Author Topic: KEO'S Roleplay Rant  (Read 4468 times)

Offline Keo911

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KEO'S Roleplay Rant
« on: May 20, 2011, 03:09:19 am »
Alright folks, I've just been noticing a lot of things in so-called "realistic" roleplays that don't make much sense, and really ought to downgrade them to "semi-realistic." This is just something I decided to make, because I know a lot of my friends are annoyed by these sorts of things. So, here goes- it's just a rant now, but here's to hoping people learn something from it.

One of the primary things I've been noticing is in the lion RPs, they advertise it as realistic when a realistic pride has 8~25 members, only 2~6 being males depending on size. There is not an even gender ratio in a pride, and the lions that run the pride usually just mate with all the lionesses. If the pride is taken over by a new pair of males, the cubs are killed to make room for the new ones. Cubs two years old leave the pride in bachelor prides or groups of related lionesses to prevent inbreeding, and prides don't accept loners into their ranks- they chase them off.

Realistic lion prides do NOT accept in ligers or leopons, or tigons or anything like that because they aren't lions. Lions and tigers typically don't meet in the wild anymore anyways, because they no longer share similar habitats. The species that used to went extinct long ago, so hybrids do not occur in the wild.

I don't mind so much about this one- realistic colors. If we were going for realistic colors, there would be tan (not brown) lionesses and lions would have a mane anywhere from a blond coloring to black- no red, no gray. There are natural cases of black or white lions, but those are extremely rare. I haven't met many people who really heed this, much. In my opinion, realistic lion RPs can have whatever colors they want as long as they're neutral, earthier tones like browns, grays, tans, blacks, whites- just no blues, greens or purples. That gives more room for creativity.

Wolves and lions don't meet in the wild- the closest thing wolves get to are pumas and wildcats, and lions get hyenas and African wild dogs. Lions compete with leopards and cheetahs, and their prey animals are zebras, gazelles (though much more seldom seeing as lions aren't fast enough to catch those), wildebeest, hippo calves and even the occasional giraffe. There are no white-tailed deer, elk or moose in Africa. On the topic of hunting, adult male lions don't hunt; their manes are too thick and bulky, and will cause them to overheat in a chase as well as make them clumsier. Lions fight off enemies, lionesses hunt. Adolescent males will help the lionesses though, before they have a large mane to hamper them.

Done with my little lion spiel for now- now onto fighting, something that usually happens more than once a day in territorial disputes, fending off thieves and cub-eaters, and other such things.

I see this a lot; one animal, any species, fighting a pack/pride/etc. of another. The group may or may not be power-playing, but it doesn't matter. The one animal usually takes a long time to kill/chase off, even though it's severely outnumbered and frequently smaller than at least a couple of the members of the group. I've seen it as bad as up to a dozen people trying to fend off one SINGLE animal for fifteen minutes, of whom has hardly a scratch on it and isn't exhausted though it's a 12 to 1 fight.

A battle like that should be finished in a couple of minutes, not half an hour. Even if it were a one-on-one match, it wouldn't last that long; in the wild, animals will slap each other around a bit, then someone will take off because they're aware they're outmatched and would prefer to live. When there's a whole group, the "offender" will flee regardless, because they know they can't take on that many opponents no matter how big or strong they are in comparison. The only reason they would really fight is if they were cornered and had no choice; in that case, they would most likely die or be fatally wounded within moments. If they're lucky, they would just be chased off the territory.

I've recently seen several people playing half-starved, exhausted loner characters and when they're faced with a group of bigger, stronger and healthy predators, choose to fight in a realistic RP. The predators may not even want to fight- just get the intruder off their territory or out of their den (not talking about someone just OOC hanging out. Doesn't count, leave those ones alone because chances are, you'll make a fool of yourself trying to get rid of them). Suddenly, this feeble animal can pull ninja moves out of its bum and somehow, it has the talent and just enough strength to defend itself and KILL their foe.


There are also a bunch of people running around playing cubs, both canine and cat that think they can attack an adult something that's four times their size and win without getting their butt spanked, or even catch it though at their age they shouldn't even be able to catch their own tails. They're little pups, but they're spewing obscenities and making threats when they're too young to know what they're even talking about.

Next! My version of a... I don't know what to call it. Just read. :U

I hate it when one species thinks it's automatically better than another for whatever reason- size, population, etc.

First of all, wolves are NOT generally faster than coyotes. Sure, it can happen, but typically a coyote is faster than a wolf and more agile because they're smaller. Granted, wolves are bigger and stronger, but speed and agility are how coyotes make up for it.

