Author Topic: Hachi mountain ~Looking for members~  (Read 2629 times)

Offline ArashiAndAme

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Hachi mountain ~Looking for members~
« on: April 22, 2011, 06:26:50 pm »
Hachi mountain  maning River mountain,
A large l hilly forest that holds and supports the life of two wolf packs,
Waya and Shunkaha
 snow coverd all year round on one side and a large field on the other side, life is hard here but with a strong pack and leader any wolf can thrive

Waya pack territory:
Thick dense Snow covered forest, den hidden in the deep tree covered territory. Small streams run through the forest grounds, while a large river cuts the territory between the two packs.

Shunkaha territory:
Large field, you dont get any snow untill you go into the waya pack territory since its in the moutain, a few trees here and there but not much.

Map download:
Currently looking for some to create this map, if intrested

~Current roleplay~

-The Season-

Season events:
Hunting season- late fall, lasts for a mouth, The number of elk is high and your last chance to get them before winter
Binding days- middle winter, Lasts for two weeks Both packs comer together and share what they have, no fighting is permitted during these days
The blossom festival- spring, A week long event young pups start their training and begin to learn huntning, the rest of the pack gets to skip duties for that week and watch

Rules/laws(warning its is long):
*Be reaspectful of your higher ranks, they have gotten this rank for a reason
*When talking OOC please put  some kind of symbol (( )) ** "" - - ~~ ^ ^, etc
*Dont godmod or powerplay, come on nobody likes a godmodder :\
*We are a realistic roleplay no neon colored wolves, You can be a shade of any of theses colors (black, gray,white,brown, russet,tan)
*You are able to have up to 2 characters no more than that please, and none in two different packs
*Cussing is allowd but dont cuss every other words please, its anoying and rude
*All members are allowd to have a mate, but only in YOUR pack, out side of the pack will have punishments chosen by your leader.
*NO mate-beggers, To be honest i hate it when people beg and plead for mates its just plain irritating
*Have a semi good writing ability, I myself have terrible spelling errors all the time and I know some otherpeople do but dont try to join while you type like this "herro, Me is kool, an i like 2 join ur Rp plews"
*dont chat talk IC, OOC is fine
*We can all have fun and games out of RP but while in at least act a little bit mature
*I wish to have someone with a little bit of RP experience, although i do understand that someone has to start somewhere
*have fun, I am making this so you will have something to do wiht your spare time, so dont come into the roleplay with a bad additude, understandably I know we all have our bad days but come on not everyone wants to be down everyday

~Pack members~
Alpha male
Top male, in charge of the guards and the whole pack

Alpha female
Top female, in charge of making hunting patrols and keeping the pups in line

Pups of the alpha male and female, is next in line for the thrown, most often is the oldest, but can give the role to younger sibling.

Beta male
Secound male in charge, often a friend or family member of the alpha, makes sure nothing goes wrong if no heir then will be in charge if the aplha dies, or is busy(mate to female beta)

Beta female
Secound female in charge, there to help the aplhas and make sure everything is in order, often a friend or family member of the alpha (mate to male beta)

Patrols the  pack territory every morning and takes shifts to keep watch for any intruders, trained in fighting they are strongly built (only 4 please)

They take care of feeding the pack and making sure the pile of food is high. (secound in line for fighting)

 Pups 6 mouths and older in training to become one of the other ranks. Often follows one of the older members while learning

Pup watcher:
In charge of the pups while their mothers, fathers are gone.(only one please)

 the youngest of all the wolf pack, to young to hunt or fight they stay inside the den at all times. Only if they are with an adult are they allowd to go out

~Member count~


To join please fill out this:
Code: [Select]
Picture-not needed-
Rank wanted:
Breed of wolf:
roleplay sample:(two, three sentances please)


The WayaPack

« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 08:16:59 pm by Arashiandame »

Offline ArashiAndAme

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Shunkaha pack ~Coming soon~
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2011, 06:32:14 pm »
A new life has came to the great lands, they are known as the Shunkaha pack ..
Young and fresh their leader is strong and brave but..
Life is difficult the vast field is no friendly place to live...
Competion for food is harder now...
Can you bare the heavy winters and cool summers?...
Or will you chicken out and run with your tail between your legs?..

Theme song:
none? any ideas?

~Pack members~
Alpha male

Alpha female


Beta male

Beta female




Pup watcher


« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 09:50:09 pm by Arashiandame »

Offline ArashiAndAme

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Wayapack ~Coming soon~
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2011, 07:31:53 pm »
Many seasons have past since the great fall of the great Wayapack..
 After a tragic loss of all of the wolves in a simple accident? One wolf wants to bring it all back and into the light..
But they cant do it alone...
Will you offer your friendship and loyalty to rebuild this once thriving pack?..
Or will you simply laugh and turn away form their pleas for help?...
It your choice, its your life..
What decison will you make?.......

Theme song:
You cant take me
by: Brian Adams

~Pack members~
Alpha male

Alpha female


Beta male

Beta female




Pup watcher


« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 08:59:00 pm by Arashiandame »