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Topics - Codaxunion

Pages: [1]
Game Discussion / Fear of bigger lionesses
« on: August 22, 2014, 02:35:37 pm »
My Lioness Denise is fairly large, right size compared to the males, big enough not to be classified as a cub. It's really hard to join prides with her nowadays because she happens to be bigger then the queens (which are about the size of a teen age cub). And in those prides the Pride females are the size of cubs (to show whose "boss" as I was told), while I the Males are huge. I remember I was wishpered I had to change Denise to certain colors because she was "prettier" then the Queen. My face was like, "what did that have to do with joining a pride). She only Brown, and white with Cyan eyes. They would also say I can't join because her colors are not realistic, Looking at the pride their will be lion/ess with the black eye feature, neko ears, bracelets etc. I would just walk away to avoid anything. Bonfire have a decent amount of Lion prides, but guess what, they are all cub sized, so when I ask to join or talk to their king/Queen. I get ignored

What I don't get is why Looks, and size have to effect the surrounding of a good lion pride.

Game Discussion / Feral-hearters and Youtubers (rant)
« on: August 21, 2014, 02:24:51 am »
I love, in my free time, to look up FH song parodys and the occasional FH videos/slide shows. What I can't stand is out of no where, in the suggested videos thingie that comes up after the video is over. I will see -dun dun dun- FH Mating videos. Yes, I did take a look at one after so many  popped up. There are the two wolves mating, then their will either be people encouraging them, or screaming at them to stop. That last the whole video. What gets me is, Mating on publix maps is not allowed, most of the videos are on public maps. I was thinking about reporting the vids to FH mods but considering the dates of most and the fact it already happened, would be a waste of time.

People who deliberately break the rules and have the ordasity to make a video on youtube about just gets to me for some reason. I understand if (your on a private map) it's part of a video that will only last for 2, 3 seconds tops. But they have minutes of it on public maps post on youtube. I know it's virtual and if you flag it not much if anything, will happen, but please people can you follow FH no mating on public maps?

Game Discussion / 'I Love you, and only you!' People -.-
« on: August 20, 2014, 11:46:06 pm »
Recently, I told a girl I didn't want her to be my characters mate any more because she would cheat on him WHILE he's watching her. She went on and on in whisper:
"I love you and only you Crow! You were the only guy I ever loved!"

She then took that to Local, Group and Various peoples whisper, trying to turn them against me. When my friend (who saw everything, and is now Crows current mate) stepped up and said what happened. The girl started to slap and hit every one throwing a "Tantrum," if you would call it that. This went on for 2 days. She would yell at me in whsiper:
"You have 10 seconds to change your mind!"

Then she would start her count down, when she reached one she will tell she loves me. When one of my pups logged on I told her in whisper what went down and why. Sure enough the girl had gotten to her first and tried to turn her against. When she failed at that she started yelling in Group:
"I hate you Crow! You leave me all because I kissed a few guys!? What is your problem!?"

I told everyone to just ignore her. When I said that she turned her attention to me AND Cinema, following us around telling us to die. She calmed down and then asked me what to do about the pups, I told her I'm keeping the two I found (took me 3 hours to get them the others would run from me or tell me no because I'm scary looking, it was cute though), and she could keep Suki. Of course this isn't what she wanted. So she screamed yelling her pups she gave birth to them. She was told to leave me alone which she said she will, BUT she would follow me and when I stop sit directly in front of me making faces.

Come on people, be nice to your Mate. Don't be a mate begger, if someone ends it with you don't troll them for it. It's more then likely your fault.

Game Help / Prey and portal help
« on: August 16, 2014, 03:42:34 pm »
I haven't been playing for a while but the past days. Yes I tried to look for the portals on my own,  but in my luck I only found 3. My quest for you guys is can you tell/possibly show me screen shots of the portals and their location? I mainly need the portal sequence to get to the land where the Prey is. If you can show me, even better! Send me a PM and a friend request.

Thanks~ :D

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