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Messages - rustheart

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Art Gallery / Re: RustHeart's Art Shop and Requests (Updated 8/4/17)
« on: August 05, 2017, 06:51:47 pm »
couldent decide witch to postlol

you can do either of them

personally: perky ,happy, playful
 maybe a pose of her sitting/layingdwn chewing or playing with her ball
or maybe scratching herself

name: peaches
personally: clam,friendly,optimistic
 maybe her licking some watermelon or curl up

I had the perfect idea for this the moment I saw these guys.

Characters / Rusty's Horde (Velocity Kapcoon Added)
« on: August 05, 2017, 05:00:40 pm »
Rusty's Horde of Characters
About six years or so I was introduced into roleplay through the warrior cat fandom. I had been watching speedpaints and AMVs about characters from the boom series called Warriors by Erin Hunter. As I got more into that fandom I learned about OCs and roleplaying. I created some of my first characters like Stripestar, Twinstripe, Seablaze and Runningfox.  Then I started branching out and making wolf characters then eventually making human characters. I learned about fursonas and made my first fursona, Dollo who was replaced by the one and only CharChar.

Things started to kick up when I found the furry fandom.  The furry fandom is a group of people who are fans of anthro characters, animals that stand upright and act like humans.  I got more into the fandom, created my current fursona Rusty, and even found my mate, aka boyfriend.

I am still working on adding more characters to this. Here are the characters I will be adding.

Velocity Kapcoon


I have made many characters I have a deep connection with, I have improved my art greatly and I even found my mate through my characters and roleplay and fandoms.  So how about we meet some of these characters, shall we?

Just as a side note, if you want to see more pictures of these characters I have a forum of my art collection which you can see here,


Seablaze was one of the first warrior cat OCs I created.  Without knowing it I had created a fursona and I did not realize that until a few years later. I created three cats, Rosepelt, Lightningfur and Seablaze which were based off of me and my two siblings Seablaze being the one based off of me. Seablaze was never really fleshed out as a character.  She was a stereotypical leader type character.  She did become a leader but I was so used to the name Seablaze I never really changed her name to Seastar.
Whenever I see her I am reminded of when I traveled with my grandma and when I visited my grandpa in CA and when I just started out drawing. She brings back good memories and I love her.


Dollo is a bright yellow wolf with a blue ear, blue legs and a # symbol on his rear. Dollo was my very first fursona and one of the only fursonas I actually roleplayed as. Dollo developed into a wolf dog trying to fit into his wolf pack but with his more playful personality within a very serious group he was shunned.  It didn't help that he was also born with no sense of smell so he was not very skilled in hunting or tracking.
Dollo was replaced by CharChar and I didn't really think of him much after but I did have one random dream with him in it.  He had a different design and I decided to actually use it. He was changed to have grey paws, removed the # symbol and gave him one green eye and one blue eye.  However this design didn't stick and I went back to his older one.
Today I do not use Dollo for anything, I rarely draw him and never roleplay as him. However he is still important as he was the first step towards the furry fandom.


CharChar was created five years ago and became my main fursona. He changed in design many times over the years and even changed from a house cat to a serval.  I love him and still have a connection with him.  He developed the most on feralheart as I got more art of him.  I noticed that everyone here had a main character, a character that people recognized them as and i was so happy to have made a character I could use as such.  CharChar has the personality I would like to have. More organized, better at social interactions and other things I lack.


RustHeart, aka Rusty was my first female fursona and my first anthro fursona.  She hasn't replaced CharChar, rather she has joined him.  Rusty is me, through and through. All my good and bad traits.  Rusty is a torti cat because my family have always said those cats remind them of me.  Rusty has one white ear tip as a reference to CharChar's red ear.  She also has a Y shaped stripe down her back to reference on of my first characters I ever made named Twinstripe and to reference the stripe CharChar had down his back in the early designs of him.
Rusty was created during a time I was really questioning who I was. I wanted to start new, be a new person and try to let go of my past and one of the ways I did that was to create a new fursona.  She was made during a time I was actually questioning my gender and she was meant to be transgender. Born female but identifies as male.  However I found that I was happy with the gender I am and Rusty was kept as a female.

