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Messages - Kyugima

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Member Bio & Journals / Re: Kyugima's awesome Bio!
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:59:34 am »
I'm finding it funny that this bio is getting more attention than my actual bio which has been ignored to the point I lost it >.>

Wolves are not endangered anymore, at least not the greys.

On the whole number level, sure. But it IS possible to wipe animals out of entire areas, and have plenty in others.

Like the Tasmanian tiger here in Australia. Did you know originally it wasn't only Tasmanian? It used to roam the mainland as well, but it was hunted into extinction on the main land and thus isolated to the island. I believe the Tasmanian devil is the same as well... Not too sure about that one though XD

I don't think it was because the wolves saw what the coyote was doing was messing up the balance because they were killing young prey. The wolf neither do other predators, really enjoy sharing prey with other predators. Wolves, coyotes, and bears are all natural rivals


that's what I said.

They don't care about the balance of nature, but either way, there is still a balance there.

And numbers become overpopulated because of human intervention as well. increasing numbers for the specific goal of hunting them for example. numbers wouldn't have to balance themselves out if humans didn't keep sticking their nose into it.

Let's say the wolvers were slowly dieing out from, whatever reason, would this stop a bear or any of the grizzly bears from stealing food from wolves or killing them when they feel the need to?

Never expected the animals to care, but wolves are smarter than you are giving them credit for. If wolf numbers are low, why would a wolf be hunting anything large enough to get a bears attention, why would it approach a bear at all? A bear can not wipe out all wolves, because while they do not like each other, they also respect each other.

Don't be so quick to assume that just because I don't agree with everything you say automaticly means I'm going to ignore it.

There are a couple of ways of listening, listening but not taking anything in, and listening and taking in points. You may not be ignoring me, but you are not LISTENING to the meaning of what I'm saying. I'm trying to say that just like the other side, you are exaggerating to get your point across, and that shouldn't be done, because that makes you like them. State facts, not exaggerations. They are making the wolves sound like fuzzy little pets, you are making them sound like mangy disease infested creatures that should be gotten rid of.  Neither side is right, so neither side wins any points and neither side gets to go on about it.

Magical Narwhal, You are proving their point on the wolfaboo fans don't listen. Wolves ARE just animals. Yes humans are more dangerous but THAT WASN'T THE POINT. They were trying to get those who think wolves are cuddly forest friends to rethink that, by exaggerating as well, but we'll ignore that for this part, not bashing wolves as a whole.

Other Games / Re: Slender? .w.
« on: August 10, 2012, 09:22:54 am »


Tobuscus rocks U.U

Game Help / Re: Tis true?
« on: August 10, 2012, 06:32:12 am »
no, not true.

*sigh* I know I'm going to seem to be the spoil sport, but in BOTH cases you're wrong.

YES wolves are not cuddly and fuzzy pets

NO they are NOT as dangerous as you are making them out to be.

Those who go, oh, wolves shouldn't be hunted and blah blah blah? I disagree with them. People like you who go about how it should be left alone are ALSO wrong.

they don't care about the balance.

uhhh... Yes, they don't give a stuff about the natural balance, but that doesn't mean IT DOESN'T EXIST.
case 1. There was a species of deer going endangered in Yellowstone park, because all the young were being hunted by coyotes. Why? Because coyotes didn't have any threat from wolves because at that point in time, wolves had disappeared from that area.  The wolves were reintroduced into that area, and the deer population that was rapidly decreasing STARTED INCREASING. Why? BECAUSE COYOTES COULDN'T JUST WALK INTO A FIELD AND START PLUCKING DEER YOUNG OUT OF THE GRASS AT WILL BECAUSE WOLVES SCARED THEM OFF.

Here's another point for you. the population of animals actually does balance itself out. if wolves grow too high in numbers, they die of starvation. The lack of wolves then allows the deer to grow in population. The deer numbers are then brought down by wolves, who will increase in number due to teh surge in food supply. they will keep each other in check this way.