Lions won't be able to catch a cheetah who's at full health. A weak cheetah or cheetah cub, maybe. But otherwise, they'll put on the brief burst of speed and a lion won't even bother with trying to catch them because they're not built to travel at those speeds for that long. They're built to be able to take down sturdier prey than cheetahs (who mainly hunt gazelles, since they can catch them and they don't need to be too large to take them down) that can't go as fast.

Dogs and wolves- they're pretty much even, no matter if dogs were domesticated. They can be equally as strong and fast and smart. However, a Chihuahua can't do much when faced with a bigger canine other than book and hope there's a tiny burrow or cave they can squeeze into for protection. They may be vicious little dogs, but they are not ninjas and nor can they yap the wolf to death, though it might deafen them and will probably tick them off.

Coyotes are mostly scavengers, though they will hunt if they're in a pack or the prey is small enough (ex. a fawn, rabbit, mice, other rodents). They tend to linger around wolf packs so they can scavenge the kills. (Aside from that, they usually ignore the wolves and their pups.)

That's all I can think of for now. I may add things later- if I have the attention span- in replies to this topic.

Edit: I would just like to remind you guys to keep it civil. Feel free to discuss this issue as you please, but don't start pointing fingers at anyone! ~arsenicCatnip
« Last Edit: May 22, 2011, 04:43:09 am by arsenicCatnip »


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Re: KEO'S Roleplay Rant
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2011, 07:55:30 am »
It really annoys me when people do all these roleplays with animals in totally unrealistic pack/pride structures, wearing earings or anklets or eye-patches, whining about how unrealistic 'sparkledogs' are. Your hyena is in a pack of wolves! What right to you have to lecture the person with the purple and neon green pooch?

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Re: KEO'S Roleplay Rant
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2011, 08:00:48 am »
You, have saved my life. Both of you.

Suddenly, this feeble animal can pull ninja moves out of its bum and somehow, it has the talent and just enough strength to defend itself and KILL their foe.
^ THIS IS SO TRUE -snugs for you-


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Re: KEO'S Roleplay Rant
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2011, 08:21:45 am »
This is an interesting topic, that is merely the only reason I decided to jump into this one. There is a realistically ranked pride, and I run it. So it's really not fair to say that all groups on fh should be called semi realistic. We have a mega map, laid out almost like FH, there is a big map that is connected to there out maps. (This can get complicated so I'll keep it short)

Our pride has a Pride Coalition (You seem to already know what this is. ^_^) And they live with around thirteen lioness within the species map. And then there are Bachelor Coalitions, that live on the giant mega map, they aren't allowed upon the "lion" map because they are bachelors, but when they think they have enough members and experience in battle they "charge the lion map" so to speak, and attempt to take over the pride. The current cubs are killed, the lioness fight back, and so on. The losing coalition then moves to the mega map and stay there. The lioness don't really have ranks besides hunters, elders (lioness too old to hunt so they stay back with the cubs), and then you have the matriarch of the pride. Upon our website, there is a "setting" section, that lists if it is breeding season (we don't have mates) and during the breeding season a lioness can sneak out of the "lion land" to meet with a bachelor. (Because sometimes in the wild a bachelor can go unnoticed in a territory and female lions can and often do slip away) Which leads to the drama aspect of the rp.

And we accept other African Predators into the rp. But instead of lumping them into the "lion map" with us, we put them all onto the mega map to live and interact with each other. Because truthfully lions are the only felines that have a cooperative system, therefore I don't see it fit to give cheetahs a "cheetah clan" it's really only the brothers that form a bachelor coalition as well until they are old enough to take over another territory. All solitary cats are sent directly to the mega map.

In this same rp we have another map that stems off of the mega map. It's for our hyenas. And we do NOT allow males to hold rank in the hyena clan. They have an alpha male yes, but the alpha male is lower than the female hyena pup. Females always pull rank in hyena clans, no matter what the age, and we have it set up the exact same way. Another directly realistic thing we have, we only allow realistic colors and so on.

We currently have three albino lioness, but then again we have at least 43 players that play lions. The ratio is fine to me.

Loners? Those all go out to the mega map as well, they don't get to stay either in real life they probably would have been attacked and chased out, therefore we throw them out in the mega map as well.

We also have another map that stems from the mega map. African Wild Dogs, they are actually perfectly fine because since to be considered an awd you have to look like one. And the rpers are extremely good about keeping them realistic.

