a map, no matter what it contains. The only way to make FH capable of doing this is to edit the source code, which can only be done intentionally. It is impossible to accidentally edit Feral Heart's source code, because you would need to either replace the EXE or run software to intentionally inject a dll--neither of which is possible in this case.

In fact, the only way for these characters to have been deleted like this is for someone with access to the server--which, might I remind you, is just you and ONLY you--to go through and delete them all manually.

I know you want to rely on people not knowing about computers to say what you want, but it won't fly. People are not stupid. Your precious little game is falling apart.

And don't forget that some of us remember your history.

I definitely see the merit in these two points regarding the maps and how FH maps actually work. How is this explained, Raz? I downloaded the maps, but did not implement it. Inside there were no executable files. It was just like any other map from any other member of the community. It was simply the equivalent of a privately made map released by people who, as of now, used to be staff. Regardless of them releasing it with or without your consent, the actual FILES and the maps themselves would not have been able to delete the characters.

Please, if you did something server-wise to those maps to cut them off from the public, including people who actually downloaded them, and a side-effect of that server-based cut off hid people's characters, then will you tell us if that truly is the case? By any normal standards of map making and the way maps work, characters being deleted would not have happened.

If you ended up accidentally causing a side-effect of hiding characters or deleting/making them inaccessible because of a specialized method of deleting maps that no member would be able to do, nor would be able to code into a normal FeralHeart map, but something that could be changed via server-based access, then could you please come out about it and tell us?

At this point owning up to any mistakes or explaining what's going on, what you did, or being more transparent will ultimately be better for everyone in this community going forward, INCLUDING you.

Leaving / Re: We love you!
« on: September 25, 2018, 09:29:04 pm »
Thank you, thank you all so much for the work you tried so hard to get put in. Thank you for what you DID manage to accomplish, thank you for everything you couldn't get accepted, but at least tried to bring to the community. Thank you for trying to make this game a better place, even when the odds were against you. By no means should anyone blame you all for leaving. The conditions were terrible and no one should have to deal with something like this, with someone leading a team as disrespectfully as Raz has. Because of you all, because of the community that tried to keep breathing life into this game, I've met so many wonderful friends, so many wonderful people. People I'll know for ages because I met them on this game.

I can never say enough. There will never be enough for me to say, never enough time to experience it all. I wish I could have seen the beautiful maps you made before Raz pulled the plug on them. I'm sure they were beautiful. I'm sure so many people adored them, even if it came at such a petty price; losing characters they loved.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You and the community are what made this game special, even through the lack of updates or lack of new content. It didn't matter as much, it NEVER mattered as much as the people who stuck together and spent wonderful times together here on this game.

May the legacy of Feral Heart live on

News Archives / Re: Moderator Free October
« on: September 24, 2018, 09:06:09 pm »
I'm adding to the disagreement. This is a horrible idea. Listen to the community, and don't do this.

Game Help / Re: Exported map has objects missing
« on: January 28, 2018, 05:19:35 am »
Fix found through this tutorial:

Game Help / Re: Exported map has objects missing
« on: January 28, 2018, 03:23:04 am »
Hi Morgra,
I exported the map a second time, and it overwrote the previous one as expected. The missing objects are still missing, and I'm positive now that all the objects I used are all default FH objects. It seems the ones missing, to my knowledge, are the ones that are new from the FH update in 2016.
I tried exporting it a third time, and it did not export. Instead I got the error: failed to export map (insert name here)!

Game Help / Exported map has objects missing
« on: January 28, 2018, 01:55:01 am »
I recently made a map, which I believe has not used any custom meshes, but I could be mistaken? I believe it uses new meshes since the FH community update, so I don't know if that is the problem here?
In Map Maker, all of these objects are visible and where they should be, but once exported a lot of these objects disappear. I deleted all my other maps so the only thing in exports is JUST the map I made, to make sure it wasn't a problem with things being overwritten.

If they are somehow custom objects I gather I need to export these into a new group through object maker or something? But I have already laid down all the objects in map and the map itself is completed. If I export these objects (which seem to all be default objects used in the FH community update) into new groups, will that not solve anything and I'll have to replace every object that was exported individually into the map, even if the objects are identical?
I... really don't know how to go about this. Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Not sure if this has already been asked but I didn't particularly want to sift through the giant thread of comments-
But is there a way to see which presets you've uploaded to the preset sync server if you don't have the preset sync installed?

Game Help / Re: Specific Preset Animations HELP
« on: January 04, 2018, 12:33:45 am »
Thank you for the answers!
I figured it may have been a bit of a shot in the dark, but I used a method that ended up working without having to do any special coding. (Basically what Kuri suggested)

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