Author Topic: Echos Of Echo - The Bio of Echo Swiftpaws  (Read 2252 times)


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Echos Of Echo - The Bio of Echo Swiftpaws
« on: February 11, 2011, 11:57:53 am »
This is the story of Echo Swiftpaws, and it is still going on to this day...

Name: Echo Swiftpaws
Gender: Male
Species: Drakkolupen (Wolf/Lynx/Snow Leopard/Dragon/Raven hybrid)
Age: 3 Years
Mate (Lunadrakk): Ardent Softheart
Personality: Hyper, creative, and sometimes a bit too persistent
Likes: Running, dancing, and playing games with his pack
Dislikes: Unnecessary fighting within the pack
Personal Quote: "Brothers of mine, why do you fight? Lay down your arms and sing to the night. Join in the Dance and we shall be one. The moon brings new life. Lunadrakk come!" - Echo Swiftpaws, in "The Lunadrakk Chronicles"

Other notes about Echo:
-If anyone remembers a white and blue wolf with a yellow tail tip named Echo Swiftpaws from IT, this is a revamp of her.
-This character is based on my fursona, which is why, when she changed, this new Echo was born.
-This version of Echo celebrates his birthday on February 9th. (In reality, this is just the date which I started revising the prologue for a book I'm writing called "The Lunadrakk Chronicles." I completed the revision on February 10th 2011.)
-His pack is called Crossbreeds United, and I have formed a group of the same name on Feral Heart so that others may join to inspire stories for The Lunadrakk Chronicles.

Feel free to comment on Echo's bio, say what you like about it, and even what you think could use improvement. Just be polite.