Author Topic: Duria Empire Reborn  (Read 1597 times)

Offline Silvestria

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Duria Empire Reborn
« on: August 14, 2017, 01:55:56 pm »
Duria Empire Reborn

"Duria Empire didn’t always exist; it was formed in the land of Vicaea (Ve-Ca-Nea). Within this mighty land of Vicaea contained many other packs. The larger groups were Parados (Par-A-Dos) pack, Solar Pack, and finally, Hora (Hor-a) Pack. The land was separated into several different districts. The three main districts were occupied by Parados pack, Solar pack, and Hora pack.

The packs lived peacefully alongside each other; however, there were disputes over the land as one pack had more land than the other, and corruption thrived within the packs. A wolf named Christian, who was a part of the Parados pack, stepped forward and presented the idea that the three packs should become an Empire, sharing the land resulting in fewer complications over the land. They totally disregarded the idea as they all wanted to keep their ranks of Alpha for their own egotistical needs. Christian decided to remove himself from the pack that he was in along with followers that agreed with his idea of sharing the land.

On their travels they settled in a small unclaimed area in the land of Vicaea, this small group chose Christian to be their leader; turning the pack into an empire. They all thought he’d make a good leader as the pack thrived. However, they deemed to be wrong. The power got to his head, jumping from female to a female having many litters of pups, thinking every pup was a failure. He wanted a good heir to the throne and treat the pack the same way he would, but the way he started to treat the pack was with disrespect and was cruel to his followers. He finally met this fea named Lucretia and happened to be the Duchess of the pack. She had a litter of pups which consisted of four females and one male. Once again he thought that all the pups were a failure apart from the one male. Christian attacked the mother of his five pups, leaving her weak and taking his son with him.

After a while, he named his son Grayson Ryder and trained him to be just like his father. However, Grayson saw that what his father was doing was flawed and the way he had treated the pack. He was a curl and callous leader. Gray grew up to be the total opposite of the way his father was, but by the time it was Grayson's turn to be the leader there was hardly anyone left in the pack because of his father and his actions. Gray had no other choice but to banish his father in order to change the pack into what it was meant to be and changed his name to Gray Duria.

The group is now known as Duria Empire.

However, their dreams soon died as Gray died of an illness and the group becoming lost without their leader. He did leave the group to his daughter Kiko who was not ready to take the role of Lady and hid in the shadows allowing everyone else deal with the situation, even though she was pushed by her mentor to take the role, Ilas. After the group dying to only a few wolves left, Kiko realised that she had failed her group and therefore her father and as a result banishing herself from the pack and the territory. But all hope wasn’t lost. Gray had another daughter, Noelani. She did not know that she was the daughter of a Lord as she lived with her mother. When she was found by Durias Regent, she was put in her rightful place as the ruler of the Empire. She hopes to rebuild the empire once again in hopes that one day it’ll be what Gray aspired it to be."

Welcome wanderer, to the Duria Empire!

This group is:

- Semi-Literate+ (With no roleplay sample required)
- Semi-Realistic+
- Mapped
- Mature
- Canine Based
- Seeking Active Members

If you are interested in joining, or have questions then feel free to go to our site at and take a look at the joining information.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 01:30:20 pm by Silvestria »

Offline Vespian

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Re: Duria Empire Reborn
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2017, 02:47:48 pm »
Ooh, I really appreciate the summary of the pack's history which you've provided. It'll serve as memorable paragraphs to newcomers.
The Empire's site is very soothing. I'm quite the fan of the simplicity and the color scheme. Best of luck to your group!

Offline Silvestria

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Re: Duria Empire Reborn
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2017, 04:10:58 pm »
Ooh, I really appreciate the summary of the pack's history which you've provided. It'll serve as memorable paragraphs to newcomers.
The Empire's site is very soothing. I'm quite the fan of the simplicity and the color scheme. Best of luck to your group!

Thank you very much!

Offline Silvestria

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Re: Duria Empire Reborn
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2017, 01:31:39 pm »
Bump. Still looking for active people to join.