Author Topic: Does anyone know this FH video?  (Read 1315 times)

Offline Vidathelion

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Does anyone know this FH video?
« on: March 30, 2020, 07:47:24 am »
I don't know if this is the right place to post this but genuinely can't think of anywhere else lol
A while ago I saw a short FH music video/movie clip(?) video. It used the audio from Friday the 13th, it showed a small female wolf wandering a Halloween map being chased by a wolf, she hides in a closest and it uses the "hello poppet" line from Pirates of the Caribbean. There was some kind of dub-step-ish background music. I remember she wakes up in I think a bed with police dogs(possibly doberman) and they used the "ma'am we didn't find no boy"
"then he's still there"
lines from Friday the 13th.

does anyone remember or can find this video? I've been searching for hours under every possible combination or words with no luck and it's driving me crazy!I gotta see it again it was awesome :(
thanks if you know, I hope this in the right place, sorry if not. :-[