Velocity Kapcoon

Velocity is one of my more recently created characters.  My group of friends had made a raptor hybrid pack and I wanted to make a character to go along with them.  I wanted to make something a bit weird and different by mixing the raptor with a unexpected species.  I ended up deciding between a kangaroo and a raccoon so I just went with both.  Velocity is a utah raptor, kangaroo and raccoon hybrid. She is my third fursona who represents my more sinful ways, things I would probably get banned for if I posted about here.
I own a partial fursuit of Velocity which you can see in my art gallery, it is linked at the top of this page.  The way I perform her and they way I roleplay her is different.  For roleplay she is stubborn and high strung but when I perform as her in public she is more happy and friendly, still stubborn but also rather oblivious.

Art Gallery / Re: RustHeart's Art Shop and Requests (Updated 8/4/17)
« on: August 05, 2017, 04:09:21 pm »
I almost finished lining Vespian's request and it didn't save.
Now I have to do it again.


Art Gallery / Rusty's Art Gallery
« on: August 04, 2017, 04:27:42 pm »
Rusty's Art Gallery

CharChar, Snow Shoe and Rusty by SymphonicOtter

Over the years I have collected art from many different talented artists and I would like to show them off.
Many of these were done years ago and sadly I do not remember the names of the artists. If you do reconize the art please tell me so that the artist can get the recognition they deserve.
Also if you have a better version of the art, better quality for example, please send it my way!

CharChar has been my fursona for many years and only recently has been replaced by Rusty and Velocity. Even though he isn't my fursona any more he still has a ton of history behind him and he is still very important to me.  Years ago when I was active here on the feralheart forums I got many, many requests from many artists to draw him















Snow Shoe
Snow Shoe is a character I created a long time ago. During this time I was very nervous about monsters. I wouldn't want to leave my room at night. Once I spend a hour in my bathroom because I was so scared to leave and go back to bed.  Snow Shoe was a way to feel more safe. It was like an imaginary bodyguard that made me feel like I wasn't going to be harmed.






RustHeart, AKA Rusty is my main fursona. She is a torti cat because my family always said that tortoiseshell cats reminded them of me.





Key was just a random realistic lion character I got attached to.



Velocity Kapcoon
Velocity was meant to just be an OC but I got attached to her so quickly she became my second fursona.  My friends were making raptor hybrids and I wanted to join in. I got stuck between mixing her with a kangaroo or a raccoon so I decided to do both. A kapcoon is a utah raptor, raccoon and kangaroo hybrid









Art Gallery / Re: RustHeart's Art Shop and Requests (Updated 8/3/17)
« on: August 04, 2017, 03:26:22 pm »
I can't resist. I must place here a request for one of your fine pieces.

Character Name: Vespian J. Blackwood
Character Reference(s):
* Note: You can doodle him in whichever form you choose! There's his mortal skin then there's his angel skin. I'm pretty sure you can decipher the two from each other. I'm sorry I couldn't provide a colored version of his angel skin but his colors are practically the same! Same markings, same eye color, etc! Keep in mind that, in his angel skin, the eyes embedded into his skull have no pupils.
A Summary: Vespian's known to be many things. "An Unsightly Beast, wrapped in Angel Skin," "The Beast that stares into Heaven with a Thousand Eyes," "Heaven's Prophet, cast down from the first Sin," etc. Within his lore lies heavy religious references and symbolism. He is a monster that was once man, a true terror in all his hideous deformity. His personality is sociopathic with indifference towards others. He is unable to feel emotion, swallowed by the paranoia in which his dozens of eyes symbolize. A vicar forever in servitude to the Great Ones. I hope this clarifies him enough.

