Author Topic: [[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Chapter 1 posted!))  (Read 4845 times)


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[[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Chapter 1 posted!))
« on: February 16, 2011, 11:10:19 am »
Here I will be posting updates to a story I'm working on called The Lunadrakk Chronicles. ^_^
Enjoy the story!

Prologue: The Great Dance

When intelligent life first formed on Earth, there were four clans of Great Beasts. These were: The Lupis Clan of the North, the Felis Clan of the South, the Draco Clan of the East, and the Avis Clan of the West. In the same order, the common names of each clan are Wolf, Cat, Dragon, and Bird. For ages the four clans fought, warring over which clan should rule all.

There was much bloodshed until one of the dragons, who called himself Drakk, began to sing. He sang a new song, one the clans had never heard - a song of peace. The song, which Drakk afterward referred to as the Song of Lunadrakk, went like this:

Brothers of mine why do you fight?
Lay down your arms and sing to the night.
Join in the Dance and we shall be one.
The moon brings new life. Lunadrakk come!

As the clans heard the rhythm, the fight ceased and all of the great beasts began to sway to the tune. This movement, which Drakk referred to as simply "The Dance," matched the same beat found at the core of all life forms - the heartbeat. Drakk called that two-beat rhythm "The Song" as he explained to the others.

Then, something one could describe as magic happened. The dancers, united by The Song, merged with Drakk, forming a new being. This creature, though still Drakk, was now a combination of all four clans. But Drakk knew he would need family. He would hate to be alone in this world. So Drakk began The Dance. He Danced, and from a brilliant gold glowing orb of light came another creature, a highly confused looking wolf-dog with unusual markings.

The wolf-dog's coat was pale grey, but the husky-like markings on his head and back were a deep blue, as was the tip of his fluffy tail. Upon each of his shoulders was a mark of the Compass of Lunadrakk. This same mark was found in multiple places on Drakk's clothing. The Compasses on each of the wolf-dog's shoulders were the same deep blue as the rest of his markings.

The newcomer whined, bringing Drakk out of his musings. It seemed as though this wolf-dog was curious, but hesitating. Kneeling to rest on his hind legs, a motion which he had never quite gotten the hang of as a dragon, Drakk studied the canid a bit longer, then spoke.

"Hello my brother. Do you know who you are? You seem worried."
"I am called Ardent. Did you forget my name, Echo? You look a lot different now."

Realization dawned on Drakk. Ardent recognized the wolf part of him because the appearance was a match with that of Echo. Echo must have been Ardent's mate in Lupis Clan.

"I'm sorry Ardent. You see Echo within me, because she's there. But I am called Drakk. I had to use the Great Dance to cleanse the world. The fight was becoming too much. If I had waited any longer, the  Dance would have had little effect. However, if you wish to call me Echo, I will use that name and I will make sure her memory is honnored. I called out because I was lonely. You heard Echo and that is why you are here with me."

Surprisingly, Ardent appeared to relax when Drakk explained the situation.

"Echo!" he exclaimed, and with a running tackle knocked Drakk onto his back and began licking his face happily.

Drakk, or rather Echo, let out a laugh.
"Yes. We are two, but one. Together, Lunadrakk!"

Ardent's ears pricked up in surprise.
"You said it! You finally called us Lunadrakk!"

Echo laughed.
"Of course! It's what we are! Echo was not whole being just wolf, as you are not whole without being both wolf and dog. ALthough Echo is male now, male and female do not matter to Lunadrakk. Lunadrakk means "Ones Who Love," although it literally translates to "moondragon." You see? Echo knows we are Lunadrakk now. There was no way she could have known before, because her spirit was not whole."

Ardent wagged his tail.

Echo grinned and replied simply,
"It is time."

"Time? Time for what?" Ardent asked, looking puzzled.

