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Messages - FoxiePlushie

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And finally: To-be verbs. What they are and why they don't work.

Next up: Cliches and Repetitiveness, why they kill.

Coming soon to a theater near you: Using sentence and word variation

Similes and Metaphors

First off, what is a simile and what is a metaphor? If you have been in school long enough, you should have an idea what they are, but just as a refresher...

A simile is a comparison between two things by using the words "like" or "as"
ex. Leon was as tall as a mountain. The words being compared? Leon and mountain.
ex. Like a frothing maelstrom, Kita's rage boiled over. The words being  compared? Rage and maelstrom.

A metaphor is a comparison between two things without using the words "like" or "as"
or a thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else, especially something abstract. (also without "like" or "as")
ex. The sea of grass waved to and fro. The words being compared? Sea and grass.
ex. As the wolf quivered in fear, the black sky roared in anger before beating the earth with a barrage of heavy rain. Here, there is nothing being directly compared, but the sky has been given human qualities and can be imagined as a great, angry man.

As can be seen by their definitions, these two figures of speech are very similar, but have important and distinct differences in regards towards your use of them.

A simile is often a simple and easy way to describe something in a unique and vivid perspective. It is the quickest to make up and use. They are flexible and can easily be added on to with extra adjectives and adverbs. However, they can quickly become cliche, repetitive, and over-used.

A metaphor is a more abstract comparison that is not always obvious. In other forms of literature, it is often developed as a theme over a long period of time. Since it is implied and hidden, it is hard to use in our fast-paced roleplay. However, once mastered, you can use it to create some astonishing imagery that is not always available with similes. Please note that these can also fall into cliches.

As with all things, these two figures of speech will take time and practice in order to fully master them. My advice to you is to read more and practice as much as you can. Be creative in your comparisons as you write! If you want to give the impression that your character is tall and graceful, then compare them to a willow tree. Is your character's coat earth toned? Compare it to mud or sand! There are endless possibilities when coming up with ways to describe your character or the things going on around you. There is no direct way to teach you all of them, so trial and error is a must. However I do have some quick tips and links for you:

Sometimes simplicity is best. If you notice that you are getting too wordy, start toning it back. If you are running out of ideas or are looking cliche, stop. A good rule of thumb is that if you can state it better with a simple adjective or adverb, then do so.

Keep the comparisons relative to your character. If you character is small and timid, don't compare it to an earthquake. This should be common sense.

If you are the humorous type, (I know I am) you can use similes to get some great laughs. I find the most effective way is to describe something that is often undesirable in a pompous and overdone matter to emphasis just how ridiculous it is.

When roleplaying a wild animal, it is best to keep comparisons relative to your character's knowledge. For example, it would be ridiculous to compare someone to a ballerina because animals don't know what a ballerina is! A good rule of thumb is to stick to elements of nature. Things like wind, thunderstorms, and earthquakes are always good for comparison, especially in the case of animals.

Don't be afraid to be creative. It's wonderful if there is a particular image that you want to emphasis, but don't be afraid to think outside the box! Even if your comparison seems ridiculous or silly, use it to bring humor into the rp and lighten up your posts! :)

Hello everyone!  As creative people and lovers of writing, we have the urge to create beautiful and unique posts. However, sometimes we lack the tools and the knowledge to do so. Thus, so many of us take to overdone cliches, terrible examples, and wolfspeak. But never fear! For today I am here to give you a whole arsenal of affective tools that are guaranteed to make you not only a better writer, but a beautiful one.

*Disclaimer* I hope you guys realize that I am not trying to bash wolfspeak here. You can roleplay however you want. This is just a tutorial for people who want to write without using wolfspeak because they may feel that it is overdone and/or cliche. Even if you do use wolfspeak, I encourage you to look at this. You may just get some good ideas while furthering your knowledge of the English language. :)

This tutorial aims to provide a unique perspective on roleplaying and writing in general. Though some of the topics covered here can seem a bit advanced, I've hopefully reduced them down enough to where even newbies can understand. If you correctly apply any one of these suggestions to your writing, I can guarantee that you will see a difference. Though it maybe slow and hard at first, with practice, these methods will become almost second-hand to you. :)

This tutorial will consist of three things to enrich your writing and three things to avoid in your writing. As similes and metaphors are similar, they will be explained together. I will most likely do the same with cliches and repetitiveness.

On today's menu:


Things to avoid:

To-be Verbs

Please note: If you think that grammar and proper spelling are the only things needed to be a good writer, then you are terribly wrong and need to go and read some Mark Twain. If you have read him and still think that grammar and spelling are the only things needed, then I want you to leave and never write again. Thank you.

Feel free to post and questions or comments below.  Ok, here we go. :)

Introduction / Re: Well... This is awkward
« on: July 26, 2014, 04:42:02 am »
Aww thanks guys ^^ I feel at home already :D But in all seriousness, Everyone here seems so creative and fun, it makes for a great environment! I can't to explore and see what everyone has to say

See you around!~

Introduction / Well... This is awkward
« on: July 25, 2014, 01:34:36 am »
Hello! Um... Well, I've been playing FeralHeart for about four years now, and I've realized something... I have never once posted an introduction. Or even really participated in the forums (as can be seen by my newbie status XD) For you see, I am a very private person. I don't like sharing any personal information, or even really interacting with other people without hiding in some sort of character. But today, I want to change that.
And so, here are some badonk-a-donks!