Feel free to nudge me if I've missed anything!

I remember that character totally different from how he is now! Jeeze, so much has changed since I was active here.

Oh? You knew Vespian? Yes, he's changed quite a bit! He's no longer The Madman most knew him to be, haha.

Didn't he have eyeballs on his neck before or what that someone else?  I used to be on here a lot under the name 'Rustys' my main was a blue cat named CharChar

Aaah, yes, he did! Hahaha, you mean this?

He did have an eyeball necklace, indeed but that transitioned to the dozens of eyes one can find on his back, now. He still has that heavy eye symbolism, though!
Hey, I remember you now! Wow, it really has been a while. I'm so happy to see you again!

I also see the WIP sketch. It looks great, so far! I love the look in his eye.

Yes that is the design I was thinking of!

This is what CharChar looked like back then,

This is him now. Its not too much different. He got more defined spots and he is a serval rather than a house cat now.

Art Gallery / Re: RustHeart's Art Shop and Requests (Updated 8/3/17)
« on: August 03, 2017, 10:24:04 pm »
I can't resist. I must place here a request for one of your fine pieces.

Character Name: Vespian J. Blackwood
Character Reference(s):
* Note: You can doodle him in whichever form you choose! There's his mortal skin then there's his angel skin. I'm pretty sure you can decipher the two from each other. I'm sorry I couldn't provide a colored version of his angel skin but his colors are practically the same! Same markings, same eye color, etc! Keep in mind that, in his angel skin, the eyes embedded into his skull have no pupils.
A Summary: Vespian's known to be many things. "An Unsightly Beast, wrapped in Angel Skin," "The Beast that stares into Heaven with a Thousand Eyes," "Heaven's Prophet, cast down from the first Sin," etc. Within his lore lies heavy religious references and symbolism. He is a monster that was once man, a true terror in all his hideous deformity. His personality is sociopathic with indifference towards others. He is unable to feel emotion, swallowed by the paranoia in which his dozens of eyes symbolize. A vicar forever in servitude to the Great Ones. I hope this clarifies him enough.

Feel free to nudge me if I've missed anything!

I remember that character totally different from how he is now! Jeeze, so much has changed since I was active here.

Oh? You knew Vespian? Yes, he's changed quite a bit! He's no longer The Madman most knew him to be, haha.

Didn't he have eyeballs on his neck before or what that someone else?  I used to be on here a lot under the name 'Rustys' my main was a blue cat named CharChar

Art Gallery / Re: RustHeart's Art Shop and Requests (Updated 8/3/17)
« on: August 03, 2017, 07:45:34 pm »
I can't resist. I must place here a request for one of your fine pieces.

Character Name: Vespian J. Blackwood
Character Reference(s):
* Note: You can doodle him in whichever form you choose! There's his mortal skin then there's his angel skin. I'm pretty sure you can decipher the two from each other. I'm sorry I couldn't provide a colored version of his angel skin but his colors are practically the same! Same markings, same eye color, etc! Keep in mind that, in his angel skin, the eyes embedded into his skull have no pupils.
A Summary: Vespian's known to be many things. "An Unsightly Beast, wrapped in Angel Skin," "The Beast that stares into Heaven with a Thousand Eyes," "Heaven's Prophet, cast down from the first Sin," etc. Within his lore lies heavy religious references and symbolism. He is a monster that was once man, a true terror in all his hideous deformity. His personality is sociopathic with indifference towards others. He is unable to feel emotion, swallowed by the paranoia in which his dozens of eyes symbolize. A vicar forever in servitude to the Great Ones. I hope this clarifies him enough.

Feel free to nudge me if I've missed anything!

I remember that character totally different from how he is now! Jeeze, so much has changed since I was active here.

RustHeart's Art Shop and Requests

Welcome to my page of art! Here you will find many different works I have competed as well as information on getting a commission or entering to get a request.