We have one more map from there. Wolves. Ethiopian wolves (Species of wolves that exist in Africa.) They are exactly like wolves, the only differences is their coat color, build, and diet.

And dogs and wolves are nothing alike anymore. Do you think your Pomeranian would be able to survive in the wild? How about a Doberman Pincher, do you think they would be able to survive in yellow stone in the winter? Wolves are more adapted to the wild than their domestic cousins,  yeah you can say that they are related and all that. Yes there are certain dogs that are breed to hunt and kill wolves and the big cats in the wild, but guess what? That's selective breeding of wolves, they just took the extremely big ones and breed them together to get an even bigger one. (Easy sum up) Saying Dogs = Wolves is not a safe statement at all. Wolves pawn when it comes to survival in the wild, domestic breeds just aren't cut out for the lifestyle which is why some of them live with in our houses instead of outside. Would you put a greyhound out in Michigan's winter? No. But you could do it to a wolf and it would be perfectly fine. See what I'm saying?

I will agree with you about the cubs point though. And that's just because I've seen it happen so many times, and about playing cubs. Cubs won't pop up without parents. So when I see the bio's that say "i've been abandoned since I was two days old and I've been on my own for seven months now." I'm just like psssssh. Please! xD


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Re: KEO'S Roleplay Rant
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2011, 09:25:35 am »
I mean, That is really unrealistic.

Sure, If The Cub was abandoned since 2 Days Old And Survived For A Week Then Was Found, That would be realistic. The Youngling Would Be Weak and Nearly Dead But It's realistic.

A Pet Peeve of Mine is Spelling. I mean, If Someone doesn't spell right, it ticks me off, big time.
I also have a growing Peeve and that is getting things mixed up on purpose. I mean On Pokemon RP, They Say Did it on Purpose. But I mean, COME ON!!, Do You really think you would see Shaymin, A DP Legendary with Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno?. NO!.

I told Them That, 3 Times Now And The Owner Still Won't Listen. I mean, She said she mixed up the generations and separated and put pokemon together that wouldn't live in the same region at all!. I mean, Putting The Newer Black and White Pokemon As A 2nd Generation Is Just Plain Stupid and Shows no Intelligence!.

*Sigh* I finally got that out.

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Re: KEO'S Roleplay Rant
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2011, 11:51:47 am »
I mean, That is really unrealistic.

Sure, If The Cub was abandoned since 2 Days Old And Survived For A Week Then Was Found, That would be realistic. The Youngling Would Be Weak and Nearly Dead But It's realistic.

A Pet Peeve of Mine is Spelling. I mean, If Someone doesn't spell right, it ticks me off, big time.
I also have a growing Peeve and that is getting things mixed up on purpose. I mean On Pokemon RP, They Say Did it on Purpose. But I mean, COME ON!!, Do You really think you would see Shaymin, A DP Legendary with Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno?. NO!.

I told Them That, 3 Times Now And The Owner Still Won't Listen. I mean, She said she mixed up the generations and separated and put pokemon together that wouldn't live in the same region at all!. I mean, Putting The Newer Black and White Pokemon As A 2nd Generation Is Just Plain Stupid and Shows no Intelligence!.

*Sigh* I finally got that out.

Da, I have a lot I want to say about that, but I won't, I'm going to keep it simple. They never said their RP was accurate, they never said it was perfect, so don't complain when a RP your not involved in doesn't fit your tastes. If they said that their RP was perfect pokemon details and such I would say fine, go ahead, they lied about their RP. But they didn't. They simply placed the order of pokemon to be TAKEN as they wanted. AKA, they want the first pokemon they put up to be taken before the next lot can be. Simple. You have overstepped your boundaries there, and here.

Ok, I did say a lot, I lied there XD

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Re: KEO'S Roleplay Rant
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2011, 03:15:17 am »
Suddenly, this feeble animal can pull ninja moves out of its bum and somehow, it has the talent and just enough strength to defend itself and KILL their foe.
^ THIS IS SO TRUE -snugs for you-

That, and pups/cubs who suddenly have god powers and then run rampant because their "evil" side takes over or something.

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Re: KEO'S Roleplay Rant
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2011, 05:15:27 pm »
^ This also. I remember I was wandering around and stumbled into a rp. My charrie is one of those, a**holes soit was fun. Suddenly one of the rper's who was a cub attacked me, 'ripped out my throat but I lived' and after said she had been taken over by her evil side... -head desk-


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Re: KEO'S Roleplay Rant
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2011, 08:55:09 pm »
I've nothing more to add to what has already been said other than thank you guys for theses posts and this thread, it's super helpful!