Of course, saying that this balance is perfect without some intervention somewhere by humans is flawed, but more often than not the intervention is needed BECAUSE humans stuck their fingers into the balance.

That stamp was trying to tell all of the wolf fans that actual wolves are not the same as the wolves in the Balto movies, Ookami, or Wolf's Rain. If you were to run up to an actual wild wolf you better pray the wolf picks flight over fight and in recent years the wolves have been picking fight a bit more often.


Look, yes, wolves ARE dangerous, but you know what? You're more likely to be attacked by a coyote or a badger or what have you. A wolf will abandon a kill before it'll meet face to face with a human, and the only real cases of wolf attacks that are fatal are committed by those INFECTED WITH RABIES and thus driven out of their minds. Attacks are also done by those who have been taught by humans not to fear humans like they would naturally, and feed them. Wolf expects food, when not given it can act aggressive. These cases do NOT result in death. In that case it is a case of human stupidity not wolves being a natural born human attacker.

So let me repeat that for you.

RABID wolves are deadly to humans, Unafraid wolves are a danger but not a true deadly threat, natural wolves as they should be are NOT a true threat.

Oh, another issue with what you just said. Funny fact, the number of attacks are DECREASING. Sorry, they are not becoming more likely attack... Unless wolves are becoming worse and worse at attacking over the years, in which case you would still be wrong...

wolves won't always accept pups from other packs, some might even kill them because of competition (this include other predatory animal cubs)

funny fact, you make it seem like wolves are monsters for doing this, but they're not, as EVERYTHING does it. You target wolves in this like only they are the monsters for attacking others, every other creature is free from this terrible sin. Every predator in the world will kill cubs to reduce competition.

"Why should we give wolves such special treatment? What makes them a special snowflake to the point that hunters shouldn't hunt them, but it's okay to point the gun at bears and bambi?"

Wolves are also known for being hunted in some of the most disgusting and crude ways. Mowing entire packs down from helicopters, poisoning meat and leaving it for them to find. While I do not think it should be banned completely, the way it is done sometimes is completely ridiculous. Those that think reducing entire packs to shreds just so they can hunt huge numbers of moose should be stopped, those that do have the aim of wiping the wolves out from areas should be stopped. This goes for EVERYTHING. Hunt sensibly, not cruelly, follow laws and for goodness sake DON'T START HUNTING ENDANGERED ANIMALS.

So yes, sometimes the other side has difficulty seeing the whole, but from what you've shown me, you do to. BOTH SIDES NEED TO WAKE UP TO REALITY. BOTH SIDES are wrong in cases, and BOTH SIDES need to get their act together. I could write more about why you are wrong, and why they are wrong as well, but honestly, I know you're not going to read a word of what I write, as both sides think they are perfect. The reality isn't your view OR theirs, it is somewhere in between. Your side views them as dangerous wild beasts that would happily turn on man, and they view them as perfect.

You know, when you see something like this, with two sides, you know the best side to take? The one in the middle. The one that is most likely to be true because both sides will have exaggerated to one side or the other while the truth lies in the middle.

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Kyugima's awesome Bio!
« on: August 10, 2012, 04:52:34 am »
yup XD

Member Bio & Journals / Re: Kyugima's awesome Bio!
« on: August 10, 2012, 03:29:13 am »
We're both Batman U.U

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: August 10, 2012, 01:35:58 am »

wtf! I thought it was against the rules to post bans in the forums! WHY ARE YOU FORIGIVING HIM BUT NOT ME? WHATS THE DIFFERENCE?!!!!!!!!!!!

The difference?


they are NOT asking to be unbanned. This is not a thread about banning, but a thread apologizing for their actions.

Forum Games / Re: Count to 50 before a admin/mod posts :]
« on: August 09, 2012, 04:49:59 pm »
A good night post before bed U.U

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