Author Topic: "Found my faith, living in sin" (Part One)  (Read 1602 times)


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"Found my faith, living in sin" (Part One)
« on: November 18, 2011, 01:04:04 am »
((Yes, this is a somewhat of a 30STM song based O-O :3))
There is a legend of a wolf. This wolf sold her soul to both heaven and to hell. No one knew, however, if it is true or not. That is, until a certain pack, Cattail Mountain's pack((I just made this up-- feel free to use it, just tell me, I'd like to join as Equi :3)), actually saw this cursed wolf.

--Day 1, Third Person POV--
"Who are you?" A growl erupted from a territory guarder of the Cattail Mountain's pack. The brown wolf glared at the silver and green eyed she-wolf.
The silver wolf sat down, her tail wrapping around her paws, "I am no one, however, I am someone, at the same time." Her voice was coarse, as if she hadn't spoken in a long time. Before even the brown wolf sensed his packmate, the silver wolf's eyes were focused on it, void of all emotion.
The newcoming wolf stared at this she-wolf and looked back at the brown wolf, stopping in it's tracks. "Who'd you find, Barky?" The newly come black wolf nudged the brown wolf playfully.
"....I have no clue, Rain. Do you... Do you think we should take her to the alpha?" The brown wolf lashed his black tipped tail, his eyes wide and confused.
The silver wolf blunk, remaining silent. Her green eye's sparkling as night's whispers slowly crept their way into the sky.
The black wolf nodded, turning around before looking at the brown eye'd, brown pelted wolf, "Yes, seeing as that's the only thing we CAN do. Did you try seeing who it was?"
The other wolf let out a sigh of desperation, looking at the black wolf, "I did, it only answered with a weird saying. I'll ask again though," The brown pelted wolf turned toward the green eye'd wolf and asked again, "Who are you? No fancy little sentences or whatever."
The silver wolf nodded, green eyes flashing a quick red, "Equinox. That's all I'm saying." Her voice changed as she spoke. The coarse-ness from before faded to a calm, but serious one.
"Um... Do you mind following us to our... uh. Camp?" The brown wolf asked, looking shocked that the green eye'd wolf responded. His expression changed, realising, when the black wolf whispered him, that they never introduced themselves. "Oh.. I'm... uh.. Hunter... otherwise known as Barky by... my brother here." Hunter moved his head toward the black wolf, now walking back to the camp.
"I'm Di-"
Equinox's voice whispered, barely hearable, "Divide...?" The black wolf stopped in his tracks, turning around.
Divide's voice was scared, his brown pelted brother just stared in complete shock, "How... How did you... know?"
"You remind me of someone.. That's how.." The she-wolf responded, not giving out anymore answers.
"Um.. okay. Follow us to the camp... I guess." Hunter tried breaking the weirdness by changing the subject, his brother running ahead, most likely freaked out.
Barky led the silver she-wolf, otherwise known as Equinox, through the forest. Both of them were silent as they ran. As they neared the pack's den-site, otherwise known as a camp, noise began to get louder. As they entered the den site, all eyes turned to the brown wolf, followed by the silver, unknown, wolf. The brown wolf, jumping up on a cliff to get to the one den looked back at the silver wolf, his brown eyes curious. "So... where are you fro-?"
Cutting the other wolf off, Equinox spoke nonchilantly, "No where." They walked into a den, an orange pelted wolf lay there. "Hello, Hunter. Who have you found today?"
"...Um.. I found this wolf in the middle of our territory.. She's kinda weird." Hunter bowed his head.
The orange wolf raised one of his brows, "Oh, how so?"
The silver wolf's voice caused both wolves to look at her. "I just am different, Autumn." Both of them tensed, especially the orange wolf.
Autumn, the orange wolf, growled "Do I know you?"
"No. However, I do know you." A slight glint shone in Equinox's eyes, the brown wolf covered his head in his paws.
"Hunter, dismissed."
Barky nodded quickly and stood up, running out of the den.
"How do you know me?" The orange wolf's blue eyes showed curiosity yet skeptism.
Equinox closed her eyes, laying down, seeing as she could be here for a bit. She smiled, her voice sounding different as she spoke to the orange wolf, "I just do. Ask what you wish. I will answer every question of yours that you have of me, Cattail alpha. However, to ease your fear, I will not challenge your precious 'alpha' title."
The orange wolf blinked before nodding, "Well then. What do you wors-"
"My faith is living in the sin." Her green eyes, sparkling.
The Cattail Mountain's alpha stared, shocked, but continued asking questions, "Are you here to hurt my pack?"
Her response was short and sweet "No."
"What are you here for then, silver one?"
"I am here for nothing, Autumn, however for something at the same time." Equinox began biting her paw pads. She stepped on a rock on the way here.
"Where di-"
Equinox lifted her head quickly, as if she predicted this question to happen soon. "Nowhere." She yawned but kept her head low.
"Are you that.. legend wolf?"
"Legend? About what.. hmm?"
"The one who sold her soul... to both."
"Yes. That be me. Now, you wish to know the real reason why I am here, alpha Autumn?" The orange wolf nodded.
"Your precious pack is in danger. No, the world is. Everything you see here. It all is, blue eye'd one. I am here to help you and your pack through this danger that I cannot tell you about. I'll tell you one thing though, be prepared for bad fortune in the next week, month, or so. Oh, and no need for introducing me to any, I know their names." The silver pelted wolf smiled.
"Oh. Alright, but I must give you a rank so the pack trusts you, right... uh.. Not sure on you're name."
"I have many names, I'm going by Equinox."