Author Topic: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated  (Read 25462 times)

Offline LordSuragaha

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Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« on: August 04, 2019, 07:41:14 pm »
The Game Rules Have Been Updated

After taking suggestions, concerns, and experiences from both the staff and community over the years, I, along with the help from fellow staff, have rewritten the Feral Heart game rules. This version of the rules will hopefully provide you all with a clearer more concise listing to read off from and refer to. Certain areas that were once a bit vague have been rewritten to be more comprehensible and straight forward. I advice you all to please reread through the rules and familiarize yourself with them. Remember that by signing up for Feral Heart you agreed to our terms and conditions and this applies to our rule policies on both the forum and game.

If any member notes an issue that does not comply with any of our game rules they may bring it up to the attention of a staff HERE

Other Questions

Q: Will the forum rules also be rewritten/revised?
A: Yes and they currently are being worked on, however they are not as much of a priority as the game rules rewrite was among other things. The current forum rules are still relevant and reliable.

Q: What about the old version of the rules on the Lonely Cave billboard in game, will those be updated?
A: Yes, in the next game update they should hopefully be fixed.

Q: Are you still seeking out additional translations for the game rules?
A: Yes, if you would like to volunteer to translate the game rules into another language send a private message to me (click here) stating which language. Please we are only seeking people who are fluent if not mostly fluent in the language and can confidently translate. And Google translate doesn't count ;) .

Adding this note on here just for clarification since a number of user asked about it:

Concerns in regard to this rule:

“Cursing/Swearing is frowned upon. Doing so may result in a ban.”

This rule was written to be so “ambiguous” on purpose. I’ll try to be brief in explaining things for the sake of this thread but this topic has been a meaty one amongst staff.

For a long time now staff have debated on whether the rule policy on swearing should be changed or not. We got to the point where we created two sets of these same rules you see here, one being the one that contains the current swearing rule and another that allows it. Because staff understand the pros and cons of either policy we’ve constantly come to a stand still on the issue. There’s also the fact that Raz wants to maintain the age appropriateness of the game and really doesn’t approve of swearing. The same arguments come up again and again for reasons why the rule should or shouldn’t be changed. There really is no black or white solution, especially when we are trying to increase the consistency of the penalties staff hand out to rule breakers. Either we completely forbid swearing or allow it fully, and doing either or still causes us to run into problems.

If we forbid swearing completely, this means people would be banned for any word that is considered as a swear word regardless of the context it was used in or if it was censored, and or a “mild” swear.  This would be ridiculously extreme and honestly wouldn’t feel fair to us or the users.

If we allow swearing then that means there would be absolutely no exception to words used, their context, and level of obscenity. Without saying any specific words here you can already immediately imagine how problematic this can be...  (Not to mention if we ever want to have something like a general chat back, which I doubt will return since Raz is against it but still... or even maintaining registration open.)

So most will suggest: What about just posting a list of words that get you banned and or swear words that are considered ok?

The problems with this:

1.) Some swear words have multiple meanings and while are ok in some circumstances they are not in others. (Again not saying any specific words here for obvious reasons.) If we create a list (which we actually did) it becomes ridiculously convoluted with explanations of what contexts a word isn’t and is allowed in. It gets to a point where it’s best to just not allow the word to avoid any unnecessary confusion. You’ll have cases where people will argue the context of a swear word that appears on the list and whether they used it inappropriately or not.

Ex: there are some words out there that are totally harmless but become swear words depending the way they’re used. For the simple fact that said words can be used as swear words they should technically be on the list.

2.) If some swear words are allowed and others are not people will find loopholes and or alternatives and then we need to keep modifying the list to include alternatives. (If you’ve ever played old WolfQuest this was a reason why their chat censoring system got so messy, as well as other similar games that try to build censors.)

3.) The list is biased. Depending where you were born, raised, etc we all interpret words in our language differently. What some consider swearing others may not.

4.) Our game and community is meant to stay welcoming to everyone, not just teens & adults but children as well. By allowing swearing of any sort we open up the grounds to all sorts of negative conversation and verbal abuse to our users. Unfortunately as hard as we try to keep this place a safe haven for everyone there are users who find ways to abuse even now. Why make it easier? Even if we allow some swears and not others it’s still an open invitation to unsavory language and topics being brought.

5.) Having a list of swear words that are allowed or not allowed just paint an ugly image to our game. Just imagine the sort of vulgar words we’d need to post to make this point... Parents have often reached out to staff and many younger users aren’t allowed to play Feral Heart until their parents have read and assessed our rules with them. By having such an unsavory list public we lose a lot of potential users but also discourage many other types of users from joining. Just because one person is comfortable with swearing doesn’t mean others are regardless of age. There are a number of users who like the community to stay swear free for more than one reason.

So back to the rule:

“Cursing/Swearing is frowned upon. Doing so may result in a ban.”

This rule was written this way to avoid having to either completely forbid or allow swearing. Essentially it’s written as a precaution but also a fail safe in the case of reports or sticky situations where the solution isn’t all black or white. Every scenario of swearing is dealt with on a case by case basis. There will be times where some words will not get as severe a penalty or any penalty. But we can’t exactly say what words or what penalty if any because people will find loopholes and or ways to abuse the system. By writing the rule this way we are letting users know that swearing isn’t agreed upon and there is a risk of getting banned if they decide to do so. It’s up to the user if the risk of getting banned is worth swearing.

I hope this helps everyone to understand it a bit better ^^ But yeah if you have any further questions on this topic it’s best to pm staff about it directly.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2019, 05:33:55 am by LordSuragaha »

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Re: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2019, 11:15:08 pm »
I'm so glad to see this finally up! Thank you so much Sura for your hard work in putting this together c:

Thank you too to everyone who has translated the rules, and to those of you who volunteer to help<3
Farewell everyone<3

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Re: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2019, 12:33:04 am »
Thank you for updating us and to revamp the rules. :)
doing what i feel like

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Re: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2019, 12:40:32 am »
This is nice to see that it was finally finished up for everyone and put together. I hope to see the forum rules, soon and revamped. And a thank you to everyone who contributed to this most importantly. :>
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Re: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2019, 02:06:42 am »
Nice seeing that the rules were revamped.
Been a long time coming.
Hopefully this is just a first step towards possibly many more revamps. Big or small.
Thank you.

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Re: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2019, 02:47:35 am »
So glad this has been put out finally- thank you Sura for getting this together, and thank you everyone for your translations. We look forward to you future translators! It's greatly appreciated~

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Re: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2019, 10:11:42 am »
Very well written, thank you so much for putting all this together!
It's also nice to see that there are already additional translations up, you've all done a great job.

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Re: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2019, 10:42:08 am »
Updating the Game Rules is great to see, but there is a problem already.
Your linking to the Staff page is misleading, because the page itself hasn't been updated - at least not for me.
Therefore, some users may end up PMing reports/questioning bans and/or kicks to the members of Staff who are no longer.
No doubt you're updating it but just a reminder/heads up if this issue hasn't already been brought up.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2019, 10:46:12 am by Scallywag »

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Re: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2019, 11:34:35 am »
Updating the Game Rules is great to see, but there is a problem already.
Your linking to the Staff page is misleading, because the page itself hasn't been updated - at least not for me.
Therefore, some users may end up PMing reports/questioning bans and/or kicks to the members of Staff who are no longer.
No doubt you're updating it but just a reminder/heads up if this issue hasn't already been brought up.

It's in progress.

Nice to hear.

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Re: Important Notice: The Game Rules Have Been Updated
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2019, 12:11:14 pm »
Sounds great
