Author Topic: A creepypasta ._.  (Read 1030 times)

Offline silverwolf120

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A creepypasta ._.
« on: July 09, 2013, 05:54:05 pm »
*This Is just a random Pasta I made. GORE WARNING!*

         I looked up from the book I was reading. The room had suddenly gotten colder. "Hey Kane!"I said poking my friend "What?"She said annoyed "Don't you feel the sudden drop in temperature in the room?"I asked. "No now can I go back to playing my game?"Kane asked me. "Yea fine."I said walking away. I went to the thermostat in our dorm. It was the same temp it had been all day. Puzzled I walked away. As I walked back to the room i left my book in a wolf shaped shadow ran down the hall. 'Huh!?"I said confused I kept walking but I had a bad feeling.I sat back down in the chair and started reading again. "hey Shelby."Kane said looking up from her game I looked at her "What?"I asked. "I Heard some people at the store talking about some crazy guy who killed himself cause he claimed some kind of evil creature was trying to kill him"She said grinning. "Ha ha. Very funny."I said unamused I wasn't about to tell my friend about the shadow I saw running up the hall. I went back to reading. Soon it was nighttime. I got tired and went to bed. As i lay on the top bunk I could've sworn the shadow moved across the wall. ((To be continued))
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 01:26:39 am by Coding »

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