I have two accounts for FeralHeart, Wolfie39047 and FoxiePlushie. When I first join FH, I used Wolfie39047, and it was there that I learned the ropes of FH. I made some friends and fell in love with roleplaying. (Sadly, I had never even heard of roleplaying before joining FeralHeart, but now I think it's pretty freaking awesome!) I eventually developed a fursona, a little fox plushie. Thus, I made my next acount, FoxiePlushie. And now, even after I have out grown my past fursona, I still plan to use this account to post on the forum while I use Wolfie39047 to roleplay. I also have an account for DA, KaariSal63 (please note that it is pretty inactive X3)
Here are some more things:

I love all things science and logical and math and... honestly, I just like learning about everything. I also love to draw and paint, but as I am terrible at drawing with my little waccom tablet, most of my artwork is at home on paper. Maybe one day I'll scan something in and actually fill up my DA. :)

I am also pretty dang awesome at making maps for FeralHeart.thatwasnotatallconceited And I plan to put up some on here eventually :) Right now, I am working on a large syfy map pack, but I do have some random terrain and mask maps that I would like to put up for other people to use too. I also have some ideas for some markings and presets and such~~~

As for roleplaying, I suppose you could put me in the literate category, but as I resent all shiny little labels, I like to roleplay at all sorts of different lengths and with all sorts of people on all sorts of subjects. Though I must say, I do have a bad habit of making overly-long posts, so I've been trying to be courteous to my homies and make shorter ones. (I've got it narrowed down to about 1 to 2 chat box lengths so far XD)

Hrmm... well I'm not sure what else to put, so um... here's a list of things that I like and don't like.

I like dubstep, techno, and pretty much all electronic music
I hate spiders, roaches, and most bugs
I love horror and macabre
Oddly enough, I don't really like creepy pasta
I like to write and am a big fan of syfy and fiction
I dislike most poetry
Video games are pretty dang awesome yo

Anyways, I hope that this was mildly entertaining because now I am going to go and eat some chicken.

Also, I want to say thank you to all the people who help keep FeralHeart alive, both staff members and users. You guys are pretty dang awesome yo.
Thanks for reading

Game Discussion / Re: Use Your Head!
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:57:27 pm »
I know how you feel.  I was in an rp last night where one person was just repeatedly saying they were bored while not even trying to interact with the other members of the group.  And later another person went on a rage saying that "no one cared about them" and other stuff simply because we weren't interacting with him right at that second.  There was only a few people on at the time and they were all advertising for members, so of course they wouldn't be able to interact with him!  In those instances, there really was no reason to act that way.  If you fail to interact with the members of your group or you fail to realize that no one else is roleplaying, then that is your fault.  I believe that many people think that it's the group's job to interact with them, not the other way around.  In reality, it is the individual's job to keep a roleplay dynamic and interesting, and it is the individual's job to make sure that they are interacting with what is going on around them.

However, I do agree with Re and some of the others in saying that "I'm bored" once in a while isn't bad.  Especially if you are just sitting there waiting for new members to come or are waiting for people to start roleplaying.  However, even in those instances, there is no reason to become all butt-hurt and obnoxious.  It may be a sign that you want someone to interact with you, but you cannot always rely on other people to entertain you.  If you are one of those people who become rude and annoying simply because you are bored...  Well I'm sorry, but you need to learn some patience.  I know that you want to roleplay as soon as possible, but you need to be aware of other people's needs too.

All in all, I think that saying you are "bored" is ok as long as you don't disturb the people around you.  :)

Game Discussion / Re: Where are the monkeys?
« on: September 08, 2013, 09:41:13 pm »
I've actually seen a couple of monkey characters, but you guys are right, there are very few primate characters. And I imagine the reason for that is that being a primate is too close to home. People on here don't want to rp their normal selves or anything close to that. I mean, the few times you actually see a humanoid character, they are always decked out with some crazy outfit or superpower that makes them totally cool and amazing. Why do you think that all the wolves and lions always have that one thing that makes them 'special'? (at least in the user's eyes) It's because, in our own ways, we each want to be the hero (or villain) of the story, the main character. Everyone to some degree wants to have that awesome adventure where only you decide the outcome because you are the only one with the ability. Being a primate would just... kinda take the magic out of that dream.

Game Discussion / Re: It's Not Illiterate, It's an Accent
« on: April 24, 2013, 01:13:05 am »
>O ~some how feels like I should be offended~ I will have you know that I am from the deep south, and I do NOT have a southern accent! And NO we do not all sound like hicks! Most of us do, but that is besides my point! (lol I'm not really mad XP) But anyways, I see your point, but I feel like portraying an accent could too easily be mistaken for illiteracy. However, I think if done properly, one could understand that you are not being illiterate, and I guess... Manipulating words to create an accent is a form of literacy... BUT! I really don't have experience in this area. (Although.... I have read a book that was completely in a DEEP Southern dialect. No specific dialect (from what I can remember) just words that had most of their letters missing. XD They looked like this: 'K ma' sup' Mur' herpderplol It was an interesting book) But anyways, I think if you can convey your accent right, it will be a success. And if they just cannot understand your concept... Then just put something along the lines of ""Lalalalalalalalala," She said with her usual, odd British tilt." That should make it easier for them to understand that you are actually not illiterate. Also, that is really interesting, your whole concept, I kinda like the idea of characters with accents. It adds a little bit more depth and life to your character, so keep on doing what you are doing!

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