"Time to teach. To lead. To live."
« Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 04:18:02 pm by Echo Swiftpaws »

Offline Sylph

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Re: [[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Prologue posted!))
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 10:49:58 pm »
o.o Wow!! I lurve it so far! 8D Can't wait for you to put up more! x3 Really, it's awesome. ^^


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Re: [[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Prologue posted!))
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2011, 12:15:52 am »
:3 Thanks! I'll probably be working on more soon. Already got some ideas floating around in my head. ^_^

Offline Sylph

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Re: [[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Prologue posted!))
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 11:07:12 pm »
Shveetness! :3 Will definitely be looking forward to it. ^^


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Re: [[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Chapter 1 posted!))
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2011, 04:15:38 pm »
Chapter 1: The Drigar

Echo and Ardent wandered out of their home territories in search of others who had not been part of the Dance. Echo had a feeling that not everyone had heard the Song of Lunadrakk, and some who may have heard it were either too young to understand or did not join the dance because they had no mate. This often happened, according to the legend in which he had discovered the Song of Lunadrakk.

Echo was so absorbed in his thoughts that he failed to notice Ardent was speaking to him. That is, until something rammed into him from the side, knocking him off balance so much that he fell.

"Echo! I said to watch out! You weren't listening..." Ardent's voice said from above.

"Huh?" was Echo's embarrassed reply.

"There was someone in front of you, and you almost ran headlong into him... Get up. I know you're not hurt. That was only a light headbutt, and since you're talking clearly you can't have any major injuries."

Echo rose to a sitting position. Looking around he saw who Ardent was talking about. Their pelt was deep blue-green. There were marks resembling Tigris Tribe's stripes along their body. Intricate knot-like markings formed a sort of mask on their face, and diamond-like markings ran along the the top for most of the length of their tail. The tip of the tail, and the rest of the markings, were a bold orange, and their underbelly and short mane were pure white. Overall, this creature appeared to be of Draco and Felis Clan origins, for they also possessed an ear shape almost unique to Draco Clan.

"I must apologize. I was lost in thought. It is a bad habit of mine. Particularly troublesome when walking too... Excuse me, I forget I have not introduced myself properly. You may call me Echo, although in Draco Clan I was called Drakk. What name do you go by?"

The newcomer studied Echo curiously for a bit before speaking.
"I am called Tkalu. If you are in fact Drakk, I have heard of you from Avis Clan. They speak of a song. But it is a song I am not familiar with. They say, 'Drakk sing! Make Beasts Dance, go poof! Bye-bye Beasts!' and then they laugh, as most of the Corvidae Tribe do. I haven't figured out what they mean by 'Make Beasts Dance,' but judging from the end where they say 'Bye-bye Beasts!' it can't be good." Tkalu responded edgily, unsheathing and flexing his claws nervously. He glared at Echo, ears pinned back, clearly suspicious.

"Wait. I have done nothing of harm. The Corvidae Tribe, as you probably know, are notorious for their poor word choice... I will explain myself. Keep your claws unsheathed if you wish. I will not attack you." Echo replied calmly.

Tkalu hissed, "What have you done to my father, the Drigar called Kirae?! I know what the Raven Tribe mean by 'Beasts go poof!' but I want to know where you put them! Where are Kirae and Ikara?!"
With a snarl, Tkalu leapt at Echo, landing on top of him with claws pressed against Echo's throat.
Echo, however, resisted the urge to fight back and kept his claws sheathed. After a bit, he realized he was losing conciousness. Perhaps foolishly, he attempted to speak, "Can't... brea-" and then his vision went dark.

Offline Sylph

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Re: [[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Chapter 1 posted!))
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2011, 06:48:16 am »
Awesome. o.o I want to know what happens! :0


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Re: [[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Chapter 1 posted!))
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2011, 11:19:04 am »
Lol. More to come. I have to finish writing the posted chapters in my notebook though, so I have a backup in case anything random happens to my computer by chance. :D

Offline Sylph

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Re: [[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Chapter 1 posted!))
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2011, 08:24:54 pm »
Yayy. Can't wait. ;3


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Re: [[Story]] The Lunadrakk Chronicles - ((Chapter 1 posted!))
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2011, 10:03:28 pm »
O.O I've encountered a wild Writer's Block... I tried to flee from the battle, but it's too strong! D:
((In other words, I've got writer's block, which is the reason for lack of new chapters. XD Hopefully I'll get inspired again soon. ^_^))