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Topics - Atharis

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Game Discussion / Isn't it annoying when...
« on: November 19, 2011, 03:14:32 pm »
Im not sure if there is a topic like this so sorry if there is.

I just thought it would be fun if we wold talk about what weird or annoying things players sometimes do to you. Ill start:
I was just standing on the cliff in Cape with my pack and then the leader just happened to start a talk about how we were the 'kings' of Cape and then two lions who happened to sit nearby said that they were the king and then things got a bit confusing. Anyhow, I didn't know what was going on so I just sat there and watched and before I knew it the pack was split up and only me, the leader, and some other wolves were left because the rest disconnected and two or three people left the pack. I was so confused that I disconnected and later quit the pack too.

Now that ive shared my annoying moment, whats yours?

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