Requests are done when I have time and which one I work on depends on what I feel like doing, not by order. If you would like to guarantee getting work from me please condenser commissioning me.  Commissions will always be done before requests and you will get a say in how it looks. For example people getting commissions get to see sketches and can ask for as many changes as the want while people getting requests will see no sketches, I will make what I feel like based around what you suggest.

I will also do art trades. An art trade would be treated like a commission however you would pay for it by doing art for me. Both people would agree on the type of art and would send sketches of our work and such. If you are interested in doing this please message me.  Art trades are done before requests and after commissions.

If you would like to see more examples as well as prices please look at my page at

Now for what you are waiting for, the art!

Velocity the Kapcoon Reference Sheet
I have two fursonas, Rusty(AKA RustHeart) and Velocity. She is a utah raptor, kangaroo and raccoon mix.
Fun fact - I own a fursuit of this character.

Lucky the Sand Vorox Reference Sheet
I usually use firealpaca for art but I can't help to go back to my roots and draw on MS Paint every once in awhile.

Raptor and Red Mini Comic
Here we have two of my friend's characters. Raptor is well, the raptor, duh. Red is my friend's own version of UnderFell Sans.

Lil' Mix Breed
I started drawing this with no actual plan in mind.  I started thinking it was a fox but it became a dog/bat hybrid.

Zebra on a Walk
This was my half of an art trade with someone I met on fA.

Rusty Hanging Out
Rusty is my main fursona, she is a domestic short hair house cat.  I tried a different style with muzzles in this one.

I like to roleplay as AU characters from Undertale. Ink!Sans was created by comyet and is one of my favorites. Inkstone is a character I created which is a 'glitched' version of Ink.  This is my first finished drawing of a skele I have made that I actually liked.

New Program
This was my first time using FireAlpaca rather than MS Paint. This drawing is old and is my first finished drawing on the new program for me. I like comparing what I can do now and what I could do then.

Photo!Sans and Trottingster
Drawing skele's is pretty hard for me, so that means I got to keep drawing them until I can do it well!  Photo is my own version of Sans.

New Artists - Don't Give Up
No matter how 'bad' you think you are at art if you keep going you will get better. You can't improve if you don't draw,
 everyone starts off as a newbie, everyone.  I hate when I see new artists compare their art with other artist who have been drawing much longer and think they aren't good enough. That 'good' artist started off the same way you have and they are where they are because they didn't give up!

Added 8/10/17
I am pretty bored and out of ideas to draw so I am very likely to do your request. So um, please give me ideas.

Art requests are done when I feel like it and are done in whatever order I like. One could be a fullbody drawing while others can just be a headshot. It depends on how I feel and how much I want to work on a drawing.
In order to get a request please post a reference of your character and write a bit about the character's personality or what you would like to see in the drawing. A certain expression or pose or something.
Just because you put in a request does not mean I will do it. It depends on how many other requests are there and how motivated I am.
I can do most animals. Feral and anthro. I can attempt Undertale style skeletons but I am still not that great with them. I can do NSFW but you must message me on fA for such things.

Finished Requests

An Unsightly Beast
For Vespian
Bad characters one of my favorite things to draw. Evil or insane and such. Don't let me cuter works fool you, I love my gorey stuff.  I will be going back to this and adding some more details, when I feel motivated to do so.

Two Doggo
For Daimondrose
This took me forever to finish and it was worth it. This is easily the best drawing I have done so far. I am super happy with how it came out.

Game Help / Re: All my canines have pure black heads and tails
« on: February 08, 2017, 05:18:04 pm »
I figured it out!
I dont know how or why but my textures for the head and tail were removed.

Game Help / Re: All my canines have pure black heads and tails
« on: February 08, 2017, 04:33:18 pm »
Is it a preset someone made for you or someone else's that you downloaded?
It is a preset someone made for me.

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