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Topics - longjump

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Discussion Board / Meet Vader (Justice for Vader) UPDATED 2/25/2014
« on: February 24, 2014, 02:38:08 am »

Discussion Board / Sugar Gliders! (Perfect Pocket Pets)
« on: November 11, 2013, 01:55:29 am »
You are walking through the mall when you spot a crowd of people around a kiosk. When you approach, a man whips a tiny, adorable, fuzzy creature from his coat!

How cute! Is it a boy, or girl you ask, to which the man replies: Oh, there's no way to tell.
This little animal eats the PPP pellets, and only an apple slice a day! They don't need a second glider, they do fine by themselves. They don't need much exercise and can be kept in a cage about the size needed for a hamster.

No, stop.
I am posting this topic do to the spike in SugarGlider deaths in my state. Why the rise? PPP has recently set up in the malls in the big towns here and now, many people are purchasing these little babies without knowing anything about them. The worst thing? PPP will tell you NOT to do research! They claim anyone else is just trying to sell you stuff that /Isn't Safe/. They sell wheels can cause EXTREME damage to a glider's tail, and cages way too small. Their diet can kill a once healthy glider in a matter of weeks, and that's saying the glider you got from them was healthy. They will sell sick, and under-aged joeys to unaware buyers!

It may seem like a hate topic so far, but don't worry! I'd like to share with ALL of you some information on these adorable pets!

Sugar gliders are called Sap suckers. They tear the bark off of trees and lick the liquid inside. They catch and eat insects, and love nibbling on fruits and veggies! Of course, this means you can't feed them JUST pellets and an apple. They need a wide variety of food and a LIQUID or insectivore base! Otherwise, they can develop infections and break teeth; and that's very painful!

Gliders must be kept in pairs, as they are social, colony animals. Otherwise, they can stop eating, become depressed, and SM (Self mutilate) Which, in bad cases, can lead to death.

They need a large cage, so they can jump and glide; and must have several HOURS of out-of-cage play. They also should have a wheel to play on. The wheel CANNOT have an axel bar, as they may wrap their tails around it. When the Axel get's dirty, it gets sticky, and they could have their tail torn off!

Sugar gliders are Awesome pets, but require a lot more work then PPP says, and they're also quite expensive. If you ever come across a mall kiosk selling them, I would suggest that instead of purchasing a possibly sick glider, instead investing in a healthy, weaned joey from a breeder in your area or a glider from a rescue near you.

Thanks for reading!

Game Discussion / Why won't you talk to me???? Why are you leaving???
« on: October 20, 2013, 03:57:18 am »
One thing that irks me are all these rude, anti-social characters. Usually males, for some odd reason.
And how they don't seem to understand that if everytime my character approaches them trying to be nice and they rudely tell them to get lost and insult them, my character isn't going to talk to them for much longer. For example, a warrior cat rp. The person repeatedly shuts down the conversation I try to start. When I leave to talk to someone else, they drop hints that I'm being rude because they're dyslexic and that's why I stopped rping them. I'm sorry? YOU made a character designed to avoid conversations and it WORKED. My character, (And I myself) Would NEVER talk to someone who insults them with every sentence, no exaggeration.

Another thing, the people who you try to talk to but won't help hold a convo. You can ask questions but they NEVER respond with anything to work with, and then get angry when you leave.

Have you had any experiences like this? With rude/anti-social characters?

Other Games / Project Crynosaurs- A dinosaur survival W.I.P!
« on: October 01, 2013, 10:08:32 pm »

Game Help / I'm invisible! Yay!
« on: July 04, 2013, 02:55:47 am »
Seriously, though. I'm not sure what is going on, but there are moments when nobody can see me chat, or see my character move. I can read what they write and see them move, but to them I'm AFK. I've tried changing maps, resetting characters, and restarting Fh. I'm completely invisible to the game! Anyone have any ideas as to how I can fix this, or is this just the server being weird?

Other Mods/Creations / Searching for asphalt/road terrain. Help? :}
« on: December 03, 2012, 02:59:50 am »
Well, I'm making a city map, and I would appreciate a black asphalt, or concrete terrain. I can't seem to find any, even after searching the meshes, Addons, and other mods/creations. If this isn't the place to request something, please move or delete this. Anyway, I'd love some help. Floof for anyone who can find this. (Not a very good reward... I know)

Game Suggestions & Ideas / About the Custom Maps
« on: August 24, 2012, 05:01:54 pm »
Okay, so, you knows those roleplays with custom maps? One thing I notice is most people have a 'black' list, due to trolls and problem causing people joining the rp, getting the map, and then sitting and doing nothing but powerplay and argue? Usually people can only block them and hope they leave, but what happens when these people start their own rps and drag other unwanted people into the map? The leader ends up putting a password on the link, months later when they take it off more people continue appearing. Ive been thinking, and an idea has done nothing but bother me the last few days.

What if, in Map Maker, there was a box where you could type a username (or several). The people with those user name/s would be in control of the map. Now, I don't mean ultimate power, red name, HAHA I will ban your account forever!control, I mean they could block users from the map if need be. Perhaps like the block button, but it only shows when you are in the map and says 'Block [insertusernamehere] from map'. Said user would no longer be able to enter that private map, or no one else in that map could see them.

 My train of thought is that, if they made the map, or the map was made for them, shouldn't they be able to make someone leave if that person is causing trouble? I know you can report people if they are being vulgar, but what if they aren't, but are still dragging power-players, Godmodders, etc into a map that was made for a specific roleplay? What do you guys think?

Forum Games / That awkward moment when....
« on: April 23, 2012, 12:25:05 am »
So, simply say--- That awkward moment when--- and state a moment. Be goofy or serious, but stick to forum rules.

I hate that awkward moment when.... you run into an open door, then trip.

Also that moment when someone you dont reconize walks up to you and says "Hey pal! "

So have fun!

Game Help / Cant export a map?
« on: January 18, 2012, 07:23:51 pm »
Well, i was making a map, however when i click export, it will wait a few seconds before telling me 'failed to export map" now, it will export other maps, but not this one. Any ideas?

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